def __init__(self, camera_port_num=1, left_fp=LFP, left_bp=LBP, left_en=LEP, right_fp=RFP, right_bp=RBP, right_en=REP, front_trigger=FTP, front_echo=FEP, front_distance_threshold=10): self.power_train = Powertrain(left_fp, left_bp, left_en, right_fp, right_bp, right_en)
def testConstructor(self): """Test constructor behaves as expected. """ p = Powertrain(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) # check left and right Motor's have expected values self.assertEqual(p.left.frwd_p, 1) self.assertEqual(p.left.bkwd_p, 2) self.assertEqual(p.left.enbl_p, 3) self.assertEqual(p.right.frwd_p, 4) self.assertEqual(p.right.bkwd_p, 5) self.assertEqual(p.right.enbl_p, 6)
import numpy as np import cv2 # OpenCV 2.3.1 import sys from powertrain import Powertrain filename = sys.argv[1] width = int(sys.argv[2]) height = int(sys.argv[3]) factor = int(sys.argv[4]) # setup transform kernel loader = Powertrain(True) loader.program = """ __kernel void ds(__global const uchar *img_g, const int width, const int height, const int out_width, const int out_height, __global uchar *out_g) { int gid = get_global_id(0); int col = gid % width; int row = gid / width; if ((col >= width) || (row >= height)) { return; }
def __init__(self, manager, tile): ''' ''' # setup transform kernel loader = Powertrain(True) loader.program = """ __kernel void ds(__global const uchar *img_g, const int width, const int height, const int out_width, const int out_height, __global uchar *out_g) { int gid = get_global_id(0); int col = gid % width; int row = gid / width; if ((col >= width) || (row >= height)) { return; } if (col < 0) { return; } int new_row = row/2; int new_col = col/2; if ((new_col >= out_width) || (new_row >= out_height)) { return; } if (new_col < 0) { return; } int k = new_row*out_width + new_col; if (row % 2 == 0 && col % 2 == 0) { uchar c = img_g[gid]; uchar r = img_g[gid+1]; uchar b = img_g[gid+width]; uchar b_r = img_g[gid+width+1]; uchar val = (c + r + b + b_r) / 4; //out_g[k] = img_g[gid]; out_g[k] = val; } } __kernel void transform(__global const uchar *img_g, const int width, const int height, const float angle, const float Tx, const float Ty, const int out_width, const int out_height, __global uchar *out_g) { int gid = get_global_id(0); int col = gid % width; int row = gid / width; if ((col >= width) || (row >= height)) { return; } if (col < 0) { return; } // float c = cos(angle); float s = sin(angle); // new position int new_col = c * col - s * row + Tx; int new_row = s * col + c * row + Ty; if ((new_col >= out_width) || (new_row >= out_height)) { return; } if (new_col < 0) { return; } int k = new_row*out_width + new_col; out_g[k] = img_g[gid]; } """ imagedata = Tile.load(tile) width = imagedata.shape[0] height = imagedata.shape[1] # for i in range(len(imagedata)): # memory[i] = imagedata[i] transform = tile._transforms[1] c = np.cos(transform.r) s = np.sin(transform.r) points = [[0, 0], [0, height - 1], [width - 1, 0], [width - 1, height - 1]] min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = [ sys.maxint, sys.maxint, -sys.maxint, -sys.maxint ] for point in points: new_x = c * point[0] - s * point[1] + transform.x new_y = s * point[0] + c * point[1] + transform.y min_x = min(min_x, new_x) min_y = min(min_y, new_y) max_x = max(max_x, new_x) max_y = max(max_y, new_y) tx = transform.x - min_x ty = transform.y - min_y output_width, output_height = (int(max_x - min_x)+1, int(max_y - min_y)+1) mf = cl.mem_flags in_img = cl.Buffer(loader.context, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=imagedata) for z,l in enumerate(tile._levels): out_img = cl.Buffer(loader.context, mf.READ_WRITE, tile._levels[z]._imagedata.nbytes) if z==0: loader.program.transform(loader. queue, (width*height,), None, in_img, np.int32(width), np.int32(height), np.float32(transform.r), np.float32(tx), np.float32(ty), np.int32(output_width), np.int32(output_height), out_img) else: loader.program.ds(loader. queue, (width*height,), None, in_img, np.int32(width), np.int32(height), np.int32(output_width), np.int32(output_height), out_img) cl.enqueue_copy(loader.queue, tile._levels[z]._memory, out_img).wait() in_img = out_img width = output_width height = output_height output_width /= 2 output_height /= 2 if z==3: cv2.imwrite('/tmp/test.jpg', tile._levels[z]._imagedata.reshape(height, width)) # print 'Worker', tile._mipmapLevels["0"]['imageUrl'], memory.address # import cv2 # img = memory.reshape(tile._real_width, tile._real_height) # cv2.imwrite('/tmp/'+os.path.basename(tile._mipmapLevels["0"]['imageUrl']), img) tile._status.loaded() # print Loader.shmem_as_ndarray(tile._memory)[20000:25000] manager.onLoad(tile)
class myThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID = name self.counter = counter def run(self): print("Ready") while running: #BrickPiUpdateValues() # Ask BrickPi to update values for sensors/motors time.sleep(.2) # sleep for 200 ms if __name__ == "__main__": dexter = Powertrain(direction_pins, step_pins) dexter.setup() #BrickPiSetup() # setup the serial port for communication #BrickPi.MotorEnable[PORT_A] = 1 #Enable the Motor A #BrickPi.MotorEnable[PORT_D] = 1 #Enable the Motor D #BrickPiSetupSensors() #Send the properties of sensors to BrickPi running = True thread1 = myThread(1, "Thread-1", 1) thread1.setDaemon(True) thread1.start() application.listen(9093) #starts the websockets connection tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() GPIO.cleanup()
#!python2 from ImageProcessor import ImageProcessor from powertrain import Powertrain from Ultrasonic import Ultrasonic from car_config import * import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO imgpr = ImageProcessor(0, 0) imgpr.init_camera() pt = Powertrain(LFP, LBP, LEP, RFP, RBP, REP) sensor = Ultrasonic() def start(): # Speed at which to turn each motor base_intensity = 0 left_duty_cycle = 45 right_duty_cycle = 45 try: # Store the traveled direction between image processor calls lastDir = 1 while (True): # Get distance to nearest obstacle distance = sensor.distance() # If obstacle is too close, stop motors. if distance < 20: pt.stop() continue # Direction: -1 = left, 1 = right, 0 = no change # Call image processor to determine which wheel to turn
#!python2 from powertrain import Powertrain from car_config import * import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO try: pt = Powertrain(LFP, LBP, LEP, RFP, RBP, REP) time.sleep(3) pt.turn_intensity(60, -10) time.sleep(2) pt.stop() time.sleep(1) pt.turn_intensity(60, 50) time.sleep(1.5) pt.turn_intensity(60, -50) time.sleep(1.5) pt.turn_intensity(50, 50) time.sleep(1.5) pt.turn_intensity(50, -50) time.sleep(1.5) pt.stop() GPIO.cleanup() except KeyboardInterrupt: pt.stop() GPIO.cleanup()
class SmartCar: def __init__(self, camera_port_num=1, left_fp=LFP, left_bp=LBP, left_en=LEP, right_fp=RFP, right_bp=RBP, right_en=REP, front_trigger=FTP, front_echo=FEP, front_distance_threshold=10): self.power_train = Powertrain(left_fp, left_bp, left_en, right_fp, right_bp, right_en) #self.obstacle_detector = ObstacleDetector(front_trigger, frot_echo, front_threshold); #self.image_processor = ImageProcesor(camera_port_num); # incr_factor = 1 for accelerate, and -1 for decelerate def accelerate(self, incr_factor=1): new_dc = 0 new_dc_left = 0 # without the adjustment new_dc_right = 0 # without the adjustment if (SharedData.pi_status['motors_stopped'] == True and incr_factor == 1): #self.power_train.accelerate(SharedData.pi_status['default_duty_cycle']); new_dc = SharedData.pi_status['default_duty_cycle'] print "changing dc to: ", new_dc new_dc_left = new_dc # *SharedData.pi_status['left_motor_dc_adjustment']; new_dc_right = new_dc #*SharedData.pi_status['right_motor_dc_adjustment']; SharedData.pi_status['motors_stopped'] = False else: #self.power_train.accelerate(SharedData.pi_status['default_duty_cycle']); print "factor is ", incr_factor * SharedData.pi_status['dc_delta'] new_dc_left = SharedData.pi_status[ 'left_motor_dc'] + incr_factor * SharedData.pi_status[ 