Пример #1
def trace_it(img, geoimg, turdsize=10.0):
    """ Trace raster image using potrace """
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(img)
    path = bmp.trace(turdsize=turdsize, turnpolicy=potrace.TURNPOLICY_WHITE)
    geojson = to_geojson(path, geoimg)
    return geojson
    def gen_gcode(self):
        print('generate gcode...')
        # bmp=potrace.Bitmap(self.pre[:,:]) # binary fill
        bmp = potrace.Bitmap(self.pre[:, :, 0])
        path = bmp.trace()
        flag = 0
        for curve in path:

            ratio = self.x_max / max(self.w,
                                     self.h)  #normalize for drawing machine
            self.gcode.append('M280 P0 S60')  #抬筆
            self.gcode.append('G0 X%.4f Y%.4f' %
                              (curve.start_point[0] * ratio,
                               curve.start_point[1] * ratio))  #移動到起始點
            self.gcode.append('M280 P0 S0')  #下筆
            for segment in curve:
                # print(segment)
                if segment.is_corner:
                    self.gcode.append('G1 X%.4f Y%.4f' %
                                      (segment.c[0] * ratio,
                                       segment.c[1] * ratio))  #畫至corner的轉角點
                        'G1 X%.4f Y%.4f' %
                        (segment.end_point[0] * ratio,
                         segment.end_point[1] * ratio))  #畫至corner的終點
                        'G1 X%.4f Y%.4f' %
                        (segment.end_point[0] * ratio,
                         segment.end_point[1] * ratio))  #畫至Bezier segment的終點
        self.gcode.append('M280 P0 S60')  #抬筆
        return self.gcode
Пример #3
def trace_image(data, transform):
    im1 = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data)))

    # convert to b&w
    im2 = im1.convert("L").point(lambda x: 255 if x > 254 else 0, mode="1")

    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(np.array(im2))
    path = bmp.trace()

    dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(viewBox=(f"0 0 {im1.width} {im1.height}"))

    # TODO: as multiple svg paths? along these lines..
    # for curve in path:
    #     elements = ["M", *curve.start_point]
    #     for p in curve.tesselate():
    #         elements.extend(["L", *p])
    #     dwg.add(dwg.path(d=elements, stroke='black', stroke_width='1', fill='white'))

    # as single path
    elements = []
    for curve in path:
            "M", *apply_transform(transform, np.array([curve.start_point]))[0]
        for p in apply_transform(transform, curve.tesselate()):
            elements.extend(["L", *p])
    if elements:
        return dwg.path(d=elements,
Пример #4
    def traceBin(self, imgBin, color):
        #tiny erosion reduces color overlap and 
        #gets rid of tiny points that can occur on middle layers
        imgBin = cv2.erode(imgBin,kernel5)

        size = np.shape(imgBin)

        #pad a border around the binary image. This will allow the erosions to
        #erode away from the edge of the canvas
        imgBinPadded = np.zeros((size[0]+2, size[1]+2), dtype=np.uint8)
        imgBinPadded[1:-1,1:-1] = imgBin

        while True:
            bmp = potrace.Bitmap(imgBinPadded)    #bitmap in preparation for potrace
            path = bmp.trace()  #trace it
            if (path.curves == []): #check for blank
            for curve in path:
                #tessellate aka break into line segments
                #yes, their function is mispelled
                tessellation = curve.tesselate() #uses the default 'adaptive' interpolation
                #and now put coords into the array
                if (color == 0):
                elif (color == 1):
            imgBinPadded = cv2.erode(imgBinPadded, kernel9) #go one layer deeper
Пример #5
def convert_to_3_stroke(im, eps=None):
        im          image

        1)  dilate and erode the image to
            group line segments together
        2)  convert to bitmap
        3)  trace bitmap to SVG
        4)  convert SVG to 3-stroke format

        strokes     3-stroke format
    # black background, white sketch
    _, thresh = cv2.threshold(im, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

    # dilate -> erode
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    im = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)

    # Get inverted boolean matrix:
    # potrace only works with boolean images
    data = im == 0

    # Create a bitmap from the array
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    path = bmp.trace()

    # plt.imshow(data, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    # get the xy coordinates for each curve
    lines = []
    for i, curve in enumerate(path):
        # for some reason, the first curve
        # is always weird
        if i == 0:

        line = curve.tesselate()

