def minimal(): ''' A minimal working example to perform a BH binary inspiral **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.minimal() ''' t0 = time.time() q = 0.75 # Mass ratio chi1 = 0.5 # Primary's spin magnitude chi2 = 0.95 # Secondary's spin magnitude print "Take a BH binary with q=%.2f, chi1=%.2f and chi2=%.2f" % (q, chi1, chi2) sep = numpy.logspace(10, 1, 10) # Output separations t1 = numpy.pi / 3. # Spin orientations at r_vals[0] t2 = 2. * numpy.pi / 3. dp = numpy.pi / 4. M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) t1v, t2v, dpv = precession.evolve_angles(t1, t2, dp, sep, q, S1, S2) print "Perform BH binary inspiral" print "log10(r/M) \t theta1 \t theta2 \t deltaphi" for r, t1, t2, dp in zip(numpy.log10(sep), t1v, t2v, dpv): print "%.0f \t\t %.3f \t\t %.3f \t\t %.3f" % (r, t1, t2, dp) t = time.time() - t0 print "Executed in %.3fs" % t
def _get_kicks(amag1, amag2, q, Nsamps, maxkick): v_kicks = [] M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = pr.get_fixed(q, amag1, amag2) t1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, Nsamps) t2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, Nsamps) phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, Nsamps) for ii in range(Nsamps): kick = pr.finalkick(np.arccos(t1[ii]), np.arccos(t2[ii]), phi[ii], q, S1, S2, maxkick=maxkick, kms=True) v_kicks.append(kick) return np.array(v_kicks)
def test(): t0 = time.time() q = 0.75 # Mass ratio chi1 = 0.5 # Primary’s spin magnitude chi2 = 0.95 # Secondary’s spin magnitude print("Take a BH binary with q=%.2f, chi1=%.2f and ,→ chi2=%.2f" % (q, chi1, chi2)) sep = numpy.logspace(10, 1, 10) # Output separations t1 = numpy.pi / 3. # Spin orientations at r_vals[0] t2 = 2. * numpy.pi / 3. dp = numpy.pi / 4. M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) freq = [rtof(s, M) for s in sep] print(ftor(20, M)) t1v, t2v, dpv = precession.evolve_angles(t1, t2, dp, sep, q, S1, S2) print("Perform BH binary inspiral") print("log10(r/M) \t freq(Hz) \t theta1 \t theta2 \t deltaphi") for r, f, t1, t2, dp in zip(numpy.log10(sep), freq, t1v, t2v, dpv): print("%.0f \t\t %.3f \t\t %.3f \t\t %.3f \t\t %.3f" % (r, f, t1, t2, dp)) t = time.time() - t0 print("Executed in %.3fs" % t)
print("##########################") fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) fig2.suptitle(r"$\alpha, \beta$") fig0.suptitle(r"$S, \beta$") t0 = time.time() for i in range(3): q = np.random.uniform(0.5, 0.9) # Mass ratio chi1 = np.random.uniform(0., 1.) # Primary’s spin magnitude chi2 = np.random.uniform(0., 1.) # Secondary’s spin magnitude print("Take a BH binary with q={}, chi1={} and chi2={}".format( q, chi1, chi2)) M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) print("Masses and spins: ", M, m1, m2, S1, S2) #separations ri = 500 * M # Initial separation. rf = 1. * M # Final separation. sep = np.linspace(ri, rf, 10000) # Output separations #random angles t1 = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi) # theta 1 t2 = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi) # theta 2 dp = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi) #delta phi xi, J, S = precession.from_the_angles(t1, t2, dp, q, S1, S2, sep[0]) print(xi, S, J, q, S1, S2, sep[0]) Jvec, Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, Svec = precession.Jframe_projection(
def parameter_selection(): ''' Selection of consistent parameters to describe the BH spin orientations, both at finite and infinitely large separation. Compute some quantities which characterize the spin-precession dynamics, such as morphology, precessional period and resonant angles. All quantities are given in total-mass units c=G=M=1. **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.parameter_selection() ''' print "\n *Parameter selection at finite separations*" q = 0.8 # Must be q<=1. Check documentation for q=1. chi1 = 1. # Must be chi1<=1 chi2 = 1. # Must be chi2<=1 M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) # Total-mass units M=1 print "We study a binary with\n\tq=%.3f m1=%.3f m2=%.3f\n\tchi1=%.3f S1=%.3f\n\tchi2=%.3f S2=%.3f" % ( q, m1, m2, chi1, S1, chi2, S2) r = 