def get_baseline_experiment(experiment_name): generability_baseline_model = HAN(20, 10, 300, 2, nb_layers, .25).eval() generability_baseline_experiment = Experiment( experiment_name, generability_baseline_model, monitor_metric="val_fscore_macro", monitor_mode="max", loss_function='cross_entropy', task="classification", epoch_metrics=[FBeta(average='macro')], device=0) generability_baseline_experiment.load_checkpoint('best') return generability_baseline_experiment
def _retrain( self, experiment: Experiment, train_generator: DatasetContainer, valid_generator: DatasetContainer, epochs: int, seed: int, callbacks: List, disable_tensorboard: bool, capturing_context: bool, ) -> List[Dict]: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # If Poutyne 1.7 and before, we capture poutyne print since it print some exception. # Otherwise, we use a null context manager. with Capturing() if capturing_context else contextlib.nullcontext(): train_res = experiment.train( train_generator, valid_generator=valid_generator, epochs=epochs, seed=seed, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=self.verbose, disable_tensorboard=disable_tensorboard, ) return train_res
def get_proposed_hmc_experiment(experiment_name): generability_proposed_model = MLHAN_MultiLabel(20, 10, 300, [3, 2], nb_layers, .25).eval() generability_proposed_experiment = Experiment( experiment_name, generability_proposed_model, monitor_metric="val_fscore_macro", monitor_mode="max", loss_function=MultiLevelMultiLabelLoss(), epoch_metrics=[ FBetaLowerLevelMultiLabel(average='macro'), FBetaUpperLevelMultiLabel(average='macro') ], device=0) generability_proposed_experiment.load_checkpoint('best') return generability_proposed_experiment
def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:"Init of the training") seed = cfg.setting.seed set_seeds(seed) # cfg.MlFlow.params["root_path"] = hydra.utils.get_original_cwd() writer_callback = instantiate(cfg.MlFlow) writer_callback.log_config_params(cfg)"Loading of the dataset and embedding model") transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor() ]) train = DataLoader(data.CIFAR10(root="..\..\data", train=True, download=True, transform=transform), batch_size=cfg.data_loader.batch_size) val = DataLoader(data.CIFAR10(root="..\..\data", train=False, download=True, transform=transform), batch_size=cfg.data_loader.batch_size) network = instantiate(cfg.model) optimizer = instantiate(cfg.optimizer, network.parameters()) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() saving_directory = os.path.join(hydra.utils.get_original_cwd(), cfg.poutyne.root_logging_directory, writer_callback.experiment_id, writer_callback.run_id) monitored_metric = "val_acc" monitor_mode = "max" experiment = Experiment(directory=saving_directory, network=network, device=cfg.device, optimizer=optimizer, loss_function=loss, batch_metrics=["acc"], epoch_metrics=[F1()], logging=cfg.poutyne.logging, monitor_metric=monitored_metric, monitor_mode=monitor_mode)"Start of the training") experiment.train(train_generator=train, valid_generator=val, epochs=cfg.trainer.num_epochs, seed=seed, callbacks=[writer_callback])"Start of the testing of the trained model") test_result = experiment.test(test_generator=val, seed=seed) writer_callback.on_test_end(test_result)
def test(self, test_dataset_container: DatasetContainer, batch_size: int, num_workers: int = 1, callbacks: Union[List, None] = None, seed: int = 42, logging_path: str = "./chekpoints", checkpoint: Union[str, int] = "best") -> Dict: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Method to test a retrained or a pre-trained model using a dataset with the same tags. We train using `experiment <>`_ from `poutyne <>`_ framework. The experiment module allow us to save checkpoints ``ckpt`` (pickle format) and a log.tsv where the best epochs can be found (the best epoch is use in test). Args: test_dataset_container (~deepparse.deepparse.dataset_container.dataset_container.DatasetContainer): The test dataset container of the data to use. callbacks (Union[List, None]): List of callbacks to use during training. See Poutyne `callback <>`_ for more information. By default we set no callback. seed (int): Seed to use (by default 42). logging_path (str): The logging path for the checkpoints. By default the path is ``./chekpoints``. checkpoint (Union[str, int]): Checkpoint to use for the test. - If 'best', will load the best weights. - If 'last', will load the last model checkpoint. - If int, will load a specific checkpoint (e.g. 3). - If 'str', will load a specific model (e.g. a retrained model), must be a path to a pickled format model i.e. ends with a '.p' extension (e.g. retrained_model.p). - If 'fasttext', will load our pre-trained fasttext model and test it on your data. (Need to have Poutyne>=1.2 to work) - If 'bpemb', will load our pre-trained bpemb model and test it on your data. (Need to have Poutyne>=1.2 to work) Return: A dictionary with the best epoch stats (see `Experiment class <>`_ for details). Note: We use NLL loss and accuracy as in the `article <>`_. Example: .. code-block:: python address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_test_dataset.p' test_container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.test(test_container) # using the default best epoch address_parser.test(test_container, checkpoint='last') # using the last epoch address_parser.test(test_container, checkpoint=5) # using the epoch 5 model """ if self.model_type == "fasttext-light": raise ValueError( "It's not possible to test a fasttext-light due to pymagnitude problem." ) callbacks = [] if callbacks is None else callbacks data_transform = self._set_data_transformer() test_generator = DataLoader(test_dataset_container, collate_fn=data_transform.output_transform, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) exp = Experiment(logging_path, self.model, device=self.device, loss_function=nll_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy]) checkpoint = handle_checkpoint(checkpoint) test_res = exp.test(test_generator, seed=seed, callbacks=callbacks, checkpoint=checkpoint) return test_res
