async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): ignored_errors = (commands.CommandNotFound) stringed_errors = (commands.MissingPermissions, commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument, commands.BotMissingPermissions, discord.NotFound, commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.BadUnionArgument) error = getattr(error, "original", error) if isinstance(error, ignored_errors): return setattr(ctx, "original_author_id", getattr(ctx, "original_author_id", owner_reinvoke_errors = (commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.DisabledCommand) if ctx.original_author_id in and isinstance( error, owner_reinvoke_errors): return await ctx.reinvoke() if isinstance(error, stringed_errors): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed(description=str(error))) elif isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed( description="You do not own this bot.")) elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed( description= "You are blacklisted, join the support server to find out more" )) else: c = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter( ).theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = ''.join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) embed = ErrorEmbed( description= f"Reported to the support server. Need more help? [Join the support server](\n```Error: \n{traceback}```", ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Caused by: {ctx.command}") await ctx.reply(embed=embed) #Support server embed embed = ErrorEmbed(description=f"```{traceback}```", ) embed.add_field(name="Details:", value=f""" Caused by: `{str(} [{}.id]` In guild: `{str(ctx.guild)} [{}]` Command: `{ctx.command}` """) await c.send(embed=embed)
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): await ctx.reply("Command not Found") return if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): return await ctx.reply( f"Usage: `{ctx.prefix}{ctx.command.qualified_name} {ctx.command.signature}`" ) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): bot_msg = await ctx.reply( f"{}, you have to wait {round(error.retry_after, 2)} seconds before using this again" ) await asyncio.sleep(round(error.retry_after)) await bot_msg.delete() return if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): _traceback = ''.join(prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__))"Something went wrong! error: {error}\n{_traceback}") error = discord.Embed( title="Something went wrong!", description=f"Here is the error\n```{error}```", color=0x2E3137 ) await ctx.reply(embed=error)
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): ignored_errors = (commands.CommandNotFound) stringed_errors = (commands.MissingPermissions, commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument, commands.BotMissingPermissions, discord.NotFound, commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.BadUnionArgument, flags.ArgumentParsingError) if isinstance(error, ignored_errors): return if isinstance(error, stringed_errors): await ctx.reply(embed=discord.Embed(title=str(error), elif isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): await ctx.reply(embed=discord.Embed( title="You do not own this bot.", else: prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter( ).theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = ''.join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) url = await, syntax="py") embed = discord.Embed( title="An error occurred!", description= f"[Please report this to the bots GitHub with the mystbin link.]( \n {url}",, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) embed.set_footer( text="That above is a hyperlink to the github, click it!") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def handle_error(self, ctx, error): self.errors_handled += 1 if isinstance(error, (ItemNotFound, NetNotFound)): return await ctx.send(error) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return # await ctx.send("stuff") if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): return await ctx.send( f"Missing required argument \"{}\"") if isinstance(error, (commands.ConversionError, commands.NotOwner, commands.CheckAnyFailure, commands.CheckFailure)): return if isinstance(error, commands.UserInputError): return await ctx.send(error) if isinstance(error, flags.ArgumentParsingError): return await ctx.send("Invalid flag signature.") if isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): return await ctx.send( "Another instance of this command is running.") _base = (type(error), error, error.__traceback__) _complete_traceback = "".join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception(*_base)) try: _myst = await, syntax="python") except APIError: _myst = "" _error = '{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format( error.original) if isinstance( error, commands.CommandInvokeError) else error _broad_traceback = escape_markdown(str(_error)[:1800]) await ctx.send( f"Something has gone wrong while executing your command.\n{_broad_traceback}\n\n**<{_myst}>**" ) raise error
