Пример #1
def main(serverSite,apikey):
    stockdata = read_data_daily(apikey,tickers =  ["AAPL"])
    write_data_to_sql(stockdata, "backtestdata", if_exists = "replace", serverSite = serverSite)
    #stockdata15min = read_data_alpaca(pd.Series(dowTickers), "15Min")
    #write_data_to_sql(stockdata, "backtestdata15min", if_exists = "append")
    #Do stuff with this!
    crossovers = find_ma_crossovers(server.serverSite)
Пример #2
def portfolio_value_to_db(apis, serverSite, code):
    #Fetch the current portfolio values and store in db. Code is used to differentiate the apis
    today = date.today()
    time = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    portvalue = apis.alpacaApi.get_account().portfolio_value
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        "code": [code],
        "portval": [portvalue],
        "timestamp": [time]
    db.write_data_to_sql(df, "portvalues", serverSite, if_exists="append")
Пример #3
def active_trades_to_db(active_trades, serverSite, table_name="active_trades"):

    active_trade_lists = []
    for trade in active_trades:
        tradeinfo = [
            trade.ticker, trade.posSize, trade.entryPrice, trade.stopPrice,
            trade.targetPrice, trade.strategy, trade.unrealPL

    colnames = [
        "ticker", "PosSize", "EntryPrice", "StopPrice", "TargetPrice",
        "Strategy", "UnrealPl"
    active_trade_df = pd.DataFrame(active_trade_lists, columns=colnames)
    db.write_data_to_sql(active_trade_df, table_name, serverSite)
Пример #4
def echo_active_trades_to_db(apis, serverSite):

    current_portfolio = apis.alpacaApi.list_positions()

    current_port_list = []
    for position in current_portfolio:
            position.symbol, position.current_price, position.lastday_price,
            position.qty, position.unrealized_plpc

    colnames = ["ticker", "current_price", "lastday_price", "qty", "unreal_pl"]
    current_port_df = pd.DataFrame(current_port_list, columns=colnames)

Пример #5
def get_watchlist_price(watchlist_df, wl_code, apis, server):

    watchlist_bars = apis.alpacaApi.get_barset(watchlist_df.ticker,

    #The API that returns real time data is not perfect in my opinion.
    #It returns the last minute candle that the given tickes has traded, not neccecarliy the latest
    #This has led me to do this wierd contraption where i fill the df's all NANs with the mean, and then I can just transpose it and take the first column
    #Since all the rows contain the same values after the fill.na with mean.
    #You can set the start and end dates on the API call but I'm not sure if it supports minutes, since that is what I would be interested in.
    #This should not have been a problem but it it was

    watchlist_bars = watchlist_bars.fillna(watchlist_bars.mean())

    #We only want the "close" values, this is the first way I could come up with. Surely there is better.
    close_columns = [col for col in watchlist_bars.columns if "close" in col]

    close_values = watchlist_bars[close_columns].transpose().iloc[:, 0]

    watchlist_df["current_price"] = list(close_values)
    watchlist_df["price_difference"] = watchlist_df["price"] - watchlist_df[

    #Update the db prices
    db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(watchlist_df), wl_code + "_watchlist",

    found_trades_long = []
    found_trades_short = []

    longs = watchlist_df[watchlist_df["side"].str.match("buy")]
    shorts = watchlist_df[watchlist_df["side"].str.match("sell")]

    for index, stock in longs.iterrows():
        if (stock["price_difference"] < 0):

    for index, stock in shorts.iterrows():
        if (stock["price_difference"] > 0):

    return found_trades_long, found_trades_short
Пример #6
    def updateTradeDb(self, action, initiated, apis, server, algo="charlie"):
        now = str(apis.alpacaApi.get_clock().timestamp)[0:19]

        #Different update depending on if the order was initiated of flattend.
        if (initiated == False):
            dfData = {
                "Timestamp": [now],
                "Ticker": [self.ticker],
                "Size": [self.posSize],
                "Side": [self.orderSide],
                "Strategy": [self.strategy],
                "Action": [action],
                "Result": [self.unrealPL]

        if (initiated):
            dfData = {
                "Timestamp": [now],
                "Ticker": [self.ticker],
                "Size": [self.posSize],
                "Side": [self.orderSide],
                "Strategy": [self.strategy],
                "Action": [action],
                "Result": ["init"]

        tradedb = pd.DataFrame(data=dfData)
        if algo == "charlie":
        elif algo == "delta":
        elif algo == "echo":
Пример #7
def run_charlie(server, apis, active_trades, ema_time_period, maxPosSize,
                maxPosValue, now):

    #Get the active trade last 15min bars
    func.current_active_trade_prices(active_trades, apis)

    #Check if the bar has closed below stoploss -> flatten trade
    active_trades = func.check_stoploss(active_trades, ema_time_period, server,

    #Check if bar high is above target -> flatten trade.
    active_trades = func.check_target(active_trades, apis, server)

    #The idea behind this is that i can remotely add or remove trades from the database, and they would get updated here too.
    #Read watchlists
    ma_watchlist = db.read_from_database("SELECT * from ma_watchlist",
    hd_watchlist = db.read_from_database("SELECT * from hd_watchlist",
    bb_watchlist = db.read_from_database("SELECT * from bb_watchlist",