        # perform Ramer-Douglas-Peuker algorithm
        if eps:
            line = rdp(line, epsilon=eps)

        x, y = line.T
        plt.plot(x, y, c='red')



    # get the 3 stroke format
    strokes = lines_to_strokes(lines)

    return strokes
Пример #6
def trace_image(filecontents):
    output = StringIO()
    _image = Image.open(output)
    pixels = posturize(_image)
    output_paths = []
    attributes = []
    for color in pixels:
        data = zeros(_image.size, uint32)
        for pixel in pixels[color]:
            data[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1
        # Create a bitmap from the array
        bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
        # Trace the bitmap to a path
        path = bmp.trace()
        # Iterate over path curves
        for curve in path:
            svg_paths = []
            start_point = curve.start_point
            true_start = curve.start_point
            for segment in curve:
                if true_start is None:
                    true_start = segment.start_point
                if start_point is None:
                    start_point = segment.start_point
                if isinstance(segment, BezierSegment):
                            start=start_point[1] + 1j * start_point[0],
                            control1=segment.c1[1] + segment.c1[0] * 1j,
                            control2=segment.c2[1] + segment.c2[0] * 1j,
                            end=segment.end_point[1] +
                            1j * segment.end_point[0]))
                elif isinstance(segment, CornerSegment):
                        Line(start=start_point[1] + 1j * start_point[0],
                             end=segment.c[1] + segment.c[0] * 1j))
                        Line(start=segment.c[1] + segment.c[0] * 1j,
                             end=segment.end_point[1] +
                             1j * segment.end_point[0]))
                    print("not sure what to do with: ", segment)
                start_point = segment.end_point
                # is the path closed?
                if true_start == start_point:
                    color = pixel[2]
                    rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (color[0], color[1], color[2])
                    fill = rgb
                    attributes.append({"fill": fill, "stroke": rgb})
                    true_start = None
                    start_point = None
                    svg_paths = []
    return output_paths, attributes
Пример #7
def get_potrace_path(data):
    """get path from raster image data

        data (array): M*N array, white and black image

    # Create a bitmap from the array
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    # Trace the bitmap to a path
    path = bmp.trace()
    return path
Пример #8
 def addImageData(self, data, lineColor):
     Convert data into potrace Bitmap and store internally
     if self.xPx is not None and self.yPx is not None:
         if data.shape[0] != self.xPx or data.shape[1] != self.yPx:
             print 'New image dimensions do not match previous image dimensions!'
             return # TODO: Perhaps raise an exception of some sort here.
         self.xPx = data.shape[0]
         self.yPx = data.shape[1]
Пример #9
def potrace_array(arr, turdsize=10.0, tolerance=0.2):
    """ Trace numpy array using potrace """
    bmp = _potrace.Bitmap(arr)
    polines = bmp.trace(turdsize=turdsize,
    lines = []
    for line in polines:

    return lines
Пример #10
def potrace_array(arr, minsize=10.0, tolerance=0.2, alphamax=0.0, opticurve=1):
    """ Trace numpy array using potrace """
    # tolerance, alphamax, and opticurve are best kept at their defaults
    bmp = _potrace.Bitmap(arr)
    logger.debug('potrace: minsize=%s, tolerance=%s, alphamax=%s, opticurve=%s' %
                 (minsize, tolerance, alphamax, opticurve))
    polines = bmp.trace(turdsize=minsize, turnpolicy=_potrace.TURNPOLICY_WHITE,
                        alphamax=alphamax, opticurve=opticurve, opttolerance=tolerance)
    lines = []
    for line in polines:

    return lines
Пример #11
def svg2img():
    svg_code = """
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1625" height="814">
            <g transform="translate(19.48441247002388,178.6258652637545) scale(1586.0311750599524) rotate(0)">
            <path stroke="#37946e" stroke-alignment="inner" fill="none" id="MAIN_0" stroke-width="0.03" stroke-linecap="round" opacity="1" mask="url(#eraser_2)" d="M0.5852174165288777,0.07800307487018826C0.5942457382105804,0.07630222686353572,0.604320289308541,0.07315967085351822,0.6291822585791779,0.06936443013372785C0.6540442278498148,0.06556918941393748,0.7006294781423144,0.05889536738897108,0.7343892321526992,0.05523163055144606C0.7681489861630841,0.05156789371392104,0.8040002320656746,0.049213394057184855,0.8317407826414875,0.04738200910857773C0.8594813332173005,0.04555062415997061,0.888008973206084,0.0450284763921523,0.9008325356075769,0.044243320859803315"></path>