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: context.Context, error) -> None: error = getattr(error, 'original', error) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): cooldowns = { commands.BucketType.default: f'for the whole bot.', commands.BucketType.user: f'for you.', commands.BucketType.guild: f'for this server.', f'for this channel.', commands.BucketType.member: f'cooldown for you.', commands.BucketType.category: f'for this channel category.', commands.BucketType.role: f'for your role.' } await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is on cooldown {cooldowns[error.cooldown.type]} You can retry in ' f'`{, friendly=True)}`' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): cooldowns = { commands.BucketType.default: f'.', commands.BucketType.user: f' per user.', commands.BucketType.guild: f' per server.', f' per channel.', commands.BucketType.member: f' per member.', commands.BucketType.category: f' per channel category.', commands.BucketType.role: f' per role.' } await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is already being ran at its maximum of {error.number} time(s){cooldowns[error.per]} Retry a bit later.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) message = f'I am missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' try: await ctx.send(message) except discord.Forbidden: try: await except discord.Forbidden: pass return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) await ctx.send( f'You are missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( f'You missed the `{}` parameter for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.' ) return error_messages = { exceptions.ArgumentError: f'{error}', exceptions.ImageError: f'{error}', exceptions.VoiceError: f'{error}', commands.CheckFailure: f'{error}', NodeNotFound: f'There are no lavalink nodes available right now.', commands.TooManyArguments: f'You used too many parameters for the command `{ctx.command}`. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for ' f'more information on what parameters to use.', commands.BadArgument: f'I was unable to understand a parameter that you used for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.', commands.BadUnionArgument: f'I was unable to understand a parameter that you used for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.', commands.NoPrivateMessage: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can not be used in private messages.', commands.NotOwner: f'The command `{ctx.command}` is owner only.', commands.NSFWChannelRequired: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can only be ran in a NSFW channel.', commands.DisabledCommand: f'The command `{ctx.command}` has been disabled.', commands.ExpectedClosingQuoteError: f'You missed a closing quote in the parameters passed to the `{ctx.command}` command.', commands.UnexpectedQuoteError: f'There was an unexpected quote in the parameters passed to the `{ctx.command}` command.' } error_message = error_messages.get(type(error), None) if error_message is not None: await ctx.send(error_message) return await ctx.send( f'Something went wrong while executing that command. Please use `{}support` for more help or information.' ) formatter = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter() formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = True print( f'\n{"".join(formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip()}\n' ) time = guild = f'`Guild:` {ctx.guild} `{}`\n' if ctx.guild else '' info = f'Error in command `{ctx.command}`\n\n{guild}`Channel:` {} `{}`\n`Author:` {} `{}`\n`Time:` {time}' embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour, description=f'{ctx.message.content}') embed.add_field(name='Info:', value=info) await embed=embed, username=f'{}', avatar_url=str('gif' if is_avatar_animated() else 'png'))) formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = "".join( formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip() if len(traceback) > 2000: async with'', data=traceback) as response: response = await response.json() traceback = f'{response["key"]}.python' else: traceback = f'```\n{traceback}\n```' await content=f'{traceback}', username=f'{}', avatar_url=str('gif' if is_avatar_animated() else 'png')))
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return if isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): return await ctx.send( f"The bot doesn't have `{missing_perms}` permission to do this command!" ) if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): return await ctx.send( f"Usage: `{ctx.prefix}{ctx.command.qualified_name} {ctx.command.signature}`" ) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): bot_msg = await ctx.send( f"{}," + f" slowdown bud!" ) await asyncio.sleep(round(error.retry_after)) await bot_msg.delete() return if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): _traceback = ''.join(prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__))"Something went wrong! error: {error}\n{_traceback}") # Give details about the error # print( # "Ignoring exception in command {}:".format(ctx.command), file=sys.stderr # ) # print(_traceback, file=sys.stderr) # Send embed that when user react withh greenTick bot will send it to bot owner desc = ( f"The command was unsuccessful because of this reason:\n```{error}```\n" + "React with <:greenTick:767209095090274325> to report the error to ZiRO2264#4572" ) e = discord.Embed( title="Something went wrong!", description=desc, colour=discord.Colour(0x2F3136), ) e.set_footer(text="Waiting for answer...", msg = await ctx.send(embed=e) await