def queryDatabase(rNames, qNames, dbPrefix, queryPrefix, klist, self = True, number_plot_fits = 0, threads = 1, use_gpu = False, deviceid = 0): """Calculate core and accessory distances between query sequences and a sketched database For a reference database, runs the query against itself to find all pairwise core and accessory distances. Uses the relation :math:`pr(a, b) = (1-a)(1-c)^k` To get the ref and query name for each row of the returned distances, call to the iterator :func:`~PopPUNK.utils.iterDistRows` with the returned refList and queryList Args: rNames (list) Names of references to query qNames (list) Names of queries dbPrefix (str) Prefix for reference mash sketch database created by :func:`~constructDatabase` queryPrefix (str) Prefix for query mash sketch database created by :func:`~constructDatabase` klist (list) K-mer sizes to use in the calculation self (bool) Set true if query = ref (default = True) number_plot_fits (int) If > 0, the number of k-mer length fits to plot (saved as pdfs). Takes random pairs of comparisons and calls :func:`~PopPUNK.plot.plot_fit` (default = 0) threads (int) Number of threads to use in the mash process (default = 1) use_gpu (bool) Use a GPU for querying (default = False) deviceid (int) Index of the CUDA GPU device to use (default = 0) Returns: distMat (numpy.array) Core distances (column 0) and accessory distances (column 1) between refList and queryList """ ref_db = dbPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(dbPrefix) if self: if dbPrefix != queryPrefix: raise RuntimeError("Must use same db for self query") qNames = rNames # Calls to library distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, ref_db, rNames, rNames, klist, True, False, threads, use_gpu, deviceid) # option to plot core/accessory fits. Choose a random number from cmd line option if number_plot_fits > 0: jacobian = -np.hstack((np.ones((klist.shape[0], 1)), klist.reshape(-1, 1))) for plot_idx in range(number_plot_fits): example = sample(rNames, k=2) raw = np.zeros(len(klist)) corrected = np.zeros(len(klist)) for kidx, kmer in enumerate(klist): raw[kidx] = pp_sketchlib.jaccardDist(ref_db, example[0], example[1], kmer, False) corrected[kidx] = pp_sketchlib.jaccardDist(ref_db, example[0], example[1], kmer, True) raw_fit = fitKmerCurve(raw, klist, jacobian) corrected_fit = fitKmerCurve(corrected, klist, jacobian) plot_fit(klist, raw, raw_fit, corrected, corrected_fit, dbPrefix + "/" + dbPrefix + "_fit_example_" + str(plot_idx + 1), "Example fit " + str(plot_idx + 1) + " - " + example[0] + " vs. " + example[1]) else: duplicated = set(rNames).intersection(set(qNames)) if len(duplicated) > 0: sys.stderr.write("Sample names in query are contained in reference database:\n") sys.stderr.write("\n".join(duplicated)) sys.stderr.write("Unique names are required!\n") sys.exit(1) # Calls to library query_db = queryPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(queryPrefix) distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, query_db, rNames, qNames, klist, True, False, threads, use_gpu, deviceid) return distMat
def generate_visualisations(query_db, ref_db, distances, threads, output, gpu_dist, deviceid, external_clustering, microreact, phandango, grapetree, cytoscape, perplexity, strand_preserved, include_files, model_dir, previous_clustering, previous_query_clustering, network_file, gpu_graph, info_csv, rapidnj, tree, mst_distances, overwrite, core_only, accessory_only, display_cluster, web): from .models import loadClusterFit from .network import construct_network_from_assignments from .network import fetchNetwork from .network import generate_minimum_spanning_tree from .network import load_network_file from .network import cugraph_to_graph_tool from .plot import drawMST from .plot import outputsForMicroreact from .plot import outputsForCytoscape from .plot import outputsForPhandango from .plot import outputsForGrapetree from .plot import writeClusterCsv from .prune_db import prune_distance_matrix from .sketchlib import