100 * M # Must be r>10M for PN to be valid print "at separation\n\tr=%.3f" % r xi_min, xi_max = precession.xi_lim(q, S1, S2) Jmin, Jmax = precession.J_lim(q, S1, S2, r) Sso_min, Sso_max = precession.Sso_limits(S1, S2) print "The geometrical limits on xi,J and S are\n\t%.3f<=xi<=%.3f\n\t%.3f<=J<=%.3f\n\t%.3f<=S<=%.3f" % ( xi_min, xi_max, Jmin, Jmax, Sso_min, Sso_max) J = (Jmin + Jmax) / 2. print "We select a value of J\n\tJ=%.3f " % J St_min, St_max = precession.St_limits(J, q, S1, S2, r) print "This constrains the range of S to\n\t%.3f<=S<=%.3f" % (St_min, St_max) xi_low, xi_up = precession.xi_allowed(J, q, S1, S2, r) print "The allowed range of xi is\n\t%.3f<=xi<=%.3f" % (xi_low, xi_up) xi = (xi_low + xi_up) / 2. print "We select a value of xi\n\txi=%.3f" % xi test = (J >= min(precession.J_allowed(xi, q, S1, S2, r)) and J <= max(precession.J_allowed(xi, q, S1, S2, r))) print "Is our couple (xi,J) consistent?", test Sb_min, Sb_max = precession.Sb_limits(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) print "S oscillates between\n\tS-=%.3f\n\tS+=%.3f" % (Sb_min, Sb_max) S = (Sb_min + Sb_max) / 2. print "We select a value of S between S- and S+\n\tS=%.3f" % S t1, t2, dp, t12 = precession.parametric_angles(S, J, xi, q, S1, S2, r) print "The angles describing the spin orientations are\n\t(theta1,theta2,DeltaPhi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % ( t1, t2, dp) xi, J, S = precession.from_the_angles(t1, t2, dp, q, S1, S2, r) print "From the angles one can recovery\n\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % ( xi, J, S) print "\n *Features of spin precession*" t1_dp0, t2_dp0, t1_dp180, t2_dp180 = precession.resonant_finder( xi, q, S1, S2, r) print "The spin-orbit resonances for these values of J and xi are\n\t(theta1,theta2)=(%.3f,%.3f) for DeltaPhi=0\n\t(theta1,theta2)=(%.3f,%.3f) for DeltaPhi=pi" % ( t1_dp0, t2_dp0, t1_dp180, t2_dp180) tau = precession.precession_period(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) print "We integrate dt/dS to calculate the precessional period\n\ttau=%.3f" % tau alpha = precession.alphaz(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) print "We integrate Omega*dt/dS to find\n\talpha=%.3f" % alpha morphology = precession.find_morphology(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) if morphology == -1: labelm = "Librating about DeltaPhi=0" elif morphology == 1: labelm = "Librating about DeltaPhi=pi" elif morphology == 0: labelm = "Circulating" print "The precessional morphology is: " + labelm sys.stdout = os.devnull # Ignore warnings phase, xi_transit_low, xi_transit_up = precession.phase_xi(J, q, S1, S2, r) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restore warnings if phase == -1: labelp = "a single DeltaPhi~pi phase" elif phase == 2: labelp = "two DeltaPhi~pi phases, a Circulating phase" elif phase == 3: labelp = "a DeltaPhi~0, a Circulating, a DeltaPhi~pi phase" print "The coexisting phases are: " + labelp print "\n *Parameter selection at infinitely large separation*" print "We study a binary with\n\tq=%.3f m1=%.3f m2=%.3f\n\tchi1=%.3f S1=%.3f\n\tchi2=%.3f S2=%.3f" % ( q, m1, m2, chi1, S1, chi2, S2) print "at infinitely large separation" kappainf_min, kappainf_max = precession.kappainf_lim(S1, S2) print "The geometrical limits on xi and kappa_inf are\n\t%.3f<=xi<=%.3f\n\t %.3f<=kappa_inf<=%.3f" % ( xi_min, xi_max, kappainf_min, kappainf_max) print "We select a value of xi\n\txi=%.3f" % xi kappainf_low, kappainf_up = precession.kappainf_allowed(xi, q, S1, S2) print "This constrains the range of kappa_inf to\n\t%.3f<=kappa_inf<=%.3f" % ( kappainf_low, kappainf_up) kappainf = (kappainf_low + kappainf_up) / 2. print "We select a value of kappa_inf\n\tkappa_inf=%.3f" % kappainf test = (xi >= min(precession.xiinf_allowed(kappainf, q, S1, S2)) and xi <= max(precession.xiinf_allowed(kappainf, q, S1, S2))) print "Is our couple (xi,kappa_inf) consistent?", test t1_inf, t2_inf = precession.thetas_inf(xi, kappainf, q, S1, S2) print "The asymptotic (constant) values of theta1 and theta2 are\n\t(theta1_inf,theta2_inf)=(%.3f,%.3f)" % ( t1_inf, t2_inf) xi, kappainf = precession.from_the_angles_inf(t1_inf, t2_inf, q, S1, S2) print "From the angles one can recovery\n\t(xi,kappa_inf)=(%.3f,%.3f)" % ( xi, kappainf)