msg.add_reaction("<:greenTick:767209095090274325>") def check(reaction, user): return ( user == and str(reaction.emoji) == "<:greenTick:767209095090274325>" ) try: reaction, user = await "reaction_add", timeout=60.0, check=check ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: e.set_footer( text="You were too late to answer.", ) await msg.edit(embed=e) await msg.clear_reactions() else: e_owner = discord.Embed( title="Something went wrong!", description=f"An error occured:\n```{error}```", colour=discord.Colour(0x2F3136), ) e_owner.add_field(name="Executor", e_owner.add_field(name="Message", value=ctx.message.content) e_owner.add_field(name="Guild", value=ctx.guild) bot_owner =[0]) await bot_owner.send(embed=e_owner) e.set_footer( text=f"Error has been reported to {bot_owner}",, ) await msg.edit(embed=e) await msg.clear_reactions() return
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): owner_errors = ( commands.MissingAnyRole, commands.MissingPermissions, commands.MissingRole, commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.DisabledCommand, ) if await and isinstance( error, owner_errors): return await ctx.reinvoke() if not isinstance( error, (commands.CommandNotFound, commands.CommandOnCooldown)): ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) if isinstance(error, NotRegistered): return await ctx.send(str(error)) if hasattr(ctx.command, "on_error"): return cog = ctx.cog if cog and cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_command_error): return ignored = (commands.CommandNotFound, ) error = getattr(error, "original", error) if isinstance(error, ignored): return command = ctx.command.qualified_name if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): if return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( title="⚠️ Maintenence mode is active.")) if in reason =, "No reason, you probably did something dumb.") embed = ctx.embed( title= "⚠️ You are blacklisted from using this bot globally.", description= (f"**Blacklisted For:** {reason}" f"\n\nYou can join the support server [here]({}) " f"if you feel this is a mistake."), ) try: await except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send(embed=embed) finally: return return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(description=str(error))) if isinstance(error, discord.Forbidden): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description= f"I do not have the correct permissions for `{command}`")) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): retry = humanize.precisedelta(error.retry_after, minimum_unit="seconds") cd = error.cooldown embed = ctx.embed(description=( f"<a:countdown:827916388659363870> **{command}** is on cooldown. Try again in {retry}.\n" f"You can use this command **{cd.rate} {ctx.plural('time(s)', cd.rate)} every {humanize.precisedelta(cd.per, minimum_unit='seconds')}.\n" f"Type: {}")) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): try: return await description=f"{ctx.invoked_with} cannot be used in DM's")) except discord.HTTPException: pass if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): errors = str(error).split(" ", maxsplit=1) return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(description=( f"`{errors[0]}` {errors[1]}\n" f"You can view the help for this command with `{ctx.clean_prefix}help` `{command}`" ))) if isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f"`{command}` has been disabled.")) if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(title=str(error))) if isinstance(error, asyncio.TimeoutError): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f"{command} timed out.")) formatted = traceback.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) pretty_traceback = "".join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) desc = (f"Command: {ctx.invoked_with}\n" f"Full content: {ctx.escape(ctx.message.content)}\n" f"Guild: {} ({})\n" f"Channel: {} ({})\n" f"User: {} ({})\n" f"Jump URL: {ctx.message.jump_url}") embed = ctx.embed( title="AN ERROR OCCURED", url=await ctx.mystbin(pretty_traceback) + ".py", description=desc, ) await"```py\n{''.join(formatted)}```", embed=embed) await ctx.send(f"Oops, an error occured. Here's some info on it:" f"```py\n{error}\n```")
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): def setup_embed(**kwargs): kwargs["colour"] = 0xf5291b return, **kwargs) async def send_error(ctx, error): embed = setup_embed( title="Something went wrong...", description=f"```py\nAn Error Occurred:\n{error}\n```", ) embed.set_author( name=f"{} | {}", ) if ctx.guild: cmd = ( "None" if isinstance(ctx.command, type(None)) else ctx.command.qualified_name ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=ctx.guild.icon_url_as(size=512)) embed.add_field( name="Key Information:", value=f"Channel: {} {}\n" f"Guild: {ctx.guild} {}\n" f"Command: {cmd}\n" f"Message Content: {ctx.message.content}", ) await ignored_errors = ( commands.CommandNotFound, ) error = getattr(error, "original", error) if isinstance(error, ignored_errors): return setattr( ctx, "original_author_id", getattr( ctx, "original_author_id", ) owner_reinvoke_errors = ( commands.MissingAnyRole, commands.MissingPermissions, commands.MissingRole, commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.DisabledCommand, ) if ctx.original_author_id in and isinstance( error, owner_reinvoke_errors ): return await ctx.reinvoke() elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), delete_after=5.0, ) # Command failed global check elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): if fmt = ("The developer has currently put the bot into maintenance mode, this could be due to a severe " "bug or something that requires the bot to be contained. The bots functionality " "outside of commands will still work though, sorry for the inconvenience.