Пример #1
def remote_load_(
        t: Tensor,
        offset: Optional[Tensor] = None,
        remote_buffer_handle: Optional[RemoteBufferHandle] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Load a tensor from remote (off-chip) buffer inplace.

    This op is identical to `remote_load` with the exception of how `t` is handled.
    In `remote_load` `t` is cloned and the output is written to the clone, whereas
    in this version `t` is written to directly.

    See also: `remote_buffer_handle`, `remote_store`, `remote_load`

        t (Tensor): The tensor the loaded data will written to the clone.
        offset (Optional[Tensor], optional): Optional 0-rank Tensor.
          Specify the row in the remote buffer the inTensor will be loaded from.
          Defaults to None.
        remote_buffer_handle (Optional[RemoteBufferHandle], optional): The handle to the remote
          buffer. Defaults to None.
        Tensor: The tensor loaded from the remote buffer
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    if offset is not None:
        check_in_graph(g, offset)

    remote_buffer_handle = prepare_remote_buffer(t, remote_buffer_handle, g)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('remote_load_inplace')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "RemoteLoadInplace", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 2), 1)

    if offset is not None:
        op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_RemoteLoadInplaceOp(
                0: t.id,
                1: offset.id
            }, {0: g._create_tensor_id("remote_load_inplace_out")}, opid,
            settings, remote_buffer_handle.remote_buffer_id)
        op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_RemoteLoadInplaceOp(
                0: t.id,
            }, {0: g._create_tensor_id("remote_load_inplace_out")}, opid,
            settings, remote_buffer_handle.remote_buffer_id)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #2
def ipu_copy(t: Tensor, destination: int,
             source: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
    Copies a Tensor to a virtual graph.

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be copied.
        destination: int
            Ipu for the tensor to be copied to.
        source: Optional[int]
            Ipu for the tensor to be copied from.
            By default, the source will be taken from the producer of `t`.
            If `t` does not have a producer a source MUST be provided.

        t_copied: Tensor
            The copied tensor
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    if source is None:
        # Use internal method to infer the input tensor's virtual graph.
        source = t._pb_tensor.getVirtualGraphIdUnsafe()
        if source == -1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Could not infer virtual graph for Tensor to be copied \"{t}\" . "
                "Please specify `source` when copying for this tensor.")

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('ipucopy')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "IpuCopy", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_IpuCopyOp(
            0: t.id,
            0: g._create_tensor_id(t.name + f"_c{destination}"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #3
def slice_(t: Tensor,
           start: Optional[Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]] = None,
           stop: Optional[Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]] = None,
           step: Optional[Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]] = None,
           axis: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None) -> Tensor:
    Selects elements from a tensor using a slice or multiple slices. Inplace.

    This is the inplace version of :func:`~ops.slice`. Behaviour is the same, but modifies the
        tensor inplace.

        t (Tensor): Tensor to slice
        start: Index of first element (inclusive) or `None` which defaults to 0.
        stop: Index of last element (exclusive) or `None` which defaults to last
            element (inclusive) if step is forward or first element (inclusive) if step is backwards.
        step: `1` for forward or `-1` for backwards.
        axis: Axis of tensor to slice on or `None` will default to each axis sequentially.

        Tensor: alias of the input tensor t.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    if start is None and stop is None and step is None:
        return t

    start, stop, step, axis = process_args(start, stop, step, axis)

    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "SliceInplace", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    settings = ctx._get_op_settings("slice_inplace")
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_SliceInplaceOp(
        {0: t.id},
        {0: g._create_tensor_id("slice_out")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #4
    def subgraph_to_op_tensor(self, subgraph_tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Provided an input or output tensor in the `called_graph`, this method
        returns the associated input or output tensor on the CallOp.

            subgraph_tensor (Tensor): The tensor in the subgraph.

            ValueError: If `subgraph_tensor` is not an input or output of the called graph.

