def progress(entries, root): resources = {} for entry in entries: field = entry[0] text = entry[1].get() if field == 'resource files folder': if text: resources = preprocessor.main(text) number_of_files = len(resources) else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "No resource path specified") return local = DoubleVar() # defines indeterminate progress bar (used while thread is alive) # pb1 = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', variable=local, maximum=number_of_files) # defines determinate progress bar (used when thread is dead) # pb2 = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate') pb2['value'] = 100 # places and starts progress bar # pb1.pack(fill=X, expand=1) # starts thread # thread = Thread(target=generate_schema, args=(entries, resources)) thread.start() # checks whether thread is alive # while thread.is_alive(): local.set(progressbar.progress) root.update() #_idletasks() pass # once thread is no longer active, remove pb1 and place the '100%' progress bar # pb1.destroy() pb2.pack() return
sys.exit("Something went wrong when reading settings file") model = {} resource_graph = {} state_graph = {} if args['model']: print('Loading model...') nlp_model = {} with open(args['model']) as data_file: nlp_model = json.load(data_file) model = nlp_model['model'] resource_graph = nlp_model['resource_graph'] state_graph = nlp_model['state_graph'] elif args['folder']: print('Parsing resources...') resources = preprocessor.main(args['folder']) if not resources: print( 'No resources found, did you insert the correct resources folder?') sys.exit() resource_names = nlp.plural_extend(resources) print('Processing resources...') nlp_model = nlp.resource_analysis(resources, resource_names) model = nlp_model['model'] resource_graph = nlp_model['resource_graph'] state_graph = nlp_model['state_graph'] with open('output_files/nlp_model.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(nlp_model, outfile, indent=4) print('Generating files...') graph.draw(resource_graph, state_graph, args['fixgraph'])