\n" f"For more updates you may join the support server: {}") embed ="\N{WARNING SIGN} | Maintenance Mode", description=fmt) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) try: reason =[] except KeyError: return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ) ) return await ctx.send(f"You are blacklisted from using this bot globally for *{reason}*") # If the emoji couldn't be converted elif isinstance(error, commands.PartialEmojiConversionFailure): if == "emoji": return return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), delete_after=5.0, ) # Command is on Cooldown elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"This command is on cooldown. **`{int(error.retry_after)}` seconds**" ), delete_after=5.0, ) # Missing argument elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): return await ctx.send_help(ctx.command) # Missing Permissions elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"You're missing the required permission: `{error.missing_perms[0]}`" ), ) # Bad Argument passed elif isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), ) # Missing Permissions elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"I'm missing the required permission: `{error.missing_perms[0]}`" ), ) # User who invoked command is not owner elif isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description="You must be the owner of the bot to run this." ), ) # Role was not found elif isinstance(error, commands.RoleNotFound): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), ) # Custom exception elif isinstance(error, utils.MemberIsStaff): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), ) # Custom exception elif isinstance(error, utils.UserNotVoted): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), ) # Custom exception elif isinstance(error, utils.NoTodoItems): return await self.send_to_ctx_or_author( ctx, embed=setup_embed( description=f"{error}" ), ) prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False tb = ( ''.join(prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) ) if len(tb) > 1000: tb = await utils.mystbin(, tb) await self.send_to_ctx_or_author(ctx, embed=setup_embed( title="Uhoh an error has occurred...", description=( "Here's some details on it: ```py\n" f"{error}```" ) )) await send_error(ctx, tb) raise error
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, Maintenance): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(title='⚠️ Maintenence mode is active.')) if isinstance(error, Blacklisted): reason =, "No reason, you probably did something dumb.") return await'⚠️ You are blacklisted.', description=f'**Blacklisted For:** {reason}' f'\n\nYou can join the support server [here]({}) if you feel this is a mistake.')) command = ctx.invoked_with # This prevents any commands with local handlers being handled here in on_command_error. global match if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'): return # This prevents any cogs with an overwritten cog_command_error being handled here. cog = ctx.cog if cog and cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_command_error) is not None: return # ignored = (commands.CommandNotFound,) # if you want to not send error messages ignored = () # Allows us to check for original exceptions raised and sent to CommandInvokeError. # If nothing is found. We keep the exception passed to on_command_error. error = getattr(error, 'original', error) # Anything in ignored will return and prevent anything happening. if isinstance(error, ignored): return if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): failed_command = re.match(rf"^({ctx.prefix})\s*(.*)", ctx.message.content, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2) matches = finder(failed_command,, lazy=False) if not matches: return match = None for command in matches: cmd = if not await cmd.can_run(ctx): return match = command break return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f"No command called `{failed_command}` found. Did you mean `{match}`?" )) if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f'You do not have the correct permissions for `{command}`' )) if isinstance(error, discord.Forbidden): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f'I do not have the correct permissions for `{command}`' )) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): retry = humanize.precisedelta(error.retry_after, minimum_unit='seconds') return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f"{command} is on cooldown.