def main(): obj_type = sys.argv[1] my_world = WorldInterface() # print "quat="+str(gt.euler_to_quaternion(math.pi/2,math.pi/2,0)) if obj_type == "plate" or obj_type == "paper_plate" or obj_type == "plastic_plate": obj = create_plate(my_world) elif obj_type == "box": obj = create_box(my_world) my_world.attach_object_to_gripper('left_arm', obj)
def _initialize(self): '''Connect up all services and action clients. ''' self._world_interface = WorldInterface() self._controller_manager = ControllerManagerClient() if self._arm_name in ['right_arm', 'left_arm']: self._group_name = self._arm_name self._planner = ArmPlanner(self._arm_name) self._hand_description = HandDescription(self._arm_name) arm_abbr = self._arm_name[0] self._joint_controller = '%s_arm_controller' % arm_abbr self._cartesian_controller = '%s_cart' % arm_abbr self._move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'move_%s' % self._arm_name, arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._move_arm_client) jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' % arm_abbr self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) self._cart_interface = CartesianControllerInterface(self._arm_name) elif self._arm_name == 'both': self._joint_controller = 'two_arm_controller' jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_two_arm_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) else: raise ValueError('Invalid arm name for worker: %s' % self._arm_name)
def pickplace_main(): rospy.loginfo('Waiting for action') rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') detector = TablewareDetection() det = detector.detect_objects(add_objects_as_mesh=False) if not det.pickup_goals: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return wi = WorldInterface() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() add_map_tables(wi) psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = DARRTGoal() goal.pickup_goal = det.pickup_goals[0] goal.pickup_goal.lift_distance = 0.3 goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = -1.3 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0.7 if 'graspable' in goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name: place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.8 else: place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.75 place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = 'serving_table', collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.3 goal.retreat_distance = 0.3 goal.debug_level = 2 goal.do_pause = False goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 10 goal.goal_bias = 0.2 average_time = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n'+str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('Restart after '+str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error '+str(result.error_code)+'. We had '+str(i)+ ' successful trials with an average time of '+str(average_time/float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL '+str(i)+': '+str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo(str(NTRIALS)+' averaged '+str(average_time/float(NTRIALS))+' seconds to solve')
def main(): rospy.init_node("touring", anonymous=True) sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["success", "failure"]) base_mover = base.Base() detector = TablewareDetection() pickplace = PickPlace() pickplace.min_open_gripper_pos = 0.0014 world = two_arms_states.WorldState() interface = WorldInterface() tasks = Tasks() placer_r = SensingPlacer('right_arm') placer_l = SensingPlacer('left_arm') interface.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() tasks.move_arms_to_side() rospy.loginfo("Creating State Machine") with sm: detect = create_detect_sm(world, base_mover, detector) smach.StateMachine.add("detect", detect, transitions = {"success":"clean_table", "failure":"failure"} ) clean_table = clean_table_sm(world, tasks, base_mover, placer_l, placer_r, interface) smach.StateMachine.add("clean_table", clean_table, transitions = {"success":"setup_table", "failure":"failure" } ) setup_table = setup_table_sm(world, tasks, base_mover, placer_l, placer_r, interface) smach.StateMachine.add("setup_table", setup_table, transitions = {"success":"success", "failure":"failure" } ) outcome = sm.execute() rospy.loginfo("Outcome: %s", outcome)
def __init__(self): arms = ['right_arm', 'left_arm'] self.grippers = {} self.arm_planners = {} for arm in arms: self.grippers[arm] = Gripper(arm) self.arm_planners[arm] = ArmPlanner(arm) self.arm_mover = ArmMover() self.arm_tasks = ArmTasks() self.base = Base() self.wi = WorldInterface() self.psi = get_planning_scene_interface() self.base_action = SimpleActionClient('base_trajectory_action', BaseTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for base trajectory action') self.base_action.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found base trajectory action') rospy.loginfo('DARRT trajectory executor successfully initialized!')
def __init__(self, world, screenshot, fake_walls=False, box_plate=False, real=False): = world self.screenshot = screenshot self.wi = WorldInterface() self.psi = get_planning_scene_interface() self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) self.arms = ArmTasks() self.torso = Torso() self.gripper = { 'right_arm': Gripper('right_arm'), 'left_arm': Gripper('left_arm') } self.box_plate = box_plate self.real = real self.fake_walls = fake_walls
def time_plate_main(): rospy.loginfo('Reading file') [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) rospy.loginfo('Original starting state was\n'+str(robot_state)) markers = vt.robot_marker(robot_state, ns='robot_starting_state', a = 0.5) pub = rospy.Publisher('/darrt_planning/robot_state_markers', MarkerArray) for i in range(10): rospy.loginfo('Publishing starting state!') pub.publish(markers) rospy.sleep(0.1) wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset(repopulate=False) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() plate = None for co in collision_objects: wi.add_object(co) if ( == goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name): plate = co psi.reset() ops = PoseStamped() ops.header = copy.deepcopy(plate.header) ops.pose = copy.deepcopy(plate.poses[0]) #the old pickup goal may have used base link to generate grasps #i don't know what we do with things for which we need a point cloud goal.pickup_goal = PickupGoal('right_arm', om.GraspableObject(reference_frame_id=ops.header.frame_id), object_pose_stamped=ops, collision_object_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name, collision_support_surface_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_support_surface_name, desired_grasps=plate_grasps(ops, ops.header.frame_id)) rospy.loginfo('Teleop to initial state. Ready to go?') raw_input() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 200 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 1 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.x = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.y = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.z = 0.86 average_time = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n'+str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: '+sys.argv[1]+', restart after '+str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error '+str(result.error_code)+'. We had '+str(i)+ ' successful trials with an average time of '+str(average_time/float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL '+str(i)+': '+str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo(str(NTRIALS)+' averaged '+str(average_time/float(NTRIALS))+' seconds to solve')
def _initialize(self): '''Connect up all services and action clients. ''' self._world_interface = WorldInterface() self._controller_manager = ControllerManagerClient() if self._arm_name in ['right_arm', 'left_arm']: self._group_name = self._arm_name self._planner = ArmPlanner(self._arm_name) self._hand_description = HandDescription(self._arm_name) arm_abbr = self._arm_name[0] self._joint_controller = '%s_arm_controller' % arm_abbr self._cartesian_controller = '%s_cart' % arm_abbr self._move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'move_%s' % self._arm_name, arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._move_arm_client) #jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' % arm_abbr #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) #self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' % arm_abbr self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( jt_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) self._cart_interface = CartesianControllerInterface(self._arm_name) elif self._arm_name == 'both': self._joint_controller = 'two_arm_controller' #jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_two_arm_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( jt_two_arm_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) else: raise ValueError('Invalid arm name for worker: %s' % self._arm_name)
def main(): [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) wi = WorldInterface() #set the planning scene up correctly wi.reset(repopulate=False) for co in collision_objects: #for running easy version if ('table' in or == 'plate'): wi.add_object(co) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() average_time = 0 goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 0 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 #i think that this does not work #goal.robot_state = robot_state goal.execute = False rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n' + str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: ' + sys.argv[1] + ', restart after ' + str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error ' + str(result.error_code) + '. We had ' + str(i) + ' successful trials with an average time of ' + str(average_time / float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo( str(NTRIALS) + ' averaged ' + str(average_time / float(NTRIALS)) + ' seconds to solve')
