def __init__(self, mrf, state, clause_indices, nlcs, infer, p=1): ''' clause_indices: list of indices of clauses to satisfy p: probability of performing a greedy WalkSAT move state: the state (array of booleans) to work with (is reinitialized randomly by this constructor) NLConstraints: list of grounded non-logical constraints ''' self.debug = praclog.level() == logging.DEBUG self.infer = infer self.mrf = mrf self.mln = mrf.mln self.p = p # initialize the state randomly (considering the evidence) and obtain block info self.blockInfo = {} self.state = self.infer.random_world() # out(self.state, '(initial state)') self.init = list(state) # these are the variables we need to consider for SampleSAT # self.variables = [v for v in self.mrf.variables if v.valuecount(self.mrf.evidence) > 1] # list of unsatisfied constraints self.unsatisfied = set() # keep a map of bottlenecks: index of the ground atom -> list of constraints where the corresponding lit is a bottleneck self.bottlenecks = defaultdict(list) # bottlenecks are clauses with exactly one true literal # ground atom occurrences in constraints: ground atom index -> list of constraints self.var2clauses = defaultdict(set) self.clauses = {} # instantiate clauses for cidx in clause_indices: clause = SampleSAT._Clause(self.infer.clauses[cidx], self.state, cidx, self.mrf) self.clauses[cidx] = clause if clause.unsatisfied: self.unsatisfied.add(cidx) for v in clause.variables(): self.var2clauses[v].add(clause) # stop('clause', 'v'.join(map(str, self.infer.clauses[cidx])), 'is', 'unsatisfied' if clause.unsatisfied else 'satisfied') # instantiate non-logical constraints for nlc in nlcs: if isinstance(nlc, Logic.GroundCountConstraint): # count constraint SampleSAT._CountConstraint(self, nlc) else: raise Exception("SampleSAT cannot handle constraints of type '%s'" % str(type(nlc)))
def run(self): ''' Run the MLN learning with the given parameters. ''' # load the MLN if isinstance(self.mln, MLN): mln = self.mln else: raise Exception('No MLN specified') # load the training databases if type(self.db) is list and all( map(lambda e: isinstance(e, Database), self.db)): dbs = self.db elif isinstance(self.db, Database): dbs = [self.db] elif isinstance(self.db, basestring): db = self.db if db is None or not db: raise Exception('no trainig data given!') dbpaths = [os.path.join(, 'db', db)] dbs = [] for p in dbpaths: dbs.extend(Database.load(mln, p, self.ignore_unknown_preds)) else: raise Exception( 'Unexpected type of training databases: %s' % type(self.db)) if self.verbose: print 'loaded %d database(s).' % len(dbs) watch = StopWatch() if self.verbose: confg = dict(self._config) confg.update(eval("dict(%s)" % self.params)) if type(confg.get('db', None)) is list: confg['db'] = '%d Databases' % len(confg['db']) print tabulate( sorted(list(confg.viewitems()), key=lambda (key, v): str(key)), headers=('Parameter:', 'Value:')) params = dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in ( 'multicore', 'verbose', 'profile', 'ignore_zero_weight_formulas')]) # for discriminative learning if issubclass(self.method, DiscriminativeLearner): if self.discr_preds == QUERY_PREDS: # use query preds params['qpreds'] = self.qpreds elif self.discr_preds == EVIDENCE_PREDS: # use evidence preds params['epreds'] = self.epreds # gaussian prior settings if self.use_prior: params['prior_mean'] = self.prior_mean params['prior_stdev'] = self.prior_stdev # expand the parameters params.update(self.params) if self.profile: prof = Profile() print 'starting profiler...' prof.enable() else: prof = None # set the debug level olddebug = praclog.level() praclog.level( eval('logging.%s' % params.get('debug', 'WARNING').upper())) mlnlearnt = None try: # run the learner mlnlearnt = mln.learn(dbs, self.method, **params) if self.verbose: print print headline('LEARNT MARKOV LOGIC NETWORK') print mlnlearnt.write() except SystemExit: print 'Cancelled...' finally: if self.profile: prof.disable() print headline('PROFILER STATISTICS') ps = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=sys.stdout).sort_stats( 'cumulative') ps.print_stats() # reset the debug level praclog.level(olddebug) print watch.finish() watch.printSteps() return mlnlearnt
self.mln_container.update_file_choices()'saved result to file mln/{} in project {}'.format(self.output_filename.get(), else: logger.debug("No output file given - results have not been saved.") except: traceback.print_exc() # restore gui sys.stdout.flush() self.master.deiconify() # -- main app -- if __name__ == '__main__': praclog.level(praclog.DEBUG) # read command-line options from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--run", action="store_true", dest="run", default=False, help="run last configuration without showing gui") parser.add_option("-i", "--mln-filename", dest="mlnarg", help="input MLN filename", metavar="FILE", type="string") parser.add_option("-t", "--db-filename", dest="dbarg", help="training database filename", metavar="FILE", type="string") parser.add_option("-o", "--output-file", dest="outputfile", help="output MLN filename", metavar="FILE",