def retrain(self, dataset_container: DatasetContainer, train_ratio: float, batch_size: int, epochs: int, num_workers: int = 1, learning_rate: float = 0.01, callbacks: Union[List, None] = None, seed: int = 42, logging_path: str = "./chekpoints") -> List[Dict]: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, line-too-long, too-many-locals """ Method to retrain the address parser model using a dataset with the same tags. We train using `experiment <>`_ from `poutyne <>`_ framework. The experiment module allow us to save checkpoints ``ckpt`` (pickle format) and a log.tsv where the best epochs can be found (the best epoch is used in test). Args: dataset_container (~deepparse.deepparse.dataset_container.dataset_container.DatasetContainer): The dataset container of the data to use. train_ratio (float): The ratio to use of the dataset for the training. The rest of the data is used for the validation (e.g. a train ratio of 0.8 mean a 80-20 train-valid split). batch_size (int): The size of the batch. epochs (int): number of training epochs. num_workers (int): Number of workers to use for the data loader (default is 1 worker). learning_rate (float): The learning rate (LR) to use for training (default 0.01). To reduce the LR during training, use `Poutyne learning rate scheduler callback <>`_. callbacks (Union[List, None]): List of callbacks to use during training. See Poutyne `callback <>`_ for more information. By default we set no callback. seed (int): Seed to use (by default 42). logging_path (str): The logging path for the checkpoints. By default the path is ``./chekpoints``. Return: A list of dictionary with the best epoch stats (see `Experiment class <>`_ for details). Note: We use SGD optimizer, NLL loss and accuracy as a metric, the data is shuffled and we use teacher forcing during training (with a prob of 0.5) as in the `article <>`_. Note: Due to pymagnitude, we could not train using the Magnitude embeddings, meaning it's not possible to train using the fasttext-light model. But, since we don't update the embeddings weights, one can retrain using the fasttext model and later on use the weights with the fasttext-light. Example: .. code-block:: python address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128) Using learning rate scheduler callback. .. code-block:: python import poutyne address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) lr_scheduler = poutyne.StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1) # reduce LR by a factor of 10 each epoch address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=128, callbacks=[lr_scheduler]) See `this <>`_ for a fine tuning example. """ if self.model_type == "fasttext-light": raise ValueError( "It's not possible to retrain a fasttext-light due to pymagnitude problem." ) callbacks = [] if callbacks is None else callbacks train_generator, valid_generator = self._create_training_data_generator( dataset_container, train_ratio, batch_size, num_workers, seed=seed) optimizer = SGD(self.model.parameters(), learning_rate) exp = Experiment(logging_path, self.model, device=self.device, optimizer=optimizer, loss_function=nll_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy]) train_res = exp.train(train_generator, valid_generator=valid_generator, epochs=epochs, seed=seed, callbacks=callbacks) return train_res
def launch(dataset, experiment_name, network, hidden_size, hidden_layers, sample_size, weight_decay, prior,\ learning_rate, lr_patience, optim_algo, epochs, batch_size, valid_size, pre_epochs, stop_early,\ gpu_device, random_seed, logging): # Setting random seed for reproducibility random_state = check_random_state(random_seed) torch.manual_seed(random_seed) # Pac-Bayes Bound parameters delta = 0.05 C_range = torch.Tensor(np.arange(0.1, 20.0, 0.01)) # Setting GPU device device = None if torch.cuda.is_available() and gpu_device != -1: torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_device) device = torch.device('cuda:%d' % gpu_device) print("Running on GPU %d" % gpu_device) else: print("Running on CPU") # Logging experiment_setting = dict([('experiment_name', experiment_name), ('dataset', dataset), ('network', network), ('hidden_size', hidden_size), ('hidden_layers', hidden_layers), ('sample_size', sample_size), ('epochs', epochs), ('weight_decay', weight_decay), ('prior', prior), ('learning_rate', learning_rate), ('lr_patience', lr_patience), ('optim_algo', optim_algo), ('batch_size', batch_size), ('valid_size', valid_size), ('pre_epochs', pre_epochs), ('stop_early', stop_early), ('random_seed', random_seed)]) directory_name = get_logging_dir_name(experiment_setting) logging_path = join(RESULTS_PATH, experiment_name, dataset, directory_name) if logging: if not exists(logging_path): makedirs(logging_path) with open(join(logging_path, "setting.json"), 'w') as out_file: json.dump(experiment_setting, out_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4) # Loading dataset dataset_loader = DatasetLoader(random_state=random_state) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = dataset_loader.load(dataset) X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split( X_train, y_train, test_size=valid_size, random_state=random_state) # Experiment batch_metrics = [accuracy] epoch_metrics = [] save_every_epoch = False cost_function = linear_loss monitor_metric = 'val_loss' valid_set_use = 'val' callbacks = [] if network in ['pbgnet', 'pbcombinet']: print("### Using Pac-Bayes Binary Gradient Network ###") if prior in ['zero', 'init']: valid_set_use = 'train' X_train = np.vstack([X_train, X_valid]) y_train = np.vstack([y_train, y_valid]) elif prior == 'pretrain': valid_set_use = 'pretrain' if network == 'pbgnet': net = PBGNet(X_train.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_train.shape[0], sample_size, delta) else: net = PBCombiNet(X_train.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_train.shape[0], delta) monitor_metric = 'bound' cost_function = net.bound epoch_metrics.append( MasterMetricLogger(network=net, loss_function=linear_loss, delta=delta, n_examples=X_train.shape[0])) elif network in ['pbgnet_ll', 'pbcombinet_ll']: print( "### Using PAC-Bayes Gradient Network Architecture and Optimizing Linear Loss ###" ) if network == 'pbgnet_ll': net = PBGNet(X_train.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_train.shape[0], sample_size, delta) else: net = PBCombiNet(X_train.