def timing(): ''' This examples compare the numerical performance of `precession.orbit_angles` and `precession.evolve_angles`. Computation is performed twice, first using all the available CPUs and then explicitely disabling the code parallelization. **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.timing() ''' BHsample = [] # Construct a sample of BH binaries N = 100 for i in range(N): q = random.uniform(0, 1) chi1 = random.uniform(0, 1) chi2 = random.uniform(0, 1) M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) t1 = random.uniform(0, numpy.pi) t2 = random.uniform(0, numpy.pi) dp = random.uniform(0, 2. * numpy.pi) BHsample.append([q, S1, S2, t1, t2, dp]) q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals, t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals = zip( *BHsample) # Traspose python list ri = 1e4 * M # Initial separation rf = 10 * M # Final separation r_vals = [ri, rf] # Intermediate output separations not needed here print " *Integrating a sample of N=%.0f BH binaries from ri=%.0f to rf=%.0f using %.0f CPUs*" % ( N, ri, rf, multiprocessing.cpu_count() ) # Parallel computation used by default t0 = time.time() precession.orbit_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals) t = time.time() - t0 print "Orbit-averaged: parallel integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % ( t, t / N) t0 = time.time() precession.evolve_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals) t = time.time() - t0 print "Precession-averaged: parallel integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % ( t, t / N) precession.empty_temp() # Remove previous checkpoints precession.CPUs = 1 # Force serial computation print " *Integrating a sample of N=%.0f BH binaries from ri=%.0f to rf=%.0f using %.0f CPU*" % ( len(BHsample), ri, rf, precession.CPUs) t0 = time.time() precession.orbit_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals) t = time.time() - t0 print "Orbit-averaged: serial integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % ( t, t / N) t0 = time.time() precession.evolve_angles(t1i_vals, t2i_vals, dpi_vals, r_vals, q_vals, S1_vals, S2_vals) t = time.time() - t0 print "Precession-averaged: serial integrations\n\t total time t=%.3fs\n\t time per binary t/N=%.3fs" % ( t, t / N) precession.empty_temp() # Remove previous checkpoints
def compare_evolutions(): ''' Compare precession averaged and orbit averaged integrations. Plot the evolution of xi, J, S and their relative differences between the two approaches. Since precession-averaged estimates of S require a random sampling, this plot will look different every time this routine is executed. Output is saved in ./spin_angles.pdf. **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.compare_evolutions() ''' fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # Create figure object and axes L, Ws, Wm, G = 0.85, 0.15, 0.3, 0.03 # Sizes ax_Sd = fig.add_axes([0, 0, L, Ws]) # bottom-small ax_S = fig.add_axes([0, Ws, L, Wm]) # bottom-main ax_Jd = fig.add_axes([0, Ws + Wm + G, L, Ws]) # middle-small ax_J = fig.add_axes([0, Ws + Ws + Wm + G, L, Wm]) # middle-main ax_xid = fig.add_axes([0, 2 * (Ws + Wm + G), L, Ws]) # top-small ax_xi = fig.add_axes([0, Ws + 2 * (Ws + Wm + G), L, Wm]) # top-main q = 0.8 # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1. chi1 = 0.6 # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1 chi2 = 1. # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1 M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) # Total-mass units M=1 ri = 100. * M # Initial separation. rf = 10. * M # Final separation. r_vals = numpy.linspace(ri, rf, 1001) # Output requested Ji = 2.24 # Magnitude of J: Jmin<J<Jmax as given by J_lim xi = -0.5 # Effective spin: xi_low<xi<xi_up as given by xi_allowed Jf_P = precession.evolve_J(xi, Ji, r_vals, q, S1, S2) # Pr.av. integration Sf_P = [ precession.samplingS(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) for J, r in zip(Jf_P[0::10], r_vals[0::10]) ] # Resample