            Tensor: The associated input or output tensor on the CallOp
        sgraph = self.called_graph._pb_graph
        if sgraph.hasInputId(subgraph_tensor.id):
            idx = sgraph.getInputIndex(subgraph_tensor.id)
            return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(self._op.inTensor(idx))
        if sgraph.hasOutputId(subgraph_tensor.id):
            idx = sgraph.getOutputIndex(subgraph_tensor.id)
            return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(self._op.outTensor(idx))
        raise ValueError(
            f"Tensor {subgraph_tensor.name} is not an Input or Output of the called graph {sgraph.id}"
Пример #5
def group_norm(t: Tensor,
               weight: Tensor,
               bias: Tensor,
               num_groups: int,
               eps: float = 1e-5) -> Tensor:
    Applies Group Normalisation over a tensor `t` as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08494

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be normalized.
        weight: Tensor
            Tensor to scale output of normalisation.
        bias: Tensor
            Tensor to shift output of normalisation.
            Number of groups to separate the channels into.
        out: Tensor
            The group normalised Tensor.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t, weight, bias)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('group_norm')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "GroupNormalization", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(3, 3), 3)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_GroupNormOp(
            0: t.id,
            1: weight.id,
            2: bias.id
            0: g._create_tensor_id("group_norm_out"),
            1: g._create_tensor_id("group_norm_mean"),
            2: g._create_tensor_id("group_norm_inv_std_dev"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #6
def random_normal(seed_tensor: Tensor,
                  shape: Tuple[int, ...],
                  mean: float = 0.0,
                  std: float = 1.0,
                  dtype: dtypes.dtype = dtypes.float32):
    Randomly sample from a normal distribution with `mean` and standard deviation `std`.

    Note: not compatible with `IPUModel`.

        seed_tensor (Tensor):
            Used to seed the probability distribution. Must have data type uint32 and shape (2,).
        shape (Tuple[int, ...]):
            Shape of output tensor
        mean (float, optional): 
            Mean of distribution. Defaults to 0.0.
        std (float, optional): 
            Standard deviation of distribution. Defaults to 1.0.
        dtype (dtypes.dtype, optional): 
            Data type of output tensor. Defaults to dtypes.float32.

        Tensor: tensor with elements sampled from a normal distribution.

    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, seed_tensor)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('random_normal')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "RandomNormal", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_RandomNormalOp(
        {0: seed_tensor.id},
        {0: g._create_tensor_id("random_normal_out")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #7
def random_uniform(seed_tensor: Tensor,
                   shape: Tuple[int, ...],
                   low: float = 0.0,
                   high: float = 1.0,
                   dtype: dtypes.dtype = dtypes.float32):
    Randomly sample from a uniform distribution with minimum value `low` and maximum value `high`.

    Note: not compatible with `IPUModel`.

        seed_tensor (Tensor):
            Used to seed the probability distribution. Must have data type uint32 and shape (2,).
        shape (Tuple[int, ...]):
            Shape of output tensor
        low (float, optional): 
            Minimum value. Defaults to 0.0.
        high (float, optional): 
            Maximum value. Defaults to 1.0.
        dtype (dtypes.dtype, optional): 
            Data type of output tensor. Defaults to dtypes.float32.

        Tensor: tensor with elements sampled from a uniform distribution.

    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, seed_tensor)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('random_uniform')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "RandomUniform", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_RandomUniformOp(
        {0: seed_tensor.id},
        {0: g._create_tensor_id("random_uniform_out")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #8
def accumulate_(t: Tensor,
                X: Tensor,
                f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None) -> Tensor:
    Updates tensor `t` inplace using `t = t + (f * X)`.

    Does not apply numpy broadcasting.
    Uses mixed precision poplibs operations.
    `t` and `X` must be the same shape, but can be different types.
    `f` must be scalar.

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be updated.
        X: Tensor
            Value to update the variable
        f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]]
            Optional scalar to apply to update before the addition.
        updated: Tensor
            An alias to the variable.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t, X)

    ins = {0: t.id, 1: X.id}

    ov = handle_optimizer_value(g, f, ins, 2)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('accumulate')
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_AccumulateOp(
            0: g._create_tensor_id('accumulate__' + t.name),
        if f is not None else _ir.AccumulationType.Add,

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #9
def print_tensor(t: Tensor,
                 title: str = None,
                 print_self: bool = True,
                 print_gradient: bool = False) -> Tensor:
    """Print a tensor everytime this op runs in the graph. Note this will print in the context it
        is placed. E.g. if within a loop op, it will run each loop iteration.

        t (Tensor): The tensor to print.
        title (str, optional): Title to print. Defaults to None.
        print_self (bool, optional): Print the tensor itself. Defaults to True.
        print_gradient (bool, optional): Whether to print the associated gradient tensor of t.
            Defaults to False.

        Tensor: The same unaltered tensor.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('print_tensor')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "PrintTensor", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    if title is None:
        title = f"print{t.name}"

    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_PrintTensorOp(
            0: t.id,
            0: g._create_tensor_id("print_out"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #10
def scaled_add(X: Tensor,
               Y: Tensor,
               a: Union[float, Tensor] = 1.0,
               b: Union[float, Tensor] = 1.0) -> Tensor:
    Calculates `Z = aX + bY`.