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_train.shape[0], delta) epoch_metrics.append( MasterMetricLogger(network=net, loss_function=linear_loss, delta=delta, n_examples=X_train.shape[0], callbacks.append( ModelCheckpoint(join(logging_path, 'bound_checkpoint_epoch.ckpt'), temporary_filename=join( logging_path, 'bound_checkpoint_epoch.tmp.ckpt'), monitor='bound', mode='min', save_best_only=True)) elif network == "baseline": print("### Running the Baseline Network with Tanh activations ###") net = BaselineNet(X_train.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], torch.nn.Tanh) if network.startswith('pb'): epoch_metrics.append(MetricLogger(network=net, key='bound')) epoch_metrics.append(MetricLogger(network=net, key='kl')) epoch_metrics.append(MetricLogger(network=net, key='C')) # Parameters initialization if prior in ['zero', 'init']: net.init_weights() elif prior == 'pretrain': print("### Pre-training network ###") if network == 'pbgnet': pre_net = PBGNet(X_valid.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_valid.shape[0], sample_size, delta) else: pre_net = PBCombiNet(X_valid.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], X_valid.shape[0], delta) pre_net.init_weights() pre_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(pre_net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=0.0) pre_logging_path = join(logging_path, 'pretrain') if not exists(pre_logging_path): makedirs(pre_logging_path) pretrain = Experiment(directory=pre_logging_path, network=pre_net, optimizer=pre_optimizer, loss_function=linear_loss, monitor_metric='loss', device=device, logging=logging, batch_metrics=[accuracy]) pretrain_loader = DataLoader(TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_valid), torch.Tensor(y_valid)), batch_size, shuffle=True) pretrain.train(train_generator=pretrain_loader, valid_generator=None, epochs=pre_epochs, save_every_epoch=False, disable_tensorboard=True, seed=random_seed) history = pd.read_csv(pretrain.log_filename, sep='\t') best_epoch_index = history['loss'].idxmin() best_epoch_stats = history.iloc[best_epoch_index:best_epoch_index + 1] best_epoch = best_epoch_stats['epoch'].item() ckpt_filename = pretrain.best_checkpoint_filename.format( epoch=best_epoch) weights = torch.load(ckpt_filename, map_location='cpu') net.load_state_dict(weights, strict=False) print("### Training ###") # Setting prior if network.startswith('pb') and prior in ['init', 'pretrain']: net.set_priors(net.state_dict()) # Adding early stopping and lr scheduler reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor=monitor_metric, mode='min', patience=lr_patience, factor=0.5, \ threshold_mode='abs', threshold=1e-4, verbose=True) lr_schedulers = [reduce_lr] early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor=monitor_metric, mode='min', min_delta=1e-4, patience=stop_early, verbose=True) if stop_early > 0: callbacks.append(early_stopping) # Initializing optimizer if optim_algo == "sgd": optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif optim_algo == "adam": optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay) # Creating Poutyne experiment expt = Experiment(directory=logging_path, network=net, optimizer=optimizer, loss_function=cost_function, monitor_metric=monitor_metric, device=device, logging=logging, batch_metrics=batch_metrics, epoch_metrics=epoch_metrics) # Initializing data loaders train_loader = DataLoader(TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_train), torch.Tensor(y_train)), batch_size, shuffle=True) valid_loader = None if valid_set_use == 'val': valid_loader = DataLoader( TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_valid), torch.Tensor(y_valid)), batch_size) # Launching training expt.train(train_generator=train_loader, valid_generator=valid_loader, epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks, lr_schedulers=lr_schedulers, save_every_epoch=save_every_epoch, disable_tensorboard=True, seed=random_seed) print("### Testing ###") sign_act_fct = lambda: Lambda(lambda x: torch.sign(x)) test_loader = DataLoader( TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_test), torch.Tensor(y_test)), batch_size) if network == 'baseline': expt.test(test_generator=test_loader, checkpoint='best', seed=random_seed) # Binary network testing (sign activation) best_epoch = expt.get_best_epoch_stats()['epoch'].item() ckpt_filename = expt.best_checkpoint_filename.format(epoch=best_epoch) binary_net = BaselineNet(X_test.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], sign_act_fct) weights = torch.load(ckpt_filename, map_location='cpu') binary_net.load_state_dict(weights, strict=False) binary_model = Model(binary_net, 'sgd', linear_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy]) test_loss, test_accuracy = binary_model.evaluate_generator(test_loader, steps=None) test_stats = pd.read_csv(expt.test_log_filename.format(name='test'), sep='\t') test_stats['bin_test_linear_loss'] = test_loss test_stats['bin_test_accuracy'] = test_accuracy test_stats['linear_loss'] = test_stats['loss'] test_stats['val_linear_loss'] = test_stats['val_loss'] test_stats['test_linear_loss'] = test_stats['test_loss'] test_stats.to_csv(expt.test_log_filename.format(name='test'), sep='\t', index=False) def pbgnet_testing(target_metric, irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=20): print(f"Restoring best model according to {target_metric}") # Cleaning logs history = pd.read_csv(expt.log_filename, sep='\t').drop(irrelevant_columns, axis=1, errors='ignore') history.to_csv(expt.log_filename, sep='\t', index=False) # Loading best weights best_epoch_index = history[target_metric].idxmin() best_epoch_stats = history.iloc[best_epoch_index:best_epoch_index + 1].reset_index(drop=True) best_epoch = best_epoch_stats['epoch'].item() print(f"Found best checkpoint at epoch: {best_epoch}") ckpt_filename = expt.best_checkpoint_filename.format(epoch=best_epoch) if network in ['pbgnet_ll', 'pbcombinet_ll' ] and target_metric == 'bound': ckpt_filename = join(logging_path, 'bound_checkpoint_epoch.ckpt') weights = torch.load(ckpt_filename, map_location='cpu') # Binary network testing (sign activation) binary_net = BaselineNet(X_test.shape[1], hidden_layers * [hidden_size], sign_act_fct) updated_weights = {} for name, weight in weights.items(): if name.startswith('layers'): name = name.split('.', 2) name[1] = str(2 * int(name[1])) name = '.'