def repair_bad_variance_spectra(db_file): con = sq3.connect(db_file) cur = con.cursor() sql_input = "SELECT * from Spectra inner join Events ON Spectra.SN = Events.SN" print 'querying' bad_ivars = [] SN_Array = composite.grab(sql_input, multi_epoch=True, make_corr=False, selection='max_coverage', grab_all=True) for SN in SN_Array: if len(np.where(np.isnan(SN.ivar))[0] == True) == 5500: bad_ivars.append(SN) for SN in bad_ivars: print SN.source if SN.source == 'bsnip': path = '../data/spectra/bsnip/' + SN.filename elif SN.source == 'cfa': path = '../data/spectra/cfa/' + SN.filename.split( '-')[0] + '/' + SN.filename elif SN.source == 'other': path = '../data/spectra/other/' + SN.filename elif SN.source == 'uv': path = '../data/spectra/uv/' + SN.filename spectrum = np.loadtxt(path) newdata, snr = prep.compprep(spectrum,, SN.redshift, SN.source, use_old_error=False, testing=False) try: interped = msg.packb(newdata) cur.execute("UPDATE Spectra SET snr = ? where filename = ?", (snr.value, SN.filename)) cur.execute( "UPDATE Spectra SET Interpolated_Spectra = ? where filename = ?", (buffer(interped), SN.filename)) print "Added: ", SN.filename except Exception, e: print "Interp failed: ", SN.filename
def main(): data_file = '../data/spectra/swift_uvspec/swift_uv_log.txt' files = glob.glob("..\data\spectra\swift_uvspec\*.flm") con = sq3.connect('../data/kaepora_v1.db') with open(data_file) as data: data_dict = {} for line in data.readlines()[1:]: data_dict[line.split()[4]] = line.split()[0:4] for spec_file in files: with open(spec_file) as spec: spectrum = np.loadtxt(spec) source = 'swift_uv' print spec_file sn_data = data_dict[spec_file.split('\\')[4]] if sn_data[0][0:2].lower() == 'sn': sn_name = sn_data[0][2:] else: sn_name = sn_name = sn_data[0] print sn_name redshift = float(sn_data[1]) phase = float(sn_data[2]) Dm15 = sn_data[3] if Dm15 == '-99': Dm15 = None else: Dm15 = float(Dm15) interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectrum, sn_name, redshift, source) interped = msg.packb(interp_spec) name = spec_file.split('\\')[4] min_wave = spectrum[0][0] max_wave = spectrum[-1][0] mjd = None ref = None con.execute("""INSERT INTO Spectra(Filename, SN, Source, Phase, MinWave, MaxWave, snr, Interpolated_Spectra, MJD, Ref) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (name, sn_name, source, phase, min_wave, max_wave, sig_noise, buffer(interped), mjd, ref)) con.commit()
if name in ref_dict: ref = ref_dict[name] waves = spectra[:, 0] min_wave = waves[0] max_wave = waves[len(spectra) - 1] spec = msg.packb(spectra) if sn_name in NED_red_dict: redshift = NED_red_dict[sn_name] try: interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectra, sn_name, redshift, source, testing=False) except Exception, e: #raise print e print "Interp failed" bad_interp.append(name) bad_files.append(name) interp_spec, sig_noise = None, None print 'before', phase if sn_name in sndict: if sndict[sn_name][4] == '9.99': Dm15 = None else:
spectrum = np.loadtxt(spec) source = 'maguire' filename = sp.split('\\')[-1] sn_obj_data = obj_dict[filename.split('_')[0]] sn_spec_data = spec_dict[filename.split('_')[0]] if filename.split('_')[0].lower() == 'sn': sn_name = filename.split('_')[0][2:] else: sn_name = filename.split('_')[0] print sn_name redshift = float(sn_spec_data[4]) mjd_max = float(sn_obj_data[0]) mjd_spec = float(sn_spec_data[3]) phase = (mjd_spec - mjd_max) / (1. + redshift) interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectrum, sn_name, redshift, source) interped = msg.packb(interp_spec) name = spec_file.split('\\')[3] min_wave = spectrum[0][0] max_wave = spectrum[-1][0] m_b = None bm_vm = None vel = None morph = None carbon = None gasrich = None hubble_residual = None mjd = None ref = 'Maguire et al. (2012)'