    #Loop trough watchlist and check if the value has been crossed and fire trades.
    if (len(ma_watchlist) > 0):
        found_trades_long_ma, found_trades_short_ma = func.get_watchlist_price(
            ma_watchlist, "ma", apis, server)
        succ_trades_long_ma = func.fire_orders(found_trades_long_ma, "buy",
                                               str(now), "20EMA", apis, server,
                                               maxPosSize, maxPosValue)
        succ_trades_short_ma = func.fire_orders(found_trades_short_ma, "sell",
                                                str(now), "20EMA", apis,
                                                server, maxPosSize,
        #If watchlist is empty, just create empty lists.
        found_trades_long_ma = []
        found_trades_short_ma = []
        succ_trades_long_ma = []
        succ_trades_short_ma = []

    if (len(hd_watchlist) > 0):
        found_trades_long_hd, found_trades_short_hd = func.get_watchlist_price(
            hd_watchlist, "hd", apis,
            server)  #No short strades for the HD strategy should appear
        succ_trades_long_hd = func.fire_orders(found_trades_long_hd, "buy",
                                               str(now), "H/D", apis, server,
                                               maxPosSize, maxPosValue)
        #If watchlist is empty, just create empty lists.
        found_trades_long_hd = []
        succ_trades_long_hd = []

    #Loop trough watchlist and check if the value has been crossed and fire trades.
    if (len(bb_watchlist) > 0):
        found_trades_long_bb, found_trades_short_bb = func.get_watchlist_price(
            bb_watchlist, "bb", apis, server)
        succ_trades_long_bb = func.fire_orders(found_trades_long_bb, "buy",
                                               str(now), "BB", apis, server,
                                               maxPosSize, maxPosValue)
        succ_trades_short_bb = func.fire_orders(found_trades_short_bb, "sell",
                                                str(now), "BB", apis, server,
                                                maxPosSize, maxPosValue)
        #If watchlist is empty, just create empty lists.
        found_trades_long_bb = []
        found_trades_short_bb = []
        succ_trades_long_bb = []
        succ_trades_short_bb = []
    #Append succesfull trades to the active trades
    if (len(succ_trades_long_ma + succ_trades_short_ma + succ_trades_long_hd +
            succ_trades_long_bb + succ_trades_short_bb) > 0):
        for succ_trade in succ_trades_long_ma + succ_trades_short_ma + succ_trades_long_hd + succ_trades_long_bb + succ_trades_short_bb:

    traded_stocks = found_trades_long_ma + found_trades_short_ma + found_trades_long_hd + found_trades_short_bb + found_trades_long_bb

    #Delete trades from watchlist
    if (len(traded_stocks) > 0):
        ma_watchlist = ma_watchlist[~ma_watchlist.ticker.str.
        hd_watchlist = hd_watchlist[~hd_watchlist.ticker.str.
        bb_watchlist = bb_watchlist[~bb_watchlist.ticker.str.
        #Update the db watchlist
        db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(ma_watchlist), "ma_watchlist",
        db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(hd_watchlist), "hd_watchlist",
        db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(bb_watchlist), "bb_watchlist",

    #update trades in db
    func.active_trades_to_db(active_trades, server.serverSite)
Пример #8
def get_watchlist_price_broken(watchlist_df, wl_code, apis, server):
    #Working around the limitations of the API, one call can only contain 100 tickers
    sumtickers = watchlist_df.shape[0]
    index = 100

    #These lists will be populated and returned
    found_trades_long = []
    found_trades_short = []

    while True:
        watchlist_df_sliced = watchlist_df.iloc[index - 100:index, :]
        watchlist_bars = apis.alpacaApi.get_barset(
            watchlist_df.ticker[index - 100:index], 'minute', limit=1).df

        #The API that returns real time data is not perfect in my opinion.
        #It returns the last minute candle that the given tickes has traded, not neccecarliy the latest
        #This has led me to do this wierd contraption where i fill the df's all NANs with the mean, and then I can just transpose it and take the first column
        #Since all the rows contain the same values after the fill.na with mean.
        #You can set the start and end dates on the API call but I'm not sure if it supports minutes, since that is what I would be interested in.
        #This should not have been a problem but it it was

        watchlist_bars = watchlist_bars.fillna(watchlist_bars.mean())

        #We only want the "close" values, this is the first way I could come up with. Surely there are better ways.
        close_columns = [
            col for col in watchlist_bars.columns if "close" in col

        close_values = watchlist_bars[close_columns].transpose().iloc[:, 0]

        watchlist_df_sliced.insert(4, "current_price", list(close_values),
        price_difference = watchlist_df_sliced["price"] - watchlist_df_sliced[
        watchlist_df_sliced.insert(5, "price_difference",
                                   list(price_difference), True)