def plate_main(): pub = rospy.Publisher('darrt_trajectory', MarkerArray) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for action') rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') wi = WorldInterface() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() detector = TablewareDetection() plate = wi.collision_object('plate') good_detection = False goal = DARRTGoal() if plate: rospy.loginfo('Use last detection?') good_detection = (raw_input() == 'y') ops = PoseStamped() ops.header = copy.deepcopy(plate.header) ops.pose = copy.deepcopy(plate.poses[0]) goal.pickup_goal = PickupGoal('right_arm', om.GraspableObject(reference_frame_id=ops.header.frame_id), object_pose_stamped=ops, collision_object_name='plate', collision_support_surface_name='serving_table') while not good_detection: det = detector.detect_objects(add_table_to_map=False, add_objects_as_mesh=False, table_name='serving_table') goal.pickup_goal = get_plate(det.pickup_goals, det.table.pose, wi) psi.reset() if not goal.pickup_goal: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') rospy.loginfo('Good detection?') good_detection = (raw_input() == 'y') if not goal.pickup_goal: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return add_map_tables(wi) psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' goal.pickup_goal.desired_grasps = plate_grasps(goal.pickup_goal.object_pose_stamped, goal.pickup_goal.lift.desired_distance = 0.3 place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 1.3 # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = -0.3 # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 1.01 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.0 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0.0 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.76 place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = 0.1 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = 0.1 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = np.sqrt(0.98) #place_pose_stamped = copy.deepcopy(goal.pickup_goal.object_pose_stamped) #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x -= 0.2 #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y -= 0.2 #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z += 0.2 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = 'dirty_table', collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.x = np.sqrt(0.18) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.y = -np.sqrt(0.18) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.z = -0.8 goal.place_goal.approach.desired_distance = 0.2 goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.PUSH, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.min_grasp_distance_from_surface = 0.19 goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.7 goal.retreat_distance = 0.3 goal.debug_level = 2 goal.do_pause = False goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 6000 goal.tries = 1 goal.goal_bias = 0.2 rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() marray = MarkerArray() if result.error_code == result.SUCCESS: #pickle everything!! great excitement filename = 'trajectory_and_objects.pck' rospy.loginfo('Pickling to '+filename) #the last bit allows us to recreate the planning pickle.dump([client.get_result(), goal, wi.collision_objects(), wi.get_robot_state()], open(filename, 'wb')) rospy.loginfo('Successful write') for t in result.primitive_trajectories: marray.markers += vt.trajectory_markers(t, ns='trajectory', resolution=3).markers for (i, m) in enumerate(marray.markers): = i (m.color.r, m.color.g, m.color.b) = vt.hsv_to_rgb(i/float(len(marray.markers))*300.0, 1, 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(marray) rospy.sleep(0.1)
class Executor: def __init__(self): arms = ['right_arm', 'left_arm'] self.grippers = {} self.arm_planners = {} for arm in arms: self.grippers[arm] = Gripper(arm) self.arm_planners[arm] = ArmPlanner(arm) self.arm_mover = ArmMover() self.arm_tasks = ArmTasks() self.base = Base() self.wi = WorldInterface() self.psi = get_planning_scene_interface() self.base_action = SimpleActionClient('base_trajectory_action', BaseTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for base trajectory action') self.base_action.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found base trajectory action') rospy.loginfo('DARRT trajectory executor successfully initialized!') def execute_trajectories(self, result): rospy.loginfo('There are ' + str(len(result.primitive_names)) + ' segments') for (i, t) in enumerate(result.primitive_types): rospy.loginfo('Executing trajectory ' + str(i) + ' of type ' + t + ' and length ' + str( len(result.primitive_trajectories[i]. joint_trajectory.points))) #print 'Trajectory is\n', result.primitive_trajectories[i] splits = t.split('-') if splits[0] == 'BaseTransit': self.execute_base_trajectory(result.primitive_trajectories[i]) continue if splits[0] == 'BaseWarp': self.arm_tasks.move_arm_to_side('right_arm') self.arm_tasks.move_arm_to_side('left_arm') self.execute_warp_trajectory(result.primitive_trajectories[i]) continue if splits[0] == 'ArmTransit': self.execute_arm_trajectory(splits[1], result.primitive_trajectories[i]) continue #if splits[0] == 'Approach': if splits[0] == 'Pickup': try: self.grippers[splits[1]].close() except ActionFailedError: pass self.wi.attach_object_to_gripper(splits[1], splits[2]) #so the trajectory filter doesn't complain ops = OrderedCollisionOperations() op = CollisionOperation() op.operation = op.DISABLE op.object2 = splits[2] for t in self.wi.hands[splits[1]].touch_links: op.object1 = t ops.collision_operations.append(copy.deepcopy(op)) self.psi.add_ordered_collisions(ops) self.execute_straight_line_arm_trajectory( splits[1], result.primitive_trajectories[i]) if splits[0] == 'Place': self.grippers[splits[1]].open() self.wi.detach_and_add_back_attached_object( splits[1], splits[2]) self.psi.reset() def execute_warp_trajectory(self, trajectory): #figure out the last point on the trajectory tp = trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points[-1] (phi, theta, psi) = gt.quaternion_to_euler(tp.poses[0].orientation) self.base.move_to(tp.poses[0].position.x, tp.poses[0].position.y, psi) def execute_base_trajectory(self, trajectory): goal = BaseTrajectoryGoal() #be a little slower and more precise goal.linear_velocity = 0.2 goal.angular_velocity = np.pi / 8.0 goal.linear_error = 0.01 goal.angular_error = 0.01 joint = -1 for (i, n) in enumerate( trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.joint_names): if n == 'world_joint' or n == '/world_joint': goal.world_frame = trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.frame_ids[ i] goal.robot_frame = trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.child_frame_ids[ i] joint = i break if joint < 0: raise ActionFailedError('No world joint found in base trajectory') for p in trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points: (phi, theta, psi) = gt.quaternion_to_euler(p.poses[joint].orientation) goal.trajectory.append( Pose2D(x=p.poses[joint].position.x, y=p.poses[joint].position.y, theta=psi)) self.base_action.send_goal_and_wait(goal) def execute_arm_trajectory(self, arm_name, trajectory): arm_trajectory = self.arm_planners[arm_name].joint_trajectory( trajectory.joint_trajectory) arm_trajectory.header.stamp = #try: # arm_trajectory = self.arm_planners[arm_name].filter_trajectory(arm_trajectory) #except ArmNavError, e: #rospy.logwarn('Trajectory filter failed with error '+str(e)+'. Executing anyway') arm_trajectory = tt.convert_path_to_trajectory(arm_trajectory, time_per_pt=0.35) self.arm_mover.execute_joint_trajectory(arm_name, arm_trajectory) def execute_straight_line_arm_trajectory(self, arm_name, trajectory): arm_trajectory = self.arm_planners[arm_name].joint_trajectory( trajectory.joint_trajectory) arm_trajectory.header.stamp = arm_trajectory = tt.convert_path_to_trajectory(arm_trajectory, time_per_pt=0.4) self.arm_mover.execute_joint_trajectory(arm_name, arm_trajectory)
def main(): #Find an object to pick up psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') detector = TablewareDetection() det = detector.detect_objects(add_objects_as_mesh=False) if not det.pickup_goals: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return psi.reset() #DARRT action client client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for DARRT action') client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found DARRT action') #DARRTGoal goal = DARRTGoal() #pickup goal (from the tabletop detection) goal.pickup_goal = det.pickup_goals[0] goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' #world interface to tell us whether we're using the #map or odom_combined frame wi = WorldInterface() #place goal (move far away) place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = -2 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.85 place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal( goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name=det.table_name, collision_object_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 3 goal.debug_level = 1 goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.5 #Send the goal to the action rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') #Check the result result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Planning failed. Error code: ' + str(result.error_code)) return rospy.loginfo('Planning succeeded!') #at this point the planning is done. #now we execute and visualize the plan #visualize trajectory pub = rospy.Publisher('darrt_trajectory', MarkerArray) marray = get_trajectory_markers(result.primitive_trajectories) for i in range(10): pub.publish(marray) rospy.sleep(0.05) #Executor is a Python class for executing DARRT plans executor = Executor() #execute trajectory rospy.loginfo('Press enter to execute') raw_input() executor.execute_trajectories(result) rospy.loginfo('Successfully executed!')