c = 299792.458 source = 'bsnip' data = bsnip_vals[sn_name.lower()] redshift = data[0]/c phase = None Dm15 = None m_b = None bm_vm = None waves = spectra[:, 0] min_wave = waves[0] max_wave = waves[len(spectra) - 1] spec = msg.packb(spectra) try: interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectra, sn_name, redshift, source) except: raise print "Interp failed" bad_interp.append(name) bad_files.append(name) interp_spec, sig_noise = None, None if sn_name in negout: carbon = 0 elif sn_name in posout: carbon = 1 else: carbon = None if sn_name in morph_dict:
def main(): data_file = '../data/spectra/hst_foley/hst_metadata_spec.txt' files = glob.glob("../data/spectra/hst_foley/*.flm") con = sq3.connect('../data/kaepora_v1.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM Spectra where source = 'foley_hst'") with open(data_file) as data: data_dict = {} for line in data.readlines(): data_dict[line.split()[0]] = line.split() for spec_file in files: with open(spec_file) as spec: spectrum = np.loadtxt(spec) source = 'foley_hst' sn_data = data_dict[spec_file.split('\\')[1]] if sn_data[0][0:2].lower() == 'sn': sn_name = sn_data[0].split('-')[0][2:] else: sn_name = sn_data[0].split( '-')[0] + '-' + sn_data[0].split('-')[1] redshift = float(sn_data[2]) phase = float(sn_data[1]) Dm15 = None interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectrum, sn_name, redshift, source, testing=False) interped = msg.packb(interp_spec) name = spec_file.split('\\')[1] min_wave = spectrum[0][0] max_wave = spectrum[-1][0] sig_noise = sig_noise print name, sn_name, phase, redshift, sig_noise # plt.plot(interp_spec[0,:],interp_spec[1,:]) # # plt.plot(interp_spec[0,:],interp_spec[2,:]) # m_b = None bm_vm = None vel = None morph = None carbon = None gasrich = None hubble_residual = None mjd = None ref = sn_data[3] # sql_input = "SELECT * from Supernovae inner join Photometry ON Supernovae.SN = Photometry.SN where filename=" + "'" + name + "'" # cur.execute(sql_input) # in_database = False # for row in cur: # in_database = row[0] # if in_database: # con.execute("""REPLACE INTO Supernovae(Filename, SN, Source, # Phase, MinWave, MaxWave, # snr, Interpolated_Spectra, # MJD, Ref) # VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", # (name, sn_name, source, phase, min_wave, max_wave, # # sig_noise, buffer(interped), mjd, ref)) # else: con.execute( """INSERT INTO Spectra(Filename, SN, Source, Phase, MinWave, MaxWave, snr, Interpolated_Spectra, MJD, Ref) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (name, sn_name, source, phase, min_wave, max_wave, sig_noise, buffer(interped), mjd, ref)) #with open(data_file_meta) as data_meta: # data_dict = {} # for line in data_meta.readlines(): # data_dict[line.split()[0]] = line.split() # for sn in data_dict.keys(): # dm15 = float(data_dict[sn][1]) # dm15_err = float(data_dict[sn][2]) # v_at_max = float(data_dict[sn][3]) # av = float(data_dict[sn][5])*3.1 # ned_host = data_dict[sn][7] # print sn, dm15, dm15_err, v_at_max, av, ned_host # cur.execute("UPDATE Photometry SET dm15_source = ? where SN = ?", (dm15, sn)) # cur.execute("UPDATE Photometry SET e_dm15 = ? where SN = ?", (dm15_err, sn)) # cur.execute("UPDATE Photometry SET v_at_max = ? where SN = ?", (v_at_max, sn)) # cur.execute("UPDATE Photometry SET av_mlcs31 = ? where SN = ?", (av, sn)) # cur.execute("UPDATE Photometry SET NED_host = ? where SN = ?", (ned_host, sn)) con.commit()