        #Update the db prices
        #If the tickers are more than 100, we are going to append items to the watchlist db and not replace.
        fate = "replace"

        if sumtickers > index:
            fate = "append"

        db.write_data_to_sql(watchlist_df_sliced, wl_code + "_watchlist",
                             server.serverSite, fate)

        longs = watchlist_df_sliced[watchlist_df_sliced["side"].str.match(
        for element, stock in longs.iterrows():
            if (stock["price_difference"] < 0):

        shorts = watchlist_df_sliced[watchlist_df_sliced["side"].str.match(
        for element, stock in shorts.iterrows():
            if (stock["price_difference"] > 0):

        #If the number of symbols were less than 100, we break here. If not we will loop again and check again.
        if index > sumtickers:

        index = index + 100

    return found_trades_long, found_trades_short
Пример #9
def main(apis, server, startup, startupPrevious, watchlists, maxPosSize, maxPosValue, apis_delta, apis_echo, ema_time_period):

    logging.basicConfig(filename = "logs.log", level=logging.DEBUG)
    #Creating the database and putting the data for the last month as a base.
    if (startup):
        logging.info("Startup is true, populating the database with stockdata.")
        db_main(server, apis,timeframe = "3m")
    #Adding the previous data to the database at startup.
    if (startupPrevious):
        logging.info("StartupPrevious is true, populating the database with previous days stockdata.")
        db_main(server, apis,timeframe = "previous")
    #Look for currently active charlie trades, make trade objects and append to active trades.
    active_trades = get_active_trades(apis)
    logging.info("Start complete Charlie")
    #Look for currently active delta trades, make trade objects and append to active trades.
    active_trades_delta = get_active_trades(apis_delta)
    logging.info("Start complete Delta")

    while True: 
        #I have had instaces when the API has been unreachable.
            clock = apis.alpacaApi.get_clock()
            now = str(clock.timestamp)[0:19] #Get only current date and time. Only returns YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM. The  and seconds are parsed
            logging.error("Could not fetch clock")
        #Create charlie watchlist and rewrite db before market opens.
        if ((not clock.is_open and "09:05" in now) or watchlists):
            latest_data_from_db = db.read_from_database("SELECT date FROM dailydata ORDER BY date DESC limit 1;", server.serverSite).iloc[0,0]
            latest_data_from_api = db.get_iex_data(["AAPL"],timeframe = "previous", apikey = apis.iexKey).iloc[0,0] #Testing what the latest data for aapl is, any ticker will do.
            #If there is new data, which is true every day except weekends and if the market was closed -> fetch previous days data.
            if latest_data_from_db != latest_data_from_api:
                #Fetch more data
                logging.info("updating databse with latest data")
                db_main(server, apis, timeframe = "previous")
                logging.info("Database ready")
            #Create the watchlist
            logging.info("Building watchlist")
            col_lables = ["ticker","side","price","strategy"]
            logging.info("Ma watchlist ->")
            ma_watchlist = pd.DataFrame(strategies.ma_crossover("EMA", ema_time_period, server),columns = col_lables).sort_values("ticker")
            logging.info("Hd watchlist ->")
            hd_watchlist = pd.DataFrame(strategies.hammer_doji(server),columns = col_lables).sort_values("ticker")
            logging.info("BB watchlist ->")
            bb_watchlist = pd.DataFrame(strategies.bb_cross(server),columns = col_lables).sort_values("ticker")
            db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(ma_watchlist),"ma_watchlist", server.serverSite) #Replace is default, meaning yesterdays watchlist gets deleted.
            db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(hd_watchlist),"hd_watchlist", server.serverSite) 
            db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(bb_watchlist),"bb_watchlist", server.serverSite)
            logging.info("Week52 watchlist ->")
            week_watchlist = pd.DataFrame(strategies.week_cross(server, apis_delta, active_trades_delta),columns = col_lables).sort_values("ticker")
            db.write_data_to_sql(pd.DataFrame(week_watchlist),"week_watchlist", server.serverSite)
            logging.info("Watchlists ready")
                clock = apis.alpacaApi.get_clock()
                now = str(clock.timestamp)[0:19] #Get only current date an time.
                logging.error("Could not fetch clock")
        if (clock.is_open): #Check if market is open
            logging.info("Market open!")
            time.sleep(900) #Sleep for the first 15 min to avoid the larget market volatility
            #Fetch portfolio values to db
            func.portfolio_value_to_db(apis, server.serverSite, "Charlie")
            func.portfolio_value_to_db(apis_delta, server.serverSite, "Delta")
            func.portfolio_value_to_db(apis_echo, server.serverSite,"Echo")

            #Echo should be only run once a day so running if at the start of the day.

            while apis.alpacaApi.get_clock().is_open:
                    clock = apis.alpacaApi.get_clock()
                    now = str(clock.timestamp)[0:19] #Get only current date an time.
                    logging.error("Could not fetch clock")
                #Running charlie
                charlie.run_charlie(server, apis, active_trades, ema_time_period, maxPosSize, maxPosValue, now)
                #Running delta
                delta.run_delta(server, apis_delta, active_trades_delta,ema_time_period, maxPosSize,maxPosValue, now)
                #Add more algos here
        #Print out that the system is still running.
        if ("00" in now):
            logging.info("System is running", now)