Пример #1
def _create_embedded_2d_grid(loc_coord, glob_id):
    Create a 2d grid that is embedded in a 3d grid.
    loc_center = np.mean(loc_coord, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    loc_coord -= loc_center
    # Check that the points indeed form a line
    assert pp.geometry_property_checks.points_are_planar(loc_coord)
    # Find the tangent of the line
    # Projection matrix
    rot = pp.map_geometry.project_plane_matrix(loc_coord)
    loc_coord_2d = rot.dot(loc_coord)
    # The points are now 2d along two of the coordinate axis, but we
    # don't know which yet. Find this.
    sum_coord = np.sum(np.abs(loc_coord_2d), axis=1)
    active_dimension = np.logical_not(np.isclose(sum_coord, 0))
    # Check that we are indeed in 2d
    assert np.sum(active_dimension) == 2
    # Sort nodes, and create grid
    coord_2d = loc_coord_2d[active_dimension]
    sort_ind = np.lexsort((coord_2d[0], coord_2d[1]))
    sorted_coord = coord_2d[:, sort_ind]
    sorted_coord = np.round(sorted_coord * 1e10) / 1e10
    unique_x = np.unique(sorted_coord[0])
    unique_y = np.unique(sorted_coord[1])
    # assert unique_x.size == unique_y.size
    g = structured.TensorGrid(unique_x, unique_y)
    assert np.all(g.nodes[0:2] - sorted_coord == 0)

    # Project back to active dimension
    nodes = np.zeros(g.nodes.shape)
    nodes[active_dimension] = g.nodes[0:2]
    g.nodes = nodes
    # Project back again to 3d coordinates

    irot = rot.transpose()
    g.nodes = irot.dot(g.nodes)
    g.nodes += loc_center

    # Add mapping to global point numbers
    g.global_point_ind = glob_id[sort_ind]
    return g
Пример #2
def create_embedded_line_grid(loc_coord, glob_id, tol=1e-4):
    loc_center = np.mean(loc_coord, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    sorted_coord, rot, active_dimension, sort_ind = pp.map_geometry.project_points_to_line(
        loc_coord, tol)
    g = structured.TensorGrid(sorted_coord)

    # Project back to active dimension
    nodes = np.zeros(g.nodes.shape)
    nodes[active_dimension] = g.nodes[0]
    g.nodes = nodes

    # Project back again to 3d coordinates

    irot = rot.transpose()
    g.nodes = irot.dot(g.nodes)
    g.nodes += loc_center

    # Add mapping to global point numbers
    g.global_point_ind = glob_id[sort_ind]
    return g
Пример #3
def create_embedded_line_grid(loc_coord, glob_id, tol=1e-4):
    loc_center = np.mean(loc_coord, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    loc_coord -= loc_center
    # Check that the points indeed form a line
    if not cg.is_collinear(loc_coord, tol):
        raise ValueError("Elements are not colinear")
    # Find the tangent of the line
    tangent = cg.compute_tangent(loc_coord)
    # Projection matrix
    rot = cg.project_line_matrix(loc_coord, tangent)

    loc_coord_1d = rot.dot(loc_coord)
    # The points are now 1d along one of the coordinate axis, but we
    # don't know which yet. Find this.

    sum_coord = np.sum(np.abs(loc_coord_1d), axis=1)
    sum_coord /= np.amax(sum_coord)
    active_dimension = np.logical_not(
        np.isclose(sum_coord, 0, atol=tol, rtol=0))
    # Check that we are indeed in 1d
    assert np.sum(active_dimension) == 1
    # Sort nodes, and create grid
    coord_1d = loc_coord_1d[active_dimension]
    sort_ind = np.argsort(coord_1d)[0]
    sorted_coord = coord_1d[0, sort_ind]
    g = structured.TensorGrid(sorted_coord)

    # Project back to active dimension
    nodes = np.zeros(g.nodes.shape)
    nodes[active_dimension] = g.nodes[0]
    g.nodes = nodes

    # Project back again to 3d coordinates

    irot = rot.transpose()
    g.nodes = irot.dot(g.nodes)
    g.nodes += loc_center

    # Add mapping to global point numbers
    g.global_point_ind = glob_id[sort_ind]
    return g