Пример #1
 def test_submit(self):
     e = LocalDaskExecutor()
     with e.start():
         assert e.submit(lambda: 1).compute() == 1
         assert e.submit(lambda x: x, 1).compute() == 1
         assert e.submit(lambda x: x, x=1).compute() == 1
         assert e.submit(lambda: prefect).compute() is prefect
Пример #2
 def test_wait(self):
     e = LocalDaskExecutor()
     with e.start():
         assert e.wait(1) == 1
         assert e.wait(prefect) is prefect
         assert e.wait(e.submit(lambda: 1)) == 1
         assert e.wait(e.submit(lambda x: x, 1)) == 1
         assert e.wait(e.submit(lambda x: x, x=1)) == 1
         assert e.wait(e.submit(lambda: prefect)) is prefect
Пример #3
    def test_configurable_scheduler(self):
        e = LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler="synchronous")
        assert e.scheduler == "synchronous"

        def check_scheduler(val):
            assert dask.config.get("scheduler") == val

        with dask.config.set(scheduler="threads"):
            with e.start():
                e.submit(check_scheduler, "synchronous")
Пример #4
    def test_submit_sets_task_name(self):
        e = LocalDaskExecutor()
        with e.start():
            f = e.submit(lambda x: x + 1, 1, extra_context={"task_name": "inc"})
            (res,) = e.wait([f])
            assert f.key.startswith("inc-")
            assert res == 2

            f = e.submit(
                lambda x: x + 1, 1, extra_context={"task_name": "inc", "task_index": 1}
            (res,) = e.wait([f])
            assert f.key.startswith("inc-1-")
            assert res == 2
Пример #5
    def test_interrupt_stops_running_tasks_quickly(self, scheduler):
        # Windows implements `queue.get` using polling,
        # which means we can set an exception to interrupt the call to `get`.
        # Python 3 on other platforms requires sending SIGINT to the main thread.
        if os.name == "nt":
            from _thread import interrupt_main
            main_thread = threading.get_ident()

            def interrupt_main():
                import signal

                signal.pthread_kill(main_thread, signal.SIGINT)

        def long_task():
            for i in range(50):

        e = LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler)
            interrupter = threading.Timer(0.5, interrupt_main)
            start = time.time()
            with e.start():
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except Exception:
            assert False, "Failed to interrupt"
        stop = time.time()
        if stop - start > 4:
            assert False, "Failed to interrupt"
Пример #6
    def test_only_compute_once(self, scheduler, tmpdir):
        e = LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler)

        def inc(x, path):
            if os.path.exists(path):
                raise ValueError("Should only run once!")
            with open(path, "wb"):
            return x + 1

        with e.start():
            f1 = e.submit(inc, 0, str(tmpdir.join("f1")))
            f2 = e.submit(inc, f1, str(tmpdir.join("f2")))
            f3 = e.submit(inc, f2, str(tmpdir.join("f3")))
            assert e.wait([f1]) == [1]
            assert e.wait([f2]) == [2]
            assert e.wait([f3]) == [3]
            assert e.wait([f1, f2, f3]) == [1, 2, 3]
Пример #7
    def test_only_compute_once(self):
        e = LocalDaskExecutor()
        count = 0

        def inc(x):
            nonlocal count
            count += 1
            return x + 1

        with e.start():
            f1 = e.submit(inc, 0)
            f2 = e.submit(inc, f1)
            f3 = e.submit(inc, f2)
            assert e.wait([f1]) == [1]
            assert count == 1
            assert e.wait([f2]) == [2]
            assert count == 2
            assert e.wait([f3]) == [3]
            assert count == 3
            assert e.wait([f1, f2, f3]) == [1, 2, 3]
            assert count == 3