readDBParams from .sketchlib import getKmersFromReferenceDatabase from .sketchlib import addRandom from .trees import load_tree, generate_nj_tree, mst_to_phylogeny from .utils import isolateNameToLabel from .utils import readPickle from .utils import setGtThreads from .utils import update_distance_matrices from .utils import readIsolateTypeFromCsv from .utils import joinClusterDicts from .utils import listDistInts # Check on parallelisation of graph-tools setGtThreads(threads) sys.stderr.write("PopPUNK: visualise\n") if not (microreact or phandango or grapetree or cytoscape): sys.stderr.write( "Must specify at least one type of visualisation to output\n") sys.exit(1) # make directory for new output files if not os.path.isdir(output): try: os.makedirs(output) except OSError: sys.stderr.write("Cannot create output directory\n") sys.exit(1) if distances is None: if query_db is None: distances = ref_db + "/" + os.path.basename(ref_db) + ".dists" else: distances = query_db + "/" + os.path.basename(query_db) + ".dists" else: distances = distances rlist, qlist, self, complete_distMat = readPickle(distances) if not self: qr_distMat = complete_distMat else: rr_distMat = complete_distMat # Fill in qq-distances if required if self == False: sys.stderr.write( "Note: Distances in " + distances + " are from assign mode\n" "Note: Distance will be extended to full all-vs-all distances\n" "Note: Re-run poppunk_assign with --update-db to avoid this\n") ref_db_loc = ref_db + "/" + os.path.basename(ref_db) rlist_original, qlist_original, self_ref, rr_distMat = readPickle( ref_db_loc + ".dists") if not self_ref: sys.stderr.write("Distances in " + ref_db + " not self all-vs-all either\n") sys.exit(1) kmers, sketch_sizes, codon_phased = readDBParams(query_db) addRandom(query_db, qlist, kmers, strand_preserved=strand_preserved, threads=threads) query_db_loc = query_db + "/" + os.path.basename(query_db) qq_distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(query_db_loc, query_db_loc, qlist, qlist, kmers, True, False, threads, gpu_dist, deviceid) # If the assignment was run with references, qrDistMat will be incomplete if rlist != rlist_original: rlist = rlist_original qr_distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db_loc, query_db_loc, rlist, qlist, kmers, True, False, threads, gpu_dist, deviceid) else: qlist = None qr_distMat = None qq_distMat = None # Turn long form matrices into square form combined_seq, core_distMat, acc_distMat = \ update_distance_matrices(rlist, rr_distMat, qlist, qr_distMat, qq_distMat, threads = threads) # extract subset of distances if requested if include_files is not None: viz_subset = set() with open(include_files, 'r') as assemblyFiles: for assembly in assemblyFiles: viz_subset.add(assembly.rstrip()) if len(viz_subset.difference(combined_seq)) > 0: sys.stderr.write( "--include-files contains names not in --distances\n") # Only keep found rows row_slice = [ True if name in viz_subset else False for name in combined_seq ] combined_seq = [name for name in combined_seq if name in viz_subset] if qlist != None: qlist = list(viz_subset.intersection(qlist)) core_distMat = core_distMat[np.ix_(row_slice, row_slice)] acc_distMat = acc_distMat[np.ix_(row_slice, row_slice)] else: viz_subset = None # Either use strain definitions, lineage assignments or external clustering isolateClustering = {} # Use external clustering if specified if external_clustering: cluster_file = external_clustering isolateClustering = readIsolateTypeFromCsv(cluster_file, mode='external', return_dict=True) # identify existing model and cluster files if model_dir is not None: model_prefix = model_dir else: model_prefix = ref_db try: model_file = model_prefix + "/" + os.path.basename(model_prefix) model = loadClusterFit(model_file + '_fit.pkl', model_file + '_fit.npz') model.set_threads(threads) except FileNotFoundError: sys.stderr.write('Unable to locate previous model fit in ' + model_prefix + '\n') sys.exit(1) # Load previous clusters if previous_clustering