'dc_delta'] new_dc_right = SharedData.pi_status[ 'left_motor_dc'] + incr_factor * SharedData.pi_status[ 'dc_delta'] if (new_dc_left < 10 and new_dc_right < 10): print "stopping left ....." self.stop() SharedData.pi_status['motors_stopped'] = True new_dc_left = 0 # without the adjustment new_dc_right = 0 # without the adjustment else: new_dc_left = 0 if new_dc_left < 10 else new_dc_left new_dc_right = 0 if new_dc_right < 10 else new_dc_right # update at last # update global # use un-adjusted original values! SharedData.pi_status['left_motor_dc'] = new_dc_left SharedData.pi_status['right_motor_dc'] = new_dc_right # adjust now! new_dc_left = new_dc_left * SharedData.pi_status[ 'left_motor_dc_adjustment'] new_dc_right = new_dc_right * SharedData.pi_status[ 'right_motor_dc_adjustment'] print "changing dc to: ", (new_dc_left, new_dc_right) self.power_train.left.pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(new_dc_left) self.power_train.right.pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(new_dc_right) # change backward or forward : changes direction and stops def set_forward_direction(self, forward=True): self.power_train.left.change_dir(forward) self.power_train.right.change_dir(forward) SharedData.pi_status['direction'] = 0 if (SharedData.pi_status['headed_forward'] != forward): SharedData.pi_status['headed_forward'] = forward self.stop() def change_left_right(self, dir): SharedData.pi_status['direction'] -= direction_delta # let it stop on its own def stop(self): print("stopping? ..") SharedData.pi_status['left_motor_dc'] = 0 SharedData.pi_status['right_motor_dc'] = 0 self.power_train.stop() def cleanup(self): print("C => Cleaning up!") self.power_train.cleanup() def handle_cmd(self, cmd): if (cmd == CMD_FORWARD): self.set_forward_direction(True) elif (cmd == CMD_BACKWARD): self.set_forward_direction(False) pass elif (cmd == CMD_ACCELERATE): print "Accelerating..." self.accelerate() elif (cmd == CMD_DECELERATE): print "decelerating..." self.accelerate(-1) elif (cmd == CMD_LEFT): SharedData.pi_status['direction'] -= SharedData.pi_status[ 'direction_delta'] pass elif (cmd == CMD_RIGHT): SharedData.pi_status['direction'] += SharedData.pi_status[ 'direction_delta'] pass elif (cmd == CMD_STOP): # motors self.stop() elif (cmd == CMD_CLEANUP): self.cleanup() elif (cmd == CMD_CAL_LEFT): # if car goes more towards right # we need to pull it left means decrease speed of right motor. if (SharedData.pi_status['right_motor_dc_adjustment'] > 0.1): SharedData.pi_status['right_motor_dc_adjustment'] -= 0.1 elif (cmd == CMD_CAL_RIGHT): if (SharedData.pi_status['left_motor_dc_adjustment'] > 0.1): SharedData.pi_status['left_motor_dc_adjustment'] -= 0.1 elif (cmd == CMD_TERMINATE): ''' self.wfile.write("closing..."); self.stopped = True; self.server.shutdown(); self.socket.close() print ("server: closing..."); ''' pass return
"""Script to demonstrate the Powertrain class operating""" import sys import time sys.path.append('..') from powertrain import Powertrain from car_config import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO pwr = Powertrain(LFP, LBP, LEP, RFP, RBP, REP) t = 2 # time to delay actions; in seconds try: # roll forward and backward print("calling forward(80)") pwr.forward(100) time.sleep(t) print("calling reverse(80)") pwr.reverse(100) time.sleep(t) pwr.stop() # pivot clockwise and counterclockwise print("calling pivot(50)") pwr.pivot(80) time.sleep(t) print("calling pivot(50, clockwise=True)") pwr.pivot(80, True) time.sleep(t) pwr.stop()
