Пример #1
 def visit_shrine(self):
     """Head to the Shrine of the Unknowable Gods to make offerings."""
     self.gods = godgen(2)
     msg = "The Shrine is mostly deserted at this time of day. " \
         "Two of the altars catch your eye: one (choice 1) to " \
         + self.gods[0] + ", which offers Enlightenment on a sliding " \
         "tithe scale; and one (choice 2) to " + self.gods[1] + ", " \
         "which promises Materialism for a single lump sum of 30,000gp."
     print textwrap.fill(msg), "\nChoice# Offering, or Leave"
     choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", character = self.character, \
         options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
     while choice != "leave":
         choice = choice.split()
         if len(choice) < 2 or (choice[0] != "1" and choice[0] != "2"):
             print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) " \
                 "and an offering amount."
             choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
             offering = int(choice[1])
         except ValueError:
             print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) and " \
                 "an offering amount."
             choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
         self.offering(choice[0], offering)
         choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
     print "You leave the shrine and head back into the town square.", '\n'
Пример #2
 def visit_shrine(self):
     """Head to the Shrine of the Unknowable Gods to make offerings."""
     self.gods = godgen(2)
     msg = "The Shrine is mostly deserted at this time of day. " \
         "Two of the altars catch your eye: one (choice 1) to " \
         + self.gods[0] + ", which offers Enlightenment on a sliding " \
         "tithe scale; and one (choice 2) to " + self.gods[1] + ", " \
         "which promises Materialism for a single lump sum of 30,000gp."
     print textwrap.fill(msg), "\nChoice# Offering, or Leave"
     choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", character = self.character, \
         options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
     while choice != "leave":
         choice = choice.split()
         if len(choice) < 2 or (choice[0] != "1" and choice[0] != "2"):
             print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) " \
                 "and an offering amount."
             choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
             offering = int(choice[1])
         except ValueError:
             print "You need to pick both an altar number (1 or 2) and " \
                 "an offering amount."
             choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
         self.offering(choice[0], offering)
         choice = get_user_input("Shrine> ", \
                 character = self.character, \
                 options = ["leave", "sheet", "equip", "help"]).lower()
     print "You leave the shrine and head back into the town square.", '\n'
Пример #3
def main():
    """Initialize and start the game session"""
    send_to_console(textwrap.fill("Welcome to Percival's Quest! This is a solo random " \
        "dungeoncrawl rpg written in python by the ever-resourceful (and " \
        "extremely humble) sirpercival."))
    player_name = get_user_input("Please enter your player name> ")
    msg = "Welcome, " + player_name + "!"
    rpg_instance = pqr.PQ_RPG(player_name)
    newgame = False
    temp_rpg = load(rpg_instance)
    if temp_rpg:
        msg += " You currently have a game saved. Would you like to load it?"
        loadit = get_user_input("Load (y/n)> ",
                                options=['Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N', 'Load'])
        if loadit.lower() in ["y", "yes", "load"]:
            rpg_instance = temp_rpg
            del temp_rpg
            send_to_console("Game successfully loaded.")
            newgame = True
        send_to_console(msg + " You don't have a character saved...")
        newgame = True
    if newgame:
        rpg_instance = generate(rpg_instance)
    msg = "You begin in the town square. \n"
    msg += "(Please note that at almost any prompt, you can choose Sheet " \
        "to look at your charsheet, Equip to change your equipment, Help " \
        "to enter the help library, or Quit to quit.)"
    msg = "To the East is your humble abode and warm bed; " \
        "to the North, the General Store where various and sundry goods " \
        "may be purchased; to the West, the City-Hall where the mayor " \
        "makes his office; to the Northwest, the local Temple to the " \
        "Unknowable Gods; and to the South lie the gates of the city, " \
        "leading out to the Dungeon."
Пример #4
def main():
    """Initialize and start the game session"""
    send_to_console(textwrap.fill("Welcome to Percival's Quest! This is a solo random " \
        "dungeoncrawl rpg written in python by the ever-resourceful (and " \
        "extremely humble) sirpercival."))
    player_name = get_user_input("Please enter your player name> ")
    msg = "Welcome, "+player_name+"!"
    rpg_instance = pqr.PQ_RPG(player_name)
    newgame = False
    temp_rpg = load(rpg_instance)
    if temp_rpg:
        msg += " You currently have a game saved. Would you like to load it?"
        loadit = get_user_input("Load (y/n)> ", options = ['Yes','No','Y','N','Load'])
        if loadit.lower() in ["y", "yes", "load"]:
            rpg_instance = temp_rpg
            del temp_rpg
            send_to_console("Game successfully loaded.")
            newgame = True
        send_to_console(msg + " You don't have a character saved...")
        newgame = True
    if newgame:
        rpg_instance = generate(rpg_instance)
    msg = "You begin in the town square. \n"
    msg += "(Please note that at almost any prompt, you can choose Sheet " \
        "to look at your charsheet, Equip to change your equipment, Help " \
        "to enter the help library, or Quit to quit.)"
    msg = "To the East is your humble abode and warm bed; " \
        "to the North, the General Store where various and sundry goods " \
        "may be purchased; to the West, the Questhall where the mayor " \
        "makes his office; to the Northwest, the local Shrine to the " \
        "Unknowable Gods; and to the South lie the gates of the city, " \
        "leading out to the Dungeon."