S (reduce output for clarity) Sb_min, Sb_max = zip(*[ precession.Sb_limits(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) for J, r in zip(Jf_P, r_vals) ]) # Envelopes S = numpy.average([precession.Sb_limits(xi, Ji, q, S1, S2, ri)]) # Initialize S Jf_O, xif_O, Sf_O = precession.orbit_averaged(Ji, xi, S, r_vals, q, S1, S2) # Orb.av. integration Pcol, Ocol, Dcol = 'blue', 'red', 'green' Pst, Ost = 'solid', 'dashed' ax_xi.axhline(xi, c=Pcol, ls=Pst, lw=2) # Plot xi, pr.av. (constant) ax_xi.plot(r_vals, xif_O, c=Ocol, ls=Ost, lw=2) # Plot xi, orbit averaged ax_xid.plot(r_vals, (xi - xif_O) / xi * 1e11, c=Dcol, lw=2) # Plot xi deviations (rescaled) ax_J.plot(r_vals, Jf_P, c=Pcol, ls=Pst, lw=2) # Plot J, pr.av. ax_J.plot(r_vals, Jf_O, c=Ocol, ls=Ost, lw=2) # Plot J, orb.av ax_Jd.plot(r_vals, (Jf_P - Jf_O) / Jf_O * 1e3, c=Dcol, lw=2) # Plot J deviations (rescaled) ax_S.scatter(r_vals[0::10], Sf_P, facecolor='none', edgecolor=Pcol) # Plot S, pr.av. (resampled) ax_S.plot(r_vals, Sb_min, c=Pcol, ls=Pst, lw=2) # Plot S, pr.av. (envelopes) ax_S.plot(r_vals, Sb_max, c=Pcol, ls=Pst, lw=2) # Plot S, pr.av. (envelopes) ax_S.plot(r_vals, Sf_O, c=Ocol, ls=Ost, lw=2) # Plot S, orb.av (evolved) ax_Sd.plot(r_vals[0::10], (Sf_P - Sf_O[0::10]) / Sf_O[0::10], c=Dcol, lw=2) # Plot S deviations # Options for nice plotting for ax in [ax_xi, ax_xid, ax_J, ax_Jd, ax_S, ax_Sd]: ax.set_xlim(ri, rf) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.16, 0.5) ax.spines['left'].set_lw(1.5) ax.spines['right'].set_lw(1.5) for ax in [ax_xi, ax_J, ax_S]: ax.spines['top'].set_lw(1.5) for ax in [ax_xid, ax_Jd, ax_Sd]: ax.axhline(0, c='black', ls='dotted') ax.spines['bottom'].set_lw(1.5) for ax in [ax_xid, ax_J, ax_Jd, ax_S]: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax_xi.set_ylim(-0.55, -0.45) ax_J.set_ylim(0.4, 2.3) ax_S.set_ylim(0.24, 0.41) ax_xid.set_ylim(-0.2, 1.2) ax_Jd.set_ylim(-3, 5.5) ax_Sd.set_ylim(-0.7, 0.7) ax_xid.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax_Jd.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(2)) ax_S.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax_Sd.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax_xi.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax_xi.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax_Sd.set_xlabel("$r/M$") ax_xi.set_xlabel("$r/M$") ax_xi.set_ylabel("$\\xi$") ax_J.set_ylabel("$J/M^2$") ax_S.set_ylabel("$S/M^2$") ax_xid.set_ylabel("$\\Delta\\xi/\\xi \;[10^{-11}]$") ax_Jd.set_ylabel("$\\Delta J/J \;[10^{-3}]$") ax_Sd.set_ylabel("$\\Delta S / S$") fig.savefig("compare_evolutions.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') # Save pdf file
def PNwrappers(): ''' Wrappers of the PN integrators. Here we show how to perform orbit-averaged, precession-averaged and hybrid PN inspirals using the various wrappers implemented in the code. We also show how to estimate the final mass, spin and recoil of the BH remnant following a merger. **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.PNwrappers() ''' q = 0.9 # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1. chi1 = 0.5 # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1 chi2 = 0.5 # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1 print "We study a binary with\n\tq=%.3f, chi1=%.3f, chi2=%.3f" % (q, chi1, chi2) M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) # Total-mass units M=1 ri = 1000 * M # Initial separation. rf = 10. * M # Final separation. rt = 100. * M # Intermediate separation for hybrid evolution. r_vals = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ri), numpy.log10(rf), 10) # Output requested t1i = numpy.pi / 4. t2i = numpy.pi / 4. dpi = numpy.pi / 4. # Initial configuration xii, Ji, Si = precession.from_the_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, q, S1, S2, ri) print "Configuration at ri=%.0f\n\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % ( ri, xii, Ji, Si, t1i, t2i, dpi) print " *Orbit-averaged evolution*" print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf) Jf, xif, Sf = precession.orbit_averaged(Ji, xii, Si, r_vals, q, S1, S2) print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (xif[-1], Jf[-1], Sf[-1]) t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.orbit_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2) print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1]) Jvec, Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, Svec = precession.Jframe_projection( xii, Si, Ji, q, S1, S2, ri) Lxi, Lyi, Lzi = Lvec S1xi, S1yi, S1zi = S1vec S2xi, S2yi, S2zi = S2vec Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = precession.orbit_vectors( Lxi, Lyi, Lzi, S1xi, S1yi, S1zi, S2xi, S2yi, S2zi, r_vals, q) print "\t(Lx,Ly,Lz)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S1x,S1y,S1z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S2x,S2y,S2z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % ( Lx[-1], Ly[-1], Lz[-1], S1x[-1], S1y[-1], S1z[-1], S2x[-1], S2y[-1], S2z[-1]) print " *Precession-averaged evolution*" print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf) Jf = precession.evolve_J(xii, Ji, r_vals, q, S1, S2) print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,-)" % (xii, Jf[-1]) t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.evolve_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2) print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1]) print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> infinity" % ri kappainf = precession.evolve_J_backwards(xii, Jf[-1], rf, q, S1, S2) print "\tkappainf=%.3f" % kappainf Jf = precession.evolve_J_infinity(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2) print "Evolution infinity --> rf=%.0f" % rf print "\tJ=%.3f" % Jf[-1] print " *Hybrid evolution*" print "Prec.Av. infinity --> rt=%.0f & Orb.Av. rt=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % ( rt, rt, rf) t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.hybrid(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2, rt) print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1]) print " *Properties of the BH remnant*" Mfin = precession.finalmass(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2) print "\tM_f=%.3f" % Mfin chifin = precession.finalspin(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2) print "\tchi_f=%.3f, S_f=%.3f" % (chifin, chifin * Mfin**2) vkick = precession.finalkick(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2) print "\tvkick=%.5f" % (vkick) # Geometrical units c=1
def phase_resampling(): ''' Precessional phase resampling. The magnidute of the total spin S is sampled according to |dS/dt|^-1, which correspond to a flat distribution in t(S). Output is saved in ./phase_resampling.pdf and data stored in `precession.storedir'/phase_resampling_.dat **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.phase_resampling() ''' fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) #Create figure object and axes ax_tS = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 0.6, 0.6]) #bottom-left ax_td = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0, 0.3, 0.6]) #bottom-right ax_Sd = fig.add_axes([0, 0.65, 0.6, 0.3]) #top-left q = 0.5 # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1. chi1 = 0.3 # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1 chi2 = 0.9 # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1 M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) # Total-mass units M=1 r = 200. * M # Separation. Must be r>10M for PN to be valid J = 3.14 # Magnitude of J: Jmin<J<Jmax as given by J_lim xi = -0.01 # Effective spin: xi_low<xi<xi_up as given by xi_allowed Sb_min, Sb_max = precession.Sb_limits(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) # Limits in S tau = precession.precession_period(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) # Precessional period d = 2000 # Size of the statistical sample precession.make_temp() # Create store directory, if necessary filename = precession.storedir + "/phase_resampling.dat" # Output file name if not os.path.isfile(filename): # Compute and store data if not present out = open(filename, "w") out.write("# q chi1 chi2 r J xi d\n") # Write header out.write("# " + ' '.join([str(x) for x in (q, chi1, chi2, r, J, xi, d)]) + "\n") # S and t values for the S(t) plot S_vals = numpy.linspace(Sb_min, Sb_max, d) t_vals = numpy.array([ abs( precession.t_of_S(Sb_min, S, Sb_min, Sb_max, xi, J, q, S1, S2, r)) for S in S_vals ]) # Sample values of S from |dt/dS|. Distribution should be flat in t. S_sample = numpy.array( [precession.samplingS(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) for i in range(d)]) t_sample = numpy.array([ abs( precession.t_of_S(Sb_min, S, Sb_min, Sb_max, xi, J, q, S1, S2, r)) for S in S_sample ]) # Continuous distributions (normalized) S_distr = numpy.array([ 2. * abs(precession.dtdS(S, xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) / tau) for S in S_vals ]) t_distr = numpy.array([2. / tau for t in t_vals]) out.write("# S_vals t_vals S_sample t_sample S_distr t_distr\n") for Sv, tv, Ss, ts, Sd, td in zip(S_vals, t_vals, S_sample, t_sample, S_distr, t_distr): out.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in (Sv, tv, Ss, ts, Sd, td)]) + "\n") out.close() else: # Read S_vals, t_vals, S_sample, t_sample, S_distr, t_distr = numpy.loadtxt( filename, unpack=True) # Rescale all time values by 10^-6, for nicer plotting tau *= 1e-6 t_vals *= 1e-6 t_sample *= 1e-6 t_distr /= 1e-6 ax_tS.plot(S_vals, t_vals, c='blue', lw=2) # S(t) curve ax_td.plot(t_distr, t_vals, lw=2., c='red') # Continous distribution P(t) ax_Sd.plot(S_vals, S_distr, lw=2., c='red') # Continous distribution P(S) ax_td.hist(t_sample, bins=60, range=(0, tau / 2.), normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', color="blue", alpha=0.4, orientation="horizontal") # Histogram P(t) ax_Sd.hist(S_sample, bins=60, range=(Sb_min, Sb_max), normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', color="blue", alpha=0.4) # Histogram P(S) # Options for nice plotting ax_tS.set_xlim(Sb_min, Sb_max) ax_tS.set_ylim(0, tau / 2.) ax_tS.set_xlabel("$S/M^2$") ax_tS.set_ylabel("$t/(10^6 M)$") ax_td.set_xlim(0, 0.5) ax_td.set_ylim(0, tau / 2.) ax_td.set_xlabel("$P(t)$") ax_td.set_yticklabels([]) ax_Sd.set_xlim(Sb_min, Sb_max) ax_Sd.set_ylim(0, 20) ax_Sd.set_xticklabels([]) ax_Sd.set_ylabel("$P(S)$") fig.savefig("phase_resampling.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') # Save pdf file
def spin_angles(): ''' Binary dynamics on the precessional timescale. The spin angles theta1,theta2, DeltaPhi and theta12 are computed and plotted against the time variable, which is obtained integrating dS/dt. The morphology is also detected as indicated in the legend of the plot. Output is saved in ./spin_angles.pdf. **Run using** import precession.test precession.test.spin_angles() ''' fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # Create figure object and axes ax_t1 = fig.add_axes([0, 1.95, 0.9, 0.5]) # first (top) ax_t2 = fig.add_axes([0, 1.3, 0.9, 0.5]) # second ax_dp = fig.add_axes([0, 0.65, 0.9, 0.5]) # third ax_t12 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 0.9, 0.5]) # fourth (bottom) q = 0.7 # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1. chi1 = 0.6 # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1 chi2 = 1. # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1 M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1, chi2) # Total-mass units M=1 r = 20 * M # Separation. Must be r>10M for PN to be valid J = 0.94 # Magnitude of J: Jmin<J<Jmax as given by J_lim xi_vals = [-0.41, -0.3, -0.22] # Effective spin: xi_low<xi<xi_up as given by xi_allowed for xi, color in zip(xi_vals, ['blue', 'green', 'red']): # Loop over three binaries tau = precession.precession_period(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) # Period morphology = precession.find_morphology(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) # Morphology if morphology == -1: labelm = "${\\rm L}0$" elif morphology == 1: labelm = "${\\rm L}\\pi$" elif morphology == 0: labelm = "${\\rm C}$" Sb_min, Sb_max = precession.Sb_limits(xi, J, q, S1, S2, r) # Limits in S S_vals = numpy.linspace(Sb_min, Sb_max, 1000) # Create array, from S- to S+ S_go = S_vals # First half of the precession cycle: from S- to S+ t_go = map(lambda x: precession.t_of_S( S_go[0], x, Sb_min, Sb_max, xi, J, q, S1, S2, r, 