is not None: prev_clustering = previous_clustering mode = "clusters" suffix = "_clusters.csv" if prev_clustering.endswith('_lineages.csv'): mode = "lineages" suffix = "_lineages.csv" else: # Identify type of clustering based on model mode = "clusters" suffix = "_clusters.csv" if model.type == "lineage": mode = "lineages" suffix = "_lineages.csv" if model.indiv_fitted: sys.stderr.write( "Note: Individual (core/accessory) fits found, but " "visualisation only supports combined boundary fit\n") prev_clustering = os.path.basename( model_file) + '/' + os.path.basename(model_file) + suffix isolateClustering = readIsolateTypeFromCsv(prev_clustering, mode=mode, return_dict=True) # Join clusters with query clusters if required if not self: if previous_query_clustering is not None: prev_query_clustering = previous_query_clustering else: prev_query_clustering = os.path.basename( query_db) + '/' + os.path.basename(query_db) + suffix queryIsolateClustering = readIsolateTypeFromCsv(prev_query_clustering, mode=mode, return_dict=True) isolateClustering = joinClusterDicts(isolateClustering, queryIsolateClustering) # Generate MST mst_tree = None mst_graph = None nj_tree = None if len(combined_seq) >= 3: # MST tree if tree == 'mst' or tree == 'both': existing_tree = None if not overwrite: existing_tree = load_tree(output, "MST", distances=mst_distances) if existing_tree is None: # Check selecting clustering type is in CSV clustering_name = 'Cluster' if display_cluster != None: if display_cluster not in isolateClustering.keys(): clustering_name = list(isolateClustering.keys())[0] sys.stderr.write('Unable to find clustering column ' + display_cluster + ' in file ' + prev_clustering + '; instead using ' + clustering_name + '\n') else: clustering_name = display_cluster else: clustering_name = list(isolateClustering.keys())[0] # Get distance matrix complete_distMat = \ np.hstack((pp_sketchlib.squareToLong(core_distMat, threads).reshape(-1, 1), pp_sketchlib.squareToLong(acc_distMat, threads).reshape(-1, 1))) # Dense network may be slow sys.stderr.write( "Generating MST from dense distances (may be slow)\n") G = construct_network_from_assignments( combined_seq, combined_seq, [0] * complete_distMat.shape[0], within_label=0, distMat=complete_distMat, weights_type=mst_distances, use_gpu=gpu_graph, summarise=False) if gpu_graph: G = cugraph.minimum_spanning_tree(G, weight='weights') mst_graph = generate_minimum_spanning_tree(G, gpu_graph) del G mst_as_tree = mst_to_phylogeny( mst_graph, isolateNameToLabel(combined_seq), use_gpu=gpu_graph) if gpu_graph: mst_graph = cugraph_to_graph_tool( mst_graph, isolateNameToLabel(combined_seq)) else: vid = mst_graph.new_vertex_property( 'string', vals=isolateNameToLabel(combined_seq)) = vid drawMST(mst_graph, output, isolateClustering, clustering_name, overwrite) else: mst_tree = existing_tree # Generate NJ tree if tree == 'nj' or tree == 'both': existing_tree = None if not overwrite: existing_tree = load_tree(output, "NJ") if existing_tree is None: nj_tree = generate_nj_tree(core_distMat, combined_seq, output, rapidnj, threads=threads) else: nj_tree = existing_tree else: sys.stderr.write("Fewer than three sequences, not drawing trees\n") # Now have all the objects needed to generate selected visualisations if microreact: sys.stderr.write("Writing microreact output\n") outputsForMicroreact(combined_seq, isolateClustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, acc_distMat, perplexity, output, info_csv, queryList=qlist, overwrite=overwrite, use_gpu=gpu_graph) if phandango: sys.stderr.write("Writing phandango output\n") outputsForPhandango(combined_seq, isolateClustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, output, info_csv, queryList=qlist, overwrite=overwrite) if grapetree: sys.stderr.write("Writing grapetree output\n") outputsForGrapetree(combined_seq, isolateClustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, output, info_csv, queryList=qlist, overwrite=overwrite) if cytoscape: sys.stderr.write("Writing cytoscape output\n") if network_file is None: sys.stderr.write( 'Cytoscape output requires a network file is provided\n') sys.exit(1) genomeNetwork = load_network_file(network_file, use_gpu=gpu_graph) if gpu_graph: genomeNetwork = cugraph_to_graph_tool( genomeNetwork, isolateNameToLabel(combined_seq)) outputsForCytoscape(genomeNetwork, mst_graph, combined_seq, isolateClustering, output, info_csv, viz_subset=viz_subset) if model.type == 'lineage': sys.stderr.write( "Note: Only support for output of cytoscape graph at lowest rank\n" ) sys.stderr.write("\nDone\n")