\nTry again in {retry}" )) if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): try: return await"{ctx.invoked_with} cannot be used in DM's")) except discord.HTTPException: pass if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): errors = str(error).split(" ", maxsplit=1) return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed( description=f'`{errors[0]}` {errors[1]}\n' f'You can view the help for this command with `{ctx.clean_prefix}help` `{command}`' )) if isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(description=f'`{command}` has been disabled.')) if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): return await ctx.send(embed=ctx.embed(title=str(error), description=f'You provided a bad argument to `{command}`! View `{ctx.clean_prefix}help {command}` for more info on how to use this command.')) print('Ignoring exception in command {}:'.format(ctx.command), file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr) formatted = traceback.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) pretty_traceback = "".join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) ) log_channel = await webhook = await log_channel.webhooks() msg = ( f"Command: {ctx.invoked_with}\n" f"Full content: {ctx.escape(ctx.message.content)}\n" f"Guild: {} ({})\n" f"Channel: {} ({})\n" f"User: {} ({})\n" f"Jump URL: {ctx.message.jump_url}" ) embed = ctx.embed(title='AN ERROR OCCURED', url=await ctx.mystbin(pretty_traceback) + '.py', description=f"```yaml\n{msg}```") await webhook[0].send(f"```py\n{''.join(formatted)}```", embed=embed) error = "".join(formatted) if len(error) > 1700: error = await ctx.mystbin(str(error)) + ".py" await ctx.send( f"Something has gone wrong while executing `{command}`. You should not be seeing this, I have contacted my developer with information about this error.\n" f"```py\n{error}\n```")
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error): ignored_errors = (commands.CommandNotFound, ) stringed_errors = (commands.MissingPermissions, commands.MissingRequiredArgument, commands.BadArgument, commands.BotMissingPermissions, discord.NotFound, commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.BadUnionArgument, Blacklisted, commands.TooManyArguments) cog = ctx.cog if cog: if cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_command_error) is not None: return error = getattr(error, "original", error) if isinstance(error, ignored_errors): return setattr(ctx, "original_author_id", getattr(ctx, "original_author_id", owner_reinvoke_errors = (commands.CommandOnCooldown, commands.DisabledCommand) if ctx.original_author_id in and isinstance( error, owner_reinvoke_errors): return await ctx.reinvoke() if isinstance(error, stringed_errors): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed(description=str(error))) elif isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed( description="You do not own this bot.")) elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): await ctx.reply(embed=ErrorEmbed( description= "You are blacklisted, join the support server to find out more" )) else: c =['log-channel']) prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter( ).theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = ''.join( prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter().format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) url = str(await traceback)) if len(traceback) > 512 else None embed = ErrorEmbed(description=url or f"```{traceback}```", ) embed.set_footer( text= f"Caused by: {ctx.command} • Click the title of the embed to join the support server!" ) await ctx.reply(embed=embed) # Support server embed embed = ErrorEmbed(description=url or f"```{traceback}```", ) embed.add_field( name="Details:", value=(f"Caused by: `{str(} [{}]`\n" f"In guild: `{str(ctx.guild)} [{}]`\n" f"Command: `{ctx.command}`")) await c.send(embed=embed)
import os import pprint from typing import Tuple, Optional import aiohttp import prettify_exceptions import yarl from discord.ext import commands, menus from . import state, paginators formatter = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter() def _frame(t): header = f"File \"{t['filename']}\", line {t['lineno']}, in {t['function']}\n" return header + pprint.pformat(t['scope']) class TapTrack(commands.Cog): """ TapTrack error tracking """ def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot self._haste_cache = {} self._haste_target = yarl.URL(os.getenv("TAPTRACK_PASTE_SITE", "")).with_path("documents") self._session = None if state.TAPTRACK_STORAGE in ("postgres", "postgresql"): self.state = state.PostgresState(self) elif state.TAPTRACK_STORAGE == "redis":
def __init__(self, bot: Life) -> None: = bot = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter() = mystbin.Client()
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: context.Context, error) -> None: error = getattr(error, 'original', error) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): cooldown_types = { commands.BucketType.default: f'for the whole bot.', commands.BucketType.user: f'for you.', commands.BucketType.member: f'for you.', commands.BucketType.role: f'for your role.', commands.BucketType.guild: f'for this server.', f'for this channel.', commands.BucketType.category: f'for this channel category.' } await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is on cooldown {cooldown_types.get(error.cooldown.type, "for you.")} You can retry in ' f'`{, friendly=True)}`' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): cooldowns = { commands.BucketType.default: f'.', commands.BucketType.user: f' per user.', commands.BucketType.member: f' per member.', commands.BucketType.role: f' per role.', commands.BucketType.guild: f' per server.', f' per channel.', commands.BucketType.category: f' per channel category.', } await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is being ran at its maximum of {error.number} time(s){cooldowns.get(error.per, ".")