Пример #1
    def full_ik_check(self, ps):
        #Check goal as given, if reachable, return true
        req = self.form_ik_request(ps)
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
            self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
            return (True, ik_goal, None)
        #Check goal with vertical torso movement, if works, return true
        (torso_succeeded, torso_move) = self.check_torso(req)
        self.move_torso(self.torso_state.actual.positions[0] + torso_move)
        duration = max(4, 85 * abs(torso_move))
        if torso_succeeded:
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
            self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
            if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
                return (True, ik_goal, duration)
                print "Reported Succeeded, then really failed: \r\n", ik_goal

        #Check goal incrementally retreating hand pose, if works, return true
        pct = 0.98
        curr_pos = self.curr_pose().pose.position
        dx = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x - curr_pos.x
        dy = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y - curr_pos.y
        while pct > 0.01:
            #print "Percent: %s" %pct
            req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = curr_pos.x + pct * dx
            req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = curr_pos.y + pct * dy
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
            if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
                rospy.loginfo("Succeeded PARTIALLY (%s) with torso" % pct)
                return (True, ik_goal, duration)
                pct -= 0.02
        #Nothing worked, report failure, return false
        rospy.loginfo("IK Failed: Error Code %s" % str(ik_goal.error_code))
        rospy.loginfo("Reached as far as possible")
        self.log_out.publish(data="Cannot reach farther in this direction.")
        return (False, ik_goal, duration)
Пример #2
 def full_ik_check(self, ps):
     #Check goal as given, if reachable, return true
     req = self.form_ik_request(ps)
     ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
     if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
         self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
         return (True, ik_goal, None)
     #Check goal with vertical torso movement, if works, return true 
     (torso_succeeded, torso_move) = self.check_torso(req)
     duration = max(4,85*abs(torso_move))
     if torso_succeeded:
         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
         self.dist = pu.calc_dist(self.curr_pose(), ps)
         if ik_goal.error_code.val ==1:
             return (True, ik_goal, duration)
             print "Reported Succeeded, then really failed: \r\n", ik_goal
     #Check goal incrementally retreating hand pose, if works, return true
     pct = 0.98
     curr_pos = self.curr_pose().pose.position
     dx = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x - curr_pos.x
     dy = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y - curr_pos.y
     while pct > 0.01:
         #print "Percent: %s" %pct
         req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = curr_pos.x + pct*dx
         req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = curr_pos.y + pct*dy
         ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
         if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
             rospy.loginfo("Succeeded PARTIALLY (%s) with torso" %pct)
             return (True, ik_goal, duration)
             pct -= 0.02
     #Nothing worked, report failure, return false
     rospy.loginfo("IK Failed: Error Code %s" %str(ik_goal.error_code))
     rospy.loginfo("Reached as far as possible")
     self.log_out.publish(data="Cannot reach farther in this direction.")    
     return (False, ik_goal, duration)
Пример #3
    def build_trajectory(self,
        if start == None:  # if given one pose, use current position as start, else, assume (start, finish)
            start = self.curr_pose()


        # Based upon distance to travel, determine the number of intermediate steps required
        # find linear increments of position.

        dist = pu.calc_dist(start, finish)  #Total distance to travel
        ik_steps = int(round(dist / ik_space) + 1.)
        print "IK Steps: %s" % ik_steps
        if tot_points is None:
            tot_points = 1500 * dist
        if duration is None:
            duration = dist * 120
        ik_fracs = np.linspace(
            0, 1, ik_steps
        )  #A list of fractional positions along course to evaluate ik
        ang_fracs = np.linspace(0, 1, tot_points)

        x_gap = finish.pose.position.x - start.pose.position.x
        y_gap = finish.pose.position.y - start.pose.position.y
        z_gap = finish.pose.position.z - start.pose.position.z

        qs = [
            start.pose.orientation.x, start.pose.orientation.y,
            start.pose.orientation.z, start.pose.orientation.w
        qf = [
            finish.pose.orientation.x, finish.pose.orientation.y,
            finish.pose.orientation.z, finish.pose.orientation.w

        #For each step between start and finish, find a complete pose (linear position changes, and quaternion slerp)
        steps = [PoseStamped() for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
        for i, frac in enumerate(ik_fracs):
            steps[i].header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            steps[i].header.frame_id = start.header.frame_id
            steps[i].pose.position.x = start.pose.position.x + x_gap * frac
            steps[i].pose.position.y = start.pose.position.y + y_gap * frac
            steps[i].pose.position.z = start.pose.position.z + z_gap * frac
            new_q = transformations.quaternion_slerp(qs, qf, frac)
            steps[i].pose.orientation.x = new_q[0]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.y = new_q[1]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.z = new_q[2]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.w = new_q[3]
        rospy.loginfo("Planning straight-line path, please wait")
        self.log_out.publish(data="Planning straight-line path, please wait")

