def cmp_dimensions(benchmark_path='/home/cmg76/Works/exo-top/benchmarks/lees_topo_grids/', data_path='/raid1/cmg76/aspect/model-output/', save=True, fig_path=fig_path_bullard, **kwargs): """ load 3D spectrum from digitised plot """ df3 = pd.read_csv(benchmark_path + 'psd_freefree.csv', index_col=False, comment='#', header=0) psd3 = df3.y.to_numpy() # km^2 km^2 wl3 = df3.x.to_numpy() # km k3 = 2 * np.pi / wl3 d = 600 # km alpha = 4e-5 dT = 442 # potential temperature difference K """ load 2D spectrum from aspect data """ psd2, k2 = sh.load_model_spectrum_pkl(path='', data_path=data_path_bullard, case='Lees-Ra1e6-2D') psd2 = psd2 * d ** 3 * alpha ** 2 * dT ** 2 k2 = k2 * d ** -1 # convert from km^3 to km^4 psd2_iso = 1 / k2 * psd2 # Jacobs eqn 5 but pi changed to 1 in numerator says JFR """ plot """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.loglog(k2, psd2_iso, 'o-', lw=1, alpha=0.5, c='xkcd:slate', label='2D benchmark test') ax.loglog(k3, psd3, '^-', lw=1, alpha=0.5, c='xkcd:forest green', label='3D form Lees') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavenumber (km$^{-1}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'PSD (km$^{2}$ km$^{2}$)') ax.legend() if save: plot_save(fig, fname='2D_benchmark', fig_path=fig_path)
def animate_Ra_time(default='Earthbaseline', fig_path='plat/', figsize=(9, 9), labelsize=16, ylabelpad=10, xlabelpad=10, ticksize=12, fname='ani_1D', scalar=False, i_static=None, x_test2=None, xticks=[0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], yticks=None, aspect_cases=None, ms_scat=20, marker_scat='o', c_scat='g', data_path='', x_test=0.815 * M_E, x_min=0.03 * M_E, x_max=6 * M_E, y_param=None, x_param='M_p', x2_param='Ra_i_eff', xscale=M_E**-1, x2scale=1, yscale=1, fps=15, c='b', y2label=r'$\Delta h_{rms}$ (m)', y2scale=1, anim_param='t', anim_tpref='t = ', anim_tsuff=' Gyr', anim_scale=sec2Gyr, secy=False, tf=10, ti=2, ylabel='', x_min_planets=0.1 * M_E, ini_dict=None, logx=True, text=True, dark=True, lw=3, nplanets=20, alpha_lines=1, xlabel=r'$M_p$ ($M_E$)', x2label=r'Ra$_{i, eff}$', **kwargs): # params refer to variable names in 1D model if aspect_cases is None: aspect_cases = [ 'Ra3e8-eta1e8-wide-ascii', 'Ra3e8-eta1e7-wide-ascii', 'Ra3e8-eta1e6-wide', 'Ra1e8-eta1e8-wide-ascii', 'Ra1e8-eta1e7-wide', 'Ra1e8-eta1e6-wide' ] ## too much effort to do animated subplots (and massive files) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # only need to load aspect data once and then re-dimensionalise it cases_x, cases_y = [], [] for case in aspect_cases: ax, x_aspect_data, y_aspect_data = overplot_aspect_data( ax, case, x_param=x2_param, y_param=y_param, data_path=data_path, pkl_suffix=['_T', '_h'], markersize=ms_scat, marker=marker_scat, return_data=True, visible=False, **kwargs) cases_x.append(x_aspect_data) cases_y.append(y_aspect_data) scat_data = np.vstack((cases_x, cases_y)).T # shape N, 2 # run evolutions if x_min_planets is None: x_min_planets = x_min initial_kwargs = {'tf': tf} if ini_dict is not None: initial_kwargs.update(ini_dict) pl_test = build_planet_from_id(ident=default, nondimensional=True, initial_kwargs=initial_kwargs, verbose=True, update_kwargs={x_param: x_test}, **kwargs) if x_test2 is not None: pl_test2 = build_planet_from_id(ident=default, nondimensional=True, initial_kwargs=initial_kwargs, verbose=True, update_kwargs={x_param: x_test2}, **kwargs) pl_mass = bulk_planets(n=nplanets, name=x_param, mini=x_min, maxi=x_max, like=default, random=False, nondimensional=True, logscale=logx, initial_kwargs=initial_kwargs, t_eval=pl_test.t, **kwargs) i_start_time = np.argmax( pl_test.t >= ti / sec2Gyr) # don't animate any cases before here if i_static is None: # index to make static figure i_static = i_start_time if anim_param == 't': anim_vec = np.array(pl_mass[-1].t) # only plot planets with x value greater than x_min_planets (this is to extend axis limits for aspect compare) x_orig = np.array([vars(pl)[x_param] for pl in pl_mass]) * xscale ax.set_xlim( x_orig.min(), x_orig.max() ) # need to set limits for twin axis before removing small points so u can see Ra i_plot = np.argmax(x_orig >= x_min_planets * xscale) pl_pl = pl_mass[i_plot:] x = x_orig[i_plot:] y = np.array([vars(pl)[y_param + '_prime'][i_static] for pl in pl_pl]) * yscale p1, = ax.plot(x, y, c=c, lw=lw, alpha=alpha_lines) pl_scat = ax.scatter(vars(pl_test)[x_param] * xscale, vars(pl_test)[y_param + '_prime'][i_static] * yscale, marker='$V$', s=ms_scat * 2, c='xkcd:goldenrod', zorder=100) if x_test2 is not None: pl_scat2 = ax.scatter(vars(pl_test2)[x_param] * xscale, vars(pl_test2)[y_param + '_prime'][i_static] * yscale, marker='$M$', s=ms_scat * 2, c='xkcd:goldenrod', zorder=100) else: pl_scat2 = ax.scatter([], [], visible=False) # secondary x axis # attempt to scale x2 axis x2_orig = np.array([ vars(pl)[x2_param][i_static] for pl in pl_mass ]) * x2scale # limits corresponding to tiny planets for extra space x2 = x2_orig[i_plot:] global x2_orig_i x2_orig_i = x2_orig def mass2Ra(u): f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_orig, x2_orig_i, k=3) return f(u) def Ra2mass(u): f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x2_orig_i, x_orig, k=3) return f(u) ax2 = ax.secondary_xaxis('top', functions=(mass2Ra, Ra2mass)) p2, = ax.plot(Ra2mass(x2), y, c=c, lw=lw, alpha=alpha_lines, ls='--') aspect_scat = ax.scatter(Ra2mass(cases_x), cases_y, c=c_scat, s=ms_scat, marker=marker_scat, zorder=100, visible=True) # ax2 = ax.twiny() # ax2.set_xlim(x2_orig.min(), x2_orig.max()) # p2, = ax2.plot(x2, y, c=c, lw=lw, alpha=alpha_lines, ls='--') # aspect_scat = ax2.scatter(cases_x, cases_y, c=c_scat, s=markersize, marker=marker, visible=True) # secondary y axis global alpha_m global dT_i global dm alpha_m = pl_test.alpha_m dT_i = pl_test.T_scale[i_static] dm = pl_test.L_scale def h_todim(u): return u * alpha_m * dT_i * dm * y2scale def h_tonondim(u): return u / (alpha_m * dT_i * dm * y2scale) if secy: ax3 = ax.secondary_yaxis('right', functions=(h_todim, h_tonondim)) ax3.set_ylabel(y2label, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=ylabelpad) ax3.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) # setup plot params ax2.set_xlabel(x2label, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=xlabelpad) ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=xlabelpad) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=ylabelpad) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) # ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') # ax2.set_xscale('log') # ax2.set_yscale('log') if xticks is not None: ax.set_xticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.set_yticks(yticks) # colour and adjust if dark: if secy: fig, ax, ax2, ax3 = dark_background(fig, [ax, ax2, ax3]) else: fig, ax, ax2 = dark_background(fig, [ax, ax2]) c_text = 'xkcd:off white' else: c_text = 'k' if text: ani_text = ax.text(0.95, 0.95, anim_tpref + '{:4.1f}'.format(anim_vec[i_static] * anim_scale) + anim_tsuff, fontsize=ticksize, c=c_text, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes) else: ani_text = ax.text(0.5, 0.5, '', alpha=0, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.8, left=0.15) plt.tight_layout() # save non-animated snapshot plot_save(fig, fname=fname + '_static', fig_path=fig_path, bbox_inches=None) # animation stuff def init(): p1.set_ydata(([np.nan] * len(x))) p2.set_ydata(([np.nan] * len(x))) aspect_scat.set_offsets([[], []]) pl_scat.set_offsets([[], []]) if x_test2 is not None: pl_scat2.set_offsets([[], []]) ani_text.set_text('') return p1, p2, aspect_scat, pl_scat, ani_text, pl_scat2 def animate(i, cases_x, cases_y, pl_pl, y_param, x2_param, yscale, x2scale, pl_mass, anim_vec, anim_tpref, anim_scale, anim_tsuff, pl_scat2): # update secondary x global x2_orig_i x2_orig_i = np.array([vars(pl)[x2_param][i] for pl in pl_mass ]) * x2scale # new x2 based on original size new_cases_x = Ra2mass( cases_x) # Ra_i_eff axis - doesn't move if axis isn't moving new_cases_y = cases_y new_scat_data = np.vstack((new_cases_x, new_cases_y)).T # shape N, 2 # update secondary y global dT_i dT_i = pl_test.T_scale[i] p1y = np.array([vars(pl)[y_param + '_prime'][i] for pl in pl_pl]) * yscale # p2x = np.array([vars(pl)[x2_param][i] for pl in pl_pl]) * x2scale # p2y = np.array([vars(pl)[y_param + '_prime'][i] for pl in pl_pl]) * yscale p1.set_ydata(p1y) # update the data. # p2.set_xdata(Ra2mass(p2x)) # note this is attached to Ra axis # p2.set_ydata(p2y) aspect_scat.set_offsets(new_scat_data) pl_scat_x = vars(pl_test)[x_param] * xscale pl_scat_y = vars(pl_test)[y_param + '_prime'][i] * yscale pl_scat_data = np.vstack((pl_scat_x, pl_scat_y)).T # shape N, 2 pl_scat.set_offsets(pl_scat_data) if pl_scat2 is not None: pl_scat2_x = vars(pl_test2)[x_param] * xscale pl_scat2_y = vars(pl_test2)[y_param + '_prime'][i] * yscale pl_scat2_data = np.vstack((pl_scat2_x, pl_scat2_y)).T # shape N, 2 pl_scat2.set_offsets(pl_scat2_data) else: pl_scat2 = None # ax2.set_xlim(min(x2_orig_i), max(x2_orig_i)) # added ax attribute here ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ani_text.set_text(anim_tpref + '{:4.1f}'.format(anim_vec[i] * anim_scale) + anim_tsuff) return p1, p2, aspect_scat, pl_scat, ani_text, pl_scat2 # print('i frames', i_start_time, len(anim_vec), 'len', len(range(i_start_time, len(anim_vec)))) # print('len x2', len(vars(pl_mass[-1])[x2_param])) # print('len y', len(vars(pl_mass[-1])[y_param + '_prime'])) # for ii in range(len(pl_mass)): # print(' ii, x2:', len(vars(pl_mass[ii])[x2_param]), pl_mass[ii].M_p/M_E) ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, animate, frames=range(i_start_time, len(anim_vec)), init_func=init, fargs=(cases_x, cases_y, pl_pl, y_param, x2_param, yscale, x2scale, pl_mass, anim_vec, anim_tpref, anim_scale, anim_tsuff, pl_scat2), blit=False, repeat=True, interval=200, ) # interval: delay between frames in ms print('finished!') + fname + '.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=fps, savefig_kwargs={'facecolor': fig.get_facecolor()}) print('saved to', fig_path + fname)