} Retry a bit later.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) message = f'I am missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' try: await ctx.send(message) except discord.Forbidden: try: await except discord.Forbidden: return return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) await ctx.send( f'You are missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( f'You missed the `{}` argument. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what arguments to use.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BadUnionArgument): await ctx.send( f'I was unable to convert the `{error.param}` argument. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what arguments ' f'to use.') return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRole): await ctx.send( f'The role `{error.missing_role}` is required to run this command.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingRole): await ctx.send( f'The bot requires the role `{error.missing_role}` to run this command.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingAnyRole): await ctx.send( f'The roles {", ".join([f"`{role}`" for role in error.missing_roles])} are required to run this command.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingAnyRole): await ctx.send( f'The bot requires the roles {", ".join([f"`{role}`" for role in error.missing_roles])} to run this command.' ) return elif isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): if isinstance(error, commands.MessageNotFound): await ctx.send( f'A message for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.MemberNotFound): await ctx.send( f'A member for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.UserNotFound): await ctx.send( f'A user for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.ChannelNotFound): await ctx.send( f'A channel for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.RoleNotFound): await ctx.send( f'A role for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.EmojiNotFound): await ctx.send( f'An emoji for the argument `{error.argument}` was not found.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.ChannelNotReadable): await ctx.send( f'I do not have permission to read the channel `{error.argument}`' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.PartialEmojiConversionFailure): await ctx.send( f'The argument `{error.argument}` did not match the partial emoji format.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.BadInviteArgument): await ctx.send( f'The invite that matched that argument was not valid or is expired.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.BadBoolArgument): await ctx.send( f'The argument `{error.argument}` was not a valid True/False value.' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.BadColourArgument): await ctx.send( f'The argument `{error.argument}` was not a valid colour.') elif isinstance(error, BadLiteralArgument): await ctx.send( f'The argument `{}` must be one of {", ".join([f"`{arg}`" for arg in error.valid_arguments])}.' ) return else: error_messages = { exceptions.ArgumentError: f'{error}', exceptions.ImageError: f'{error}', exceptions.VoiceError: f'{error}', NodeNotFound: f'There are no lavalink nodes available right now.', commands.TooManyArguments: f'You used too many arguments. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what argument to use.', commands.UnexpectedQuoteError: f'There was an unexpected quote character in the arguments you passed.', commands.InvalidEndOfQuotedStringError: f'There was an unexpected space after a quote character in the arguments you passed.', commands.ExpectedClosingQuoteError: f'There is a missing quote character in the argument you passed.', commands.BadArgument: f'I was unable to convert an argument that you used. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what ' f'arguments to use.', commands.CheckFailure: f'{error}', commands.PrivateMessageOnly: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can only be used in private messages', commands.NoPrivateMessage: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can not be used in private messages.', commands.NotOwner: f'The command `{ctx.command}` is owner only.', commands.NSFWChannelRequired: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can only be run in a NSFW channel.', commands.DisabledCommand: f'The command `{ctx.command}` has been disabled.', } error_message = error_messages.get(type(error), None) if error_message is not None: await ctx.send(error_message) return await ctx.send( f'Something went wrong while executing that command. Please use `{}support` for more help or information.' ) formatter = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter() formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = True print( f'\n{"".join(formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip()}\n' ) time ='UTC')) guild = f'`Guild:` {ctx.guild} `{}`\n' if ctx.guild else '' info = f'Error in command `{ctx.command}`\n\n{guild}`Channel:` {} `{}`\n`Author:` {} `{}`\n`Time:` {time}' embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour, description=f'{ctx.message.content}') embed.add_field(name='Info:', value=info) await embed=embed, username=f'{}', avatar_url=str('gif' if is_avatar_animated() else 'png'))) formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = "".join( formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip() if len(traceback) > 2000: async with'', data=traceback) as response: response = await response.json() traceback = f'{response["key"]}.python' else: traceback = f'```\n{traceback}\n```' await content=f'{traceback}', username=f'{}', avatar_url=str('gif' if is_avatar_animated() else 'png')))