def main(): args = get_options() if args.min_k >= args.max_k or args.min_k < 3 or args.max_k > 101 or args.k_step < 1: sys.stderr.write( "Minimum kmer size " + str(args.min_k) + " must be smaller than maximum kmer size " + str(args.max_k) + "; range must be between 3 and 101, step must be at least one\n") sys.exit(1) kmers = np.arange(args.min_k, args.max_k + 1, args.k_step) # # Create a database (sketch input) # if args.sketch: names = [] sequences = [] with open(args.rfile, 'rU') as refFile: for refLine in refFile: refFields = refLine.rstrip().split("\t") names.append(refFields[0]) sequences.append(list(refFields[1:])) if len(set(names)) != len(names): sys.stderr.write( "Input contains duplicate names! All names must be unique\n") sys.exit(1) pp_sketchlib.constructDatabase(args.ref_db, names, sequences, kmers, int(round(args.sketch_size / 64)), args.codon_phased, not args.no_random, args.strand, args.min_count, args.exact_counter, args.cpus, args.use_gpu, args.gpu_id) # # Join two databases # elif args.join: join_name = args.output + ".h5" db1_name = args.ref_db + ".h5" db2_name = args.query_db + ".h5" hdf1 = h5py.File(db1_name, 'r') hdf2 = h5py.File(db2_name, 'r') try: v1 = hdf1['sketches'].attrs['sketch_version'] v2 = hdf2['sketches'].attrs['sketch_version'] if (v1 != v2): sys.stderr.write( "Databases have been written with different sketch versions, " "joining not recommended (but proceeding anyway)\n") p1 = hdf1['sketches'].attrs['codon_phased'] p2 = hdf2['sketches'].attrs['codon_phased'] if (p1 != p2): sys.stderr.write( "One database uses codon-phased seeds - cannot join " "with a standard seed database\n") except RuntimeError as e: sys.stderr.write("Unable to check sketch version\n") hdf_join = h5py.File(join_name + ".tmp", 'w') # add .tmp in case join_name exists # Can only copy into new group, so for second file these are appended one at a time try: hdf1.copy('sketches', hdf_join) join_grp = hdf_join['sketches'] read_grp = hdf2['sketches'] for dataset in read_grp: join_grp.copy(read_grp[dataset], dataset) if 'random' in hdf1 or 'random' in hdf2: sys.stderr.write( "Random matches found in one database, which will not be copied\n" "Use --add-random to recalculate for the joined DB\n") except RuntimeError as e: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: " + str(e) + "\n") sys.stderr.write("Joining sketches failed\n") sys.exit(1) # Clean up hdf1.close() hdf2.close() hdf_join.close() os.rename(join_name + ".tmp", join_name) # # Query a database (calculate distances) # elif args.query: rList = getSampleNames(args.ref_db) qList = getSampleNames(args.query_db) if args.subset != None: subset = [] with open(args.subset, 'r') as subset_file: for line in subset_file: sample_name = line.rstrip().split("\t")[0] subset.append(sample_name) rList = list(set(rList).intersection(subset)) qList = list(set(qList).intersection(subset)) if (len(rList) == 0 or len(qList) == 0): sys.stderr.write("Subset has removed all samples\n") sys.exit(1) # Check inputs overlap ref = h5py.File(args.ref_db + ".h5", 'r') query = h5py.File(args.query_db + ".h5", 'r') db_kmers = set(ref['sketches/' + rList[0]].attrs['kmers']).intersection( query['sketches/' + qList[0]].attrs['kmers']) if args.read_k: query_kmers = sorted(db_kmers) else: query_kmers = sorted(set(kmers).intersection(db_kmers)) if (len(query_kmers) == 0): sys.stderr.write("No requested k-mer lengths found in DB\n") sys.exit(1) elif (len(query_kmers) < len(query_kmers)): sys.stderr.write( "Some requested k-mer lengths not found in DB\n") ref.close() query.close() if args.sparse: sparseIdx = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabaseSparse( args.ref_db, args.query_db, rList, qList, query_kmers, not args.no_correction, args.threshold, args.kNN, not args.accessory, args.cpus, args.use_gpu, args.gpu_id) if args.print: if args.accessory: distName = 'Accessory' else: distName = 'Core' sys.stdout.write("\t".join(['Query', 'Reference', distName]) + "\n") (i_vec, j_vec, dist_vec) = sparseIdx for (i, j, dist) in zip(i_vec, j_vec, dist_vec): sys.stdout.write("\t".join([rList[i], qList[j], str(dist)]) + "\n") else: coo_matrix = ijv_to_coo(sparseIdx, (len(rList), len(qList)), np.float32) storePickle(rList, qList, rList == qList, coo_matrix, args.output) else: distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(args.ref_db, args.query_db, rList, qList, query_kmers, not args.no_correction, args.jaccard, args.cpus, args.use_gpu, args.gpu_id) # get names order if args.print: names = iterDistRows(rList, qList, rList == qList) if not args.jaccard: sys.stdout.write("\t".join( ['Query', 'Reference', 'Core', 'Accessory']) + "\n") for i, (ref, query) in enumerate(names): sys.stdout.write("\t".join([ query, ref, str(distMat[i, 0]), str(distMat[i, 1]) ]) + "\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\t".join(['Query', 'Reference'] + [str(i) for i in query_kmers]) + "\n") for i, (ref, query) in enumerate(names): sys.stdout.write("\t".join( [query, ref] + [str(k) for k in distMat[i, ]]) + "\n") else: storePickle(rList, qList, rList == qList, distMat, args.output) # # Add random match chances to an older database # elif args.add_random: rList = getSampleNames(args.ref_db) ref = h5py.File(args.ref_db + ".h5", 'r') db_kmers = ref['sketches/' + rList[0]].attrs['kmers'] ref.close() pp_sketchlib.addRandom(args.ref_db, rList, db_kmers, args.strand, args.cpus) sys.exit(0)
else: for query in querySeqs: for ref in refSeqs: yield (ref, query) # Generate distances rList = [] ref = h5py.File(ref_db + ".h5", 'r') for sample_name in list(ref['sketches'].keys()): rList.append(sample_name) db_kmers = ref['sketches/' + rList[0]].attrs['kmers'] ref.close() distMat = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, ref_db, rList, rList, db_kmers) jaccard_dists = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, ref_db, rList, rList, db_kmers, jaccard=True) jaccard_dists_raw = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, ref_db, rList, rList, db_kmers, jaccard=True, random_correct=False) distMat = np.hstack((distMat, jaccard_dists, jaccard_dists_raw)) + " ../ --fit-model lineage --ref-db batch12 --ranks 1,2", shell=True, check=True) + " ../ --create-db --r-files rfile1.txt --output batch1 --overwrite", shell=True, check=True) + " ../ --fit-model lineage --ref-db batch1 --ranks 1,2", shell=True, check=True) + " ../ --db batch1 --query rfile2.txt --output batch2 --update-db --overwrite", shell=True, check=True) # Load updated distances X2 = np.load("batch2/batch2.dists.npy") with open("batch2/batch2.dists.pkl", 'rb') as pickle_file: rlist2, qlist, self = pickle.load(pickle_file) # Get same distances from the full database ref_db = "batch12/batch12" ref_h5 = h5py.File(ref_db + ".h5", 'r') db_kmers = sorted(ref_h5['sketches/' + rlist2[0]].attrs['kmers']) ref_h5.close() X1 = pp_sketchlib.queryDatabase(ref_db, ref_db, rlist2, rlist2, db_kmers, True, False, 1, False, 0) # Check distances match run_regression(X1[:, 0], X2[:, 0]) run_regression(X1[:, 1], X2[:, 1]) # Check sparse distances after one query with open("batch12/batch12.dists.pkl", 'rb') as pickle_file: rlist1, qlist1, self = pickle.load(pickle_file) S1 = scipy.sparse.load_npz("batch12/batch12_rank2_fit.npz") S2 = scipy.sparse.load_npz("batch2/batch2_rank2_fit.npz") compare_sparse_matrices(S1,S2,rlist1,rlist2) # Check distances after second query # Check that order is the same after doing 1 + 2 + 3 with --update-db, as doing all of 1 + 2 + 3 together