.join(name) updated_weights[name] = weight binary_net.load_state_dict(updated_weights, strict=False) binary_model = Model(binary_net, 'sgd', linear_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy]) test_loss, test_accuracy = binary_model.evaluate_generator(test_loader, steps=None) best_epoch_stats['bin_test_linear_loss'] = test_loss best_epoch_stats['bin_test_accuracy'] = test_accuracy model = expt.model model.load_weights(ckpt_filename) def repeat_inference(loader, prefix='', drop_keys=[], n_times=20): metrics_names = [prefix + 'loss'] + [ prefix + metric_name for metric_name in model.metrics_names ] metrics_list = [] for _ in range(n_times): loss, metrics = model.evaluate_generator(loader, steps=None) if not isinstance(metrics, np.ndarray): metrics = np.array([metrics]) metrics_list.append(np.concatenate(([loss], metrics))) metrics_list = [list(e) for e in zip(*metrics_list)] metrics_stats = pd.DataFrame( {col: val for col, val in zip(metrics_names, metrics_list)}) return metrics_stats.drop(drop_keys, axis=1, errors='ignore') metrics_stats = repeat_inference(train_loader, n_times=n_repetitions) metrics_stats = metrics_stats.join( repeat_inference(test_loader, prefix='test_', drop_keys=['test_bound', 'test_kl', 'test_C'], n_times=n_repetitions)) best_epoch_stats = best_epoch_stats.drop(metrics_stats.keys().tolist(), axis=1, errors='ignore') metrics_stats = metrics_stats.join( pd.concat([best_epoch_stats] * n_repetitions, ignore_index=True)) log_filename = expt.test_log_filename.format(name='test') if network in ['pbgnet_ll', 'pbcombinet_ll' ] and target_metric == 'bound': log_filename = join(logging_path, 'bound_test_log.tsv') metrics_stats.to_csv(log_filename, sep='\t', index=False) default_irrelevant_columns = ['val_bound', 'val_kl', 'val_C'] if network == 'pbgnet_ll': pbgnet_testing(target_metric='val_loss', irrelevant_columns=default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=20) pbgnet_testing(target_metric='bound', irrelevant_columns=default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=20) elif network == 'pbgnet': pbgnet_testing( target_metric='bound', irrelevant_columns=['val_loss', 'val_accuracy', 'val_linear_loss' ] + default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=20) elif network == 'pbcombinet_ll': pbgnet_testing(target_metric='val_loss', irrelevant_columns=default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=1) pbgnet_testing(target_metric='bound', irrelevant_columns=default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=1) elif network == 'pbcombinet': pbgnet_testing( target_metric='bound', irrelevant_columns=['val_loss', 'val_accuracy', 'val_linear_loss' ] + default_irrelevant_columns, n_repetitions=1) if logging: with open(join(logging_path, 'done.txt'), 'w') as done_file: done_file.write("done") print("### DONE ###")
def main(): vec_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(config.pretrained_embs[0], limit=500000) print("Breakpoint 1") x = load_anto_syn_graph(config.synonyms_graph[0], config.antonyms_graph[0], vec_model, neg_sample=config.nb_false) weight = compute_weight(x) print("Breakpoint 2") train_generator, valid_generator, test_generator = prepare_generator_graph( x) print("Breakpoint 3") device = torch.device( 'cuda:%d' % config.device if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') network = Retrofit(vec_model, weight) embeddings_param_set = set(network.embedding.parameters()) other_params_list = [ p for p in network.parameters() if p not in embeddings_param_set ] optimizer = optim.SGD([{ 'params': other_params_list, **config.optimizer_other_params }, { 'params': network.embedding.parameters(), **config.optimizer_embeddings_params }]) #scheduler = LambdaLR(lr_lambda=[lambda_lr_other, lambda_lr_embedding]) #scheduler = StepLR(step_size=8, gamma=0.1) scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', patience=2, verbose=True) callbacks = [scheduler] exp = Experiment(config.dir_experiment, network, device=device, optimizer=optimizer, loss_function=None, batch_metrics=['acc']) exp.train(train_generator, valid_generator, epochs=config.epoch, lr_schedulers=callbacks) exp.test(test_generator) steps = len(test_generator) test_loss, test_metrics, pred_y, true_y = exp.model.evaluate_generator( test_generator, return_pred=True, return_ground_truth=True, steps=steps) pred_y = np.argmax(np.concatenate(pred_y), 1) true_y = np.concatenate(true_y) true_syn, false_syn, false_anto, true_anto = confusion_matrix( true_y, pred_y).ravel() print(true_syn, false_syn, false_anto, true_anto) learning_visualizer = LearningVisualizer(exp, config.epoch) learning_visualizer.visualize_learning() exp._load_best_checkpoint() for file in config.evaluations_file: print(evaluation(file, vec_model.vocab, exp.model.model.embedding)) vec_model_initial = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( config.pretrained_embs[0], limit=500000) original_weights = torch.FloatTensor(vec_model_initial.vectors)"cuda") original_embs = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(original_weights) original_embs.cuda() original_embs.weight.requires_grad = False for file in config.evaluations_file: print(evaluation(file, vec_model.vocab, original_embs))
def test( self, test_dataset_container: DatasetContainer, batch_size: int = 32, num_workers: int = 1, callbacks: Union[List, None] = None, seed: int = 42, ) -> Dict: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals """ Method to test a retrained or a pre-trained model using a dataset with the default tags. If you test a retrained model with different prediction tags, we will use those tags. Args: test_dataset_container (~deepparse.dataset_container.DatasetContainer): The test dataset container of the data to use. batch_size (int): The size of the batch (default is 32). num_workers (int): Number of workers to use for the data loader (default is 1 worker). callbacks (Union[list, None]): List of callbacks to use during training. See Poutyne `callback <>`_ for more information. By default, we set no callback. seed (int): Seed to use (by default 42). callbacks (Union[list, None]): List of callbacks to use during training. See Poutyne `callback <>`_ for more information. By default, we set no callback. Return: A dictionary with the stats (see `Experiment class <>`_ for details). Note: We use NLL loss and accuracy as in the `article <>`_. Examples: .. code-block:: python