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib roslib.load_manifest('cob_arm_navigation_python') import rospy from MotionPlan import * from MoveArm import * from MoveHand import * from tf.transformations import * from copy import deepcopy rospy.init_node("test") from pr2_python.world_interface import WorldInterface wi = WorldInterface() grasp_pose = PoseStamped() #grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link" grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "odom_combined" grasp_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time() grasp_pose.pose = wi.collision_object('milk').poses[0] p = grasp_pose.pose.position #p.x, p.y, p.z = [-0.8,-0.2,0.9] p.x += 0.02 p.y += 0.02 p.z += 0.02 o = grasp_pose.pose.orientation o.x,o.y,o.z,o.w = quaternion_from_euler(-1.581, -0.019, 2.379) lift_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose) p = lift_pose.pose.position p.x += 0.0
class SimSetup: def __init__(self, world, screenshot, fake_walls=False, box_plate=False, real=False): = world self.screenshot = screenshot self.wi = WorldInterface() self.psi = get_planning_scene_interface() self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) self.arms = ArmTasks() self.torso = Torso() self.gripper = { 'right_arm': Gripper('right_arm'), 'left_arm': Gripper('left_arm') } self.box_plate = box_plate self.real = real self.fake_walls = fake_walls def setup(self, arm): self.wi.reset(repopulate=False) self.set_robot_position() goal = DARRTGoal() goal.support_surfaces = self.add_tables() if self.fake_walls: self.add_walls() #all the primitives arm_transit = Primitive(name='ArmTransit', parameters=[arm]) base_transit = Primitive(name='BaseTransit', parameters=['pr2_base']) approach = Primitive(name="Approach", parameters=[arm]) retreat = Primitive(name="Retreat", parameters=[arm]) rigid_transfer = Primitive(name="RigidTransfer", parameters=[arm]) push = Primitive(name="Push", parameters=[arm]) pickup = Primitive(name="Pickup", parameters=[arm]) uspat = Primitive(name="UseSpatula", parameters=[arm], numeric_parameters=[0.22, 0.2, 0.2]) strans = Primitive(name="SpatulaTransfer", parameters=[arm]) if < 0: obj = self.add_little_object() spatula, grasps = self.add_spatula(arm) block = self.add_block() if < -8: self.add_barrier() goal.objects = [obj, spatula, block] rigid_transfer.parameters.append( push.parameters += [, arm[0] + '_end_effector' ] uspat.parameters += [,, ] uspat.grasps = grasps lift = Vector3(z=1.0) uspat.directional_parameters.append(lift) strans.parameters += [, ] goal.primitives = [ arm_transit, base_transit, approach, retreat, rigid_transfer, push, uspat, strans ] goal.goals = [ Goal(, self.get_goal_poses(), False) ] self.psi.reset() return goal else: rospy.loginfo('Old world set up is broken!') return None #this no longer works right if < 14: obj = self.add_plate() else: obj = self.add_box() if > 7: self.add_barrier() self.psi.reset() if < 6 or > 7: ss_surface = ss_names[2] #elif == 12: # ss_surface = ss_names[1] else: ss_surface = ss_names[0] return World(obj, ss_surface, ss_names[1]) def set_robot_position(self): #right now worlds 6 and above don't move the robot if > 15: return ps = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() ps.pose.covariance = [0] * 36 ps.header.frame_id = '/map' if abs( <= 2: #easier start pose ps.pose.pose.position.x = 2.7 ps.pose.pose.position.y = -2.5 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 elif < 0 or abs( < 6 or abs( == 14: ps.pose.pose.position.x = -1 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 0 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 elif abs( == 12: ps.pose.pose.position.x = 0 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 1.5 ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 else: ps.pose.pose.position.x = 1 ps.pose.pose.position.y = 1 ps.pose.pose.orientation.z = -1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0) ps.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0) if not self.real: self.pose_pub.publish(ps) self.gripper['right_arm'].open() self.torso.move(0.3) self.arms.move_arm_to_side('left_arm') if abs( < 4: rospy.loginfo('Moving right arm to up position') self.arms._arm_mover.move_to_goal( 'right_arm', self.arms._arm_planners['right_arm']. joint_positions_to_joint_state( self.arms.side_joint_trajectory['right_arm'][1]), try_hard=True) else: self.arms.move_arm_to_side('right_arm') def add_tables(self): if self.screenshot: return ['', '', ''] table = CollisionObject() table.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame table.operation.operation = table.operation.ADD shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.MESH #center table shape.vertices = [ Point(x=-0.2, y=-0.4, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=0.97, y=-0.6, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=1.0, y=0.25, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-0.25, y=0.3, z=CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] shape.triangles = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 poseb = copy.deepcopy(pose) poseb.position.z = -0.02 poset = copy.deepcopy(pose) poset.position.z = 0.02 table.shapes.append(shape) table.shapes.append(shape) table.shapes.append(shape) table.poses.append(poset) table.poses.append(pose) table.poses.append(poseb) = 'center_table' self.wi.add_object(table) #table near the door = 'door_table' shape.vertices = [ Point(x=-2.4, y=1.84, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-1.15, y=1.75, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-1.15, y=2.5, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=-2.4, y=2.5, z=DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] self.wi.add_object(table) #table in far corner = 'far_corner' shape.vertices = [ Point(x=3, y=-2.7, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=2.4, y=-3.8, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=3.2, y=-4.3, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT), Point(x=3.8, y=-3.2, z=FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT) ] self.wi.add_object(table) if self.fake_walls: #these are the table feet foot = CollisionObject() foot.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame foot.operation.operation = foot.operation.ADD = "far_corner_foot" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.5, FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT / 2.0] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 3 pose.position.y = -3.4 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 angle = 0.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) foot.shapes.append(shape) foot.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(foot) = "center_table_foot1" shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.75, 0.3] pose.position.x = 0.9 pose.position.y = -0.1 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 angle = 0 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) self.wi.add_object(foot) = "center_table_foot2" pose.position.x = -0.2 self.wi.add_object(foot) = "door_table_foot" pose.position.x = -1.25 pose.position.y = 2.1 self.wi.add_object(foot) return ['center_table', 'door_table', 'far_corner'] def add_walls(self): window_wall = CollisionObject() window_wall.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame window_wall.operation.operation = window_wall.operation.ADD = "window_wall" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [8, 0.1, 2.5] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 0 pose.position.y = -2.63 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 - 0.1 angle = np.pi / 6.25 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) window_wall.shapes.append(shape) window_wall.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[0] = shape.dimensions[1] shape.dimensions[1] = 5 pose.position.x = -2.45 pose.position.y = 1 angle = 0.05 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "door_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = shape.dimensions[0] shape.dimensions[0] = 8 pose.position.x = 0 pose.position.y = 2.3 angle = 0.1 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "cabinet_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[0] = shape.dimensions[1] shape.dimensions[1] = 3 pose.position.x = 4 pose.position.y = -3 angle = 0.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "banner_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = 4 shape.dimensions[2] = 1 pose.position.x = 3.25 pose.position.y = 0.65 pose.position.z = shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 - 0.05 angle = 0 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "computer_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) shape.dimensions[1] = shape.dimensions[0] shape.dimensions[0] = 1.8 pose.position.x = 3.9 pose.position.y = -1.6 angle = np.pi / 5.5 pose.orientation.z = np.cos(angle / 2.0) pose.orientation.w = np.sin(angle / 2.0) = "nook_wall" self.wi.add_object(window_wall) def add_little_object(self): little_obj = CollisionObject() little_obj.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame little_obj.operation.operation = little_obj.operation.ADD = "little_obj" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.CYLINDER shape.dimensions = [0.05, 0.02] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 little_obj.shapes.append(shape) little_obj.poses.append(pose) little_obj_p = copy.deepcopy(little_obj) little_obj_p.poses[0].position.x = 3.1 little_obj_p.poses[0].position.y = -3.2 little_obj_p.poses[ 0].position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[1] / 2.0 self.wi.add_object(little_obj_p) return ObjectType(type="RoundObject", collision_object=little_obj, parameters=['far_corner']) def add_block(self): block = CollisionObject() block.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame block.operation.operation = block.operation.ADD = "block" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.1, 0.13] pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 block.shapes.append(shape) block.poses.append(pose) block_p = copy.deepcopy(block) block_p.poses[0].position.x = 2.9 block_p.poses[0].position.y = -3.5 block_p.poses[ 0].position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 self.wi.add_object(block_p) return ObjectType(type="FixedObject", collision_object=block, parameters=['far_table']) def add_spatula(self, arm): spatula = CollisionObject() = "spatula" spatula.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame spatula.operation.operation = spatula.operation.ADD paddle = Shape() handle = Shape() paddle.type = paddle.BOX paddle.dimensions = [0.11, 0.12, 0.005] handle.type = handle.CYLINDER handle.dimensions = [0.02, 0.24] paddle_pose = Pose() handle_pose = Pose() paddle_pose.position.y = paddle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 paddle_pose.orientation.w = 1.0 angle = np.pi / 5.0 handle_pose.position.y = -1.0 * handle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 * np.sin( np.pi / 2.0 - angle) handle_pose.position.z = handle.dimensions[1] / 2.0 * np.cos( np.pi / 2.0 - angle) handle_pose.orientation.x = np.sin((np.pi / 2.0 - angle) / 2.0) handle_pose.orientation.w = np.cos((np.pi / 2.0 - angle) / 2.0) spatula.shapes = [paddle, handle] spatula.poses = [paddle_pose, handle_pose] #this is the grasp transformation pos_on_handle = handle.dimensions[1] - 0.1 inv_grasp = Transform() grasp = RigidGrasp() #really should be calculating this... inv_grasp.translation.y = GRIPPER_LENGTH inv_grasp.translation.z = pos_on_handle / 2.0 #flip 90 degrees inv_grasp.rotation.z = np.sin(-1.0 * np.pi / 4.0) inv_grasp.rotation.w = np.cos(-1.0 * np.pi / 4.0) g = gt.transform_pose(transform_to_pose(inv_grasp), handle_pose) origin = Pose() origin.orientation.w = 1.0 grasp.transform = pose_to_transform( gt.inverse_transform_pose(origin, g)) grasp.touch_links = [arm[0] + '_end_effector'] grasp.attach_link = arm[0] + '_gripper_r_finger_tip_link' grasp.min_approach_distance = 0 grasp.desired_approach_distance = 0.15 grasp.min_distance_from_surface = -1 spat_p = copy.deepcopy(spatula) wtrans = Pose() wtrans.orientation.x = np.sin(angle / 2.0) wtrans.orientation.w = np.cos(angle / 2.0) if == -1: wtrans.position.x = 3 wtrans.position.y = -2.8 wtrans.