    Does not apply numpy broadcasting.
    Uses mixed precision poplibs operations.
    `X` and `Y` must be the same shape, but can be different types.
    `a` and `b` must be scalars.

        X, Y: Tensor
        a, b: Union[float, Tensor]
            Scalars to be applied to X/Y before addition.
        Z: Tensor
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, X, Y)

    ins = {0: X.id, 1: Y.id}

    if isinstance(a, Tensor):
        ins[2] = a.id
        a = 1.0

    if isinstance(b, Tensor):
        ins[3] = b.id
        b = 1.0

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('scaled_add')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "ScaledAdd", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(2, 4), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_ScaledAddOp(
        ins, {
            0: g._create_tensor_id('scaled_add_out'),
        }, opid, a, b, settings)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #11
def host_load(h2d_stream: HostToDeviceStream,
              name: Optional[str] = None) -> Tensor:
    Host Load Op: an op to represent the transfer of data from the host to the
    device. It uses the existing host to device transfers created when building
    the IR, but defers the actual poplar::Copy until the op itself runs. This
    allows the copy to be scheduled as part of the normal op scheduling.

        h2d_stream: (HostToDeviceStream) Stream to load from.
        name (str): Name to use for the returned tensor.

        Tensor: The output tensor streamed from host.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    shape = h2d_stream.shape
    dtype = h2d_stream.dtype
    stream_tensor_id = h2d_stream.tensor_id()

    if name is None:
        pb_main = g.ir().main_graph()._pb_graph
        name = _ir.removeScope(pb_main, stream_tensor_id)

    init_tensor = init(shape, dtype, name + '_init')

    name_hostload = g._create_tensor_id(name + '_hostload')

    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "HostLoad", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1), 1)
        {0: init_tensor.id},
        {0: name_hostload},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(pb_g.getTensor(name_hostload))
Пример #12
def io_tile_copy(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Copies a Tensor to/from io tiles on the current virtual_graph.

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be copied.

        t_copied: Tensor
            The copied tensor
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('iotilecopy')

    # Use internal method to infer the input tensor's tileSet
    vgid, tile_set = t._pb_tensor.getVirtualGraphIdAndTileSetUnsafe()
    if vgid != -1:
        settings.vgraphId = _ir.OptionalVGraphId(vgid)
    if tile_set != _ir.TileSet.Undefined:
        # TileSet should match the destination
        # so it should be the opposite of the source `t`.
        settings.tileSet = _ir.TileSet.IO if tile_set == _ir.TileSet.Compute else _ir.TileSet.Compute

    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "IoTileCopy", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_IoTileCopyOp(
            0: t.id,
            0: g._create_tensor_id(t.name + f"_iotilecopy"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #13
def scaled_add_(X: Tensor,
                Y: Tensor,
                a: Union[float, Tensor] = 1.0,
                b: Union[float, Tensor] = 1.0) -> Tensor:
    Calculates `X = aX + bY`. Inplace on X.

    Does not apply numpy broadcasting.
    Uses mixed precision poplibs operations.
    `X` and `Y` must be the same shape, but can be different types.

        X, Y: Tensor
        a, b: Union[float, Tensor]
            Scalars to be applied to X/Y before addition.
        X: Tensor
            Updated `X` tensor. Alias of X.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, X, Y)

    ins = {0: X.id, 1: Y.id}

    if isinstance(a, Tensor):
        ins[2] = a.id
        a = 1.0

    if isinstance(b, Tensor):
        ins[3] = b.id
        b = 1.0

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('scaled_add')
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_ScaledAddLhsInplaceOp(
        ins, {
            0: g._create_tensor_id('scaled_add__' + X.name),
        }, a, b, settings)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #14
def h2d_stream(shape: Iterable[int],
               dtype: dtype,
               name: Optional[str] = None) -> HostToDeviceStream:
    g = gcg()
    mg = g.ir().main_graph()

    if g.name != mg.name:
        raise ValueError(
            "popart.ir: Can only call `h2d_stream` in context of main graph. You are in context of graph:",

    pb_mg = mg._pb_graph

    if name is None:
        name = "h2d_stream"
    name = mg._create_tensor_id(name)

    pb_mg.addStream(name, _ir.TensorInfo(dtype._pb_dtype, list(shape)), name)

    return HostToDeviceStream._from_tensor(
Пример #15
def dropout(t: Tensor, seed_tensor: Tensor, p: float):
    Randomly zeros elements of `t` with a probability of `p`. The dropout mask is created using samples
    from a Bernoulli distribution seeded with the `seed_tensor`.

