Пример #1
class IvyRequester(object):
    def __init__(self, interface=None):
        self._interface = interface
        if interface is None:
            self._interface = IvyMessagesInterface("ivy requester")
        self.ac_list = []

    def __del__(self):

    def shutdown(self):
        if self._interface is not None:
            print("Shutting down ivy interface...")
            self._interface = None

    def get_aircrafts(self):
        wait_step = 0.1
        timeout = 30 / wait_step  # 30 seconds
        new_answer = False

        def aircrafts_cb(ac_id, msg):
            global new_answer
            self.ac_list = [int(a) for a in msg['ac_list'].split(',') if a]
            print("aircrafts: {}".format(self.ac_list))
            new_answer = True

        self._interface.send_request('ground', "AIRCRAFTS", aircrafts_cb)
        # hack: sleep briefly to wait for answer
        while not new_answer and timeout > 0:
            timeout -= 1

        if not new_answer:
                "WARNING: Getting the list of aircraft timed out. The results might be outdated."
            # Didn't raise an exception or return None in order to not break the API

        return self.ac_list
Пример #2
class PprzConnect(object):
    Main class to handle the initialization process with the server
    in order to retrieve the configuration of the known aircraft
    and update for the new ones

    def __init__(self, notify=None, ivy=None, verbose=False):
        Init function
        Create an ivy interface if not provided and request for all aircraft

        :param notify: callback function called on new aircraft, takes a PprzConfig as parameter
        :param ivy: ivy interface to contact the server, if None a new one will be created
        :param verbose: display debug information
        self.verbose = verbose
        self._notify = notify

        self._conf_list_by_name = {}
        self._conf_list_by_id = {}

        if ivy is None:
            self._ivy = IvyMessagesInterface("PprzConnect")
            self._ivy = ivy


    def __del__(self):

    def shutdown(self):
        Shutdown function

        Should be called before leaving if the ivy interface is not closed elsewhere
        if self._ivy is not None:
            if self.verbose:
                print("Shutting down ivy interface...")
            self._ivy = None

    def conf_by_name(self, ac_name=None):
        Get a conf by its name

        :param ac_name: aircraft name, if None the complete dict is returned
        :type ac_name: str
        if ac_name is not None:
            return self._conf_list_by_name[ac_name]
            return self._conf_list_by_name

    def conf_by_id(self, ac_id=None):
        Get a conf by its ID

        :param ac_id: aircraft id, if None the complete dict is returned
        :type ac_id: str
        if ac_id is not None:
            return self._conf_list_by_id[ac_id]
            return self._conf_list_by_id

    def ivy(self):
        Getter function for the ivy interface
        return self._ivy

    def get_aircrafts(self):
        request all aircrafts IDs from a runing server
        and new aircraft when they appear
        def aircrafts_cb(sender, msg):
            ac_list = msg['ac_list']
            for ac_id in ac_list:
            #ac_list = [int(a) for a in msg['ac_list'].split(',') if a]
            if self.verbose:
                print("aircrafts: {}".format(ac_list))
        self._ivy.send_request('ground', "AIRCRAFTS", aircrafts_cb)

        def new_ac_cb(sender, msg):
            ac_id = msg['ac_id']
            if self.verbose:
                print("new aircraft: {}".format(ac_id))

    def get_config(self, ac_id):
        Requsest a config from the server for a given ID

        :param ac_id: aircraft ID
        :type ac_id: str
        def conf_cb(sender, msg):
            conf = PprzConfig(msg['ac_id'], msg['ac_name'], msg['airframe'],
                    msg['flight_plan'], msg['settings'], msg['radio'],
            self._conf_list_by_name[conf.name] = conf
            self._conf_list_by_id[int(conf.id)] = conf
            if self._notify is not None:
                self._notify(conf) # user defined general callback
            if self.verbose:
        self._ivy.send_request('ground', "CONFIG", conf_cb, ac_id=ac_id)