    svg2png(bytestring=svg_code, write_to='output.png')
    im = imageio.imread('output.png')
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(im)
    path = bmp.trace()
    return path
Пример #12
def binary_image_to_svg2(mask):
    same as binary_image_to_svg, but use `pypotrace`
    instead of calling `potrace` from shell
    it is more convenient and faster, this way
    import potrace
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(mask)
    xml = bmp.to_xml()
    fo = StringIO()
    paths = svg2paths2(fo)
    return paths
Пример #13
    def FromMask(maskImage):
        outputSplines = []
        bmp = potrace.Bitmap(maskImage.astype(np.float))

        # Trace the bitmap to a path
        path = bmp.trace(alphamax=1.33, opticurve=1, opttolerance=1)

        # Iterate over path curves
        for curve in path:
            contour = curve.tesselate(potrace.Curve.regular, 4)
            sp = SplineInterpROIClass()
            sp.addKnots(np.round(contour), False)

        return outputSplines
Пример #14
def main():
	myTracer = Tracer()

	# Make a numpy array with a rectangle in the middle
	layer = cv2.imread("../imageFiltering/binIm/layer1.png",cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)

	# Create a bitmap from the array
	bmp = potrace.Bitmap(layer)

	# Trace the bitmap to a path
	path = bmp.trace()

	for curve in path:
		#tessellate aka break into line segments
		#yes, their function is mispelled
		tessellation = curve.tesselate() #uses the default 'adaptive' interpolation

	outputFileName = '../MATLAB/pythonOutput2.txt'
	if os.path.isfile(outputFileName):
	file = open(outputFileName, 'w')

	file.write("commands0 = ")
	myTracer.writeToFile(file, myTracer.commands)
	file.write("xcoords0 = ")
	myTracer.writeToFile(file, myTracer.xcoords)
	file.write("ycoords0 = ")
	myTracer.writeToFile(file, myTracer.ycoords)
	file.write("commands1 = [C]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.commands1)
	file.write("xCoords1 = [1]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.xCoords1)
	file.write("yCoords1 = [0]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.yCoords1)
	file.write("commands2 = [C]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.commands2)
	file.write("xCoords2 = [2]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.xCoords2)
	file.write("yCoords2 =[0]")
	#mySVG.writeToFile(file, mySVG.yCoords2)
Пример #15
 def raster_to_bezier(self, mono_data):
     bmp = potrace.Bitmap(mono_data)
     path = bmp.trace()
     shapes = []
     for curve in path:
         bezier = objects.Bezier()
         for segment in curve:
             if segment.is_corner:
                 sp = NVector(*bezier.vertices[-1])
                 ep = NVector(*segment.end_point)
                 c1 = NVector(*segment.c1) - sp
                 c2 = NVector(*segment.c2) - ep
                 bezier.out_tangents[-1] = c1
                 bezier.add_point(ep, c2)
     return shapes
Пример #16
def test_tesselate():
    # Make a circle
    data = np.zeros((32, 32), np.uint32)
    radius2 = 8 * 8
    for j in range(32):
        y = j - 16
        for i in range(32):
            x = i - 16
            if x * x + y * y > radius2:
                data[j, i] = 0
                data[j, i] = 1

    # Trace it
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    path = bmp.trace()
    out = Image.new("RGB", (32, 32), (0, 0, 0))
    curve = path.curves[0]
    points = curve.tesselate(curve.adaptive)
    assert np.abs(points - adaptive).sum() < 1e-6
    points = curve.tesselate(curve.regular, res=10)
    assert np.abs(points - regular).sum() < 1e-6
Пример #17
def get_trace(data):
    for i in range(len(data)):
        data[i][data[i] > 1] = 1
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    path = bmp.trace(2, potrace.TURNPOLICY_MINORITY, 1.0, 1, .5)
    return path
Пример #18
import potrace
import numpy as np
data = np.zeros((32, 32), np.uint32)
data[8:32-8, 8:32-8] = 1

