Пример #1
def solve_problem():
    # We know we are looking for a number with 5 digits or more
    # let's assume 5 to 6 digits
    primes = [prime for prime in list_primes(1000000) if prime > 10000]

    # Now we've got to sort out the ones that that have three repeating digits
    # excepting the last digit

    # TODO : Correct this goddamn shitty regex that is almost right but not quite so.
    #           What if the repeating digit is the first one ?

    # pattern = re.compile(r"([0-9])*([^\\1])[^\\2]*\2[^\\2]*\2[^\\2]+")
    pattern = re.compile(r"(\d)\d*\1\d*\1\d+$")
    primes = [prime for prime in primes if pattern.match(str(prime))]

    # Take all the primes left and roll the repeating digits
    # check if the new number exists in the list of primes
    # if there are 8 matches, we good ;)

    #shorten the primes for debbuging purposes

    for index, prime in enumerate(primes):
        tmp_prime = str(prime)
        #fil = filter(lambda c: c == "0", tmp_prime)

        for repeating_digit in range(3):
            # make a filter that tells which digit is repeating
            fil = [
                "1" if c == str(repeating_digit) else "0" for c in tmp_prime

            # transform the filter in a multiple that we can add to our prime to change positional digits
            if fil.count("1") == 3:
                diff = int("".join(fil))

                generated = [
                    prime + mul * diff for mul in range(10 - repeating_digit)
                    if prime + mul * diff in primes

                if len(generated) == 8:
                    return 0
Пример #2
def solve_problem():
    # We know we are looking for a number with 5 digits or more
    # let's assume 5 to 6 digits
    primes = [prime for prime in list_primes(1000000) if prime > 10000]

    # Now we've got to sort out the ones that that have three repeating digits
    # excepting the last digit

    # TODO : Correct this goddamn shitty regex that is almost right but not quite so.
    #           What if the repeating digit is the first one ?

    # pattern = re.compile(r"([0-9])*([^\\1])[^\\2]*\2[^\\2]*\2[^\\2]+")
    pattern = re.compile(r"(\d)\d*\1\d*\1\d+$")
    primes = [prime for prime in primes if pattern.match(str(prime))]

    # Take all the primes left and roll the repeating digits
    # check if the new number exists in the list of primes
    # if there are 8 matches, we good ;)

    #shorten the primes for debbuging purposes

    for index, prime in enumerate(primes):
        tmp_prime = str(prime)
        #fil = filter(lambda c: c == "0", tmp_prime)

        for repeating_digit in range(3):
            # make a filter that tells which digit is repeating
            fil = ["1" if c == str(repeating_digit) else "0" for c in tmp_prime]

            # transform the filter in a multiple that we can add to our prime to change positional digits
            if fil.count("1") == 3:
                diff = int("".join(fil))

                generated = [prime + mul * diff for mul in range(10 - repeating_digit) if prime + mul * diff in primes]

                if len(generated) == 8:
                    return 0
Пример #3
Problem :
    Which prime, below one-million, can be written as the sum of the most
    consecutive primes?

Performance time: ~12s


from primes import list_primes
from primes import generate_primes
from timer import timer


primes = list_primes(1000000)
max_seq, total, answer = 0, 0, 0

for index in range(len(primes)):
    total = 0
    for count, prime in enumerate(primes[index:]):
        total += prime
        if total > answer and count > max_seq and total in primes:
            answer = total
            max_seq = count
        elif total > 1000000:


Пример #4
    The answer must be an odd number. Twice a square is always even, add prime
    makes it always odd (except if the prime is 2)

Assumption :
    The answer is < 1000000

Performance time: ~22s


from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = set(list_primes(1000000))
composites = set(set(range(9, 1000000, 2)).difference(primes))
goldbach = set()
for prime in primes:
    for twice_a_square in range(int((1000000 - prime) ** 0.5)):
        g = prime + 2 * twice_a_square ** 2
        if g < 1000000:


Пример #5
    four primes with this property.

    Find the lowest sum for a set of five primes for which any two primes
    concatenate to produce another prime.

Performance time: ~5.9s


from collections import OrderedDict
from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = list_primes(10000)
primes_check = set(list_primes(99999999))

# Prime combinations
# Where one prime entry indicates all primes higher than itself with whom it can compose another prime
pairs = OrderedDict()
for index, prime in enumerate(primes):
    #print("Generation at {:.2f}%".format(index / len(primes) * 100))
    pairs[prime] = [
        p for p in primes[index + 1:]
        if int("{}{}".format(prime, p)) in primes_check
        and int("{}{}".format(p, prime)) in primes_check

for i, k in enumerate(pairs):
    #print("Intersection checks at {:.2f}%".format(i/len(pairs) * 100))
Пример #6

def consecutive_quadratic_primes(a, b):
    Returns the amount of consecutive prime yielded by n**2 + an + b
    by counting forward, from n = 0
    for n in count(start=0):
        if not is_prime(n**2 + a * n + b):
            return n


primes = []
for prime in list_primes(1000):
    primes += [prime, -prime]

max_serie = 0
answer = None
for a in range(-1000, 1000):
    for b in primes:
        serie_length = consecutive_quadratic_primes(a, b)
        if serie_length > max_serie:
            max_serie = serie_length
            answer = a * b


Пример #7

Problem :
    Find the sum of all the primes below two million.

