Пример #1
def corr_KC():

    atoms = graphene_nanoribbon(1,
    atoms.rotate([1, 0, 0], np.pi / 2, rotate_cell=True)

    if edge == 'ac':
        atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], -np.pi / 2, rotate_cell=True)
        del atoms[[0, 3]]
        trans_idx = 1
    elif edge == 'zz':
        del atoms[[1, 0]]
        trans_idx = 0

    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])

    params = {}
    params['positions'] = atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    params['ia_dist'] = 10
    params['edge'] = edge
    params['bond'] = bond
    params['ncores'] = 2
    add_KC = KC_potential_p(params, True)

    constraints = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l = FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])


    lamp_parameters = get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc = LAMMPS(parameters=lamp_parameters)  #, files=['lammps.data'])

    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    trans_vec = trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[trans_idx], edge, bond)

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around = init_pos[trans_idx]

    #thetas      =   np.linspace(0, np.pi/3, 7) #, endpoint = False)
    #thetas_deg  =   np.array([1,3,5,7,9,11,12,13,15,17,43,45,47,48,49,51,57,55,57,59])
    thetas_deg = np.array([
        .5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5,
        13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5

    traj        =   PickleTrajectory(path + '%s_corr_twist_thetas_(%.1f-%.1f).traj' \
                                     %(edge, np.min(thetas_deg),
                                       np.max(thetas_deg)), 'w', atoms)

    n = 100

    for i, theta_deg in enumerate(thetas_deg):
        fname = path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' % (edge, theta_deg)
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' % (theta_deg)
        theta = theta_deg / 360 * np.pi * 2
        print 'time ' + str(datetime.now().time())
        atoms.positions = init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], theta, center=r_around)
        rot_init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()

        lat_vec_theta1 = lat_vec1.copy()
        lat_vec_theta2 = lat_vec2.copy()

        trans_vec2 = lat_vec_theta2.copy() / n

        data = np.zeros((n, n))

        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions = rot_init_pos
            atoms.translate(lat_vec_theta1 * float(k) / n)
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            print '%.1f percent done' % (100 * float(k) / n)
            for l in range(n):
                emin = get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn=False)[0]
                    l] = emin  #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms) #emin #
                saveAndPrint(atoms, traj, False)

        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header=header)
Пример #2
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    #width   =   5
    #edge    =   'ac'
    params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond = params0['bond']

    atoms = create_stucture(1, width, edge, key='top', a=bond)[0]

    atoms.set_cell([40, 40, 20])
    atoms.positions[:, 2] = 3.4

    h_t = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:

    del atoms[h_t]

    params = {}
    params['positions'] = atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    params['ia_dist'] = 10
    params['edge'] = edge
    params['bond'] = bond
    params['ncores'] = 2
    add_KC = KC_potential_p(params)

    constraints = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l = FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])


    lamp_parameters = get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc = LAMMPS(parameters=lamp_parameters)  #, files=['lammps.data'])

    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')

    trans_vec = trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)

    init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()
    middle = [
        np.average(init_pos[:, 0]),
        np.average(init_pos[:, 1]),
        np.average(init_pos[:, 2])

    thetas = np.linspace(np.pi / 2, np.pi, 91)
    L = 4 * bond
    ds = .05
    n = int(L / ds)

    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname = path + 'corr_w=%02d_%s_theta=%.2f.data' % (width, edge, theta /
                                                           (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            print 'Calculating w=%i, theta = %.2f' % (width, theta /
                                                      (2 * np.pi) * 360)

            atoms.positions = init_pos
            atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], theta, center=middle)
            trans_vec = np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0])
            data = np.zeros((n, 3))

            for j in range(n):
                atoms.translate(ds * trans_vec)
                emin, hmin = get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn=False)
                data[j, :] = [j * ds, emin, hmin]
                #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)

            header = '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin' % (
                edge, len(atoms))
            np.savetxt(fname, data, header=header)
Пример #3
def corr_KC(width, edge):