    The user needs to manage updating the `seed_tensor` for each forward pass and replica.

        t (Tensor):
            Tensor for drop out to be applied.
        seed_tensor (Tensor):
            Used to seed the probability distribution which generates the dropout mask. Must have data type uint32 and shape (2,).
        p (float):
            Probability an element will be zeroed


    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t, seed_tensor)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('dropout')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "Dropout", 10, _ir.NumInputs(
        1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_DropoutOp(
            0: t.id,
            1: seed_tensor.id
        {0: g._create_tensor_id("dropout_out")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #16
    def op_in_to_subgraph_in_tensor(self, parent_tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Provided an input tensor on the CallOp, this method returns the
        associated input tensor in the `called_graph`.

            parent_tensor (Tensor): The tensor from the parent graph.

            popart_error: If `parent_tensor` is not an input to the CallOp.

            Tensor: The tensor in the `called_graph`.
        pb_subgraph = self.called_graph._pb_graph

        # Throws if not an input
        op_in_idx = self._op.firstInIndex(parent_tensor._pb_tensor)
        pb_sub_tensor = pb_subgraph.getInputTensor(

        return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(pb_sub_tensor)
Пример #17
def reshape_(t: Tensor, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tensor:
    Reshape a Tensor inplace.

    This is the inplace version of :func:`~ops.reshape`

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be reshaped.
        shape: tuple of ints
            Tuple containing the shape of the output.
        out: Tensor
            An alias of the input tensor, reshaped.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    if any(map(lambda axis: axis < -1, shape)) or shape.count(0) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid shape value in reshape. Must be '>0' or '-1'. Provided {shape}."

    if shape.count(-1) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Reshape shape can contain at most one '-1' value. Provided {shape}."

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('reshape_inplace')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "ReshapeInplace", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_ReshapeInplaceOp(
        {0: t.id}, {0: g._create_tensor_id(f"{t.name}_reshaped")}, opid,
        reshape_handle_negative_axis(t, shape), settings)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #18
def transpose_(t: Tensor,
               permutation: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None) -> Tensor:
    Permute the axes of a Tensor. By default reverses the axes of t.

    This is the inplace version of :func:`~ops.transpose`. Behaviour is the same, but modifies the
        tensor inplace.

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to be transposed.
        permutation: tuple of ints (optional)
            Tuple containing the a permutation of [0, N-1] where N is the
            rank of input `t`. If not provided, the axes will be reversed.
        out: Tensor
            The transposed tensor
    permutation = _handle_permuation(t, permutation)

    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('transpose_inplace')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "TransposeInplace", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_TransposeInplaceOp(
        {0: t.id},
        {0: g._create_tensor_id(f"{t.name}_T")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #19
def negate(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Negates tensor `t`

        t: Tensor
            Input tensor.
        out: Tensor
            Output tensor.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('negate')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "Neg", 6, _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_NegateOp(
        {0: t.id}, {0: g._create_tensor_id(f"negate_out")}, opid, settings)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #20
def increment_mod(t: Tensor, increment: float, modulus: float) -> Tensor:
    Compute `(t + increment) % modulus`

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to increment (modulo)
        increment: float
            How much to increment the input tensor by.
        increment: float
            The modulo operand.
        out: Tensor
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('increment_mod')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "IncrementMod", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(1, 1), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_IncrementModOp(
            0: t.id,
            0: g._create_tensor_id("increment_mod_out"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #21
def div(lhs: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Divides two Tensors element-wise.
    Follows numpy broadcasting rules. Arguments must have the same dtype.
    Output will be the same dtype as the inputs.
    With integer values floor division is used.

        lhs: Tensor
        rhs: Tensor
        mul: Tensor
            The division of lhs by rhs
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, lhs, rhs)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('div')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "Div", 7, _ir.NumInputs(2, 2), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_DivOp(
            0: lhs.id,
            1: rhs.id
            0: g._create_tensor_id("div_out"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #22
def logical_and(lhs: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Compares two Tensors element-wise with an AND operator.
    Follows numpy broadcasting rules.
    Inputs will be cast to bool if needed.

