def predict(sound_file, prototxt, model, output_path): image_files = wav_to_images(sound_file, output_path) caffe.set_mode_cpu() net = caffe.Classifier( prototxt, model, #image_dims=(224, 224) #channel_swap=(2,1,0), raw_scale=255 # convert 0..255 values into range 0..1 #caffe.TEST ) input_images = np.array([, color=False) for image_file in image_files["melfilter"] ]) #input_images = np.swapaxes(input_images, 1, 3) #prediction = net.forward_all(data=input_images)["prob"] prediction = net.predict( input_images, False ) # predict takes any number of images, and formats them for the Caffe net automatically print(prediction) print('prediction shape:', prediction[0].shape) print('predicted class:', prediction[0].argmax()) print(image_files) return prediction
def predict(sound_file, prototxt, model, output_path): image_files = wav_to_images(sound_file, output_path) caffe.set_mode_cpu() net = caffe.Classifier( prototxt, model, # image_dims=(224, 224) # channel_swap=(2,1,0), raw_scale=255 # convert 0..255 values into range 0..1 # caffe.TEST ) input_images = np.array([, color=False) for image_file in image_files["melfilter"]]) # input_images = np.swapaxes(input_images, 1, 3) # prediction = net.forward_all(data=input_images)["prob"] prediction = net.predict( input_images, False ) # predict takes any number of images, and formats them for the Caffe net automatically print prediction print "prediction shape:", prediction[0].shape print "predicted class:", prediction[0].argmax() print image_files return prediction
def evaluate(input_csv, proto, model): ''' Run evaluation on a list of WAV, label files ''' if not os.path.isdir("tmp"): os.mkdir("tmp") correct_files = [] incorrect_files = [] skipped_files = [] caffe.set_mode_cpu() net = caffe.Classifier(proto, model, raw_scale=255) # convert 0..255 values into range 0..1 reader = csv.reader(file(input_csv, 'rU')) for filename, label in reader: # Convert WAV to images image_files = wav_to_images(filename, "tmp") # some files fail during the conversion, so skip them if len(image_files["melfilter"]) == 0: skipped_files.append(filename) continue # Call Caffe and do predicition input_images = np.array([, color=False) for image_file in image_files["melfilter"]]) prediction = net.predict(input_images, False) mean_prediction = np.mean(prediction, axis=0) # Evaluation best_label = mean_prediction.argmax() if best_label == np.int64(label): correct_files.append(filename) else: incorrect_files.append(filename) shutil.rmtree("tmp") # Stats num_correct = len(correct_files) num_incorrect = len(incorrect_files) print "Correctly Classified: {0} ({1:.2f}%)".format(num_correct, num_correct / float(num_correct + num_incorrect) * 100) print "Incorrectly Classified: {0} ({1:.2f}%)".format(num_incorrect, num_incorrect / float(num_correct + num_incorrect) * 100) print "Skipped Files: {0}".format(len(skipped_files)) # Save correct / incorrect filenames in txt file correct_out = open("correct_files.txt", "wb") incorrect_out = open("incorrect_files.txt", "wb") skipped_out = open("skipped_files.txt", "wb") correct_out.write("\n".join(correct_files)) incorrect_out.write("\n".join(incorrect_files)) skipped_out.write("\n".join(skipped_files)) correct_out.close() incorrect_out.close() skipped_out.close()