# Create a bitmap from the array
bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)

# Trace the bitmap to a path
path = bmp.trace()

# Iterate over path curves
for curve in path:
    print ("start_point =", curve.start_point)
    for segment in curve:
        print (segment)
        end_point_x, end_point_y = segment.end_point
        if segment.is_corner:
            c_x, c_y = segment.c
            c1_x, c1_y = segment.c1
            c2_x, c2_y = segment.c2
Пример #19
def get_trace(data):
    for i in range(len(data)):
        data[i][data[i] > 1] = 1
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    path = bmp.trace()
    return path
Пример #20
    def convert(self, page_number):
        """Returns SVG string of the given page.

        page_number : int
            page number to convert

            an SVG string
        dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('dummy.svg', profile='full', size=(fileformat.PAGE_WIDTH, fileformat.PAGE_HEIGHT))

        vo_only_bg = ImageConverter.build_visibility_overlay(
        bg_img = self.image_converter.convert(page_number, visibility_overlay=vo_only_bg)
        buffer = BytesIO()
        bg_img.save(buffer, format='png')
        bg_b64str = base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode('ascii')
        dwg.add(dwg.image('data:image/png;base64,' + bg_b64str, insert=(0, 0), size=(fileformat.PAGE_WIDTH, fileformat.PAGE_HEIGHT)))

        vo_except_bg = ImageConverter.build_visibility_overlay(background=VisibilityOverlay.INVISIBLE)
        img = self.image_converter.convert(page_number, visibility_overlay=vo_except_bg)

        def generate_color_mask(img, c):
            mask = img.copy().convert('L')
            return mask.point(lambda x: 0 if x == c else 1, mode='1')

        default_palette = color.DEFAULT_COLORPALETTE
        default_color_list = [default_palette.black, default_palette.darkgray, default_palette.gray, default_palette.white]
        user_color_list = [self.palette.black, self.palette.darkgray, self.palette.gray, self.palette.white]
        for i, c in enumerate(default_color_list):
            user_color = user_color_list[i]
            mask = generate_color_mask(img, c)
            # create a bitmap from the array
            bmp = potrace.Bitmap(mask)
            # trace the bitmap to a path
            path = bmp.trace()
            # iterate over path curves
            if len(path) > 0:
                svgpath = dwg.path(fill=color.web_string(user_color, mode=self.palette.mode))
                for curve in path:
                    start = curve.start_point
                    svgpath.push("M", start.x, start.y)
                    for segment in curve:
                        end = segment.end_point
                        if segment.is_corner:
                            c = segment.c
                            svgpath.push("L", c.x, c.y)
                            svgpath.push("L", end.x, end.y)
                            c1 = segment.c1
                            c2 = segment.c2
                            svgpath.push("C", c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y, end.x, end.y)
        return dwg.tostring()
Пример #21
	#Single threshold
	return (gradSup > Threshold)

maxX = 9000
maxY = 7000

# Make a grayscale numpy array
gray = misc.imread("download.png",False,'L')
gray = CannyEdgeDetector(gray)
height = gray.shape[0]
width = gray.shape[1]
scaleFactor = min(float(maxX)/width,float(maxY)/height)
# quit()
# Create a bitmap from the array
bmp = potrace.Bitmap(gray/np.amax(gray))
# Trace the bitmap to a path
path = bmp.trace(alphamax=0)

msg = "D 0\n"
while (ser.readline().strip("\n\r\x00") != msg.strip("\n\r")):

# Iterate over path curves
first = 0
for curve in path:
    # skip first path, which is the border
    if first == 0:
       first = 1
def get_image_cuve_paths(image_path = None):
    im = get_edge_detected_image(image_path)
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(im)
    return bmp.trace(alphamax=0)
Пример #23
x, y = np.where(erode > 100)
pointcoords = []
for x, y in zip(x.tolist(), y.tolist()):
    if x * density < 400:
    p0 = round(y * density - fram.shape[1] / 2, 2)
    p1 = round(x * density - fram.shape[0] / 2, 2)
    pointcoords.append([p0, p1])

print(len(pointcoords), 'pointcoords')
cv2.imshow('e', erode)
# cv2.waitKey(0)