    params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond = params0['bond']
    atoms   =   graphene_nanoribbon(1, 1, type= 'armchair', C_C=bond, saturated = False)
    atoms.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.rotate([0,0,1], -np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])
    del atoms[[2,3]]
    atoms = create_stucture(2, width, edge, key='top', a=bond)[0]

    atoms.set_cell([70, 70, 20])
    atoms.positions[:, 2] = 3.4

    h_t = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:

    del atoms[h_t]

    params = {}
    params['positions'] = atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    params['ia_dist'] = 10
    params['edge'] = edge
    params['bond'] = bond
    params['ncores'] = 2
    params['no_edge_neigh'] = True
    add_KC = KC_potential_p(params)

    constraints = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l = FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])


    lamp_parameters = get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc = LAMMPS(parameters=lamp_parameters)  #, files=['lammps.data'])

    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)

    trans_vec = trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around = init_pos[1]

    thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 3, 61)
    n = 15

    lat_vec1 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])
    lat_vec2 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, -np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])

    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname = path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' % (edge, theta /
                                                    (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        #if not os.path.isfile(fname):
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' % (theta / (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        atoms.positions = init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], theta, center=r_around)

        R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                      [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

        lat_vec_theta1 = np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
        lat_vec_theta2 = np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())

        #trans_vec1      =   lat_vec_theta1.copy()/n
        trans_vec2 = lat_vec_theta2.copy() / n

        data = np.zeros((n, n))
        #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])

        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions = init_pos
            atoms.translate(lat_vec_theta1 * float(k) / n)
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            #print trans_vec1*float(k)/n, k, n, float(k)/n

            for l in range(n):
                emin, hmin = get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn=False)
                #data[k,l,:]  =   [emin, hmin]
                data[k, l] = emin  #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms)

        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header=header)
Пример #4
def corr_KC():
    atoms   =   graphene_nanoribbon(1, 1, type= 'armchair', C_C=bond, saturated = False)
    atoms.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    if edge == 'ac':    
        atoms.rotate([0,0,1], -np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
        del atoms[[0,3]]
        trans_idx   =   1
    elif edge == 'zz':
        del atoms[[1,0]]
        trans_idx   =   0
    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])
    params  =   {}
    params['positions']         =   atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols']  =   atoms.get_chemical_symbols()   
    params['ia_dist']           =   10
    params['edge']              =   edge
    params['bond']              =   bond    
    params['ncores']            =   2
    add_KC                      =   KC_potential_p(params, True)
    constraints =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l   =   FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])
    lamp_parameters =   get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc            =   LAMMPS(parameters = lamp_parameters) #, files=['lammps.data'])
    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    trans_vec   =   trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[trans_idx], edge, bond)
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around    =   init_pos[trans_idx]
    #thetas      =   np.linspace(0, np.pi/3, 7) #, endpoint = False)
    #thetas_deg  =   np.array([1,3,5,7,9,11,12,13,15,17,43,45,47,48,49,51,57,55,57,59])
    thetas_deg  =   np.array([.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5,7.5,8.5,9.5,10.5,11.5,12.5,13.5,14.5,15.5,16.5,17.5,18.5,19.5])
    traj        =   PickleTrajectory(path + '%s_corr_twist_thetas_(%.1f-%.1f).traj' \
                                     %(edge, np.min(thetas_deg), 
                                       np.max(thetas_deg)), 'w', atoms)

    n           =   100
    for i, theta_deg in enumerate(thetas_deg):
        fname   =   path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' %(edge, theta_deg)
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' %(theta_deg)
        theta   =   theta_deg/360*np.pi*2
        print 'time ' + str(datetime.now().time())
        atoms.positions =   init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0,0,1], theta, center = r_around)
        rot_init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
        lat_vec_theta1  =   lat_vec1.copy()
        lat_vec_theta2  =   lat_vec2.copy()

