def build_model_with_dot_checkpoints(ir: pir.Ir) -> None: """Make a model with 2 dot_checkpoints. Args: ir (pir.Ir): The ir to write to Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: ir._pb_ir (_ir.Ir): The underlying IR a_h2d (HostToDeviceStream): The host to device stream f_d2h (DeviceToHostStream): The device to host stream """ main = ir.main_graph() with main: a_h2d = pir.h2d_stream(_TENSOR_SHAPE, pir.float32, name="a_stream") a = ops.host_load(a_h2d, "a") b = pir.variable(np.random.rand(*_TENSOR_SHAPE).astype(np.float32), name="b") c = ops.add(a, b) ir.dot_checkpoint("Foo") d = pir.variable(np.random.rand(*_TENSOR_SHAPE).astype(np.float32), name="d") e = ops.mul(c, d) ir.dot_checkpoint("Bar") f = ops.gelu(e) f_d2h = pir.d2h_stream(_TENSOR_SHAPE, pir.float32, name="f_stream") ops.host_store(f_d2h, f)
def test_repeat_error(self, repeat_count: int): """Test an error is thrown with incorrect repeat_count Args: repeat_count (int): Number of times to repeat. """ ir = pir.Ir() main = ir.main_graph() with main: h2d = pir.h2d_stream((2, 16), pir.dtypes.float32) x = ops.host_load(h2d, "x") W = pir.variable(np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (16, 16)), name="W") b = pir.variable(np.zeros(16), name="b") linear = Linear() linear_graph = ir.create_graph(linear, x, out_features=16) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info: y = ops.repeat(linear_graph, repeat_count, x, subgraph_in_to_parent_in={ linear.W: W, linear.b: b }) assert e_info.value.args[0].startswith( "Repeat trip count for repeat of")
def test_tensor_id_conflict(): ir = pir.Ir() main = ir.main_graph() with main: name0 = pir.variable(1, name="tensor").id name1 = pir.variable(1, name="tensor").id name2 = pir.constant(1, name="tensor").id assert name0 == "tensor" ids = [name0, name1, name2] assert len(ids) == len(set(ids))
def test_cmp(self): ir = pir.Ir() main = ir.main_graph() with main: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.variable(1) assert a != b # test __eq__ assert len(set([a, b])) == 2 # test __hash__ str(a) # test __repr__
def test_dunder(self, available_memory_proportion, serialise_mode, serialise_factor, output_type, partials_type): ir = pir.Ir() del available_memory_proportion, serialise_mode, serialise_factor, output_type, partials_type with ir.main_graph(): a = pir.variable(np.random.rand(4, 4)) b = pir.variable(np.random.rand(4, 4)) c = a @ b assert len(ir.main_graph().get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(ir.main_graph().get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("MatMul", _ir.op.MatMulOp, ir.main_graph())
def test_fn(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(True, pir.bool) b = pir.variable(False, pir.bool) c = ops.logical_and(a, b) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("And", _ir.op.AndOp, g)
def test_ignore_index(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(np.zeros((2, 10)), pir.float32) b = pir.variable(np.zeros((2)), pir.float32) c = ops.nll_loss_with_softmax_grad(a, b, ignore_index=5) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 5 assert contains_op_of_type("NlllWithSoftmaxGradDirect", _ir.op.NlllWithSoftmaxGradDirectOp, g)
def test_needs_casting(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1, pir.int32) b = pir.variable(0, pir.int32) c = ops.logical_and(a, b) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 5 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("And", _ir.op.AndOp, g)
def test_fn(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.variable(2) c = ops.sub(a, b) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("Sub", _ir.op.SubtractOp, g)
def test_dunder(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.variable(2) c = a - b assert len(ir.main_graph().get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(ir.main_graph().get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("Sub", _ir.op.SubtractOp, g)
def test_dunder(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.variable(2) c = a * b assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("Mul", _ir.op.MulOp, g)
def test_fn(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: x = pir.variable(0) seed = pir.variable(np.array([32, 32]), dtype=dtypes.uint32) c = ops.dropout(x, seed, 0.3) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("Dropout", _ir.op.DropoutOp, g)
def test_adamax_updater_invalid(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: updater = ops.var_updates.adamax_updater(m, v) message = str(excinfo.value) assert "AdaMax requires time_step not None." in message
def test_tensor_id_conflict_between_Ir(): ir1 = pir.Ir() with ir1.main_graph(): t1 = pir.variable(1, dtype=pir.float32, name="tensor") ir2 = pir.Ir() with ir2.main_graph(): t2 = pir.variable(1, dtype=pir.float32, name="tensor") assert 2 == len(set([t1, t2])) # test __hash__ assert t1 != t2 # test __eq__
def test_dampened_add_tensor(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.constant(2) factor = pir.variable(0.9) c = ops.var_updates.accumulate_(a, b, factor) assert contains_op_of_type("Accumulate", _ir.op.AccumulateOp, g) op = g._pb_graph.getOps()[0] op.getAccumulationType() == _ir.AccumulationType.DampenedAdd