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: context.Context, error): error = getattr(error, 'original', error) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return # Ignore this exception elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): if in ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) return await ctx.command.reinvoke(ctx) cooldowns = { commands.BucketType.default: f'for the whole bot.', commands.BucketType.user: f'for you.', commands.BucketType.guild: f'for this server.', f'for this channel.', commands.BucketType.member: f'cooldown for you.', commands.BucketType.category: f'for this channel category.', commands.BucketType.role: f'for your role.' } return await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is on cooldown {cooldowns[error.cooldown.type]} ' f'You can retry in `{, friendly=True)}`' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.MaxConcurrencyReached): cooldowns = { commands.BucketType.default: f'.', commands.BucketType.user: f' per user.', commands.BucketType.guild: f' per server.', f' per channel.', commands.BucketType.member: f' per member.', commands.BucketType.category: f' per channel category.', commands.BucketType.role: f' per role.' } return await ctx.send( f'The command `{ctx.command}` is already being ran at its maximum of ' f'{error.number} time(s){cooldowns[error.per]} Retry a bit later.' ) ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) if isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) message = f'I am missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' try: return await ctx.send(message) except discord.Forbidden: try: return await except discord.Forbidden: return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions): permissions = '\n'.join( [f'> {permission}' for permission in error.missing_perms]) return await ctx.send( f'You are missing the following permissions required to run the command `{ctx.command}`.\n{permissions}' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): return await ctx.send( f'You missed the `{}` parameter for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.' ) error_messages = { exceptions.ArgumentError: f'{error}', exceptions.ImageError: f'{error}', exceptions.VoiceError: f'{error}', commands.CheckFailure: f'{error}', NodeNotFound: f'There are no lavalink nodes available right now.', commands.TooManyArguments: f'You used too many parameters for the command `{ctx.command}`. Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for ' f'more information on what parameters to use.', commands.BadArgument: f'I was unable to understand a parameter that you used for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.', commands.BadUnionArgument: f'I was unable to understand a parameter that you used for the command `{ctx.command}`. ' f'Use `{}help {ctx.command}` for more information on what parameters to use.', commands.NoPrivateMessage: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can not be used in private messages.', commands.NotOwner: f'The command `{ctx.command}` is owner only.', commands.NSFWChannelRequired: f'The command `{ctx.command}` can only be ran in a NSFW channel.', commands.DisabledCommand: f'The command `{ctx.command}` has been disabled.', commands.ExpectedClosingQuoteError: f'You missed a closing quote in the parameters passed to the `{ctx.command}` command.', commands.UnexpectedQuoteError: f'There was an unexpected quote in the parameters passed to the `{ctx.command}` command.' } error_message = error_messages.get(type(error), None) if error_message is not None: return await ctx.send(error_message) await ctx.send( f'Something went wrong while executing that command. Please use `{}support` for more help or information.' ) formatter = prettify_exceptions.DefaultFormatter() formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = True print( f'\n{"".join(formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip()}' ) if not return guild = f'`Guild:` {ctx.guild} ({})' if ctx.guild else '' channel = f'`Channel:` {} ({})' author = f'`Author:` {} ({})' time = f'`Time:` {datetime.strftime(ctx.message.created_at, "%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S")}' info = f'`Message content:` {ctx.message.content}\n{guild}\n{channel}\n{author}\n{time}' embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.colour, description=f'Error in command `{ctx.command}`') embed.set_author(, icon_url=str( format='gif' if is True else 'png'))) embed.add_field(name='Info:', value=info) await formatter.theme['_ansi_enabled'] = False traceback = "".join( formatter.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)).strip() if len(traceback) < 2000: return await'```{traceback}```') [ await'```{msg}```') for msg in [traceback[i:i + 1900] for i in range(0, len(traceback), 1900)] ]