0, sign=-1.), S_go) # Compute time values. Assume t=0 at S- t1_go, t2_go, dp_go, t12_go = zip(*[ precession.parametric_angles(S, J, xi, q, S1, S2, r) for S in S_go ]) # Compute the angles. dp_go = [-dp for dp in dp_go] # DeltaPhi<=0 in the first half of the cycle S_back = S_vals[:: -1] # Second half of the precession cycle: from S+ to S- t_back = map( lambda x: precession.t_of_S(S_back[0], x, Sb_min, Sb_max, xi, J, q, S1, S2, r, t_go[-1], sign=1.), S_back ) # Compute time, start from the last point of the first half t_go[-1] t1_back, t2_back, dp_back, t12_back = zip(*[ precession.parametric_angles(S, J, xi, q, S1, S2, r) for S in S_back ]) # Compute the angles. DeltaPhi>=0 in the second half of the cycle for ax, vec_go, vec_back in zip( [ax_t1, ax_t2, ax_dp, ax_t12], [t1_go, t2_go, dp_go, t12_go], [t1_back, t2_back, dp_back, t12_back]): # Plot all curves ax.plot([t / tau for t in t_go], vec_go, c=color, lw=2, label=labelm) ax.plot([t / tau for t in t_back], vec_back, c=color, lw=2) # Options for nice plotting for ax in [ax_t1, ax_t2, ax_dp, ax_t12]: ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_xlabel("$t/\\tau$") ax.set_xticks(numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5)) for ax in [ax_t1, ax_t2, ax_t12]: ax.set_ylim(0, numpy.pi) ax.set_yticks(numpy.linspace(0, numpy.pi, 5)) ax.set_yticklabels( ["$0$", "$\\pi/4$", "$\\pi/2$", "$3\\pi/4$", "$\\pi$"]) ax_dp.set_ylim(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi) ax_dp.set_yticks(numpy.linspace(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi, 5)) ax_dp.set_yticklabels( ["$-\\pi$", "$-\\pi/2$", "$0$", "$\\pi/2$", "$\\pi$"]) ax_t1.set_ylabel("$\\theta_1$") ax_t2.set_ylabel("$\\theta_2$") ax_t12.set_ylabel("$\\theta_{12}$") ax_dp.set_ylabel("$\\Delta\\Phi$") ax_t1.legend( loc='lower right', fontsize=18) # Fill the legend with the precessional morphology fig.savefig("spin_angles.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') # Save pdf file
def get_alpha_beta(q, chi1, chi2, theta1, theta2, delta_phi, times, f_ref = 20., smooth_oscillation = False, verbose = False): """ get_alpha_beta ============== Returns angles alpha and beta by solving PN equations for spins. Uses module precession. Angles are evaluated on a user-given time grid (units: s/M_sun) s.t. the 0 of time is at separation r = M_tot. Inputs: q (N,) mass ratio (>1) chi1 (N,) dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 1 (in [0,1]) chi1 (N,) dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 2 (in [0,1]) theta1 (N,) angle between spin 1 and L theta2 (N,) angle between spin 2 and L delta_phi (N,) angle between in plane projection of the spins times (D,) times at which alpha, beta are evaluated (units s/M_sun) f_ref frequency at which the orbital parameters refer to (and at which the computation starts) smooth_oscillation whether to smooth the oscillation and return the average part and the residuals verbose whether to suppress the output of precession package Outputs: alpha (N,D) alpha angle evaluated at times beta (N,D) beta angle evaluated at times (if not smooth_oscillation) beta (N,D,3) [mean of beta angles, amplitude of the oscillating part, phase of the oscillating part] (if smooth_oscillation) """ #have a loook at precession.evolve_angles: it does exactly what we want.. # M_sun = 4.93e-6 t_min = np.max(np.abs(times)) r_0 = 2. * np.power(t_min/M_sun, .25) #starting point for the r integration #look eq. 4.26 Maggiore #uglyyyyy #print(f_ref, precession.rtof(r_0, 1.)) #print(f_ref) r_0 = precession.ftor(f_ref,1) if isinstance(q,float): q = np.array(q) chi1 = np.array(chi1) chi2 = np.array(chi2) theta1 = np.array(theta1) theta2 = np.array(theta2) delta_phi = np.array(delta_phi) if len(set([q.shape, chi1.shape, chi2.shape, theta1.shape, theta2.shape, delta_phi.shape])) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Inputs are not of the same shape (N,). Unable to continue") if q.ndim == 0: q = q[None] chi1 = chi1[None]; chi2 = chi2[None] theta1 = theta1[None]; theta2 = theta2[None]; delta_phi = delta_phi[None] squeeze = True else: squeeze = False #initializing