address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_test_dataset.p' test_container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path, is_training_container=False) address_parser.test(test_container) # We test the model on the data You can also test your fine-tuned model .. code-block:: python address_components = {"ATag":0, "AnotherTag": 1, "EOS": 2} address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 # Train phase data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_train_dataset.p' train_container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, prediction_tags=address_components) # Test phase data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_test_dataset.p' test_container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path, is_training_container=False) address_parser.test(test_container) # Test the retrained model """ if "fasttext-light" in self.model_type: raise ValueError( "It's not possible to test a fasttext-light due to pymagnitude problem. See Retrain method" "doc for more details.") if not test_dataset_container.is_a_train_container(): raise ValueError("The dataset container is not a train container.") callbacks = [] if callbacks is None else callbacks data_transform = self._set_data_transformer() test_generator = DataLoader( test_dataset_container, collate_fn=data_transform.output_transform, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, ) exp = Experiment( "./checkpoint", self.model, device=self.device, loss_function=nll_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy], logging=False, ) # We set logging to false since we don't need it test_res = exp.test(test_generator, seed=seed, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=self.verbose) return test_res
def retrain( self, dataset_container: DatasetContainer, train_ratio: float = 0.8, batch_size: int = 32, epochs: int = 5, num_workers: int = 1, learning_rate: float = 0.01, callbacks: Union[List, None] = None, seed: int = 42, logging_path: str = "./checkpoints", disable_tensorboard: bool = True, prediction_tags: Union[Dict, None] = None, seq2seq_params: Union[Dict, None] = None, layers_to_freeze: Union[str, None] = None, ) -> List[Dict]: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, line-too-long, too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements """ Method to retrain the address parser model using a dataset with the same tags. We train using `experiment <>`_ from `poutyne <>`_ framework. The experiment module allows us to save checkpoints (``ckpt``, in a pickle format) and a log.tsv where the best epochs can be found (the best epoch is used for the test). The retrained model file name are formatted as ``retrained_{model_type}_address_parser.ckpt``. For example, if you retrain a fasttext model, the file name will be ``retrained_fasttext_address_parser.ckpt``. The retrained saved model included, in a dictionary format, the model weights, the model type, if new ``prediction_tags`` were used, the new prediction tags, and if new ``seq2seq_params`` were used, the new seq2seq parameters. Args: dataset_container (~deepparse.dataset_container.DatasetContainer): The dataset container of the data to use such as any PyTorch Dataset (:class:``) user define class or one of our two DatasetContainer (:class:`~deepparse.dataset_container.PickleDatasetContainer` or :class:`~deepparse.dataset_container.CSVDatasetContainer`) train_ratio (float): The ratio to use of the dataset for the training. The rest of the data is used for the validation (e.g. a train ratio of 0.8 mean a 80-20 train-valid split) (default is 0.8). batch_size (int): The size of the batch (default is 32). epochs (int): number of training epochs (default is 5). num_workers (int): Number of workers to use for the data loader (default is 1 worker). learning_rate (float): The learning rate (LR) to use for training (default 0.01). callbacks (Union[list, None]): List of callbacks to use during training. See Poutyne `callback <>`_ for more information. By default, we set no callback. seed (int): Seed to use (by default 42). logging_path (str): The logging path for the checkpoints. Poutyne will use the best one and reload the state if any checkpoints are there. Thus, an error will be raised if you change the model type. For example, you retrain a FastText model and then retrain a BPEmb in the same logging path directory. By default, the path is ``./checkpoints``. disable_tensorboard (bool): To disable Poutyne automatic Tensorboard monitoring. By default, we disable them (true). prediction_tags (Union[dict, None]): A dictionary where the keys are the address components (e.g. street name) and the values are the components indices (from 0 to N + 1) to use during retraining of a model. The ``+ 1`` corresponds to the End Of Sequence (EOS) token that needs to be included in the dictionary. We will use the length of this dictionary for the output size of the prediction layer. We also save the dictionary to be used later on when you load the model. Default is None, meaning we use our pre-trained model prediction tags. seq2seq_params (Union[dict, None]): A dictionary of seq2seq parameters to modify the seq2seq architecture to train. Note that if you change the seq2seq parameters, a new model will be trained from scratch. Parameters that can be modified are: - The ``input_size`` of the encoder (i.e. the embeddings size). The default value is 300. - The size of the ``encoder_hidden_size`` of the encoder. The default value is 1024. - The number of ``encoder_num_layers`` of the encoder. The default value is 1. - The size of the ``decoder_hidden_size`` of the decoder. The default value is 1024. - The number of ``decoder_num_layers`` of the decoder. The default value is 1. Default is None, meaning we use the default seq2seq architecture. layers_to_freeze (Union[str, None]): Name of the portion of the seq2seq to freeze layers, thus reducing the number of parameters to learn. Will be ignored if ``seq2seq_params`` is not None. Possible freezing settings are: - ``None``: No layers are frozen. - 'encoder': To freeze the encoder part of the seq2seq. That is the part that encodes the address into a more dense representation. - 'decoder': To freeze the decoder part of the seq2seq. That is the part that decodes a dense address representation. - 'prediction_layer': To freeze the last layer that predicts a tag class (i.e. a fully