def plot_1D_evolutions(default, nplanets=45, labelsize=23, ticksize=16, clabelpad=4, save=True, fname='evol_summary', zmin=None, zmax=None, zname=None, zlabel=None, zscale=1, ylabels_dict=None, age=4.5, ini_dict=None, cmap='rainbow', **kwargs): if ylabels_dict is None: ylabels_dict = { 'T_m': ('$T_i$ (K)', 1), 'T_scale': ('$\Delta T$ (K)', 1), 'eta_m': ('$\eta (T_m)$', 1), 'delta_eta': ('$\eta_0/\eta_{\Delta T}$', 1), 'delta_rh': ('$\delta_{u}$ (km)', 1e-3), 'd_m': ('$d_m$ (km)', 1e-3), 'D_l': ('$D_l$ (km)', 1e-3), 'Ra_i': ('Ra$_i$', 1), # 'H_rad_m': ('$H_{rad}$ (TW)', 1e-12) } initial_kwargs = {'tf': age} if ini_dict is not None: initial_kwargs.update(ini_dict) planets = bulk_planets(nplanets, name=zname, mini=zmin, maxi=zmax, like=default, initial_kwargs=initial_kwargs, nondimensional=True, **kwargs) z_vec = np.array([vars(pl)[zname] for pl in planets]) * zscale cols = colorize(z_vec, cmap=cmap)[0] for ii, pl in enumerate(planets): if ii == 0: fig = None axes = None fig, axes = plot_output(pl, ylabels_dict, ncols=2, plots_save=False, fig=fig, axes=axes, legend=False, title='', line_args={'c': cols[ii]}, **kwargs) sc = fig.gca().scatter(None, None, vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, cmap='rainbow') sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=zmin * zscale, vmax=zmax * zscale)) sm._A = [] fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85, wspace=0.5) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.15, 0.04, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cbar_ax) cbar_ax.set_ylabel(zlabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=clabelpad) cbar_ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=ticksize) if save: plot_save(fig, fname, tight_layout=False, **kwargs) return fig, axes
def plot_h_heuristic_variations(default='Earthbaseline', x_param='M_p', x_min=0.1 * M_E, x_max=10 * M_E, y_params=None, xlabel=r'$M_p$ ($M_E$)', x2_param='Ra_i_eff', x2label=r'Ra$_i$', save=True, age=4.5, fname='heuristic_mass_dependence', overplot_aspect_cases_x_param='Ra_i_eff', ylabels=None, labelpad=10, nplanets=20, markersize=20, marker='*', ini_dict=None, yscales=None, legend=True, xscale=M_E**-1, x2scale=1, nondimensional=True, fig=None, axes=None, c='xkcd:drab green', c2='xkcd:electric purple', lw=2, labelsize=20, legsize=14, ticksize=14, overplot_aspect_cases=None, logx=True, alpha=0.7, xleglabel=r'$M_p$, 1D model', x2leglabel=r'Ra$_i$, 1D model', return_artists=False, aspectleglabel=r'Ra$_i$, 2D model', x_min_planets=None, **kwargs): if nondimensional and ylabels is None: ylabels = [ r'$\Delta h^\prime_{rms}$', r'$\Delta T^\prime_{rh}$', r'$\delta^\prime_u$', r'$\alpha^\prime \Delta T^\prime_{rh} \delta^\prime_u$' ] elif ylabels is None: ylabels = [ r'$\Delta h_{rms}$ (km)', r'$\Delta T_{rh}$ (K)', r'$\delta_u$ (km)', r'$\alpha \Delta T_{rh} \delta_u$ (km)' ] if y_params is None: y_params = ['dyn_top_rms', 'dT_rh', 'delta_rh', 'heuristic_h'] if overplot_aspect_cases is None: overplot_aspect_cases = [] if x_min_planets is None: x_min_planets = x_min initial_kwargs = {'tf': age} if ini_dict is not None: initial_kwargs.update(ini_dict) pl_mass = bulk_planets(n=nplanets, name=x_param, mini=x_min, maxi=x_max, like=default, random=False, nondimensional=nondimensional, logscale=logx, initial_kwargs=initial_kwargs, **kwargs) if nondimensional and yscales is None: yscales = [1, 1, 1, 1] for yy in range(len(y_params)): y_params[yy] = y_params[yy] + '_prime' elif yscales is None: yscales = [1e-3, 1, 1e-3, 1e-3] if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(y_params), 1, figsize=(4, 3 * len(y_params))) lines = [] for row, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.set_ylabel(ylabels[row], fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) x = np.array([vars(pl)[x_param] for pl in pl_mass]) * xscale y = np.array([vars(pl)[y_params[row]][-1] for pl in pl_mass]) * yscales[row] # only plot planets with x value greater than x_min_planets (this is to extend axis limits for aspect compare) i_plot = np.argmax(x >= x_min_planets * xscale) p1, = ax.plot(x[i_plot:], y[i_plot:], c=c, lw=lw, label=xleglabel, alpha=alpha) # ax.scatter(x[i_plot:], y[i_plot:], c=c, lw=0, alpha=alpha, marker='v') ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if row + 1 == len(axes): # only label bottom row ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=ticksize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) lines.append(p1) else: ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelbottom='off') ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', labelsize=ticksize) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) if x2_param is not None: ax2 = ax.twiny() x2 = np.array([vars(pl)[x2_param][-1] for pl in pl_mass]) * x2scale p2, = ax2.plot(x2[i_plot:], y[i_plot:], c=c2, lw=lw, label=x2leglabel, alpha=alpha, ls='--') # ax2.scatter(x2[i_plot:], y[i_plot:], c=c2, lw=0, alpha=alpha, marker='^') ax2.set_xlim(x2.min(), x2.max()) if logx: ax2.set_xscale('log') if row == 0: # only label top row ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=ticksize) ax2.set_xlabel(x2label, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) lines.append(p2) else: ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labeltop='off') ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) if not (not overplot_aspect_cases): if overplot_aspect_cases_x_param == x_param: ax_op = ax c_op = c elif overplot_aspect_cases_x_param == x2_param: ax_op = ax2 c_op = c2 else: raise Exception( 'x param for overplotting aspect data must match ax or ax2' ) for case in overplot_aspect_cases: ax_op = overplot_aspect_data( ax_op, case, x_param=overplot_aspect_cases_x_param, y_param=y_params[row] [:-6], # remove prime, assume nondimensional pkl_suffix=['_T', '_h'], c=c_op, markersize=markersize, marker=marker, **kwargs) # for a in axs: # tkw = dict(size=4, width=1.5) # a.tick_params(axis='y', colors=p1.get_color(), **tkw) if legend: if not (not overplot_aspect_cases): p3 = mlines.Line2D([], [], lw=0, color=c_op, marker=marker, markersize=markersize / 4, label=aspectleglabel) lines.append(p3) axes[0].legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], fontsize=legsize, frameon=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) if save: plot_save(fig, fname, tight_layout=False, **kwargs)
# ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y', useOffset=False) ax.legend(handles=handles, frameon=False, fontsize=25, ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc='upper left') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=ticksize, pad=15) ax2.set_yticks([1000, 1600, 2280]) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) plat.plot_save(fig, fname='h_Ra_dim_' + regime, fig_path=fig_path + 'slides/', fig_fmt=fig_fmt, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) """ model vs data """ c_contours = 'xkcd:off white' fc = 'k' fig, ax = plat.plot_model_data_errorbars( Ra_ls, eta_ls, regime_grid=regime_grid_td, t1_grid=t1_grid, load_grid=True, end_grid=end_grid, literature_file=None, legend=False, cmap=None,
def