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[0] ss = ['far_corner'] elif == -2 or == -7 or == -9 or == -5: wtrans.position.x = -1.7 wtrans.position.y = 2 wtrans.position.z = DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[0] ss = ['door_table'] else: wtrans.position.x = 0.6 wtrans.position.y = -0.3 wtrans.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + handle.dimensions[ 0] ss = ['center_table'] if == -4 or == -5: wtrans.position.y = 0 rot = Quaternion() rot.z = np.sin(np.pi / 2.0) rot.w = np.cos(np.pi / 2.0) wtrans.orientation = gt.multiply_quaternions( rot, wtrans.orientation) if == -5: wtrans.position.x = 0 for i in range(len(spat_p.poses)): spat_p.poses[i] = gt.transform_pose(spat_p.poses[i], wtrans) self.wi.add_object(spat_p) return ObjectType(type="SpatulaObject", collision_object=spatula, parameters=ss, numeric_parameters=paddle.dimensions + handle.dimensions + [angle]), [grasp] def add_plate(self): plate = CollisionObject() plate.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame plate.operation.operation = plate.operation.ADD = "plate" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.CYLINDER shape.dimensions = [0.15, 0.04] if self.box_plate: shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.3, 0.3, 0.04] pose = Pose() if < 6 or == 8 or == 9 or == 12: pose.position.x = 3.1 pose.position.y = -3.2 pose.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[ 1] / 2.0 elif == 6: pose.position.x = 0.6 #0.894692#0.5 pose.position.y = -0.3 #-0.468198#-0.2 pose.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + shape.dimensions[1] / 2.0 # elif == 12: # pose.position.x = -1.3 # pose.position.y = 2 # pose.position.z = DOOR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[1]/2.0 else: pose.position.x = 0.5 #0.894692#0.5 pose.position.y = 0.1 pose.position.z = CENTER_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[ 1] / 2.0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 plate.shapes.append(shape) plate.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(plate) return plate def add_box(self): box = CollisionObject() box.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame box.operation.operation = box.operation.ADD = "box" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 0.05, 0.15] pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 3.1 pose.position.y = -3.2 pose.position.z = FAR_TABLE_HEIGHT + 0.02 + shape.dimensions[2] / 2.0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 box.shapes.append(shape) box.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(box) return box def add_barrier(self): box = CollisionObject() box.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame box.operation.operation = box.operation.ADD = "barrier1" shape = Shape() shape.type = shape.BOX shape.dimensions = [0.1, 2, 1] box.shapes.append(shape) pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 1 pose.position.y = -1.5 pose.position.z = 0 pose.orientation.w = 1.0 box.poses.append(pose) self.wi.add_object(box) # if != 12: # = "barrier2" # box.shapes[0].dimensions = [1, 0.1, 1] # box.poses[0].position.x = 1.5 # box.poses[0].position.y = 0 # self.wi.add_object(box) def get_goal_poses(self): place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.wi.world_frame if abs( < 0 or ( == -5 or abs( % 2 == 0 and abs( != 12 and abs( != 4): #easiest goal x = 1 y = -2 z = 0.85 else: #slightly harder goal x = -1 y = 1 z = 0.85 if abs( == 12: x = 0 y = -1 z - 0.85 if abs( == 14: x = 0 y = 1 z = 0.85 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = x place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = y place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = z place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 return [place_pose_stamped]
def main(): wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() rospy.sleep(2.0)
def main(): rospy.init_node("touring", anonymous=True) sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["success", "failure"]) base_mover = base.Base() detector = TablewareDetection() pickplace = PickPlace() pickplace.min_open_gripper_pos = 0.0014 poses = basic_states.poses world = basic_states.WorldState() interface = WorldInterface() tasks = Tasks() placer = SensingPlacer('right_arm') interface.reset() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() tasks.move_arms_to_side() rospy.loginfo("Creating State Machine") nav_states = {} for name, pos in poses.iteritems(): nav_states[name] = basic_states.NavigateTo( world, base_mover, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) detect_state = basic_states.Detect(world, detector) top_pos_place_down = (-2.15, .5, .98) place_down_top = basic_states.PlaceDown(world, placer, top_pos_place_down) T = {"failure":"failure"} with sm: T["success"] = "detect" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_shelf", nav_states["shelf"], transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "choose_bowl" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("detect", detect_state, transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_to_pickable" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("choose_bowl", basic_states.ChooseItem(world, "bowl"), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "pickup" T["failure"] = "pickup" smach.StateMachine.add("move_to_pickable", basic_states.MoveToPickable(world, base_mover ), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_arms_to_side" T["failure"] = "move_arms_to_side_after_pickup" smach.StateMachine.add("pickup", basic_states.PickUp(world, pickplace, interface), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "detect" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_arms_to_side_after_pickup", basic_states.MoveArmsToSide(world, tasks), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "move_top_table" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_arms_to_side", basic_states.MoveArmsToSide(world, tasks), transitions=T.copy() ) T["success"] = "approach_top_table" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("move_top_table", nav_states["table_top_edge"], transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "place_down_top" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("approach_top_table", basic_states.MoveToReachable(world, base_mover, top_pos_place_down), transitions=T.copy()) T["success"] = "success" T["failure"] = "failure" smach.StateMachine.add("place_down_top", place_down_top, transitions=T.copy()) outcome = sm.execute() rospy.loginfo("Outcome: %s", outcome)
def execute(self): WorldInterface().detach_and_add_back_attached_object( self.arm, self.object_id) return MotionHandleDummy()
def execute(self): WorldInterface().attach_object_to_gripper(self.arm, self.object_id) return MotionHandleDummy()
def __init__(self, allow_vertical_tables=False, vertical_threshold=DEFAULT_VERTICAL_THRESHOLD, table_search_resolution=DEFAULT_TABLE_SEARCH_RESOLUTION, table_search_max=DEFAULT_TABLE_SEARCH_MAX, table_thickness=DEFAULT_TABLE_THICKNESS, tableware_labels=None, object_padding=DEFAULT_OBJECT_PADDING): ''' Constructor for TablewareDetection. **Args:** *allow_vertical_tables (boolean):* If True will do segmentation and return even if a vertical table is found. *vertical_threshold (double):* The dot product of the normal to the table plane and the z axis must be greater than this for the table to be considered horizontal. *table_search_resolution (double):* If detect_objects is initially given a point for the head to look at, it will search along the world x axis near that point until it founds a horizontal table. This is the resolution in meters of that search. Resolution cannot be smaller than a centimeter. *table_search_max (double):* The maximum distance in meters from the point the search should go. It will go this far in both directions before failing. *table_thickness (double):* If the table is added to the map, it will be added with this thickness in meters. This is helpful for placing as it will occlude points that the robot sees below the table. *tableware_labels ([string]):* A set of database tags that count as "tableware". If objects have multiple tags, they are considered tableware if anyone of these tags matches. *object_padding (double):* If objects are added to the map, this is the padding in centimeters that they will be added with. Padding is used only for replacing voxels in the collision map. We recommend setting this high so that during pick there is no collision between the object and the voxels where it used to be. ''' self.allow_vertical_tables = allow_vertical_tables self.vertical_threshold = vertical_threshold self.table_search_resolution = table_search_resolution self.table_search_max = table_search_max self.table_thickness = table_thickness self.tableware_labels = tableware_labels if not tableware_labels: self.tableware_labels = copy.copy(DEFAULT_TABLEWARE_LABELS) self.object_padding = object_padding self._wi = WorldInterface() self._head = Head() self._detect_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(OBJECT_DETECTION_SERVICE, TabletopDetection) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object detection service') self._detect_srv.wait_for_service() self._bounding_box_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(FIND_CLUSTER_BOUNDING_BOX_SERVICE, FindClusterBoundingBox) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for bounding box service to fill pickup goal.') self._bounding_box_srv.wait_for_service() rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object segmentation service') self.segmentation_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(SEGMENTATION_SERVICE,TabletopSegmentation) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object recognition service') self.recognition_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(RECOGNITION_SERVICE,TabletopObjectRecognition) self._get_model_mesh_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(GET_MODEL_MESH_SERVICE, GetModelMesh) self.get_model_description = rospy.ServiceProxy(GET_MODEL_DESCRIPTION_SERVICE, GetModelDescription) try: rospy.loginfo('Waiting for get model mesh service') self._get_model_mesh_srv.wait_for_service(5.0) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for get model description service') self.get_model_description.wait_for_service(5.0) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logwarn('Did not find database services. Likely will not be able to return recognition results') self._get_model_mesh_srv = None self.get_model_description = None self._object_id = 0 rospy.loginfo('Ready to do object detections!')