vectors alpha = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0])) if smooth_oscillation: t_cutoff = -0.1 #shall I insert a cutoff here? beta = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0], 3)) else: beta = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0])) if not verbose: devnull = open(os.devnull, "w") old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = devnull else: old_stdout = sys.stdout #computing alpha, beta for i in range(q.shape[0]): #computing initial conditions for the time evolution q_ = 1./q[i] #using conventions of precession package M,m1,m2,S1,S2=precession.get_fixed(q_,chi1[i],chi2[i]) #M_tot is always set to 1 #print(q_, chi1[i], chi2[i], theta1[i],theta2[i], delta_phi[i], S1, S2, M) #nice low level os thing print("Generated angle "+str(i)+"\n") #old_stdout.write("Generated angle "+str(i)+"\n") #old_stdout.flush() if np.abs(delta_phi[i]) < 1e-6:#delta Phi cannot be zero(for some reason) delta_phi[i] = 1e-6 xi,J, S = precession.from_the_angles(theta1[i],theta2[i], delta_phi[i], q_, S1,S2, r_0) J_vec,L_vec,S1_vec,S2_vec,S_vec = precession.Jframe_projection(xi, S, J, q_, S1, S2, r_0) #initial conditions given angles r_f = 1.* M #final separation: time grid is s.t. t = 0 when r = r_f sep = np.linspace(r_0, r_f, 5000) Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t = precession.orbit_vectors(*L_vec, *S1_vec, *S2_vec, sep, q_, time = True) #time evolution of L, S1, S2 L = np.sqrt(Lx**2 + Ly**2 + Lz**2) print(Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t) #quit() #cos(beta(t)) = L(t).(0,0,1) #this is how I currently do! #cos(beta(t)) = L(t).L_vect #this is the convention that I want temp_alpha = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(Ly,Lx)) temp_beta = np.arccos(Lz/L) #computing beta in the other reference frame L_0 = L_vec /np.linalg.norm(L_vec) L_t = (np.column_stack([Lx,Ly,Lz]).T/L).T #(D,3) temp_beta = np.einsum('ij,j->i', L_t, L_0) #cos beta print(L_t.shape, temp_beta.shape, L_vec) temp_beta = np.arccos(temp_beta) t_out = (t-t[-1])*M_sun #output grid print("\n\nTimes!! ",t_out[0], times[0]) ids = np.where(t_out > np.min(times))[0] t_out = t_out[ids] temp_alpha = temp_alpha[ids] temp_beta = temp_beta[ids] alpha[i,:] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_alpha) if not smooth_oscillation: #plt.plot(t_out,temp_beta) beta[i,:] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_beta) if smooth_oscillation: #mean, f_min, f_max = get_spline_mean(t_out, temp_beta[None,:], f_minmax = True) s = smoothener(t_out, temp_beta) #beta[i,:,0] = mean(times) #avg beta beta[i,:,0] = s(times) #beta[i,:,1] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_beta) - mean(times) #residuals of beta #dealing with amplitude and phase residual = (temp_beta - s(t_out)) if np.mean(np.abs(residual))< 0.001: residual[:] = 0 id_cutoff = np.where(t_out>t_cutoff)[0] not_id_cutoff = np.where(t_out<=t_cutoff)[0] residual[id_cutoff] = 0. m_list, M_list = compute_spline_peaks(t_out, residual[None,:]) amp = lambda t: (M_list[0](t) - m_list[0](t))/2. beta[i,:,1] = amp(times) #amplitude temp_ph = residual / (amp(t_out)+1e-30) temp_ph[id_cutoff] = 0. beta[i,:,2] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_ph) #phase beta[i,np.where(np.abs(beta[i,:,2])>1)[0],2] = np.sign(beta[i,np.where(np.abs(beta[i,:,2])>1)[0],2]) #plotting if False:# np.max(np.abs(temp_beta-s(t_out))) > 2: #DEBUG plt.figure() plt.title("Alpha") plt.plot(times,alpha[i,:]) plt.figure() plt.title("Mean maxmin") plt.plot(times,beta[i,:,0]) plt.plot(t_out,temp_beta) #plt.figure() #plt.title("Mean grad") #plt.plot(t_out, temp_beta) #plt.plot(t_out, mean_grad[0](t_out)) #plt.figure() #plt.title("Gradient") #plt.plot(t_out,np.gradient(temp_beta, t_out)) #plt.ylim([-0.6,0.6]) plt.figure() plt.title("Amplitude") #plt.plot(t_out, amp(t_out)) plt.plot(times, beta[i,:,1]) plt.plot(t_out,np.squeeze(temp_beta - s(t_out) )) #plt.figure() #plt.plot(times,beta[i,:,1]) plt.figure() plt.title("ph") plt.plot(times,beta[i,:,2]) if not verbose: sys.stdout = old_stdout devnull.close() if squeeze: return np.squeeze(alpha), np.squeeze(beta) return alpha, beta