Venus_correction(baseline_fname='base_spectrum.pkl', fig_path='', R_base=2, lmin=1, lmax=None, set_axlabels=True, save=True, plot=True, units='km4', scale_to='Venus', labelsize=16, legsize=12, alpha=0.5, fig=None, ax=None, c_Ve='xkcd:sea', c_fit='xkcd:slate', x_name='degrees', load_fname=None, xlim=None, show_orig=True, V_label='Venus (Wieczorek 2015)', is_1D=False, marker_Ve='o', ticksize=12, **kwargs): R_Venus = get_pysh_constants('Venus', 'r') if 'km' in units: R_Venus = R_Venus * 1e-3 # in km to_km = True else: to_km = False if '4' in units: to_1D = False elif '3' in units: to_1D = True if scale_to != 'Venus': R_Venus = R_base # get PSDs - model is 1D l, phi = load_model_spectrum_pkl(fname=baseline_fname, path=fig_path, **kwargs) k = l_to_k(l, R_Venus) phi_iso = 1 / k * phi if lmax is None: lmax = np.max(l) if load_fname is None: # use Venus spectrum lV, phiV = get_psd_Venus( unit='per_lm', to_1D=False, lmax=lmax, to_km=to_km, verbose=False ) # power per lm in km^2 km^2, 2D because need to scale S anyways kV = l_to_k(lV, R_Venus) else: lV, phiV = load_model_spectrum_pkl(fname=load_fname, path=fig_path, **kwargs) # make sure same format (2D) as above kV = l_to_k(lV, R_Venus) phiV = phiV / kV print('lmax', lmax) print('lV', lV[0], '-', lV[-1]) # remove 0 degree l, phi_iso, phi, k = l[lmin:lmax + 1], phi_iso[lmin:lmax + 1], phi[lmin:lmax + 1], k[lmin:lmax + 1] lV, phiV, kV = lV[lmin:lmax + 1], phiV[lmin:lmax + 1], kV[lmin:lmax + 1] # scale to Venus RMS at power # if to_1D: # rms_V = parseval_rms(phiV, kV) # rms_base = parseval_rms(phi_mdl, k) # else: rms_V = parseval_rms_2D(phiV, kV) rms_base = parseval_rms_2D(phi_iso, k) print('rms Venus', rms_V, 'km') print('rms base', rms_base, 'nondim') S = np.array(phi_iso) * (2 * l + 1) / ( 4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2) # factor of 4piR^2 from Lees eq A7 SV = np.array(phiV) * (2 * lV + 1) / (4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2) if scale_to == 'base': rms0 = rms_base elif scale_to == 'Venus': rms0 = rms_V elif isinstance(scale_to, float): # scale_to is float -> desired rms rms0 = scale_to S_sc = S * (rms0 / rms_base)**2 # scale phi_sc = S_sc / (2 * l + 1) # conver to per lm SV_sc = SV * (rms0 / rms_V)**2 # scale phiV_sc = SV_sc / (2 * lV + 1) # convert to per lm print('rms base new', parseval_rms_2D(4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phi_sc, k)) print('rms Venus new', parseval_rms_2D(4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phiV_sc, kV)) if to_1D: # convert back to 1D phiV_sc = phiV_sc * kV phi_sc = phi_sc * k print('rms base new 1D', parseval_rms(4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phi_sc, k)) print('rms Venus new 1D', parseval_rms(4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phiV_sc, kV)) if plot: if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() mdl_label = 'Numerical dynamic topography' if scale_to == 'Venus': mdl_label = mdl_label + ' @ Venus RMS' if x_name == 'degrees': if show_orig: ax.loglog(l, 4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phi_sc, marker='^', ls='-', lw=1, alpha=alpha, c=c_fit, label=mdl_label) ax.loglog(lV, 4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phiV_sc, marker=marker_Ve, ls='-', lw=1, alpha=alpha, c=c_Ve, label=V_label) elif x_name == 'wavenumber': kV = l_to_k(lV, R_Venus) k = l_to_k(l, R_Venus) if show_orig: ax.loglog(k, 4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phi_sc, marker='^', ls='-', lw=1, alpha=alpha, c=c_fit, label=mdl_label) ax.loglog(kV, 