        lhs, rhs: Tensor
            Tensors to be compared.
        out: Tensor
            The value (lhs AND rhs)
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, lhs, rhs)

    lhs = cast_if_needed(lhs, dtypes.bool)
    rhs = cast_if_needed(rhs, dtypes.bool)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('and')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "And", 7, _ir.NumInputs(2, 2), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_AndOp(
            0: lhs.id,
            1: rhs.id
            0: g._create_tensor_id("and_out"),

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #23
def create_adamupdater(acc_first_order: Tensor,
                       acc_second_order: Tensor,
                       weight: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                       time_step: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                       weight_decay: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None,
                       beta1: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None,
                       beta2: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None,
                       epsilon: Union[float, Tensor] = 1e-07) -> Tensor:

    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, acc_first_order, acc_second_order)
    if weight is not None:
        check_in_graph(g, weight)
    if time_step is not None:
        check_in_graph(g, time_step)
    if weight_decay is not None:
        check_in_graph(g, weight)

    outs = {
        0: g._create_tensor_id('Updater'),
    wd = handle_optimizer_value(g, weight_decay, ins, 4)
    b1 = handle_optimizer_value(g, beta1, ins, 5)
    b2 = handle_optimizer_value(g, beta2, ins, 6)
    eps = handle_optimizer_value(g, epsilon, ins, 7)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('adamupdater')
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_AdamUpdaterOp(ins, outs, mode, wd, b1, b2, eps,

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #24
def scatter(t: Tensor,
            indices: Tensor,
            values: Tensor,
            axis: int = 0,
            available_memory_proportion: Optional[float] = None) -> Tensor:
    Select multiple elements from an array, given by `indices`, and updates the values from `values`.

    Scatter takes three inputs data, indices, and values of the same rank r >= 1 and an optional
    attribute axis that identifies an axis of data (by default, the outer-most axis, that is axis 0).
    The output of the operation is produced by creating a copy of the input data, and then
    updating its value to values specified by updates at specific index positions specified by indices.
    Its output shape is the same as the shape of data.

    For each entry in values, the target index in data is obtained by combining the corresponding
    entry in indices with the index of the entry itself: the index-value for dimension = axis is
    obtained from the value of the corresponding entry in indices and the index-value for
    dimension != axis is obtained from the index of the entry itself.

    Pseudo example:
    x1 = x.copy()
    scatter(x, [1, 2, 3], [-1, -2, -3])
    x2 = x.copy()
    x[1] = -1
    x[2] = -2
    x[3] = -3
    x1 == x2

        t: Tensor
            Input tensor
        indices: Tensor
            The indices of the elements to update
        values: Tensor
            The values to update the tensor with
        axis: int
            Which axis to set on. Default is 0.
        available_memory_proportion: Optional[float]
            The maximum proportion of available memory on each tile that this layer
            should consume temporarily during the course of the operation.
            Defaults to 1.0 if not set globally.
        scatter: Tensor
            The tensor with updated values.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t)
    check_in_graph(g, indices)
    check_in_graph(g, values)

    available_memory_proportion = convert_optional_float(

    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "Scatter", 11,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(3, 3), 1)
    settings = ctx._get_op_settings("scatter")
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_ScatterOp(
            0: t.id,
            1: indices.id,
            2: values.id
        }, {0: g._create_tensor_id("scatter_out")},

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #25
 def get_tensors(self) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]:
     """Return all Tensors in the Graph"""
     return tuple(
         Tensor._from_pb_tensor(t) for t in self._pb_graph.getTensors())
Пример #26
 def get_tensor(self, tensor_id: str) -> Tensor:
     return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(self._pb_graph.getTensor(tensor_id))
Пример #27
def matmul(lhs: Tensor,
           rhs: Tensor,
           available_memory_proportion: Optional[float] = None,
           serialise_mode: SerialiseMode = SerialiseMode.NoSerialisation,
           serialise_factor: int = 1,
           output_type: Optional[dtypes.dtype] = None,
           partials_type: Optional[dtypes.dtype] = None) -> Tensor:
    """Matrix multiplies two Tensors. Follows numpy matrix multiplication
    rules for N-D tensors, see

    Arguments must have the same dtype. Shapes must be compatible as per
    numpy matrix multiplication rules.

        lhs, rhs (Tensor): Tensors to be matrix multiplied.
        available_memory_proportion (Optional[float]):
            The maximum proportion of available memory on each tile that this layer
            should consume temporarily during the course of the operation. Defaults to 1.0.
        serialise_mode (SerialiseMode, optional): 
            The serialisation mode to use (NoSerialisation, ReducingDim, InputChannels, OutputChannels).
            Defaults to SerialiseMode.NoSerialisation.
        serialise_factor (int, optional): 
            The factor to serialise by. Defaults to 1.
        output_type (Optional[dtypes.dtype], optional): 3
            Output datatype to enforce. Defaults to the dtype of lhs/rhs.
        partials_type (dtypes.dtype, optional): The type to use for partial results
             (float16, float32). Defaults to dtypes.float32.