connected with an output size of the same length as the prediction tags). - 'seq2seq': To freeze the encoder and decoder but **not** the prediction layer. Default is ``None``, meaning we do not freeze any layers. Return: A list of dictionary with the best epoch stats (see `Experiment class <>`_ for details). Note: We recommend using a learning rate scheduler procedure during retraining to reduce the chance of losing too much of our learned weights, thus increasing retraining time. We personally use the following ``poutyne.StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1)``. Also, starting learning rate should be relatively low (i.e. 0.01 or lower). Note: We use SGD optimizer, NLL loss and accuracy as a metric, the data is shuffled, and we use teacher forcing during training (with a prob of 0.5) as in the `article <>`_. Note: Due to pymagnitude, we could not train using the Magnitude embeddings, meaning it's not possible to train using the fasttext-light model. But, since we don't update the embeddings weights, one can retrain using the fasttext model and later on use the weights with the fasttext-light. Note: When retraining a model, Poutyne will create checkpoints. After the training, we use the best checkpoint in a directory as the model to load. Thus, if you train two different models in the same directory, the second retrain will not work due to model differences. Examples: .. code-block:: python address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128) Using the freezing layers parameters to freeze layers during training .. code-block:: python address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) data_path = 'path_to_a_csv_dataset.p' container = CSVDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=128, layers_to_freeze="encoder") Using learning rate scheduler callback. .. code-block:: python import poutyne address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) data_path = 'path_to_a_csv_dataset.p' container = CSVDatasetContainer(data_path) lr_scheduler = poutyne.StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1) # reduce LR by a factor of 10 each epoch address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=5, batch_size=128, callbacks=[lr_scheduler]) Using your own prediction tags dictionary. .. code-block:: python address_components = {"ATag":0, "AnotherTag": 1, "EOS": 2} address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, prediction_tags=address_components) Using your own seq2seq parameters. .. code-block:: python seq2seq_params = {"encoder_hidden_size": 512, "decoder_hidden_size": 512} address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, seq2seq_params=seq2seq_params) Using your own seq2seq parameters and prediction tags dictionary. .. code-block:: python seq2seq_params = {"encoder_hidden_size": 512, "decoder_hidden_size": 512} address_components = {"ATag":0, "AnotherTag": 1, "EOS": 2} address_parser = AddressParser(device=0) #on gpu device 0 data_path = 'path_to_a_pickle_dataset.p' container = PickleDatasetContainer(data_path) address_parser.retrain(container, 0.8, epochs=1, batch_size=128, seq2seq_params=seq2seq_params, prediction_tags=address_components) """ if "fasttext-light" in self.model_type: raise ValueError( "It's not possible to retrain a fasttext-light due to pymagnitude problem." ) if not dataset_container.is_a_train_container(): raise ValueError("The dataset container is not a train container.") model_factory_dict = { "prediction_layer_len": 9 } # We set the default output dim size if prediction_tags is not None: # Handle prediction tags if "EOS" not in prediction_tags.keys(): raise ValueError( "The prediction tags dictionary is missing the EOS tag.") fields = [field for field in prediction_tags if field != "EOS"] formatted_parsed_address.FIELDS = fields self.tags_converter = TagsConverter(prediction_tags) if not self.model.same_output_dim(self.tags_converter.dim): # Since we have change the output layer dim, we need to handle the prediction layer dim new_dim = self.tags_converter.dim if seq2seq_params is None: self.model.handle_new_output_dim(new_dim) else: # We update the output dim size model_factory_dict.update( {"prediction_layer_len": new_dim}) if seq2seq_params is not None: # Handle seq2seq params # We set the flag to use the pre-trained weights to false since we train new ones seq2seq_params.update({"pre_trained_weights": False}) model_factory_dict.update({"seq2seq_kwargs": seq2seq_params}) # We set verbose to false since model is reloaded self._model_factory(verbose=False, path_to_retrained_model=None, **model_factory_dict) callbacks = [] if callbacks is None else callbacks train_generator, valid_generator = self._create_training_data_generator( dataset_container, train_ratio, batch_size, num_workers, seed=seed) if layers_to_freeze is not None and seq2seq_params is None: # We ignore the layers to freeze if seq2seq_params is not None self._freeze_model_params(layers_to_freeze) optimizer = SGD(self.model.parameters(), learning_rate) exp = Experiment( logging_path, self.model, device=self.device, optimizer=optimizer, loss_function=nll_loss, batch_metrics=[accuracy], ) try: with_capturing_context = False if float(".".join(str( poutyne.version.__version__).split(".")[:2])) < 1.8: print( "You are using a older version of Poutyne that does not support properly error management." " Due to that, we cannot show retrain progress. To fix that, update Poutyne to " "the newest version.") with_capturing_context = True train_res = self._retrain( experiment=exp, train_generator=train_generator, valid_generator=valid_generator, epochs=epochs, seed=seed, callbacks=callbacks, disable_tensorboard=disable_tensorboard, capturing_context=with_capturing_context, ) except RuntimeError as error: list_of_file_path = os.listdir(path=".") if len(list_of_file_path) > 0: if pretrained_parser_in_directory(logging_path): # Mean we might already have checkpoint in the training directory files_in_directory = get_files_in_directory(logging_path) retrained_address_parser_in_directory = get_address_parser_in_directory( files_in_directory)[0].split("_")[1] if self.model_type != retrained_address_parser_in_directory: raise ValueError( f"You are currently training a {self.model_type} in the directory " f"{logging_path} where a different retrained " f"{retrained_address_parser_in_directory} is currently his." f" Thus, the loading of the model is failing. Change directory to retrain the" f" {self.model_type}.") from error if self.model_type == retrained_address_parser_in_directory: raise ValueError( f"You are currently training a different {self.model_type} version from" f" the one in the {logging_path}. Verify version." ) from error else: raise RuntimeError(error.args[0]) from error else: file_path = os.path.join( logging_path, f"retrained_{self.model_type}_address_parser.ckpt") torch_save = { "address_tagger_model":, "model_type": self.model_type, } if seq2seq_params is not None: # Means we have changed the seq2seq params torch_save.update({"seq2seq_params": seq2seq_params}) if prediction_tags is not None: # Means we have changed the predictions tags torch_save.update({"prediction_tags": prediction_tags}), file_path) return train_res
