Пример #1
class SimpleDemoGA:
    def __init__(self, numberOfIndividuals, numberOfGenes):
        self.numberOfGenes = numberOfGenes
        self.population = Population(numberOfIndividuals, numberOfGenes)
        self.generationCount = 0

    def crossover(self):
        # Swap values up to crossoverIndex between fittest and secondFittest
        # This creates a child genome that has a combination of genes from the parents
        # It is not a completely random selection, this function treats each bit as a gene in a sequence
        crossoverIndex = random.randrange(self.numberOfGenes)
        offspring = Individual(self.numberOfGenes)
        tempOffspringGenes = self.population.fittest.genes[0:crossoverIndex]
        for i in range(crossoverIndex, self.numberOfGenes):
        # ENHANCEMENT: Add a function to Individual to make a new Individual with specific genes
        # rather than create a new random one and set the genes
        offspring.genes = tempOffspringGenes
        return offspring

    def mutation(self, offspring):
        mutationIndex = random.randrange(self.numberOfGenes)
        # Bitflip the mutated index using XOR
        offspring.genes[mutationIndex] ^= 1

    # def getFittestOffspring(self):
    #     return self.offspring

    def addFittestOffspring(self, offspring):

    def showGeneticPool(self):
        print("==Genetic Pool==")
        for individual in self.population.individuals:
            print("Individual: {0} Fit: {1} {2}".format(
                individual.fitness, individual.genes))