class ArmMoverWorker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, arm_name): '''Worker class that can move or query the arm. By making several of these, the arm mover class can do multiple movements/queries at once. ''' self._arm_name = arm_name threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self._current_handle = None self._task_cv = threading.Condition() def assign_task(self, handle): ''' Assign a task to this worker. **Args:** handle (MovementHandle): Handle to the movement being assigned. **Raises:** ArmNavError if already doing another task. ''' self._task_cv.acquire() try: if self._current_handle is not None: raise ArmNavError( 'Movement requested while other movement still runnning!') self._current_handle = handle self._task_cv.notify() finally: self._task_cv.release() def run(self): '''Loop and wait to be assigned a task. ''' self._initialize() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self._task_cv.acquire() while (self._current_handle is None) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self._task_cv.wait(0.01) self._task_cv.release() if rospy.is_shutdown(): break try: rospy.logdebug('ArmMoverWorker starting task: %s(%s)' % (str(self._current_handle.task_func), str(self._current_handle.task_args))) self._current_handle.task_func(self, *self._current_handle.task_args) except Exception as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) self._task_cv.acquire() self._current_handle._set_in_progress(False) self._current_handle = None self._task_cv.release() def _initialize(self): '''Connect up all services and action clients. ''' self._world_interface = WorldInterface() self._controller_manager = ControllerManagerClient() if self._arm_name in ['right_arm', 'left_arm']: self._group_name = self._arm_name self._planner = ArmPlanner(self._arm_name) self._hand_description = HandDescription(self._arm_name) arm_abbr = self._arm_name[0] self._joint_controller = '%s_arm_controller' % arm_abbr self._cartesian_controller = '%s_cart' % arm_abbr self._move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'move_%s' % self._arm_name, arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._move_arm_client) #jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' % arm_abbr #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) #self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' % arm_abbr self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( jt_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) self._cart_interface = CartesianControllerInterface(self._arm_name) elif self._arm_name == 'both': self._joint_controller = 'two_arm_controller' #jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_two_arm_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( jt_two_arm_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) else: raise ValueError('Invalid arm name for worker: %s' % self._arm_name) def _wait_for_action_server(self, action_client, max_wait=10., wait_increment=0.1): ''' Wait for the action server corresponding to this action client to be ready. **Args:** **action_client (actionlib.SimpleActionClient):** client for an action *max_wait (float):* Total number of seconds to wait before failing *wait_increment (float):* Number or seconds to wait between checks to rospy.is_shutdown() **Raises:** **exceptions.ActionFailedError:** if max_wait seconds elapses without server being ready. ''' for ii in range(int(round(max_wait / wait_increment))): if rospy.is_shutdown(): raise ActionFailedError( 'Could not connect to action server (rospy shutdown requested)' ) if action_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(wait_increment)): return raise ActionFailedError( 'Could not connect to action server (timeout exceeeded)') def _move_to_goal(self, goal, try_hard=False, collision_aware_goal=True, planner_timeout=5., ordered_collisions=None, bounds=None, planner_id='', cartesian_timeout=5.0): ''' Move the specified arm to the given goal. This function should only get called indirectly by calling move_arm_to_goal. ''' try: reached_goal = False # check which kind of goal we were given if type(goal) == PoseStamped: goal_is_pose = True elif type(goal) == JointState: goal_is_pose = False else: raise ArmNavError('Invalid goal type %s' % str(type(goal))) rospy.loginfo('Attempting to use move arm to get to goal') try: self._move_to_goal_using_move_arm(goal, planner_timeout, ordered_collisions, bounds, planner_id) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Move arm failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard: rospy.loginfo('Attempting to move directly to goal') try: self._move_to_goal_directly(goal, planner_timeout, bounds, collision_aware=True) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Collision aware IK failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard and ( not collision_aware_goal) and goal_is_pose: rospy.loginfo( 'Attempting to move directly to goal, ignoring collisions') try: self._move_to_goal_directly(goal, planner_timeout, bounds, collision_aware=False) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Non-collision aware IK failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard and ( not collision_aware_goal) and goal_is_pose: rospy.loginfo( 'Attempting to use cartesian controller to move towards goal' ) try: self._move_to_goal_using_cartesian_control( goal, cartesian_timeout, bounds) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) finally: self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(reached_goal) def _move_into_joint_limits(self): ''' Moves the arm into joint limits if it is outside of them. This cannot be a collision free move but it is almost always very very short. **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if IK fails **rospy.ServiceException:** if there is a problem calling the IK service **ValueError:** if the goal type is wrong ''' joint_state = self._planner.get_closest_joint_state_in_limits() self._move_to_goal_directly(joint_state, trajectory_time=0.5) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_out_of_collision(self, move_mag=0.3, num_tries=100): ''' Tries to find a small movement that will take the arm out of collision. **Args:** *move_mag (float):* Max magnitude in radians of movement for each joint. *num_tries (int):* Number of random joint angles to try before giving up. **Returns:** succeeded (boolean): True if arm was sucessfully moved out of collision. ''' req = GetStateValidityRequest() req.robot_state = self.world_interface.get_robot_state() req.check_collisions = True req.check_path_constraints = False req.check_joint_limits = False req.group_name = self._arm_name res = self._planner.get_state_validity_service(req) if res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logdebug('Current state not in collision') return False joint_state = self._planner.arm_joint_state() current_joint_position = np.array(joint_state.position) for ii in range(num_tries): joint_position = current_joint_position + np.random.uniform( -move_mag, move_mag, (len(joint_state.position), )) joint_state.position = list(joint_position) trajectory_tools.set_joint_state_in_robot_state( joint_state, req.robot_state) res = self._planner.get_state_validity_service(req) in_collision = (res.error_code.val != ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS) rospy.logdebug('%s in collision: %s' % (str(joint_position), str(in_collision))) if not in_collision: self._move_to_goal_directly(joint_state, None, None, collision_aware=False) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(False) def _call_action(self, action_client, goal): ''' Call an action and wait for it to complete. **Returns:** Result of action. **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if action fails. ''' action_client.send_goal(goal) gs = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus() r = rospy.Rate(100) while True: if self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested(): raise ActionFailedError('Preempted (cancel requested)') state = action_client.get_state() if state in [gs.PENDING, gs.ACTIVE, gs.PREEMPTING, gs.RECALLING]: # action is still going pass elif state in [gs.PREEMPTED, gs.REJECTED, gs.RECALLED, gs.LOST]: raise ArmNavError('Action call failed (%d)!' % (state, )) elif state in [gs.SUCCEEDED, gs.ABORTED]: return action_client.get_result() r.sleep() def _move_to_goal_directly(self, goal, planner_timeout=5.0, bounds=None, collision_aware=True, trajectory_time=5.0): ''' Move directly to the goal. No planning, just interpolated joint positions. If goal is a PoseStamped, does IK to find joint positions to put the end effector in that pose. Then executes a trajectory where the only point is the goal joint positions. Note: planner_timeout, collision_aware and bounds only apply to the IK, and so are not used when the goal is already a JointState **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if IK fails **rospy.ServiceException:** if there is a problem calling the IK service **ValueError:** if the goal type is wrong ''' if type(goal) == JointState: joint_state = goal elif type(goal) == PoseStamped: ik_res = self._planner.get_ik(goal, collision_aware=collision_aware, starting_state=None, seed_state=None, timeout=planner_timeout) if not ik_res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ArmNavError('Unable to get IK for pose', ik_res.error_code) joint_state = ik_res.solution.joint_state else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type: %s' % str(type(goal))) trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = self._planner.joint_names jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = joint_state.position jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(trajectory_time) trajectory.points.append(jtp) self._execute_joint_trajectory(trajectory) # should actually check this... self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_to_goal_using_move_arm(self, goal, planner_timeout, ordered_collisions, bounds, planner_id=''): ''' Try using the MoveArm action to get to the goal. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers( start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) current_state = self._world_interface.get_robot_state() link_name = self._hand_description.hand_frame if type(goal) == JointState: mp_request = conversions.joint_state_to_motion_plan_request( goal, link_name, self._group_name, current_state, timeout=planner_timeout, bounds=bounds, planner_id=planner_id) elif type(goal) == PoseStamped: mp_request = conversions.pose_stamped_to_motion_plan_request( goal, link_name, self._group_name, starting_state=current_state, timeout=planner_timeout, bounds=bounds, planner_id=planner_id) else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type %s' % str(type(goal))) ma_goal = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmGoal() ma_goal.motion_plan_request = mp_request if ordered_collisions: ma_goal.operations = ordered_collisions ma_goal.planner_service_name = DEFAULT_PLANNER_SERVICE_NAME # send goal to move arm res = self._call_action(self._move_arm_client, ma_goal) if res == None: raise ArmNavError('MoveArm failed without setting result') elif not res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ArmNavError('MoveArm failed', res.error_code) else: self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_to_goal_using_cartesian_control(self, goal, timeout, bounds): if type(goal) == PoseStamped: pose_stamped = goal else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type for cartesian control: %s' % str(type(goal))) self._controller_manager.switch_controllers( start_controllers=[self._cartesian_controller]) self._cart_interface.set_desired_pose(pose_stamped) start_time = time.time() r = rospy.Rate(100) try: print 'Current handle' print self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested() while not self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested(): print 'Inside while loop' # ignores bounds right now and uses defaults... fixme if self._cart_interface.reached_desired_pose(): self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise ArmNavError( 'Cartesian control move time out', ArmNavErrorCodes(ArmNavErrorCodes.TIMED_OUT)) r.sleep() finally: self._cart_interface.cancel_desired_pose() def _execute_joint_trajectory(self, trajectory): ''' Executes the given trajectory, switching controllers first if needed. **Args:** **trajectory (trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory):** Trajectory to execute. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers( start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) #goal = JointTrajectoryGoal() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory = trajectory jt_res = self._call_action(self._joint_trajectory_client, goal) # should actually check this self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return jt_res def _execute_two_arm_trajectory(self, trajectory): ''' Executes the given trajectory, switching controllers first if needed. **Args:** **trajectory (trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory):** Trajectory to execute. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers( start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) #goal = JointTrajectoryGoal() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory = trajectory jt_res = self._call_action(self._joint_trajectory_client, goal) # should actually check this self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return jt_res
def execute(self, target=PoseStamped(), blocking=True): ah = ActionHandle("pick_up", "dummy", "", blocking) rospy.loginfo("Picking up object...") #ah = self.actions.grasp_object(target, blocking) wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset_attached_objects() wi.reset_collision_objects() # add table table_extent = (2.0, 2.0, 1.0) table_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped([ -0.5 - table_extent[0]/2.0, 0 ,table_extent[2]/2.0 ,0,0,0,1], 'base_link') wi.add_collision_box(table_pose, table_extent, "table") mp = MotionPlan() mp += CallFunction(sss.move, 'torso','front') #mp += MoveArm('arm',['pregrasp']) mp += CallFunction(sss.move, 'sdh','cylopen', False) # OpenIssues: # - where to place the sdh_grasp_link to grasp the object located at target? # - there is no orientation in the target? -> hardcoded taken from pregrasp grasp_pose = PoseStamped() grasp_pose = deepcopy(target) grasp_pose.header.stamp = grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.220 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.670 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.663 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = -0.253 mp += MoveArm('arm',[grasp_pose,['sdh_grasp_link']], seed = 'pregrasp') mp += CallFunction(sss.move, 'sdh','cylclosed', True) #ah = self.actions.lift_object(target, blocking) lift_pose = PoseStamped() lift_pose = deepcopy(target) lift_pose.header.stamp = lift_pose.pose.position.z += 0.08 lift_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.220 lift_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.670 lift_pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.663 lift_pose.pose.orientation.w = -0.253 mp += MoveArm('arm',[lift_pose,['sdh_grasp_link']]) #ah = self.actions.retrieve_object(target, blocking) #mp += MoveArm('arm',['pregrasp']) mp += MoveArm('arm',['wavein']) planning_res = mp.plan(2) print planning_res if planning_res.success: for e in mp.execute(): exec_res = e.wait() print exec_res if not exec_res.success: #rospy.logerr("Execution of MotionExecutable %s failed", ah.set_failed(4) break ah.set_succeeded() else: rospy.logerr("Planning failed") ah.set_failed(4) return ah
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib roslib.load_manifest('cob_arm_navigation_python') import rospy from cob_arm_navigation_python.MotionPlan import * from cob_arm_navigation_python.MoveArm import * from cob_arm_navigation_python.MoveHand import * from tf.transformations import * from copy import deepcopy rospy.init_node("test") from pr2_python.world_interface import WorldInterface wi = WorldInterface() grasp_pose = PoseStamped() #grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link" grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "odom_combined" grasp_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time() grasp_pose.pose = wi.collision_object('milk').poses[0] p = grasp_pose.pose.position #p.x, p.y, p.z = [-0.8,-0.2,0.9] p.x += 0.02 p.y += 0.02 p.z += 0.02 o = grasp_pose.pose.orientation o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w = quaternion_from_euler(-1.581, -0.019, 2.379) lift_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose) p = lift_pose.pose.position p.x += 0.0
class ArmMoverWorker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, arm_name): '''Worker class that can move or query the arm. By making several of these, the arm mover class can do multiple movements/queries at once. ''' self._arm_name = arm_name threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self._current_handle = None self._task_cv = threading.Condition() def assign_task(self, handle): ''' Assign a task to this worker. **Args:** handle (MovementHandle): Handle to the movement being assigned. **Raises:** ArmNavError if already doing another task. ''' self._task_cv.acquire() try: if self._current_handle is not None: raise ArmNavError('Movement requested while other movement still runnning!') self._current_handle = handle self._task_cv.notify() finally: self._task_cv.release() def run(self): '''Loop and wait to be assigned a task. ''' self._initialize() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self._task_cv.acquire() while (self._current_handle is None) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self._task_cv.wait(0.01) self._task_cv.release() if rospy.is_shutdown(): break try: rospy.logdebug('ArmMoverWorker starting task: %s(%s)' % ( str(self._current_handle.task_func), str(self._current_handle.task_args))) self._current_handle.task_func(self, *self._current_handle.task_args) except Exception as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) self._task_cv.acquire() self._current_handle._set_in_progress(False) self._current_handle = None self._task_cv.release() def _initialize(self): '''Connect up all services and action clients. ''' self._world_interface = WorldInterface() self._controller_manager = ControllerManagerClient() if self._arm_name in ['right_arm', 'left_arm']: self._group_name = self._arm_name self._planner = ArmPlanner(self._arm_name) self._hand_description = HandDescription(self._arm_name) arm_abbr = self._arm_name[0] self._joint_controller = '%s_arm_controller' % arm_abbr self._cartesian_controller = '%s_cart' % arm_abbr self._move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'move_%s' % self._arm_name, arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._move_arm_client) #jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' % arm_abbr #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) #self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) jt_action_name = '/%s_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' % arm_abbr self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) self._cart_interface = CartesianControllerInterface(self._arm_name) elif self._arm_name == 'both': self._joint_controller = 'two_arm_controller' #jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' #self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_two_arm_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction) jt_two_arm_action_name = '/two_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory' self._joint_trajectory_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(jt_two_arm_action_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._wait_for_action_server(self._joint_trajectory_client) else: raise ValueError('Invalid arm name for worker: %s' % self._arm_name) def _wait_for_action_server(self, action_client, max_wait=10., wait_increment=0.1): ''' Wait for the action server corresponding to this action client to be ready. **Args:** **action_client (actionlib.SimpleActionClient):** client for an action *max_wait (float):* Total number of seconds to wait before failing *wait_increment (float):* Number or seconds to wait between checks to rospy.is_shutdown() **Raises:** **exceptions.ActionFailedError:** if max_wait seconds elapses without server being ready. ''' for ii in range(int(round(max_wait / wait_increment))): if rospy.is_shutdown(): raise ActionFailedError('Could not connect to action server (rospy shutdown requested)') if action_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(wait_increment)): return raise ActionFailedError('Could not connect to action server (timeout exceeeded)') def _move_to_goal(self, goal, try_hard=False, collision_aware_goal=True, planner_timeout=5., ordered_collisions=None, bounds=None, planner_id='', cartesian_timeout=5.0): ''' Move the specified arm to the given goal. This function should only get called indirectly by calling move_arm_to_goal. ''' try: reached_goal = False # check which kind of goal we were given if type(goal) == PoseStamped: goal_is_pose = True elif type(goal) == JointState: goal_is_pose = False else: raise ArmNavError('Invalid goal type %s' % str(type(goal))) rospy.loginfo('Attempting to use move arm to get to goal') try: self._move_to_goal_using_move_arm( goal, planner_timeout, ordered_collisions, bounds, planner_id) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Move arm failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard: rospy.loginfo('Attempting to move directly to goal') try: self._move_to_goal_directly(goal, planner_timeout, bounds, collision_aware=True) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Collision aware IK failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard and (not collision_aware_goal) and goal_is_pose: rospy.loginfo('Attempting to move directly to goal, ignoring collisions') try: self._move_to_goal_directly(goal, planner_timeout, bounds, collision_aware=False) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) rospy.loginfo('Non-collision aware IK failed: %s' % str(e)) if (not reached_goal) and try_hard and (not collision_aware_goal) and goal_is_pose: rospy.loginfo('Attempting to use cartesian controller to move towards goal') try: self._move_to_goal_using_cartesian_control(goal, cartesian_timeout, bounds) reached_goal = True except ArmNavError as e: self._current_handle._add_error(e) finally: self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(reached_goal) def _move_into_joint_limits(self): ''' Moves the arm into joint limits if it is outside of them. This cannot be a collision free move but it is almost always very very short. **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if IK fails **rospy.ServiceException:** if there is a problem calling the IK service **ValueError:** if the goal type is wrong ''' joint_state = self._planner.get_closest_joint_state_in_limits() self._move_to_goal_directly(joint_state, trajectory_time=0.5) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_out_of_collision(self, move_mag=0.3, num_tries=100): ''' Tries to find a small movement that will take the arm out of collision. **Args:** *move_mag (float):* Max magnitude in radians of movement for each joint. *num_tries (int):* Number of random joint angles to try before giving up. **Returns:** succeeded (boolean): True if arm was sucessfully moved out of collision. ''' req = GetStateValidityRequest() req.robot_state = self.world_interface.get_robot_state() req.check_collisions = True req.check_path_constraints = False req.check_joint_limits = False req.group_name = self._arm_name res = self._planner.get_state_validity_service(req) if res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logdebug('Current state not in collision') return False joint_state = self._planner.arm_joint_state() current_joint_position = np.array(joint_state.position) for ii in range(num_tries): joint_position = current_joint_position + np.random.uniform( -move_mag, move_mag, (len(joint_state.position),)) joint_state.position = list(joint_position) trajectory_tools.set_joint_state_in_robot_state(joint_state, req.robot_state) res = self._planner.get_state_validity_service(req) in_collision = (res.error_code.val != ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS) rospy.logdebug('%s in collision: %s' % (str(joint_position), str(in_collision))) if not in_collision: self._move_to_goal_directly(joint_state, None, None, collision_aware=False) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(False) def _call_action(self, action_client, goal): ''' Call an action and wait for it to complete. **Returns:** Result of action. **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if action fails. ''' action_client.send_goal(goal) gs = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus() r = rospy.Rate(100) while True: if self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested(): raise ActionFailedError('Preempted (cancel requested)') state = action_client.get_state() if state in [gs.PENDING, gs.ACTIVE, gs.PREEMPTING, gs.RECALLING]: # action is still going pass elif state in [gs.PREEMPTED, gs.REJECTED, gs.RECALLED, gs.LOST]: raise ArmNavError('Action call failed (%d)!' % (state,)) elif state in [gs.SUCCEEDED, gs.ABORTED]: return action_client.get_result() r.sleep() def _move_to_goal_directly(self, goal, planner_timeout=5.0, bounds=None, collision_aware=True, trajectory_time=5.0): ''' Move directly to the goal. No planning, just interpolated joint positions. If goal is a PoseStamped, does IK to find joint positions to put the end effector in that pose. Then executes a trajectory where the only point is the goal joint positions. Note: planner_timeout, collision_aware and bounds only apply to the IK, and so are not used when the goal is already a JointState **Raises:** **exceptions.ArmNavError:** if IK fails **rospy.ServiceException:** if there is a problem calling the IK service **ValueError:** if the goal type is wrong ''' if type(goal) == JointState: joint_state = goal elif type(goal) == PoseStamped: ik_res = self._planner.get_ik(goal, collision_aware=collision_aware, starting_state=None, seed_state=None, timeout=planner_timeout) if not ik_res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ArmNavError('Unable to get IK for pose', ik_res.error_code) joint_state = ik_res.solution.joint_state else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type: %s' % str(type(goal))) trajectory = JointTrajectory() trajectory.joint_names = self._planner.joint_names jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = joint_state.position jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(trajectory_time) trajectory.points.append(jtp) self._execute_joint_trajectory(trajectory) # should actually check this... self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_to_goal_using_move_arm(self, goal, planner_timeout, ordered_collisions, bounds, planner_id=''): ''' Try using the MoveArm action to get to the goal. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers(start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) current_state = self._world_interface.get_robot_state() link_name = self._hand_description.hand_frame if type(goal) == JointState: mp_request = conversions.joint_state_to_motion_plan_request( goal, link_name, self._group_name, current_state, timeout=planner_timeout, bounds=bounds, planner_id=planner_id) elif type(goal) == PoseStamped: mp_request = conversions.pose_stamped_to_motion_plan_request( goal, link_name, self._group_name, starting_state=current_state, timeout=planner_timeout, bounds=bounds, planner_id=planner_id) else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type %s' % str(type(goal))) ma_goal = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmGoal() ma_goal.motion_plan_request = mp_request if ordered_collisions: ma_goal.operations = ordered_collisions ma_goal.planner_service_name = DEFAULT_PLANNER_SERVICE_NAME # send goal to move arm res = self._call_action(self._move_arm_client, ma_goal) if res == None: raise ArmNavError('MoveArm failed without setting result') elif not res.error_code.val == ArmNavErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ArmNavError('MoveArm failed', res.error_code) else: self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) def _move_to_goal_using_cartesian_control(self, goal, timeout, bounds): if type(goal) == PoseStamped: pose_stamped = goal else: raise ValueError('Invalid goal type for cartesian control: %s' % str(type(goal))) self._controller_manager.switch_controllers(start_controllers=[self._cartesian_controller]) self._cart_interface.set_desired_pose(pose_stamped) start_time = time.time() r = rospy.Rate(100) try: print 'Current handle' print self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested() while not self._current_handle._get_cancel_requested(): print 'Inside while loop' # ignores bounds right now and uses defaults... fixme if self._cart_interface.reached_desired_pose(): self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise ArmNavError('Cartesian control move time out', ArmNavErrorCodes(ArmNavErrorCodes.TIMED_OUT)) r.sleep() finally: self._cart_interface.cancel_desired_pose() def _execute_joint_trajectory(self, trajectory): ''' Executes the given trajectory, switching controllers first if needed. **Args:** **trajectory (trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory):** Trajectory to execute. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers(start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) #goal = JointTrajectoryGoal() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory = trajectory jt_res = self._call_action(self._joint_trajectory_client, goal) # should actually check this self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return jt_res def _execute_two_arm_trajectory(self, trajectory): ''' Executes the given trajectory, switching controllers first if needed. **Args:** **trajectory (trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory):** Trajectory to execute. ''' self._controller_manager.switch_controllers(start_controllers=[self._joint_controller]) #goal = JointTrajectoryGoal() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory = trajectory jt_res = self._call_action(self._joint_trajectory_client, goal) # should actually check this self._current_handle._set_reached_goal(True) return jt_res
class TablewareDetection: ''' Calls tabletop detection allowing the user a lot of (optional) control over when and how objects are added to the collision map. The usual use of this class is to instantiate an instance and then use detect_objects to find objects on a table in front of the robot: detector = TablewareDetection() res = detector.detect_objects([optional arguments]) This class is a wrapper around the tabletop_object_detector, which assumes that the robot is standing in front of a table on which objects are positioned at least 3cm apart. It first locates the principle horizontal plane in the image and then segments clusters above that plane based on Euclidean distance. It runs those clusters through the object recognition pipeline and returns them in the form of pickup goals. The attributes of this class can all be changed by passing in different defaults although the default settings should work well in most cases. However, most of the parameters pertinent to detection must be changed service side. Look at the tabletop_object_detector package for that. Many of the parameters in this class are for working with "vertical tables". The detector finds the "principle plane" in the image. Unfortunately, this plane may not be horizontal. In general, it is best if any detection that does not return a table that is approximately perpendicular to the z axis in the world is considered as failed. If a point for the head to look at is passed to detect_objects, the robot will move its head trying to find a horizontal table. **Attributes:** **allow_vertical_tables (boolean):** If True will do segmentation and return even if a vertical table is found. **vertical_threshold (double):** The dot product of the normal to the table plane and the z axis must be greater than this for the table to be considered horizontal. **table_search_resolution (double):** If detect_objects is initially given a point for the head to look at, it will search along the world x axis near that point until it founds a horizontal table. This is the resolution in meters of that search. Resolution cannot be smaller than a centimeter. **table_search_max (double):** The maximum distance in meters from the point the search should go. It will go this far in both directions before failing. **table_thickness (double):** If the table is added to the map, it will be added with this thickness in meters. This is helpful for placing as it will occlude points that the robot sees below the table. **tableware_labels ([string]):** A set of database tags that count as "tableware". If objects have multiple tags, they are considered tableware if anyone of these tags matches. **object_padding (double):** If objects are added to the map, this is the padding in centimeters that they will be added with. Padding is used only for replacing voxels in the collision map. We recommend setting this high so that during pick there is no collision between the object and the voxels where it used to be. **get_model_description (rospy.ServiceProxy):** Service for getting the description of a model from the model ID. See the household_database_msgs documentation for more information. ''' def __init__(self, allow_vertical_tables=False, vertical_threshold=DEFAULT_VERTICAL_THRESHOLD, table_search_resolution=DEFAULT_TABLE_SEARCH_RESOLUTION, table_search_max=DEFAULT_TABLE_SEARCH_MAX, table_thickness=DEFAULT_TABLE_THICKNESS, tableware_labels=None, object_padding=DEFAULT_OBJECT_PADDING): ''' Constructor for TablewareDetection. **Args:** *allow_vertical_tables (boolean):* If True will do segmentation and return even if a vertical table is found. *vertical_threshold (double):* The dot product of the normal to the table plane and the z axis must be greater than this for the table