def main(): # raise TypeError #uncomment when building db #build necessary dictionaries sndict, date_dict = read_cfa_info( '../data/spectra/cfa/cfasnIa_param.dat', '../data/spectra/cfa/cfasnIa_mjdspec.dat') bsnip_vals = read_bsnip_data('obj_info_table.txt') short_bsnip_dict = create_short_bsnip_dict(bsnip_vals) rsd = build_redshift_dict(short_bsnip_dict, sndict) NED_red_dict = build_NED_redshift_dict( '../data/info_files/NED_redshift_info.txt') ref_dict = build_bsnip_ref_dict() ts = time.clock() #con = sq3.connect('SNe.db') # con = sq3.connect('SNe_11.db') # con = sq3.connect('../data/SNIaDB_Spec_v20_phot_v10.db') con = sq3.connect('../data/kaepora_v1.db') #make sure no prior table in db to avoid doubling/multiple copies of same data con.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Spectra""") con.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Spectra (Filename TEXT PRIMARY KEY, SN Text, Source Text, Phase REAL, MinWave REAL, MaxWave REAL, snr REAL, Interpolated_Spectra BLOB, MJD REAL, Ref Text)""") #read all bsnip to find corrected corr_list = [] allspec = [] for paths, subdirs, files in os.walk('../data/spectra/bsnip'): for name in files: if name.endswith('.flm'): allspec.append(name) if 'corrected' in name: corr_list.append(name) clean1 = [re.sub('-corrected.flm', '', x) for x in corr_list] clean2 = [re.sub('.flm', '', x) for x in allspec] #find files that have both corrected and raw res = set(clean1).intersection(set(clean2)) #have_both contains files to ignore have_both = [] for s in res: s += '.flm' have_both.append(s) #change this depending on where script is root = '../data/spectra' bad_files = [] bad_interp = [] shiftless = [] #ignore bad files spectra_ignore = [ 'SN06mr_061113_g01_BAA_IM.dat', 'SN07af_070310_g01_BAA_IM.dat', 'SN07ai_070310_g01_BAA_IM.dat', 'SN07af_070310_g01_BAA_IM.dat', 'SN07ai_070312_g01_BAA_IM.dat', 'sn1996ai-19960620.17-fast.flm', 'sn1994T-19940612.25-mmt.flm', 'sn1994T-19940613.19-fast.flm', 'sn2000dn-20001006.25-fast.flm', 'sn2006bt-20060502.33-fast.flm', 'sn2006bt-20060503.33-fast.flm', 'sn1994Q-19940612.32-mmt.flm', 'sn2006H-20060206.21-fast.flm', 'sn2002dj-20020614.17-fast.flm', 'sn1999ek-19991030.47-fast.flm', 'sn2003cq-20030408.26-fast.flm', 'sn1996ai-19960620.17-fast.flm', 'SN05hc_051018_r01_NTT_EM.dat', '2002er_20020901_3213_9175_00.dat', '2005cf_20050601_3243_9720_00.dat', 'sn1994S-19940612.26-mmt.flm', 'sn1995ac-19950929.27-fast.flm', 'sn2006lf-20061028.51-fast.flm', 'sn1994M-19940612.22-mmt.flm', '2002er_20020901_3213_9175_00.dat', '2002bo_20020328_3099_8801_00.dat', '2005cf_20050603_3721_8786_00.dat', 'sn1996ai-19960620-uo.flm', 'SN07N_070131_b01_NTT_EM.dat', 'sn2007sr-20071228.39-fixedbg-swift.flm', 'sn2006ob-20061201.107-ui.flm', 'sn2005A-20050107.25-fast.flm', 'sn1986g-19860529.301-iue.flm', 'sn1994t-19940715-ui.flm' ] print "Adding information to table" count = 1 for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): for name in files: #ignore bad spectra and uncorrected where corrected exist and save swift/hst for later if name in spectra_ignore or name in have_both or 'swift_uvspec' in path or 'hst_foley' in path: continue #reset all fields to prevent carrying over from last loop iteration Dm15 = None m_b = None bm_vm = None phase = None redshift = None source = None mjd = None ref = None f = os.path.join(path, name) if f.endswith('.flm') or f.endswith('.dat'): if 'cfasnIa' in f: continue try: if 'csp' in path: spectra, info = read_csp(f) sn_name = find_SN(name, 'csp', info) else: spectra = read_cfa_or_bsnip_or_uv(f) if 'other' in path: sn_name = find_SN(name, 'other') else: sn_name = find_SN(name) except: bad_files.append(f) continue print count, sn_name count += 1 #other source if 'other' in f: print f source = 