Пример #1
def build_model(weights_data: np.array, input_shape: Tuple[int]
                ) -> Tuple[_ir.Ir, HostToDeviceStream, DeviceToHostStream]:
    """Build the model using popart.ir API.
        weights_data (np.array): The (non-streamed) data of the weights
        input_shape (tuple): The shape of the streamed input tensor

    (tuple): tuple containing:

        ir._pb_ir(_ir.Ir): The underlying IR
        t_in_h2d(HostToDeviceStream): The input stream of t_in
        t_out_d2h (DeviceToHostStream): The output stream of t_out
    ir = pir.Ir()

    main = ir.main_graph()
    with main:
        weights = pir.variable(weights_data, name="weights")
        # Load t_in from host
        t_in_h2d = pir.h2d_stream(input_shape, pir.float32, name="t_in_stream")

        # Operations on IPU 0
        with pir.virtual_graph(0):
            t_in = ops.host_load(t_in_h2d, "t_in")
            t_1 = ops.matmul(t_in, weights)
            # Copy to IPU 1
            t_1_c = ops.ipu_copy(t_1, 1)

        # Operations on IPU 1
        with pir.virtual_graph(1):
            t_2 = ops.gelu(t_1_c)
            # Copy to IPU 2
            t_2_c = ops.ipu_copy(t_2, 2)

        # Operations on IPU 2
        with pir.virtual_graph(2):
            t_out = ops.softmax(t_2_c, axis=1)
            t_out_d2h = pir.d2h_stream(t_out.shape,
            ops.host_store(t_out_d2h, t_out)

    return ir._pb_ir, t_in_h2d, t_out_d2h
Пример #2
    def test_fn_with_no_producer(self):
        ir = pir.Ir()
        g = ir.main_graph()

        with g:
            a = pir.variable(1)
            a_1 = ops.ipu_copy(a, 1, 0)
        assert len(g.get_variables()) == 1
        assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 2
        assert contains_op_of_type("IpuCopy", _ir.op.IpuCopyOp, g)
Пример #3
    def test_fn_with_no_producer_error(self):
        ir = pir.Ir()
        g = ir.main_graph()

        with g:
            a = pir.variable(1)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                a_1 = ops.ipu_copy(a, 1)
            msg = str(excinfo.value)
            assert "Could not infer virtual graph" in msg
            assert "Please specify `source`" in msg
Пример #4
    def test_fn_with_producer(self):
        ir = pir.Ir()
        g = ir.main_graph()

        with g:
            a = pir.variable(1)
            with pir.virtual_graph(0):
                a_0 = a + 1
            a_1 = ops.ipu_copy(a_0, 1)
        assert len(g.get_variables()) == 1
        assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 4
        assert contains_op_of_type("IpuCopy", _ir.op.IpuCopyOp, g)
Пример #5
    def test_fn_producer_without_virtual_graph(self):
        ir = pir.Ir()
        g = ir.main_graph()

        with g:
            a = pir.variable(1)
            # None will disable annotations of virtual_graph. Not recommended
            # but ipu_copy should throw an error if it happens.
            with pir.virtual_graph(None):
                a_0 = a + 1
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
                a_1 = ops.ipu_copy(a_0, 1)
            msg = str(excinfo.value)
            assert "Could not infer virtual graph" in msg
Пример #6
    def copy_to_ipu(self,
                    destination: int,
                    source: Optional[int] = None) -> 'Tensor':
        Copies a Tensor to a virtual graph.

            destination (int):
                Ipu for the tensor to be copied to.
            source (Optional[int]):
                Ipu for the tensor to be copied from.
                By default, the source will be taken from the producer of the tensor.
                If the tensor does not have a producer a source MUST be provided.
        import popart.ir.ops as ops
        return ops.ipu_copy(self, destination, source)
Пример #7
 def copy_to_ipu(self, dst: int, src: int) -> 'Tensor':
     """Returns ops.ipu_copy(self, dst, src).
         Must provide a src value."""
     import popart.ir.ops as ops
     return ops.ipu_copy(self, dst, src)