def __init__(self, manager, view): ''' ''' # setup stitch kernel stitcher = Powertrain(True) stitcher.program = """ __kernel void stitch(__global uchar *out_g, const int out_width, const int out_height, __global const uchar *tile_g) { int gid = get_global_id(0); if (gid >= out_width*out_height) return; // col + row inside output //int col = gid % out_width; //int row = gid / out_width; if (tile_g[gid] == 0) { // check for boundary pixels (thin black lines) //int k_top = (row+1)*out_width + col; //int k_left = row*out_width + col+1; //if (tile_g[k_top] != 0) { // out_g[gid] = tile_g[k_top]; // return; //} //if (tile_g[k_left] != 0) { // out_g[gid] = tile_g[k_left]; // return; //} return; } out_g[gid] = tile_g[gid]; } """ divisor = 2**view._zoomlevel minX = view._bbox[0] minY = view._bbox[2] out_width = view._bbox[1] out_height = view._bbox[3] reshaped_imagedata = view._imagedata.reshape(out_height, out_width) for t in view._tiles: tile_width = t._real_width / divisor tile_height = t._real_height / divisor offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 for transform in t._transforms: offset_x += transform.x offset_y += transform.y offset_x /= divisor offset_y /= divisor offset_x = int(offset_x-minX) + 1 offset_y = int(offset_y-minY) + 1 # print 'placing tile', t, 'at', offset_x, offset_y mf = cl.mem_flags # output_subarray_start = offset_y*out_width + offset_x # output_subarray_end = output_subarray_start + tile_width*tile_height # output_subarray = view._imagedata[output_subarray_start:output_subarray_end] output_subarray = reshaped_imagedata[offset_y:offset_y+tile_height,offset_x:offset_x+tile_width] output_subarray = output_subarray.ravel() # print output_subarray_start, output_subarray_end, output_subarray_end-output_subarray_start out_img = cl.Buffer(stitcher.context, mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=output_subarray) in_img = cl.Buffer(stitcher.context, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=t._levels[view._zoomlevel]._memory) # stitcher.program.stitch(stitcher.queue, # (out_width*out_height,), # None, # out_img, # np.int32(out_width), # np.int32(out_height), # np.int32(offset_x), # np.int32(offset_y), # np.int32(tile_width), # np.int32(tile_height), # in_img # ) stitcher.program.stitch(stitcher.queue, (tile_width*tile_height,), None, out_img, np.int32(tile_width), np.int32(tile_height), in_img) cl.enqueue_copy(stitcher.queue, output_subarray, out_img).wait() reshaped_imagedata[offset_y:offset_y+tile_height,offset_x:offset_x+tile_width] = output_subarray.reshape(tile_height, tile_width) # view._imagedata[output_subarray_start:output_subarray_end] = output_subarray # print 'storing' # img = view._imagedata.reshape(out_height, out_width) # cv2.imwrite('/tmp/stitch.jpg', reshaped_imagedata) view._status.loaded() manager.onStitch(view)
"""Script to demonstrate the Powertrain class operating""" import sys import time sys.path.append('..') from powertrain import Powertrain from car_config import * pwr = Powertrain(LFP, LBP, LEP, RFP, RBP, REP) t = 3 # time to delay actions; in seconds # roll forward and backward print("calling forward(80)") pwr.forward(80) time.sleep(t) print("calling reverse(80)") pwr.reverse(80) time.sleep(t) pwr.stop() # pivot clockwise and counterclockwise print("calling pivot(50)") pwr.pivot(50) time.sleep(t) print("calling pivot(50, clockwise=True)") pwr.pivot(50, True) time.sleep(t) pwr.stop()
import pyopencl as cl import numpy as np import cv2 # OpenCV 2.3.1 import sys from powertrain import Powertrain filename = sys.argv[1] width = int(sys.argv[2]) height = int(sys.argv[3]) factor = int(sys.argv[4]) # setup transform kernel loader = Powertrain(True) loader.program = """ __kernel void ds(__global const uchar *img_g, const int width, const int height, const int out_width, const int out_height, __global uchar *out_g) { int gid = get_global_id(0); int col = gid % width; int row = gid / width; if ((col >= width) || (row >= height)) { return; }
from powertrain import Powertrain; ## Note : ## Usage : python <test#> <args> ## Example ## To run test0 with argument 50 ## python 0 50 ## ## To run test1 with duty cycle of 40: ## python 1 40 ## ## And similar for other tests! # global pt = Powertrain(LFP, LBP, LEP, RFP, RBP, REP); # test0 is for motors def test0(dc): m1 = Motor(LFP, LBP, LEP); m2 = Motor(RFP, RBP, REP); m1.forward(dc[0]); time.sleep(2);; m2.forward(dc[0]); time.sleep(2); # forward def test1(dc): pt.forward(dc[0]); time.sleep(2);