        #For each pose in trajectory, find ik angles
        #Find initial ik for seeding
        req = self.form_ik_request(steps[0])
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position

        ik_points = [[0] * 7 for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
        for i, p in enumerate(steps):
            request = self.form_ik_request(p)
            request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = seed
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
            ik_points[i] = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
            seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position  # seed the next ik w/previous points results
        ik_points = np.array(ik_points)
        # Linearly interpolate angles 10 times between ik-defined points (non-linear in cartesian space, but this is reduced from dense ik sampling along linear path.  Used to maintain large number of trajectory points without running IK on every one.
        angle_points = np.zeros((7, tot_points))
        for i in xrange(7):
            angle_points[i, :] = np.interp(ang_fracs, ik_fracs, ik_points[:,

        #Build Joint Trajectory from angle positions
        traj = JointTrajectory()
        traj.header.frame_id = steps[0].header.frame_id
        traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
        #print 'angle_points', len(angle_points[0]), angle_points
        for i in range(len(angle_points[0])):
            traj.points[i].positions = angle_points[:, i]
            traj.points[i].velocities = [0] * 7
            traj.points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(ang_fracs[i] *
        return traj
Пример #4
 def hand_frame_move(self, x, y=0, z=0, duration=None):
     cp = self.curr_pose()
     newpose = pu.pose_relative_trans(cp, x, y, z)
     self.dist = pu.calc_dist(cp, newpose)
     return newpose
Пример #5
    def build_trajectory(self, finish, start=None, ik_space=0.005,
                        duration=None, tot_points=None):
        if start == None: # if given one pose, use current position as start, else, assume (start, finish)
            start = self.curr_pose()

        # Based upon distance to travel, determine the number of intermediate steps required
        # find linear increments of position.

        dist = pu.calc_dist(start, finish)     #Total distance to travel
        ik_steps = int(round(dist/ik_space)+1.)   
        print "IK Steps: %s" %ik_steps
        if tot_points is None:
           tot_points = 1500*dist
        if duration is None:
            duration = dist*120
        ik_fracs = np.linspace(0, 1, ik_steps)   #A list of fractional positions along course to evaluate ik
        ang_fracs = np.linspace(0,1, tot_points)  

        x_gap = finish.pose.position.x - start.pose.position.x
        y_gap = finish.pose.position.y - start.pose.position.y
        z_gap = finish.pose.position.z - start.pose.position.z

        qs = [start.pose.orientation.x, start.pose.orientation.y,
              start.pose.orientation.z, start.pose.orientation.w] 
        qf = [finish.pose.orientation.x, finish.pose.orientation.y,
              finish.pose.orientation.z, finish.pose.orientation.w] 

        #For each step between start and finish, find a complete pose (linear position changes, and quaternion slerp)
        steps = [PoseStamped() for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
        for i,frac in enumerate(ik_fracs):
            steps[i].header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            steps[i].header.frame_id = start.header.frame_id
            steps[i].pose.position.x = start.pose.position.x + x_gap*frac
            steps[i].pose.position.y = start.pose.position.y + y_gap*frac
            steps[i].pose.position.z = start.pose.position.z + z_gap*frac
            new_q = transformations.quaternion_slerp(qs,qf,frac)
            steps[i].pose.orientation.x = new_q[0]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.y = new_q[1]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.z = new_q[2]
            steps[i].pose.orientation.w = new_q[3]
        rospy.loginfo("Planning straight-line path, please wait")
        self.log_out.publish(data="Planning straight-line path, please wait")
        #For each pose in trajectory, find ik angles
        #Find initial ik for seeding
        req = self.form_ik_request(steps[0])
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position

        ik_points = [[0]*7 for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
        for i, p in enumerate(steps):
            request = self.form_ik_request(p)
            request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = seed
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
            ik_points[i] = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
            seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position # seed the next ik w/previous points results
        ik_points = np.array(ik_points)
        # Linearly interpolate angles 10 times between ik-defined points (non-linear in cartesian space, but this is reduced from dense ik sampling along linear path.  Used to maintain large number of trajectory points without running IK on every one.    
        angle_points = np.zeros((7, tot_points))
        for i in xrange(7):
            angle_points[i,:] = np.interp(ang_fracs, ik_fracs, ik_points[:,i])

        #Build Joint Trajectory from angle positions
        traj = JointTrajectory()
        traj.header.frame_id = steps[0].header.frame_id
        traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
        #print 'angle_points', len(angle_points[0]), angle_points
        for i in range(len(angle_points[0])):
            traj.points[i].positions = angle_points[:,i]
            traj.points[i].velocities = [0]*7
            traj.points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
        return traj
Пример #6
 def hand_frame_move(self, x, y=0, z=0, duration=None):
     cp = self.curr_pose()
     newpose = pu.pose_relative_trans(cp,x,y,z)
     self.dist = pu.calc_dist(cp, newpose)
     return newpose