lstm = HierarchicalLSTMWithLearnableLossWithDropout(sentence_hidden_state_size,paragraph_hidden_state_size,300,2,nb_layers,drop_out) class IterateLossFunctionOnEpoch(Callback): def __init__(self, epoch_number): self.epoch_number = epoch_number super().__init__() def on_epoch_end(self, epoch_number, logs): if epoch_number % self.epoch_number == 0: logs["loss"] = self.model.loss_function = experiment = Experiment("model_weights/hc_{}_{}_{}".format(aggregation, dataset, test_name), lstm, optimizer=optimizer, device=0,loss_function=loss_functon, monitor_metric="val_fscore_macro", monitor_mode="max", epoch_metrics=[TopLevelAccuracy(), FBetaTopLevel(average='macro')]) # monitor_metric="top_level_accuracy", monitor_mode="max" experiment.train(train_loader, valid_loader, lr_schedulers=[ReduceLROnPlateau(patience=patience, cooldown=cooldown)],epochs=epoch) # BestModelRestoreOnEpoch(epoch=50,monitor="val_fscore_macro", mode="max" ) import tqdm import json import spacy nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # for index, paragraph in enumerate(test_pickled): # current_test_ids = ["{}-{}-{}-{}".format(doc_id, par_id, sentence_id) for doc_id, par_id, sentence_id, _, _ in paragraph] # current_test_context = [text for _, _, _, text, _ in test_pickled] # current_preprocessed_test = [datapoint for _, _, _, _, datapoint in test_pickled]
paragraph_true_length = np.array(paragraph_true_length, dtype=np.int32) sentence_true_length_tensor = from_numpy(sentence_true_length) paragraph_true_length_tensor = from_numpy(paragraph_true_length) y_sentence_tensor = from_numpy(y_sentence) y_paragraph_tensor = from_numpy(y_paragraph) return (pad_sequence(x, batch_first=True), sentence_true_length_tensor, y_sentence_tensor, paragraph_true_length_tensor), y_paragraph_tensor train_loader = PerClassLoader(train, batch_size=4, k=-1, collate_fn=reformat_and_pad_batch) valid_loader = PerClassLoader(valid, batch_size=4, k=-1, shuffle=False, collate_fn=reformat_and_pad_batch) lstm = HierarchicalLSTMwithDropout(sentence_hidden_state_size,paragraph_hidden_state_size,300,2,nb_layers,dropout) experiment = Experiment("model_weights/final_{}_{}_{}".format(aggregation, dataset, test_name), lstm, optimizer="adam", loss_function="cross_entropy", device=0, task="classification", monitor_metric="val_fscore_macro", monitor_mode="max", epoch_metrics=[FBeta(average='macro')]) experiment.train(train_loader, valid_loader, lr_schedulers=[ReduceLROnPlateau(patience=3)],epochs=epoch) import tqdm import json import spacy nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # for index, paragraph in enumerate(test_pickled): # current_test_ids = ["{}-{}-{}-{}".format(doc_id, par_id, sentence_id) for doc_id, par_id, sentence_id, _, _ in paragraph] # current_test_context = [text for _, _, _, text, _ in test_pickled] # current_preprocessed_test = [datapoint for _, _, _, _, datapoint in test_pickled]
def run(args): # Logging if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Initialization random_seed = 42 np.random.seed(random_seed) torch.manual_seed(random_seed) # Fix bug in PyTorch where memory is still allocated on GPU0 when # asked to allocate memory on GPU1. if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.set_device(args.device) device = torch.device('cuda:%d' % args.device if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Building dataset dataset = TextDatasetBuilder(name=args.dataset, word_vectors=args.words, vector_size=args.vector, random_state=random_seed) logging.debug("Dataset built.") dataset.pre_process(min_freq=args.freq, max_len=args.len) embeddings = dataset.build_embeddings() logging.debug("Vocab size {}".format(len(dataset.vocab))) pos_enc_len = None if args.pos: pos_enc_len = args.len traind, validd, testd = dataset.get_train_valid_test() logging.debug("Split: train = {}, valid = {} and test = {}".format(len(traind), len(validd), len(testd))) # Creating Data Loaders train_loader = DataLoader(traind, batch_size=args.batch, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_padding) valid_loader = DataLoader(validd, batch_size=args.batch, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_padding) test_loader = DataLoader(testd, batch_size=args.batch, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_padding) model = SANet(input_size=args.vector, hidden_size=args.hidden, n_classes=len(dataset.classes), embeddings=embeddings, n_blocks=args.blocks, pos_enc_len=pos_enc_len) init_model(model) params = [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if n != 'word_embedding.weight'] optimizer = optim.SGD([{'params': model.word_embedding.parameters(), 'lr': * 0.1}, {'params': params, 'lr', 'momentum':args.momentum}]) # Preparing results output expt_path = join(RESULTS_PATH, args.dataset, args.exp) expt = Experiment(expt_path, model, device=device, logging=True, optimizer=optimizer, task='classifier') reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='loss', mode='min', patience=2, factor=0.5, threshold_mode='abs', threshold=1e-3, verbose=True) expt.train(train_loader, valid_loader, epochs=args.epochs, lr_schedulers=[reduce_lr]) expt.test(test_loader) print("### DONE ###")