'other' if 'snifs' in f: with open(f) as otherfile: lines = (line for line in f if line.startswith('#')) for line in lines: if line.split()[1] == 'MJD': mjd = float(line.split()[3]) if line.split()[1] == 'TMAX': phase = float(line.split()[3]) if mjd is None: if len(name.split('_')) > 1: year, month, day = float( name.split('_')[1][0:4]), float( name.split('_')[1][4:6]), float( name.split('_')[1][6:]) else: year, month, day = float( name.split('-')[1][0:4]), float( name.split('-')[1][4:6]), float( name.split('-')[1][6:]) mjd = jdcal.gcal2jd(year, month, day)[1] if sn_name in rsd: redshift = rsd[sn_name] #cfa source elif 'cfa' in f: if 'sn2011' not in name: sn_cfa = sndict[sn_name] else: snd = None sn_cfa = [None] * 14 #csp source if 'csp' in f: print f source = 'csp' redshift = float(info[2]) phase = (float(info[4]) - float(info[3])) / (1. + redshift) mjd = float(info[4]) - 2400000.5 ref = '2013ApJ...773...53F' #uv source elif 'uv' in path: print f print name source = 'uv' year = float(name.split('-')[1][0:4]) month = float(name.split('-')[1][4:6]) day = float(name.split('-')[1][6:]) mjd = jdcal.gcal2jd(year, month, day)[1] if sn_name in rsd: redshift = rsd[sn_name] #cfa spectra elif 'cfa' in f: print f source = 'cfa' redshift = float(sn_cfa[0]) #if statements assign values to fields if they exist, else none is assigned if sn_cfa[1] == '99999.9': phase = None else: #try/except catches and fixes sn2011 errors try: phase = (float(date_dict[name]) - float(sn_cfa[1])) / (1. + redshift) mjd = float(date_dict[name]) except: phase = None mjd = None if sn_cfa[4] == '9.99': Dm15 = None else: Dm15 = sn_cfa[4] if sn_cfa[7] == '-99.99': m_b = None else: m_b = sn_cfa[7] if sn_cfa[11] == '-9.99': bm_vm = None else: bm_vm = sn_cfa[11] ref = '2012AJ....143..126B' #bsnip spectra elif 'bsnip' in f: source = 'bsnip' """ certain files have words in their name that cause the split to be misalligned from the typical splits. """ if is_number(name.split('-')[1][:8]): longdate = name.split('-')[1][:8] else: longdate = name.split('-')[2][:8] data = bsnip_vals[sn_name.lower() + '-' + longdate] print f if math.isnan(data[1]): #skippy shitty redshiftless spectra shiftless.append(name) continue redshift = data[1] / c #if phase exists, add to db if not math.isnan(data[2]): phase = data[2] mjd = data[3] if type(mjd) != float: mjd = float(mjd[0:9]) if name in ref_dict: ref = ref_dict[name] waves = spectra[:, 0] min_wave = waves[0] max_wave = waves[len(spectra) - 1] spec = msg.packb(spectra) if sn_name in NED_red_dict: redshift = NED_red_dict[sn_name] try: interp_spec, sig_noise = prep.compprep(spectra, sn_name, redshift, source, testing=False) except Exception, e: #raise print e print "Interp failed" bad_interp.append(name) bad_files.append(name) interp_spec, sig_noise = None, None if sn_name in sndict: if sndict[sn_name][4] == '9.99': Dm15 = None else: Dm15 = sndict[sn_name][4] if sndict[sn_name][7] == '-99.99': m_b = None else: m_b = sndict[sn_name][7] if sndict[sn_name][11] == '-9.99': bm_vm = None else: bm_vm = sndict[sn_name][11] if mjd is not None and phase is None and sndict[sn_name][ 1] != '99999.9' and redshift is not None: phase = (mjd - float(sndict[sn_name][1])) / (1. + redshift) #add redshift to redshift dictionary if not already present if name not in rsd and redshift is not None: rsd[name] = redshift interped = msg.packb(interp_spec) ##version 15 con.execute( """INSERT INTO Spectra(Filename, SN, Source, Phase, MinWave, MaxWave, snr, Interpolated_Spectra, MJD, Ref) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (name, sn_name, source, phase, min_wave, max_wave, sig_noise, buffer(interped), mjd, ref))