        Tensor: The matrix product of lhs and rhs.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, lhs, rhs)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('matmul')
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.onnx", "MatMul", 9, _ir.NumInputs(2, 2),

    if partials_type is None:
        partials_type = g.ir()._pb_ir.getSessionOptions().partialsTypeMatMuls
        if partials_type == "":
            partials_type = _ir.op.MatMulPartialsType.FLOAT
        partials_type = _convert_partials_type(partials_type)

    # These two args can be none, in which case we want to send a no-opt optional.
    out_dtype = _ir.OptionalDataType(
        output_type._pb_dtype) if output_type else _ir.OptionalDataType()
    optional_memory_proportion = convert_optional_float(

    serialise_settings = _convert_serialisation_settings(
        serialise_mode, serialise_factor)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_MatMulOp({
        0: lhs.id,
        1: rhs.id
    }, {
        0: g._create_tensor_id("matmul_out"),
    }, opid, settings, optional_memory_proportion, serialise_settings,
                                         out_dtype, partials_type)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))
Пример #28
 def get_op_input_tensor(self, op_in_idx: int) -> Tensor:
     pb_op_in_tensor = self._op.inTensor(op_in_idx)
     return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(pb_op_in_tensor)
Пример #29
 def get_op_output_tensor(self, op_out_idx: int) -> Tensor:
     pb_op_out_tensor = self._op.outTensor(op_out_idx)
     return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(pb_op_out_tensor)
Пример #30
def dynamic_update_(t: Tensor, index: Tensor, t_update: Tensor,
                    axes: Iterable[int], sizes: Iterable[int],
                    no_overlap: bool) -> Tensor:
    Dynamically updates tensor `t` inplace.

    The word "dynamic" refers to the fact that the index can be specified
    during runtime.

    index, axes and sizes determines the slice of t which will be updated.
    The dimension of this slice and t_update must match.
    A slice along an axis can be defined as by the tuple
    ( start, stop, step )
    start - will be equal the index for the respective axis
    stop - will be equal index + size for the respective axis
    step - will equal 1

    Assuming we would like to update t with dimension (4, 3).
    The slicing of t will have the following limitations:
    - Step other than 1 is not supported (i.e. t[::2,:] is not supported)
    - Negative slicing is not supported (i.e. t[:-1,:] is not supported)
    - stop larger than the size of the axis is not supported
     (i.e. t[:5,:] is not supported)

        t: Tensor
            Tensor to update.
        index: Tensor
            The indices to start the slice from.
        t_update: Tensor
            The tensor to update t with.
        axes: List[int]
            The axess of t to make the update at.
        sizes: List[int]
            The sizes of the updates along the specified axes.
            For example:
            If index = [1, 2], axes = [0, 3] and sizes = [2, 4], the Tensor will be updated at
            t[1:2, :, :, 2:4]
        no_overlap : bool
            If set to true, then correct gradient backpropagation is only guaranteed if
            each region in the output tensor has exactly one populator
            (operation that writes data to this region).
            There are no run-time or compile-time checks possible to ensure this.
        out: Tensor
            The updated tensor.
    ctx = get_current_context()
    g = ctx.graph
    pb_g = g._pb_graph

    check_in_graph(g, t, index)

    settings = ctx._get_op_settings('dynamicupdate_inplace')
    # This ensures that `t` is created by calling `popops::createSliceableTensorFromSlice`
    # with `t_update`.
    # Does the user need control over this?
    settings.inferTensorMappingToFrom = {0: 2}
    opid = _ir.OperatorIdentifier("ai.graphcore", "DynamicUpdateInplace", 1,
                                  _ir.NumInputs(3, 3), 1)
    op = pb_g.createConnectedOp_DynamicUpdateInplaceOp(
            0: t.id,
            1: index.id,
            2: t_update.id
        }, {0: g._create_tensor_id(f"dynamicupdateinplace_out")}, opid, axes,
        sizes, no_overlap, settings, t_update._pb_tensor.info)

    return Tensor._from_pb_tensor(op.outTensor(0))