def run(self, idmef):
        classification = idmef.get("alert.classification.text")
        source = idmef.get("alert.source(*).node.address(*).address")
        target = idmef.get("*).node.address(*).address")

        if not source or not target or not classification:

        for saddr in source:
            ctx = Context(("SCAN EVENTSWEEP", classification, saddr), {
                "expire": 60,
                "threshold": 30,
                "alert_on_expire": True
            if ctx.getUpdateCount() == 0:
                    "A single host has played the same event against multiple targets. This may be a network scan "
                    "for a specific vulnerability")
                ctx.set("alert.classification.text", "Eventsweep")
                ctx.set("alert.assessment.impact.severity", "high")

            cur = ctx.get("*).node.address(*).address")
            if cur:
                for address in target:
                    if address in cur:

            ctx.update(idmef=idmef, timer_rst=ctx.getUpdateCount())
    def run(self, idmef):
        classification = idmef.get("alert.classification.text")
        source = idmef.get("alert.source(*).node.address(*).address")
        target = idmef.get("*).node.address(*).address")

        if not source or not target or not classification:

        for saddr in source:
            ctx = Context(("SCAN EVENTSWEEP", classification, saddr), { "expire": 60, "threshold": 30, "alert_on_expire": True }, overwrite = False)
            if ctx.getUpdateCount() == 0:
                ctx.set("", "A single host has played the same event against multiple targets. This may be a network scan for a specific vulnerability")
                ctx.set("alert.classification.text", "Eventsweep")
                ctx.set("alert.assessment.impact.severity", "high")

            cur = ctx.get("*).node.address(*).address")
            if cur:
                for address in target:
                    if address in cur:
                        insert = False

            ctx.update(idmef=idmef, timer_rst=ctx.getUpdateCount())