def main(args): raw_dataset = RegressionDatasetFolder(os.path.join( args.root_dir, 'Images/1024_with_jedi'), input_only_transform=None, transform=Compose([ToTensor()])) mean, std = compute_mean_std(raw_dataset) print(mean) print(std) pos_weights = compute_pos_weight(raw_dataset) print(pos_weights) test_dataset = RegressionDatasetFolder( os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'Images/1024_with_jedi'), input_only_transform=Compose([Normalize(mean, std)]), transform=Compose( [Lambda(lambda img: pad_resize(img, 1024, 1024)), ToTensor()]), in_memory=True) valid_dataset = RegressionDatasetFolder( os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'Images/1024_with_jedi'), input_only_transform=Compose([Normalize(mean, std)]), transform=Compose([ToTensor()]), include_fname=True) train_split, valid_split, test_split, train_weights = get_splits( valid_dataset) valid_loader = DataLoader(Subset(test_dataset, valid_split), batch_size=8, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False) # module = deeplabv3_efficientnet(n=5) module = fcn_resnet50(dropout=0.8) # module = deeplabv3_resnet50() optim = torch.optim.Adam(module.parameters(), lr=5e-4, weight_decay=2e-3) exp = Experiment(directory=os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'moar'), module=module, device=torch.device(args.device), optimizer=optim, loss_function=LovaszSoftmax(), metrics=[miou, PixelWiseF1(None)], monitor_metric='val_miou', monitor_mode='max') lr_schedulers = [ ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_miou', mode='max', factor=0.2, patience=3, threshold=1e-1, threshold_mode='abs') ] callbacks = [ EarlyStopping(monitor='val_miou', min_delta=1e-1, patience=8, verbose=True, mode='max') ] for i, (crop_size, batch_size) in enumerate(zip([512], [5])): train_loader = get_loader_for_crop_batch(crop_size, batch_size, train_split, mean, std, train_weights, args.root_dir) exp.train(train_loader=train_loader, valid_loader=valid_loader, epochs=(1 + i) * 30, lr_schedulers=lr_schedulers, callbacks=callbacks) raw_dataset.print_filenames() pure_dataset = RegressionDatasetFolder(os.path.join( args.root_dir, 'Images/1024_with_jedi'), transform=Compose([ToTensor()]), include_fname=True) test_loader = DataLoader(Subset(test_dataset, test_split), batch_size=8, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False) valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False) pure_loader = DataLoader(pure_dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False) exp.test(test_loader) # for checkpoint in [11, 15, 16, 17, 21]: # print("Testing checkpoint {}".format(checkpoint)) # exp.load_checkpoint(checkpoint) # test_model_on_checkpoint(exp.model, test_loader) exp.load_checkpoint(11) module = exp.model.model module.eval() generate_output_folders(args.root_dir) splits = [(train_split, 'train'), (valid_split, 'valid'), (test_split, 'test')] results_csv = [[ 'Name', 'Type', 'Split', 'iou_nothing', 'iou_bark', 'iou_node', 'iou_mean', 'f1_nothing', 'f1_bark', 'f1_node', 'f1_mean', 'Output Bark %', 'Output Node %', 'Target Bark %', 'Target Node %' ]] with torch.no_grad(): for image_number, (batch, pure_batch) in enumerate( zip(valid_loader, pure_loader)): input = pure_batch[0] target = pure_batch[1] fname = pure_batch[2][0] wood_type = pure_batch[3][0] del pure_batch outputs = module(batch[0].to(torch.device(args.device))) outputs = remove_small_zones(outputs) del batch names = ['Input', 'Target', 'Generated image'] try: class_accs = iou(outputs, f1s = PixelWiseF1('all')(outputs, target) * 100 acc = class_accs.mean() f1 = f1s.mean() except ValueError as e: print('Error on file {}'.format(fname)) print(outputs.shape) print(target.shape) raise e outputs = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1) imgs = [input, target, outputs] imgs = [img.detach().cpu().squeeze().numpy() for img in imgs] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3) class_names = ['Nothing', 'Bark', 'Node'] for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): img = imgs[i] raw = (len(img.shape) == 3) if raw: # Raw input img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0) values = np.unique(img.ravel()) plotted_img = ax.imshow(img, vmax=2) ax.set_title(names[i]) ax.axis('off') if not raw: # Predicted image patches = [ mpatches.Patch( color=plotted_img.cmap(plotted_img.norm(value)), label='{} zone'.format(class_names[value])) for value in values ] suptitle = 'Mean iou : {:.3f}\n'.format(acc) for split_idxs, split_name in splits: if image_number in split_idxs: split = split_name running_csv_stats = [fname, wood_type, split] class_names = ['Nothing', 'Bark', 'Node'] for c, c_acc in zip(class_names, class_accs): suptitle += '{} : {:.3f}; '.format('iou_' + c, c_acc) running_csv_stats.append('{:.3f}'.format(c_acc)) running_csv_stats.append('{:.3f}'.format(acc)) suptitle += '\nMean f1 : {:.3f}\n'.format(f1) for c, c_f1 in zip(class_names, f1s): suptitle += '{} : {:.3f}; '.format('f1_' + c, c_f1) running_csv_stats.append('{:.3f}'.format(c_f1)) running_csv_stats.append('{:.3f}'.format(f1)) for class_idx in [1, 2]: class_percent = (outputs == class_idx).float().mean().cpu() running_csv_stats.append('{:.5f}'.format(class_percent * 100)) for class_idx in [1, 2]: class_percent = (target == class_idx).float().mean().cpu() running_csv_stats.append('{:.5f}'.format(class_percent * 100)) fig.legend(handles=patches, title='Classes', bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, -0.2, 0.5, 0.5)) plt.suptitle(suptitle) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(os.path.join( args.root_dir, 'Images/results/moar/combined_images/{}/{}/{}').format( wood_type, split, fname), format='png', dpi=900) plt.close() outputs = outputs.squeeze().cpu().numpy() dual_outputs = np.zeros((outputs.shape[0], outputs.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) dual_outputs[outputs == 1] = 127 dual_outputs[outputs == 2] = 255 dual = Image.fromarray(dual_outputs, mode='L') os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'Images/results/moar/outputs/{}/{}/{}').format( wood_type, split, fname)) results_csv.append(running_csv_stats) csv_file = os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'Images', 'results', 'moar', 'final_stats.csv') with open(csv_file, 'w') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') csv_writer.writerows(results_csv)
from poutyne.framework import Experiment # Instead of `task`, you can provide your own loss function and metrics. expt = Experiment('my_directory', network, task='classifier', optimizer='sgd') expt.train(train_loader, valid_loader, epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks, seed=42) expt.test(test_loader)