# Create bitmap from the array
fram = fram > 100
bmp = potrace.Bitmap(fram)
path = bmp.trace(alphamax=0, opttolerance=1e10)

# Find the start and end position of each segment in the octopus
# Box2D wants a center, width, height, and rotation to draw boxes
# So for each segment, this computes the center and rotation
offset = (0, 0)
ptanglesssss = []
for i, curve in enumerate(path):
    # x, y = curve.tesselate().T
    # plt.plot(x, y)
    # plt.show()
    points = []
    for segment in curve:
Пример #24
def png_to_svg(filename):
    data = png_to_np_array(filename)
    bmp = potrace.Bitmap(data)
    path = bmp.trace()
    return path
Пример #25
    def __generateShapeFill(self, bounds, toolConfig):

        xFillMin = bounds[0]
        xFillMax = bounds[1]
        yFillMin = bounds[2]
        yFillMax = bounds[3]

        pattern = Image.open(toolConfig.infillPattern)
        # Filter on small images for better traced outlines
        if max(pattern.size) < 800: # TODO: Make it possible to force extra filtering
            pattern = filterLoRez(pattern, 3)

        # pattern = pattern.convert('P', palette = Image.ADAPTIVE, colors = int(2))
        # name = srcImagePath.split('.')
        # newname = name[0] + "WITHFILTER.png"
        # pattern.convert('RGB').save(newname)
        # return
        pattern = ImageOps.flip(pattern)

        # make pattern image into 2 color image for tracing
        mask, color = extractColors(pattern, 2)[0]

        bmp = potrace.Bitmap(mask)

        poopoo = int(math.pi * (((toolConfig.lineWidth * (pattern.size[0]/self.plotWidth)) / 2.0) ** 2))

        # trace the image
        path = bmp.trace(turdsize = poopoo, opttolerance = 0.2)
        # patternCurves = path.curves_tree[0].tesselate()

        # extract all outermost outlines
        patternCurves = []
        for c in path.curves_tree:
            c = c.tesselate()
            c = np.array(c)
            c = np.flip(c, 1)

        # thumbnailCurve = np.array(thumbnailCurve)
        # thumbnailCurve = np.flip(thumbnailCurve, 1)
        # # print thumbnailCurve.shape

        # Now that the shape is traced, center it about (0, 0) and
        # scale it to measure 1.0 across the larger axis

        patternMinX = float('inf')
        patternMaxX = - float('inf')
        patternMinY = float('inf')
        patternMaxY = - float('inf')

        # find the bounding box for the outlines
        for c in patternCurves:
            for p in c:
                if p[0] < patternMinX:
                    patternMinX = deepcopy(p[0])
                elif p[0] > patternMaxX:
                    patternMaxX = deepcopy(p[0])
                if p[1] < patternMinY:
                    patternMinY = deepcopy(p[1])
                elif p[1] > patternMaxY:
                    patternMaxY = deepcopy(p[1])

        patternTransX = (patternMinX + patternMaxX) / 2
        patternTransY = (patternMinY + patternMaxY) / 2
        patternTrans = np.array([patternTransX, patternTransY])
        patternScaleNormalize = max(patternMaxX - patternMinX, patternMaxY - patternMinY)

        # center the outlines about (0,0)
        for c in patternCurves:
            for p in c:
                p -= patternTrans
            # p /= patternScaleNormalize

        patternDimX = patternMaxX - patternMinX
        patternDimY = patternMaxY - patternMinY

        fillShapeMax = mapToRange(toolConfig.infillDensity, 100.0, (self.plotWidth, 3.0*toolConfig.lineWidth))
        if patternDimX > patternDimY:
            fillShapeWidth = fillShapeMax
            fillShapeHeight = (fillShapeMax * patternDimY) / patternDimX
            fillShapeHeight = fillShapeMax
            fillShapeWidth = (fillShapeMax * patternDimX) / patternDimY

        # scale the outlines
        for c in patternCurves:
            c /= patternScaleNormalize
            c *= (4 * fillShapeMax) / 5

        patternCurvesReduced = []
        for c in patternCurves:
            pattern = c.tolist()
            patternReduced = [pattern.pop(0)]

