Пример #1
def health_check(prefix: Prefix, language_version: str) -> str | None:
    directory = helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, language_version)
    envdir = prefix.path(directory)
    pyvenv_cfg = os.path.join(envdir, 'pyvenv.cfg')

    # created with "old" virtualenv
    if not os.path.exists(pyvenv_cfg):
        return 'pyvenv.cfg does not exist (old virtualenv?)'

    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(bin_dir(envdir), exe_name)
    cfg = _read_pyvenv_cfg(pyvenv_cfg)

    if 'version_info' not in cfg:
        return "created virtualenv's pyvenv.cfg is missing `version_info`"

    # always use uncached lookup here in case we replaced an unhealthy env
    virtualenv_version = _version_info.__wrapped__(py_exe)
    if virtualenv_version != cfg['version_info']:
        return (f'virtualenv python version did not match created version:\n'
                f'- actual version: {virtualenv_version}\n'
                f'- expected version: {cfg["version_info"]}\n')

    # made with an older version of virtualenv? skip `base-executable` check
    if 'base-executable' not in cfg:
        return None

    base_exe_version = _version_info(cfg['base-executable'])
    if base_exe_version != cfg['version_info']:
        return (
            f'base executable python version does not match created version:\n'
            f'- base-executable version: {base_exe_version}\n'
            f'- expected version: {cfg["version_info"]}\n')
        return None
Пример #2
def test_unhealthy_then_replaced(python_dir):
    prefix, tmpdir = python_dir

    python.install_environment(prefix, C.DEFAULT, ())

    # simulate an exe which returns an old version
    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(python.bin_dir('py_env-default'), exe_name)
    os.rename(py_exe, f'{py_exe}.tmp')

    with open(py_exe, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho 1.2.3\n')

    # should be unhealthy due to version mismatch
    ret = python.health_check(prefix, C.DEFAULT)
    assert ret == (
        f'virtualenv python version did not match created version:\n'
        f'- actual version: 1.2.3\n'
        f'- expected version: {python._version_info(sys.executable)}\n')

    # now put the exe back and it should be healthy again
    os.replace(f'{py_exe}.tmp', py_exe)

    assert python.health_check(prefix, C.DEFAULT) is None
Пример #3
def test_unhealthy_python_goes_missing(python_dir):
    prefix, tmpdir = python_dir

    python.install_environment(prefix, C.DEFAULT, ())

    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(python.bin_dir('py_env-default'), exe_name)

    assert python.healthy(prefix, C.DEFAULT) is False
Пример #4
def test_unhealthy_python_goes_missing(python_dir):
    prefix, tmpdir = python_dir

    python.install_environment(prefix, C.DEFAULT, ())

    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(python.bin_dir('py_env-default'), exe_name)

    ret = python.health_check(prefix, C.DEFAULT)
    assert ret == (
        f'virtualenv python version did not match created version:\n'
        f'- actual version: <<error retrieving version from {py_exe}>>\n'
        f'- expected version: {python._version_info(sys.executable)}\n')
Пример #5
def healthy(prefix: Prefix, language_version: str) -> bool:
    directory = helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, language_version)
    envdir = prefix.path(directory)
    pyvenv_cfg = os.path.join(envdir, 'pyvenv.cfg')

    # created with "old" virtualenv
    if not os.path.exists(pyvenv_cfg):
        return False

    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(bin_dir(envdir), exe_name)
    cfg = _read_pyvenv_cfg(pyvenv_cfg)

    return (
        'version_info' in cfg and
        # always use uncached lookup here in case we replaced an unhealthy env
        _version_info.__wrapped__(py_exe) == cfg['version_info']
        and ('base-executable' not in cfg
             or _version_info(cfg['base-executable']) == cfg['version_info']))
Пример #6
def test_unhealthy_then_replaced(python_dir):
    prefix, tmpdir = python_dir

    python.install_environment(prefix, C.DEFAULT, ())

    # simulate an exe which returns an old version
    exe_name = win_exe('python')
    py_exe = prefix.path(python.bin_dir('py_env-default'), exe_name)
    os.rename(py_exe, f'{py_exe}.tmp')

    with open(py_exe, 'w') as f:
        f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho 1.2.3\n')

    # should be unhealthy due to version mismatch
    assert python.healthy(prefix, C.DEFAULT) is False

    # now put the exe back and it should be healthy again
    os.replace(f'{py_exe}.tmp', py_exe)

    assert python.healthy(prefix, C.DEFAULT) is True
Пример #7
    def _install_dir(prefix_p: Prefix, pub_cache: str) -> None:
        dart_env = {**os.environ, 'PUB_CACHE': pub_cache}

        with open(prefix_p.path('pubspec.yaml')) as f:
            pubspec_contents = yaml_load(f)

        helpers.run_setup_cmd(prefix_p, ('dart', 'pub', 'get'), env=dart_env)

        for executable in pubspec_contents['executables']:
                    os.path.join(bin_dir, win_exe(executable)),
                    prefix_p.path('bin', f'{executable}.dart'),