Пример #5
    def check_riddleguess(self):
        """Handle guesses of the riddle answer."""
        while self.riddleguess > 0:
            guess = get_user_input("Guess> ", character=self.char, options=["sheet", "equip", "help"])
            self.riddleguess -= 1
            # check for a valid guess
            badguess = 0
            import string

            if len(guess.split()) > 1:
                badguess = 1
            for i in guess:
                if i not in string.letters:
                    badguess = 2
            if badguess:
                badguess_message = ["your guess should be one word only.'", "what you said isn't even a word.'"][
                    badguess - 1
                print "The " + self.thing + " frowns. 'I do not know why you " "would waste a guess on that... " + badguess_message, "\n"
            # are they right?
            if guess.upper() == self.answer:
            # are they done?
            if self.riddleguess <= 0:
            answer_length = len(self.answer)
            pl = "s" if self.riddleguess != 1 else ""
            msg = (
                "You have guessed incorrectly, leaving you with "
                + str(self.riddleguess)
                + " chance"
                + pl
                + " remaining. "
            msg += (
                "Here is a hint to help you: the answer to the riddle "
                "is a single word with " + str(answer_length) + " letters."
            print msg, "\n"
Пример #6
 def check_riddleguess(self):
     """Handle guesses of the riddle answer."""
     while self.riddleguess > 0:
         guess = get_user_input("Guess> ", character=self.char, \
             options = ["sheet", "equip", "help"])
         self.riddleguess -= 1
         #check for a valid guess
         badguess = 0
         import string
         if len(guess.split()) > 1:
             badguess = 1
         for i in guess:
             if i not in string.letters:
                 badguess = 2
         if badguess:
             badguess_message = ["your guess should be one word only.'", \
                 "what you said isn't even a word.'"][badguess - 1]
             send_to_console("The " + self.thing + " frowns. 'I do not know why you " \
                 "would waste a guess on that... " + badguess_message, '\n')
         #are they right?
         if guess.upper() == self.answer:
         #are they done?
         if self.riddleguess <= 0:
         answer_length = len(self.answer)
         pl = "s" if self.riddleguess != 1 else ""
         msg = "You have guessed incorrectly, leaving you with " + \
             str(self.riddleguess) + " chance" + pl + " remaining. "
         msg += "Here is a hint to help you: the answer to the riddle " \
             "is a single word with " + str(answer_length) + " letters."
         send_to_console(msg, '\n')
Пример #7
 def check_numguess(self):
     """A numeric Mastermind game! Give feedback on the guesses."""
     while self.numguess > 0:
         guess = get_user_input("Guess> ", character=self.char, \
             options = ["sheet", "equip", "help"])
         self.numguess -= 1
         #check for a valid guess
         badguess = False
         if len(guess) != 4:
             badguess = True
         for i in guess:
                 j = int(i)
             except ValueError:
                 badguess = True
         if badguess:
             send_to_console("The " + self.thing + " frowns. 'I do not know why " \
                 "you would waste a guess on that.'", '\n')
         copy_answer = [i for i in self.numcode]
         copy_guess = [i for i in guess]
         correct = []
         #first pass: check for correct positions
         progress = 0
         for i in range(4):
             if copy_guess[i] == copy_answer[i]:
                 copy_answer[i] = '*'
                 copy_guess[i] = '*'
                 progress += 2
         #did they get it right?
         if ''.join(copy_answer) == '****' or progress == 8:
         #if not, are they done?
         if self.numguess <= 0:
         #if not, let's check for correct digits, incorrect positions
         for i in range(4):
             if copy_guess[i] != '*' and copy_guess[i] in copy_answer:
                 progress += 1
         #fill out the rest with evil BWHAHA
         ncorrect = len(correct)
         for i in range(4 - ncorrect):
         #concatenate results
         hint = []
         nums = ['', 'singuli', 'bini', 'terni', 'quaterni']
         for i in ['rectus', 'proxime', 'malum']:
             num = correct.count(i)
             if num > 0:
                 hint.append(nums[num] + ' ' + i)
         hint = ', '.join(hint) + '.'
         progress = (progress + 1) / 2
         progmsg = ("The " + self.thing + " sighs. " + color.BOLD + \
             "'You are nearly as far from correct as it is possible to be."\
             " Perhaps this hint will help:",
             "The " + self.thing + " nods slowly. " + color.BOLD + \
             "'You have some small skill at this sort of thing, " \
             "it would seem. A hint to aid your progress:",
             "The " + self.thing + " quirks an eyebrow. " + color.BOLD + \
             "'Perhaps you do not even need this hint, but I will " \
             "provide it anyway:",
             "The " + self.thing + " smiles, showing a little too many " \
             "teeth. " + color.BOLD + "'I am impressed -- you are nearly " \
             "there. Another hint:")
         if self.numguess > 1:
             nummsg = "You have " + str(self.numguess) + " guesses " \
                 "remaining. Use them wisely.'" + color.END
             nummsg = "You have one guess remaining. Use it wisely.'" \
                 + color.END
         send_to_console(textwrap.fill(" ".join([progmsg[progress], hint, \
             nummsg])), '\n')