def __init__(self, name, core, transport_managers, settings):

        self.__name = name
        self.__core = core
        self.__transport_managers = transport_managers

        # Store a few of the settings that we use outside of init.
        self.__update_message = settings['update_message']
        self.__alarm_message = settings['alarm_message']
        self.__command_access = settings['command_access']
        self.__transport = settings['transport']

        # Get our device ID
        self.__deviceid = get_device_id()
        from core.tracing import get_tracer
        self.__tracer = get_tracer(name)

        # Allocate the transport method we should use for this client.
            if settings['transport'] == "sms":
                self.__transport_obj = SMSTransportClient(self,
                raise Exception, "Unknown Transport Type"
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, name, core, transport_managers, settings):

        self.__name = name
        self.__core = core
        self.__transport_managers = transport_managers

        # Store a few of the settings that we use outside of init.
        self.__update_message = settings['update_message']
        self.__alarm_message = settings['alarm_message']
        self.__command_access = settings['command_access']
        self.__transport = settings['transport']

        # Massage the enabled setting into the type/format we want.
        if type(settings['enabled']) == bool:
            self.__enabled = settings['enabled']
        elif type(settings['enabled']) == str:
            enabled = settings['enabled'].lower()
            if enabled == "true":
                self.__enabled = True
            elif enabled == "false":
                self.__enabled = False
                self.__enabled = settings['enabled']
            self.__enabled = False

        # Get our device ID
        self.__deviceid = get_device_id()
        self.__tracer = get_tracer(name)

        # Allocate the transport method we should use for this client.
            if settings['transport'] == "sms":
                self.__transport_obj = SMSTransportClient(
                    self, self.__transport_managers['SMS'], settings['number'])
            elif settings['transport'] == "iridium":
                self.__transport_obj = IridiumTransportClient(
                    self, self.__transport_managers['Iridium'])
                raise Exception, "Unknown Transport Type"
class EnduserClient:

    # List of Supported Transports.
    SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS = { 'sms'     : SMSTransportClient }

    def __init__(self, name, core, transport_managers, settings):

        self.__name = name
        self.__core = core
        self.__transport_managers = transport_managers

        # Store a few of the settings that we use outside of init.
        self.__update_message = settings['update_message']
        self.__alarm_message = settings['alarm_message']
        self.__command_access = settings['command_access']
        self.__transport = settings['transport']

        # Get our device ID
        self.__deviceid = get_device_id()
        from core.tracing import get_tracer
        self.__tracer = get_tracer(name)

        # Allocate the transport method we should use for this client.
            if settings['transport'] == "sms":
                self.__transport_obj = SMSTransportClient(self,
                raise Exception, "Unknown Transport Type"

    def verify_settings(settings):
        if 'command_access' not in settings:
            self.__tracer.warning("Enduser Client Settings: " \
                  "'command_access' option must be defined!")
            return False

        if type(settings['command_access']) != bool:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'command_access' must be set to True or False!")
            return False

        if 'number' not in settings:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'number' option must be defined!")
            return False

        if type(settings['number']) != str:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'number' must be set a string!")
            return False

        if 'update_message' not in settings:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'update_message' option must be defined!")
            return False

        if type(settings['update_message']) != str:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'update_message' must be a string!")
            return False

        if 'alarm_message' not in settings:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'alarm_message' option must be defined!")
            return False

        if type(settings['alarm_message']) != str:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'alarm_message' must be a string!")
            return False

        if 'transport' not in settings:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'transport' option must be defined!")
            return False

        if type(settings['transport']) != str:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: " \
                  "'transport' must be a string!")
            return False

        # Convert Transport value to be all lower-case.
        settings['transport'] = settings['transport'].lower()

        if settings['transport'] not in EnduserClient.SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS:
            self.__tracer.warning("Settings: Unknown 'transport' type of '%s'!", \
            return False

        # Have the transport client verify its settings.
        return EnduserClient.SUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS[settings['transport']]\

    def name(self):

        return self.__name

    def announce_device(self):
        message_list = []
        message = "Device %s now online at %s" % (self.__deviceid,

    def create_update_message(self, channel):
        return self.__create_message(self.__update_message, channel)

    def create_alarm_message(self, channel):
        return self.__create_message(self.__alarm_message, channel)

    def command_access_permitted(self):

        return self.__command_access

    def command_access_allowed_sender(self):

        return self.__transport_obj.get_address()

    def transport_type(self):

        return self.__transport

    def send_message(self, message_list):

        return self.__transport_obj.send_message(message_list)

    def receive_message(self, sender, message):

        # Just print out the Sender and Message.
        # It is intended that a developer will enhance this to
        # their specific needs."SENDER: %s, MESSAGE: %s", sender, message)

    def __create_message(self, message_format, channel):

        # Run through the message format string, substituting
        # out any of the magic values, specifically:
        # %c, %v, %u, %t, and %h

        message = ""
        escape = False
        for i in message_format:
            if escape == True and i == 'c':
                    message +=
                    escape = False
            elif escape == True and i == 'v':
                    message += str(channel.get().value)
                    escape = False
            elif escape == True and i == 'u':
                    message += str(channel.get().unit)
                    escape = False
            elif escape == True and i == 't':
                    message += str(channel.get().timestamp)
                    escape = False
            elif escape == True and i == 'h':
                    message += iso_date(channel.get().timestamp)
                    escape = False
            elif i == '%':
                # If we are already in escaped mode, then the previous
                # escape was not used.
                # Reinsert the previous escape into the stream, and keep
                # ourselves in escape mode for the next character.
                if escape == True:
                    message += '%'
                escape = True
                # If we are in escaped mode, and we get an escape
                # character that we don't recognize, make sure
                # we put back the escape character into our stream.
                if escape == True:
                    escape = False
                    message += '%'
                message += i

        # If user had the last character as an escape character,
        # then we should reinsert said escape character into the
        # stream, as it is unused for our parsing.
        if escape == True:
            message += '%'

        return message