Пример #1
def network_load(interface='eth0', measure_interval=1, suffix='B/s', si_prefix=False):
	'''Return the network load.

	Uses the ``psutil`` module if available for multi-platform compatibility,
	falls back to reading

	:param str interface:
		network interface to measure
	:param float measure_interval:
		interval used to measure the network load (in seconds)
	:param str suffix:
		string appended to each load string
	:param bool si_prefix:
		use SI prefix, e.g. MB instead of MiB
	import time
	from powerline.lib import humanize_bytes

	def get_bytes():
			import psutil
			io_counters = psutil.network_io_counters(pernic=True)
			if_io = io_counters.get(interface)
			if not if_io:
				return None
			return (if_io.bytes_recv, if_io.bytes_sent)
		except ImportError:
				with open('/sys/class/net/{interface}/statistics/rx_bytes'.format(interface=interface), 'rb') as file_obj:
					rx = int(file_obj.read())
				with open('/sys/class/net/{interface}/statistics/tx_bytes'.format(interface=interface), 'rb') as file_obj:
					tx = int(file_obj.read())
				return (rx, tx)
			except IOError:
				return None

	b1 = get_bytes()
	if b1 is None:
		return None
	b2 = get_bytes()
	return '⬇ {rx_diff} ⬆ {tx_diff}'.format(
		rx_diff=humanize_bytes((b2[0] - b1[0]) / measure_interval, suffix, si_prefix).rjust(8),
		tx_diff=humanize_bytes((b2[1] - b1[1]) / measure_interval, suffix, si_prefix).rjust(8),
Пример #2
	def test_humanize_bytes(self):
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(0), '0 B')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1), '1 B')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1, suffix='bit'), '1 bit')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000, si_prefix=True), '1 kB')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1024, si_prefix=True), '1 kB')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000000000, si_prefix=True), '1.00 GB')
		self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000000000, si_prefix=False), '953.7 MiB')
Пример #3
def file_size(segment_info, suffix='B', binary_prefix=False):
	'''Return file size.

	:param str suffix:
		string appended to the file size
	:param bool binary_prefix:
		use binary prefix, e.g. MiB instead of MB
	:return: file size or None if the file isn't saved or if the size is too big to fit in a number
	file_name = segment_info['buffer'].name
	file_size = vim_funcs['getfsize'](file_name)
	if file_size < 0:
		return None
	return humanize_bytes(file_size, suffix, binary_prefix)
Пример #4
def file_size(segment_info, suffix='B', si_prefix=False):
	'''Return file size.

	:param str suffix:
		string appended to the file size
	:param bool si_prefix:
		use SI prefix, e.g. MB instead of MiB
	:return: file size or None if the file isn't saved or if the size is too big to fit in a number
	file_name = segment_info['buffer'].name
	if not file_name:
		return None
		file_size = os.stat(file_name).st_size
		return None
	return humanize_bytes(file_size, suffix, si_prefix)