def load_data(): """Get data with labels, split into training, validation and test set.""" ourtrainingdata = get_training_data() ourtestingdata = get_testing_data() #X_train, y_train = data[0] X_train = ourtrainingdata[0] y_train = ourtrainingdata[1] #X_test, y_test = data[2] X_test = ourtestingdata[0] y_test = ourtestingdata[1] y_train = numpy.asarray(y_train, dtype=numpy.int32) y_test = numpy.asarray(y_test, dtype=numpy.int32) return dict( X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, num_examples_train=len(X_train), num_examples_test=len(X_test), input_dim=X_train[0], output_dim=10, )
from prepare_data import get_training_data from prepare_plots import plot_results from build_cnn_encoderdecoder_model import build_cnn_encoderdecoder_model import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": profile_pngs_objs, midcurve_pngs_objs = get_training_data(size=(128, 128)) profile_pngs_objs = np.asarray(profile_pngs_objs) midcurve_pngs_objs = np.asarray(midcurve_pngs_objs) profile_pngs_objs = np.expand_dims(profile_pngs_objs, axis=-1) midcurve_pngs_objs = np.expand_dims(midcurve_pngs_objs, axis=-1) profile_pngs_objs = (profile_pngs_objs - 127.5) / 127.5 #Normalize [-1, 1] midcurve_pngs_objs = (midcurve_pngs_objs - 127.5) / 127.5 #Normalize [-1, 1] x_coord = np.zeros(shape=(128, 128, 1)) y_coord = np.zeros(shape=(128, 128, 1)) for i in range(0, 128): x_coord[:, i, 0] = i y_coord[i, :, 0] = i coords = np.append(x_coord, y_coord, axis=-1) coords = (coords - 63.5) / 63.5 #Normalize [-1, 1] #coords = np.expand_dims(coords, axis=0) profile_pngs = [] for i in range(len(profile_pngs_objs)):
self.x = profile_pngs_objs self.y = midcurve_pngs_objs, self.y, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=5, shuffle=True) # Save models else: # Save models self.autoencoder = load_model(self.autoencoder_model_pkl) self.encoder= load_model(self.encoder_model_pkl) self.decoder = load_model(self.decoder_model_pkl) def predict(self, test_profile_images): png_profile_images = self.process_images(test_profile_images) encoded_imgs = self.encoder.predict(png_profile_images) decoded_imgs = self.decoder.predict(encoded_imgs) return test_profile_images,decoded_imgs if __name__ == "__main__": profile_gray_objs, midcurve_gray_objs = get_training_data() endec = simple_encoderdecoder() endec.train(profile_gray_objs, midcurve_gray_objs) test_gray_images = random.sample(profile_gray_objs,5) original_profile_imgs,predicted_midcurve_imgs = endec.predict(test_gray_images) plot_results(original_profile_imgs,predicted_midcurve_imgs)
data_dir) num_classes = len(set(train_labels)) print(num_classes) # Build the graph using appropriate class from slim graph = tf.Graph() ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(os.getcwd()) with graph.as_default(): if ckpt == None: # Indicates whether we are in training or in test mode is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="is_training") # Get data iterators images_train, labels_train, train_init_op, iterator = pd.get_training_data( train_filenames, train_labels) images_val, labels_val, val_init_op, _ = pd.get_validation_data( val_filenames, val_labels, iterator_val=iterator) # Get the pretrained model, specifying the num_classes argument to create a new # fully connected replacing the last one. # Each model has a different architecture, so the final layer will change in another model. # Here, logits gives us directly the predicted scores we wanted from the images. logits = dm.predict(model_type, images_train, num_classes, weight_decay, drop_out, True) # Specify where the model checkpoint is (pretrained weights). assert (os.path.isfile(model_path)) # Restore layers that we want
from prepare_data import get_training_data from prepare_plots import plot_results from build_simple_encoderdecoder_w_denoiser_model import simple_encoderdecoder_w_denoiser if __name__ == "__main__": profile_pngs_objs, midcurve_pngs_objs = get_training_data() endec = simple_encoderdecoder_w_denoiser() original_imgs,decoded_imgs = endec.simple_encoderdecoder_w_denoiser(profile_pngs_objs, midcurve_pngs_objs) plot_results(original_imgs,decoded_imgs)