            # reduce the number of segments. Many segments are likely too
            # small to be resolved and are unnecessary
            lastPoint = patternReduced[-1]
            for p in pattern:
                if distance(p, lastPoint) >= toolConfig.lineWidth / 4.0:
                    lastPoint = p

            if not compPt(patternReduced[0], patternReduced[-1]):


        shapeFill = []
        everyOtherShift = False
        for i in floatRange(yFillMin, yFillMax, fillShapeHeight):
            for j in floatRange(xFillMin, xFillMax, fillShapeWidth):

                if everyOtherShift:
                    j += fillShapeWidth / 2.0

                patternTrans = np.array([j, i])

                for pattern in deepcopy(patternCurvesReduced):
                    # translate the outline to its proper position
                    for p in pattern:
                        p += patternTrans
            everyOtherShift = not everyOtherShift
        # print shapeFill
        return shapeFill
Пример #26
def conv_image_to_module(name, scale_factor):

    module = header % {"name": name.upper()}

    front_image = Image.open("%s_front.png" % name).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) 
    print("Reading image from \"%s_front.png\"" % name)

    front_image_red, front_image_green, front_image_blue, front_image_alpha = front_image.split()

    # Soldermask needs to be inverted
    front_image_red = ImageOps.invert(front_image_red)
    front_image_red = Image.composite(front_image_red, front_image_alpha, front_image_alpha)
    front_image_red = front_image_red.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
    red_array = np.array(front_image_red)
    bmp_red = potrace.Bitmap(red_array)
    path_red = bmp_red.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

    # Soldermask needs to be inverted
    front_image_green = ImageOps.invert(front_image_green)
    front_image_green = Image.composite(front_image_green, front_image_alpha, front_image_alpha)
    front_image_green = front_image_green.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
    green_array = np.array(front_image_green)
    bmp_green = potrace.Bitmap(green_array)
    path_green = bmp_green.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

    front_image_blue = front_image_blue.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
    blue_array = np.array(front_image_blue)
    bmp_blue = potrace.Bitmap(blue_array)
    path_blue = bmp_blue.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

    front_image_alpha = front_image_alpha.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
    front_image_alpha_array = np.array(front_image_alpha)
    bmp_alpha = potrace.Bitmap(front_image_alpha_array)
    path_alpha = bmp_alpha.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

    w, h = front_image.size

    # print("Generating Outline layer from front alpha channel")
    # module += render_path_to_layer(path_alpha, "line", "20", scale_factor)

    print("Generating tKeepout layer from front red channel")
    module += render_path_to_layer(path_red, "poly", "39", scale_factor)
    print("Generating tStop layer from front green channel")
    module += render_path_to_layer(path_green, "poly", "29", scale_factor)
    print("Generating tPlace layer from front blue channel")
    module += render_path_to_layer(path_blue, "poly", "21", scale_factor)

        back_image = Image.open("%s_back.png" % name).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) 
        back_image = ImageOps.mirror(back_image)
        print("Reading image from \"%s_back.png\"" % name)

        back_image_red, back_image_green, back_image_blue, back_image_alpha = back_image.split()

        back_image_red = back_image_red.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
        red_array = np.array(back_image_red)
        bmp_red = potrace.Bitmap(red_array)
        path_red = bmp_red.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

        # Soldermask needs to be inverted
        back_image_green = ImageOps.invert(back_image_green)
        back_image_green = back_image_green.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
        green_array = np.array(back_image_green)
        bmp_green = potrace.Bitmap(green_array)
        path_green = bmp_green.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

        back_image_blue = back_image_blue.point(lambda i: 0 if i < 127 else 1)
        blue_array = np.array(back_image_blue)
        bmp_blue = potrace.Bitmap(blue_array)
        path_blue = bmp_blue.trace(alphamax = 0.0, opttolerance = 50)

        print("Generating bKeepout layer from back red channel")
        module += render_path_to_layer(path_red, "poly", "40", scale_factor)
        print("Generating bStop layer from back green channel")
        module += render_path_to_layer(path_green, "poly", "30", scale_factor)
        print("Generating bPlace layer from back blue channel")
        module += render_path_to_layer(path_blue, "poly", "22", scale_factor)
    except IOError:

    module += footer % {"name": name.upper()}
    return module, (w * 25.4 / scale_factor, h * 25.4 / scale_factor)