        trans_vec2      =   lat_vec_theta2.copy()/n
        data            =   np.zeros((n,n))
        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions =   rot_init_pos
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            print '%.1f percent done' %(100*float(k)/n)
            for l in range(n):
                emin        =   get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn = False)[0]
                data[k,l]   =   emin #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms) #emin #
                saveAndPrint(atoms, traj, False)
        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header = header)
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    #width   =   5
    #edge    =   'ac'
    params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond    =   params0['bond']
    atoms   =   create_stucture(1, width, edge, key = 'top', a = bond)[0]
    atoms.set_cell([40, 40, 20])
    atoms.positions[:,2]    =   3.4
    h_t =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:
    del atoms[h_t]
    params  =   {}
    params['positions']         =   atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols']  =   atoms.get_chemical_symbols()   
    params['ia_dist']           =   10
    params['edge']              =   edge
    params['bond']              =   bond    
    params['ncores']            =   2
    add_KC                      =   KC_potential_p(params)
    constraints =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l   =   FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])
    lamp_parameters =   get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc            =   LAMMPS(parameters = lamp_parameters) #, files=['lammps.data'])
    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')
    trans_vec   =   trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)
    init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
    middle      =   [np.average(init_pos[:,0]), 
    thetas      =   np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi, 91)
    L           =   4*bond
    ds          =   .05
    n           =   int(L/ds)
    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname   =   path + 'corr_w=%02d_%s_theta=%.2f.data' %(width, edge, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        if not os.path.isfile(fname): 
            print 'Calculating w=%i, theta = %.2f' %(width, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
            atoms.positions =   init_pos
            atoms.rotate([0,0,1], theta, center = middle)
            trans_vec       =   np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0])
            data            =   np.zeros((n, 3))
            for j in range(n):
                emin, hmin  =   get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn = False)
                data[j, :]  =   [j*ds, emin, hmin]   
                #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
            header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin' %(edge, len(atoms))
            np.savetxt(fname, data, header = header)
Пример #6
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond    =   params0['bond']
    atoms   =   graphene_nanoribbon(1, 1, type= 'armchair', C_C=bond, saturated = False)
    atoms.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.rotate([0,0,1], -np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])
    del atoms[[2,3]]
    atoms   =   create_stucture(2, width, edge, key = 'top', a = bond)[0]
    atoms.set_cell([70, 70, 20])
    atoms.positions[:,2]    =   3.4
    h_t =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:
    del atoms[h_t]
    params  =   {}
    params['positions']         =   atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols']  =   atoms.get_chemical_symbols()   
    params['ia_dist']           =   10
    params['edge']              =   edge
    params['bond']              =   bond    
    params['ncores']            =   2
    params['no_edge_neigh']     =   True
    add_KC                      =   KC_potential_p(params)
    constraints =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l   =   FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])
    lamp_parameters =   get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc            =   LAMMPS(parameters = lamp_parameters) #, files=['lammps.data'])
    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    trans_vec   =   trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around    =   init_pos[1]
    thetas      =   np.linspace(0, np.pi/3, 61)
    n           =   15
    lat_vec1    =   np.array([3./2*bond,  np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])   
    lat_vec2    =   np.array([3./2*bond, -np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])
    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname   =   path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' %(edge, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        #if not os.path.isfile(fname): 
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' %(theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        atoms.positions =   init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0,0,1], theta, center = r_around)
        R               =   np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                                      [np.sin(theta),  np.cos(theta), 0.],
                                      [0., 0., 1.]])
        lat_vec_theta1  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
        lat_vec_theta2  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())
        #trans_vec1      =   lat_vec_theta1.copy()/n
        trans_vec2      =   lat_vec_theta2.copy()/n
        data            =   np.zeros((n,n))
        #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions =   init_pos
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            #print trans_vec1*float(k)/n, k, n, float(k)/n 
            for l in range(n):
                emin, hmin   =   get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn = False)
                #data[k,l,:]  =   [emin, hmin]   
                data[k,l]  =  emin #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms)
        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header = header)