def run(self): watch = StopWatch() watch.tag('inference', self.verbose) # load the MLN if isinstance(self.mln, MLN): mln = self.mln else: raise Exception('No MLN specified') if self.use_emln and self.emln is not None: mlnstr = StringIO.StringIO() mln.write(mlnstr) mlnstr.close() mlnstr = str(mlnstr) emln = self.emln mln = parse_mln(mlnstr + emln, grammar=self.grammar, logic=self.logic) # load the database if isinstance(self.db, Database): db = self.db elif isinstance(self.db, list) and len(self.db) == 1: db = self.db[0] elif isinstance(self.db, list): raise Exception( 'Got {} dbs. Can only handle one for inference.'.format( len(self.db))) else: raise Exception('DB of invalid format {}'.format(type(self.db))) # expand the # parameters params = dict(self._config) if 'params' in params: params.update(eval("dict(%s)" % params['params'])) del params['params'] if self.verbose: print tabulate(sorted(list(params.viewitems()), key=lambda (k, v): str(k)), headers=('Parameter:', 'Value:')) # create the MLN and evidence database and the parse the queries # mln = parse_mln(modelstr, searchPath=self.dir.get(), logic=self.config['logic'], grammar=self.config['grammar']) # db = parse_db(mln, db_content, ignore_unknown_preds=params.get('ignore_unknown_preds', False)) if type(db) is list and len(db) > 1: raise Exception('Inference can only handle one database at a time') elif type(db) is list: db = db[0] # parse non-atomic params # if type(self.queries) is not list: # queries = parse_queries(mln, str(self.queries)) params['cw_preds'] = filter(lambda x: bool(x), self.cw_preds) # extract and remove all non-algorithm for s in GUI_SETTINGS: if s in params: del params[s] if self.profile: prof = Profile() print 'starting profiler...' prof.enable() # set the debug level olddebug = praclog.level() praclog.level( eval('logging.%s' % params.get('debug', 'WARNING').upper())) result = None try: mln_ = mln.materialize(db) mrf = mln_.ground(db) inference = self.method(mrf, self.queries, **params) if self.verbose: print print headline('EVIDENCE VARIABLES') print mrf.print_evidence_vars() result = if self.verbose: print print headline('INFERENCE RESULTS') print inference.write() if self.verbose: print inference.write_elapsed_time() except SystemExit: print 'Cancelled...' finally: if self.profile: prof.disable() print headline('PROFILER STATISTICS') ps = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=sys.stdout).sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats() # reset the debug level praclog.level(olddebug) if self.verbose: print watch.finish() watch.printSteps() return result
fname, else: logger.debug( 'No output file given - results have not been saved.') except: traceback.print_exc() # restore main window sys.stdout.flush() self.master.deiconify() # -- main app -- if __name__ == '__main__': praclog.level(praclog.DEBUG) # read command-line options from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--mln", dest="mlnarg", help="the MLN model file to use") parser.add_option("-x", "--emln", dest="emlnarg", help="the MLN model extension file to use") parser.add_option("-q", "--queries", dest="queryarg",
def run(self): watch = StopWatch() watch.tag('inference', self.verbose) # load the MLN if isinstance(self.mln, MLN): mln = self.mln else: raise Exception('No MLN specified') if self.use_emln and self.emln is not None: mlnstr = StringIO.StringIO() mln.write(mlnstr) mlnstr.close() mlnstr = str(mlnstr) emln = self.emln mln = parse_mln(mlnstr + emln, grammar=self.grammar, logic=self.logic) # load the database if isinstance(self.db, Database): db = self.db elif isinstance(self.db, list) and len(self.db) == 1: db = self.db[0] elif isinstance(self.db, list): raise Exception( 'Got {} dbs. Can only handle one for inference.'.format( len(self.db))) else: raise Exception('DB of invalid format {}'.format(type(self.db))) # expand the # parameters params = dict(self._config) if 'params' in params: params.update(eval("dict(%s)" % params['params'])) del params['params'] if self.verbose: print tabulate(sorted(list(params.viewitems()), key=lambda (k, v): str(k)), headers=('Parameter:', 'Value:')) if type(db) is list and len(db) > 1: raise Exception('Inference can only handle one database at a time') elif type(db) is list: db = db[0] params['cw_preds'] = filter(lambda x: bool(x), self.cw_preds) # extract and remove all non-algorithm for s in GUI_SETTINGS: if s in params: del params[s] if self.profile: prof = Profile() print 'starting profiler...' prof.enable() # set the debug level olddebug = praclog.level() praclog.level(eval('logging.%s' % params.get('debug', 'WARNING').upper())) result = None try: mln_ = mln.materialize(db) mrf = mln_.ground(db) inference = self.method(mrf, self.queries, **params) if self.verbose: print print headline('EVIDENCE VARIABLES') print mrf.print_evidence_vars() result = if self.verbose: print print headline('INFERENCE RESULTS') print inference.write() if self.verbose: print inference.write_elapsed_time() except SystemExit: print 'Cancelled...' finally: if self.profile: prof.disable() print headline('PROFILER STATISTICS') ps = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=sys.stdout).sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats() # reset the debug level praclog.level(olddebug) if self.verbose: print watch.finish() watch.printSteps() return result