4 * np.pi * R_Venus**2 * phiV_sc, marker=marker_Ve, ls='-', lw=1, alpha=alpha, c=c_Ve, label=V_label) if set_axlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'Degree', fontsize=labelsize) if units == 'km4': ylabel = r'2D PSD (km$^{2}$ km$^{2}$)' elif units == 'km3': ylabel = r'1D PSD (km$^{2}$ km)' ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=labelsize) ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=legsize) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if save: plot_save(fig, fname='Venus_correction', fig_path=fig_path) if lmin > 0: lV = np.arange(0, lmax + 1) phiV_sc = np.insert(np.array(phiV_sc), 0, [0.0] * lmin) # no power below lmin if plot: return lV, phiV_sc, fig, ax return lV, phiV_sc
def plot_norm_psd(baseline_fname='base_spectrum.pkl', fig_path='', psd_path=None, lmin=1, lmax=None, x_name='degrees', norm='rel_power', c='xkcd:sea', marker='o', label='', dims='1D', R=2, xlim=None, ylim=None, fig=None, ax=None, labelsize=16, legsize=12, ticksize=12, save=True, labelpad=12, x2label='', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, fname='norm_psd', legend=True, show_degrees=False, **kwargs): if psd_path is None: psd_path = fig_path print('\n') # generic plotting a spectrum if R == 'Venus': R = get_pysh_constants('Venus', 'r') if baseline_fname == 'Venus': l, phi_iso = get_psd_Venus( unit='per_lm', to_1D=False, lmax=lmax, to_km=False, verbose=False) # power per lm in m^2 m^2, 2D k = l_to_k(l, R) phi = k * phi_iso else: # get PSDs - model spectra are 1D and at fixed degrees l, phi = load_model_spectrum_pkl(fname=baseline_fname, path=psd_path, **kwargs) # print('loaded l', l) k = l_to_k(l, R) phi_iso = 1 / k * phi if lmax is None: lmax = np.max(l) if l[0] == 0: # remove 0 degree l, phi_iso, phi, k = l[lmin:lmax + 1], phi_iso[lmin:lmax + 1], phi[lmin:lmax + 1], k[lmin:lmax + 1] # normalise _, phi_norm = norm_spectrum(k, phi, k_min=None, norm=norm, **kwargs) # print('l to plot', l[0], ':', l[-1]) # print('k to plot', k[0], ':', k[-1]) if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if x_name == 'degrees': ax.loglog(l, phi_norm, marker=marker, ls='-', lw=1, c=c, label=label) elif x_name == 'wavenumber': ax.loglog(k, phi_norm, marker=marker, ls='-', lw=1, c=c, label=label) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if legend: ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=legsize) if save: plot_save(fig, fname=fname, fig_path=fig_path) if show_degrees and x_name == 'wavenumber': def to_deg(k): return k * R - 0.5 def to_wn(l): return (l + 0.5) / (R) secax = ax.secondary_xaxis('top', functions=(to_deg, to_wn)) secax.set_xlabel(x2label, fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=labelpad) secax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticksize) # secax.plot(l, phi_norm, marker='v', ls='--', lw=1, c='k', alpha=0.5, label='degrees test') # print('xlim k ', ax.get_xlim()) # print('xlim l should be', k_to_l(np.array(ax.get_xlim()), R_b)) return fig, ax
if show_guide: ax = show_beta_guide(ax, x0=x0_guide, y0=y0_guide, x1=x1_guide, m=-2, c='k', lw=3, log=True, **kwargs) fig = plt.gcf() plt.tight_layout() if save: plot_save(fig, fname='DCT_' + case, fig_path=fig_path, **kwargs) elif show: return fig, ax def fit_slope(S, k, k_min=None, k_max=None, ax=None, fmt='g-', plot=True, **kwargs): # find k range if k_min is not None and (k_min > np.min(k)):