Performance time: ~0.08s


from timer import timer
from primes import list_primes

Пример #8

from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


min_nphin = 10000000
answer = 0

# sort the primes, where the closest to sqrt(10⁷) come first
# This because of the mean inequality theorem
# (The biggest area of a given perimeter will be square)
primes = list_primes(10000000)
primes.sort(key=lambda x: abs(((10000000) ** 0.5) - x))

for big in reversed(primes):
    for small in primes:
        n = big * small
        if n > 10000000: break
        phin = (big - 1) * (small - 1)
        if sorted(str(phin)) == sorted(str(n)):
            nphin = n / phin
            if nphin < min_nphin:
                min_nphin = nphin
                answer = n
                break #not sure I should break here

Пример #9
    There are no arithmetic sequences made up of three 1-, 2-, or 3-digit
    primes, exhibiting this property, but there is one other 4-digit increasing

    What 12-digit number do you form by concatenating the three terms in this

Performance time: ~0.0056s


from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = [prime for prime in list_primes(10000) if prime > 1000]
lower_third = [prime for prime in primes if prime < 3333 and prime != 1487]

for prime in lower_third:
    sequence = [prime, prime + 3330, prime + 6660]
    if sequence[1] not in primes or sequence[2] not in primes:
        if sorted(str(sequence[0])) == \
           sorted(str(sequence[1])) == \
            print("{}{}{}".format(prime, prime + 3330, prime + 2 * 3330))

Пример #10
    primes, exhibiting this property, but there is one other 4-digit increasing

    What 12-digit number do you form by concatenating the three terms in this

Performance time: ~0.0056s


from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = [prime for prime in list_primes(10000) if prime > 1000]
lower_third = [prime for prime in primes if prime < 3333 and prime != 1487]

for prime in lower_third:
    sequence = [prime, prime+3330, prime+6660]
    if sequence[1] not in primes or sequence[2] not in primes:
        if sorted(str(sequence[0])) == \
           sorted(str(sequence[1])) == \
            print("{}{}{}".format(prime, prime + 3330, prime + 2*3330))

Пример #11

def consecutive_quadratic_primes(a, b):
    Returns the amount of consecutive prime yielded by n**2 + an + b
    by counting forward, from n = 0
    for n in count(start=0):
        if not is_prime(n**2 + a*n + b):
            return n


primes = []
for prime in list_primes(1000):
    primes += [prime, -prime]

max_serie = 0
answer = None
for a in range(-1000, 1000):
    for b in primes:
        serie_length = consecutive_quadratic_primes(a, b)
        if serie_length > max_serie:
            max_serie = serie_length
            answer = a * b


Пример #12
Nota bene :
    The answer must be an odd number. Twice a square is always even, add prime
    makes it always odd (except if the prime is 2)

Assumption :
    The answer is < 1000000

Performance time: ~22s


from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = set(list_primes(1000000))
composites = set(set(range(9, 1000000, 2)).difference(primes))
goldbach = set()
for prime in primes:
    for twice_a_square in range(int((1000000 - prime)**0.5)):
        g = prime + 2 * twice_a_square**2
        if g < 1000000:


Пример #13
    Find the lowest sum for a set of five primes for which any two primes
    concatenate to produce another prime.

Performance time: ~5.9s


from collections import OrderedDict
from primes import list_primes
from timer import timer


primes = list_primes(10000)
primes_check = set(list_primes(99999999))

# Prime combinations
# Where one prime entry indicates all primes higher than itself with whom it can compose another prime
pairs = OrderedDict()
for index, prime in enumerate(primes):
    #print("Generation at {:.2f}%".format(index / len(primes) * 100))
    pairs[prime] = [p for p in primes[index+1:]
                    if int("{}{}".format(prime, p)) in primes_check and int("{}{}".format(p, prime)) in primes_check]

for i, k in enumerate(pairs):
    #print("Intersection checks at {:.2f}%".format(i/len(pairs) * 100))
    c1 = pairs[k]
    if len(c1) >= 4:
        for k1 in c1:
Пример #14

Problem :
    Find the sum of all the primes below two million.

Performance time: ~0.08s


from timer import timer
from primes import list_primes