def test_layer_norm(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: x = pir.variable(np.ones((2, 4))) weight = pir.variable(np.ones(4)) bias = pir.variable(np.zeros(4)) y = ops.layer_norm(x, weight, bias) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 6 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 3 assert contains_op_of_type("GroupNormalization", _ir.op.GroupNormOp, g)
def test_mean(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.constant(2) step = pir.variable(0) c = ops.var_updates.accumulate_mean_(a, b, step) assert contains_op_of_type("Accumulate", _ir.op.AccumulateOp, g) op = g._pb_graph.getOps()[0] op.getAccumulationType() == _ir.AccumulationType.Mean
def test_fn(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: t = pir.variable([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) indices = pir.variable([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=dtypes.int32) c = ops.gather(t, indices) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert len(g.get_variables()) == 2 assert contains_op_of_type("Gather", _ir.op.GatherOp, g)
def test_adamax_updater(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') t = pir.variable(1, name='t') updater = ops.var_updates.adamax_updater(m, v, time_step=t) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 4 assert contains_op_of_type("AdamUpdater", _ir.op.AdamUpdaterOp, g)
def test_lamb_updater_no_bias_no_wd(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') updater = ops.var_updates.lamb_updater(m, v) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert contains_op_of_type("AdamUpdater", _ir.op.AdamUpdaterOp, g) op = g._pb_graph.getOps()[0] assert op.isOptimizerOp()
def test__ensure_tensor(self): """Test the `_ensure_tensor()` method.""" ir = pir.Ir() main = ir.main_graph() with main: a = pir.variable(1) b = pir.variable(2) c = a._ensure_tensor(b) d = a._ensure_tensor(3) assert c == b assert isinstance(d, Constant) assert d.dtype == a.dtype
def test_adam_updater_bias_invalid(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') t = pir.variable(2, name='t') b1 = 0.9 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: updater = ops.var_updates.adam_updater(m, v, time_step=t, beta1=b1) message = str(excinfo.value) assert "Bias correction requires both beta1 and beta2 not None." in message
def test_adam_wd_updater(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: w = pir.variable(1, name='w') m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') wd = pir.constant(0.2, name='wd') updater = ops.var_updates.adam_updater(m, v, weight=w, weight_decay=wd) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 5 assert contains_op_of_type("AdamUpdater", _ir.op.AdamUpdaterOp, g)
def test_adam_wd_updater_invalid(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') t = pir.variable(1, name='t') wd = pir.constant(0.2, name='wd') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: updater = ops.var_updates.adam_updater(m, v, time_step=t, weight_decay=wd) message = str(excinfo.value) assert "Weight decay requires weight to be not None." in message
def test_adam_bias_wd_updater(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: m = pir.variable(1, name='m') v = pir.variable(2, name='v') w = pir.variable(1, name='w') t = pir.variable(2, name='t') wd = pir.constant(0.2, name='wd') b1 = 0.9 b2 = 0.99 updater = ops.var_updates.adam_updater(m, v, w, t, wd, b1, b2) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 6 assert contains_op_of_type("AdamUpdater", _ir.op.AdamUpdaterOp, g)
def test_fn(self): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() with g: t = pir.variable(np.random.rand(3, 5, 7)) index = pir.variable(np.array((1, 2))) axes = [0, 2] sizes = [1, 3] no_overlap = True c = ops.dynamic_slice(t, index, axes, sizes, no_overlap) assert c.shape == (sizes[0], t.shape[1], sizes[1]) assert len(g.get_tensors()) == 3 assert contains_op_of_type("DynamicSlice", _ir.op.dynamic.DynamicSliceOp, g)
def test_get_ir(self): ir = pir.Ir() main = ir.main_graph() with main: a = pir.variable(1) assert == ir
def test_hook(): ir = pir.Ir() g = ir.main_graph() called = False def hook(_): nonlocal called called = True handle = g.register_op_created_hook(hook) with g: x = pir.variable(1) x = x + 1 assert called called = False # Creating this graph will create # an AddOp on the new graph. # Ensure this does not trigger the hook. sg = ir.create_graph(lambda y: y + 1, x) assert not called g.remove_op_created_hook(handle) with g: x = x + 1 assert not called
def test_by_ref(self): ir = pir.Ir() def foo(x: pir.TensorByRef, y: pir.Tensor): return ops.var_updates.accumulate_(x, y) with ir.main_graph(): v1 = pir.variable(1) v2 = pir.variable(2) g = ir.create_graph(foo, v1, v2) info = ops.call_with_info(g, v1, v2) assert len(g._by_ref_inputs) == 1 assert info._op.modifiesIndex(0) assert not info._op.modifiesIndex(1)
def test_create_graph(): ir = pir.Ir() def foo(x: pir.TensorByRef, y: pir.Tensor, c: int): return (x * c) + y with ir.main_graph(): v1 = pir.variable(1) v2 = pir.variable(2) g = ir.create_graph(foo, v1, v2, 5) assert len(g._by_ref_inputs) == 1 x = g.get_input_tensors()[0] assert x == g._by_ref_inputs.pop() assert == "x"