to be considered horizontal. *table_search_resolution (double):* If detect_objects is initially given a point for the head to look at, it will search along the world x axis near that point until it founds a horizontal table. This is the resolution in meters of that search. Resolution cannot be smaller than a centimeter. *table_search_max (double):* The maximum distance in meters from the point the search should go. It will go this far in both directions before failing. *table_thickness (double):* If the table is added to the map, it will be added with this thickness in meters. This is helpful for placing as it will occlude points that the robot sees below the table. *tableware_labels ([string]):* A set of database tags that count as "tableware". If objects have multiple tags, they are considered tableware if anyone of these tags matches. *object_padding (double):* If objects are added to the map, this is the padding in centimeters that they will be added with. Padding is used only for replacing voxels in the collision map. We recommend setting this high so that during pick there is no collision between the object and the voxels where it used to be. ''' self.allow_vertical_tables = allow_vertical_tables self.vertical_threshold = vertical_threshold self.table_search_resolution = table_search_resolution self.table_search_max = table_search_max self.table_thickness = table_thickness self.tableware_labels = tableware_labels if not tableware_labels: self.tableware_labels = copy.copy(DEFAULT_TABLEWARE_LABELS) self.object_padding = object_padding self._wi = WorldInterface() self._head = Head() self._detect_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(OBJECT_DETECTION_SERVICE, TabletopDetection) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object detection service') self._detect_srv.wait_for_service() self._bounding_box_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(FIND_CLUSTER_BOUNDING_BOX_SERVICE, FindClusterBoundingBox) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for bounding box service to fill pickup goal.') self._bounding_box_srv.wait_for_service() rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object segmentation service') self.segmentation_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(SEGMENTATION_SERVICE,TabletopSegmentation) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for object recognition service') self.recognition_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(RECOGNITION_SERVICE,TabletopObjectRecognition) self._get_model_mesh_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(GET_MODEL_MESH_SERVICE, GetModelMesh) self.get_model_description = rospy.ServiceProxy(GET_MODEL_DESCRIPTION_SERVICE, GetModelDescription) try: rospy.loginfo('Waiting for get model mesh service') self._get_model_mesh_srv.wait_for_service(5.0) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for get model description service') self.get_model_description.wait_for_service(5.0) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logwarn('Did not find database services. Likely will not be able to return recognition results') self._get_model_mesh_srv = None self.get_model_description = None self._object_id = 0 rospy.loginfo('Ready to do object detections!') def detect_objects(self, add_objects_to_map='all', add_table_to_map=True, add_objects_as_mesh='all', reset_collision_objects=True, table_name='', point_head_at=None, reset_collider=True, labels_callback=None): ''' This is the function you should call to get detections of objects in the scene. By default, it will give you back a TablewareResult, remove all collision objects (although not attached objects) currently in the collision map and add the objects detected and the table to the map. This returns first pickup goals for objects recognized as tableware, then for objects recognized but not as tableware and then for objects not recognized at all. In order to use the pickup goals returned, you must fill in the arm_name field. The object labels returned in pickup goal reflect the recognition result. Labels are: For tableware: One of the keys in the tableware_labels list. For recognized objects that are not tableware: The first tag in the database For unrecognized objects: graspable **Args:** *add_objects_to_map (string or False):* This argument controls whether and which objects are added to the collision map during detection. Passing 'all' will add all detected objects to map, 'recognized' will add only recognized objects to map, 'tableware' will add only objects recognized as tableware, and False or 'None' or 'none' will add nothing to the map. *add_table_to_map (boolean):* If true, this will add the detected table to the map. If you do not already have a representation of the table in the map and you wish to do pick or place it is a good idea to have the detection add it so there is a defined region of the map in which collision checking for the object can be disabled. If the table is added to the map, the collision_support_surface_id field of the pickup goals will be set to its collision id. Tables are usually added as meshes although if only the bounding box for the table is returned they will be added as boxes. *add_objects_as_mesh ('all', False, or [string]):* This argument controls which objects are added to the map as mesh rather than as a bounding box. 'all' will add all recognized objects as mesh while False will add no recognized objects as mesh. For finer control, you can pass a list of labels that you want to add as mesh. *reset_collision_objects (boolean):* If true, this will remove all collision objects from the map before adding new ones. The detection does no correlation with what is currently in the map so if you have done a detection on this table before, you will get repeat objects added to the map if you do not clear them first. *table_name (string):* The name of the table on which the objects are sitting. If passed in, this will be added to the pickup goals to avoid extraneous collisions caused by the object contacting the table (and will also be the table_name in the result). If the table is added to the collision map and this is passed in, the table with have this name in the collision map. If the table is added to the collision map and this is not passed in, it will have the name 'current_table', which is returned by the TablewareResult. *point_head_at (geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped):* A point at which the head should look for the detection. If passed in, the robot will first look at this point, but if it cannot find a table or finds a vertical table, it will search along the x axis for a table. For this reason, it is always a good idea to pass in this argument. If left at None, the detection will not move the head. *reset_collider (boolean):* True if you want the collider to be reset before detection. This will not wait for repopulate before the detection but will delay the return from the detection until after the repopulate is done if the detection is quick. *labels_callback (function: string f(pr2_tasks.pickplace_definitions.PickupGoal, tabletop_object_detector.msgs.Table, string)):* After do_detection is finished assigning a label to a cluster, this function (if not None) will be called to do more post-processing on the cluster. For example, this function is used to identify utensils by checking the height and pose of any unidentified cluster. It should return the label of the cluster. **Returns:** A TablewareDetectionResult. The pickup goals (see in this result have all of the detection information, including recognized models and point cloud information, in the GraspableObject field. The pose at which the object was detected and the label are also returned as fields in the pickup goals. **Raises:** **exceptions.DetectionError:** if a table is not found or only vertical tables cannot be found. If only vertical tables were found the error code will be OTHER_ERROR. ''' if reset_collision_objects: self._wi.reset_collision_objects() if reset_collider: #this function takes so long that we'll have repopulated by the end of it self._wi.reset_collider_node(repopulate=False) reset_time = collision_objects = self._wi.collision_objects() attached_objects = self._wi.attached_collision_objects() used_names = [] for o in collision_objects: used_names.append( for ao in attached_objects: used_names.append( res = self._do_detection(point_head_at) if add_table_to_map: table_name = self._add_table_to_map(res.detection.table, table_name) #we want to return first the tableware objects we might want to pick up tableware_pgs = [] #recognized means we recognized them but don't think #they are anything we should pick up recognized_pgs = [] #graspable means we could pick them up but we don't #know what they are graspable_pgs = [] for c in range(len(res.detection.clusters)): #Compute the bounding box try: bres = self._bounding_box_srv(res.detection.clusters[c]) except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr('Unable to call cluster bounding box service. Exception was '+str(e)+ '. Ignoring cluster.') continue if bres.error_code != bres.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Cluster bounding box service returned error '+str(bres.error_code)+ '. Ignoring cluster') continue go = GraspableObject() go.reference_frame_id = res.detection.clusters[c].header.frame_id go.cluster = res.detection.clusters[c] pg = PickupGoal('', go, object_pose_stamped=bres.pose, collision_support_surface_name=table_name, allow_gripper_support_collision=True) co = CollisionObject() label = 'graspable' if self.get_model_description and self.get_mesh_from_database and\ len(res.detection.models[c].model_list) > 0 and\ res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].confidence < 0.005: #we recognized this - figure out what it is model_id = res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].model_id go.potential_models = res.detection.models[c].model_list rospy.logdebug('Potential models are: '+ str([m.model_id for m in res.detection.models[c].model_list])) try: descr = self.get_model_description(model_id) if descr.return_code.code != descr.return_code.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Get model description returned error '+ str(descr.return_code.code)) for t in descr.tags: if t in self.tableware_labels: label = t break if label == 'graspable' and descr.tags: label = descr.tags[0] rospy.logdebug('Name of model is ' except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr('Call to get description threw exception '+str(e)) shape = None if add_objects_as_mesh and (add_objects_as_mesh == 'all' or label in add_objects_as_mesh): try: shape = self.get_mesh_from_database(res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].model_id) if label == 'graspable': label = 'recognized' co.header = res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].pose.header co.shapes.append(shape) co.poses.append(res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].pose.pose) pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(, res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].pose) except DetectionError: shape = None if not shape: co = self._get_bounding_box_collision_object(bres) pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(, bres.pose) else:
def main(): obj = sys.argv[1] my_world = WorldInterface() my_world.attach_object_to_gripper('left_arm', obj)