def test_priority_and_sort_order():

    p = PriorityQueue()
    p.add(1, 1)
    p.add(2, 1)
    p.add(3, 2)
    p.add(4, 1)
    assert p.pop() == 3
    assert p.pop() == 1
    assert p.pop() == 2
    assert p.pop() == 4
    assert p.peek() is None
Пример #2
def Dijkstra(G, w, start_vertex):
    Implementation of dijkstra algorithms
    for computing shortest paths on directed graphs with positive weights.
    Reports detection of negative cycle if one exists.

    [G]: graph.Graph object of graph representation
    [w]: weight mapping of edges
    [start_vertex]: the source to which shortest paths will be computed
                    its a graph.Vertex instance of G.

    [distance_est]: mapping of vertices to the length of the shortes path
                    with start_vertex as source i.e. = d(start_vertex, v)
    [spt_predecessor]: mapping of vertice to their predecessor
                       in the shortest path tree with root start_vertex

    distance_est = {vertex: math.inf for vertex in G.vertices()}
    distance_est[start_vertex] = 0
    p_queue = PriorityQueue()
    spt_predecessor = {vertex: None for vertex in G.vertices()}

    p_queue.add(start_vertex, distance_est[start_vertex])

    while True:
            source = p_queue.pop()
        except KeyError:
            # when the queue is empty either we have examined all
            # vertices or there are no others reachable from start_vertex

        for edge in G.incident_edges(source, outgoing=True):
            destination = edge.opposite(source)
            if distance_est[destination] > distance_est[source] + w[edge]:
                # relaxation step
                distance_est[destination] = distance_est[source] + w[edge]
                # if vertex already in queue then priority is updated
                p_queue.add(destination, distance_est[destination])
                # update the predecessor also
                spt_predecessor[destination] = source

    return distance_est, spt_predecessor
Пример #3
class NetworkTree:
    A Network is an object storing Nodes as well as providing helper methods
    for manipulating those Nodes.
    def __init__(self):
        Method for initializing an empty Network.
        self._nodes = set()
        self._topLevelNodes = set()
        self._bottomLevelNodes = set()
        self._allLinks = set()
        self._topLevelLinks = set()
        self._cutLinks = set()
        self._sortedLinks = PriorityQueue()
        self._idDict = {}
        self._idCounter = 0

    def __str__(self):
        Returns string representations of all top-level Nodes in the Network.
        The are no guarantees of the order in which this is done.
        s = 'Network\n'
        for n in self._topLevelNodes:
            s = s + str(n) + '\n'
        return s

    def size(self):
        Returns the sum of the sizes of all Tensors in the Network.
        return sum(n.tensor().size() for n in self._nodes)

    def topLevelSize(self):
        Returns the sum of the sizes of all Tensors belonging to top-level Nodes in the Network.
        return sum(n.tensor().size() for n in self._topLevelNodes)

    def nodes(self):
        Returns a copy of the set of all Nodes in the Network.
        return set(self._nodes)

    def topLevelNodes(self):
        Returns a copy of the set of all top-level Nodes in the Network.
        return set(self._topLevelNodes)

    def topLevelLinks(self):
        Returns a copy of the set of all top-level Links in the Network.
        return set(self._topLevelLinks)

    def largestTensor(self):
        Returns the Node containing the largest Tensor in the Network.
        def sizeGetter(n):
            return n.tensor().size()

        return max(self._nodes, key=sizeGetter)

    def largestTopLevelTensor(self):
        Returns the top-level Node with the largest Tensor in the Network.
        def sizeGetter(n):
            return n.tensor().size()

        return max(self._topLevelNodes, key=sizeGetter)

    def topLevelRepresentation(self):
        Returns the tensor product of all top-level Tensors along with
        a list of corresponding Buckets in the same order as the indices.
        arr = np.array([1.])
        logS = 0
        bucketList = []

        for n in self._topLevelNodes:
            arr = np.tensordot(arr, n.tensor().array(), axes=0)
            logS += n.logScalar()
            for b in n.buckets():

        return arr[0], logS, bucketList

    def registerLink(self, link):
        Registers a new Link in the Network.
        This should only be called when a Link is created.
        assert link not in self._allLinks
        assert link not in self._topLevelLinks


    def deregisterLink(self, link):
        De-registers a Link from the Network.
        This should only be used when deleting a Link.
        assert link in self._allLinks
        assert link in self._topLevelLinks or link in self._cutLinks

        if link in self._topLevelLinks:

    def registerLinkTop(self, link):
        Registers a Link in the Network as being top-level.
        This is called by registerLink, and hence is used when a Link is created.
        It is also called when a Link is deleted (so that the children of that Link
        may become top-level).
        assert link not in self._topLevelLinks
        assert link.bucket1().topNode() in self._topLevelNodes
        assert link.bucket2().topNode() in self._topLevelNodes

        self._sortedLinks.add(link, link.mergeEntropy())

    def deregisterLinkTop(self, link):
        De-registers a Link in the Network from being top-level.
        This should be called only when a Link is compressed, deleted,
        or merged with another Link.
        assert link in self._allLinks
        assert link in self._topLevelLinks


    def registerLinkCut(self, link):
        Registers a link as having been cut and de-registers is from the top-level.
        This should only be called when a Link is cut or traced.
        This occurs when, upon compression, the Link is reduced to bond dimension 1
        or when a Link leads from a Tensor to itself.
        assert link not in self._cutLinks
        assert link in self._topLevelLinks
        assert link in self._allLinks


    def deregisterLinkCut(self, link):
        De-registers a Link from being cut and adds it to the top-level.
        This is called only when a Node directly above one on either side of
        a cut Link is deleted, as that indicates that the bond ought to be
        active once more (the compression resulting in it being cut has been
        assert link in self._cutLinks
        assert link in self._allLinks
        assert link not in self._topLevelLinks


    def updateSortedLinkList(self, link):
        Updates the position of the given Link in the priority queue of Links
        to be contracted.
        self._sortedLinks.add(link, link.mergeEntropy())

    def registerNode(self, node):
        Registers a new Node in the Network.
        This should only be called when registering a new Node.
        assert node not in self._nodes
        assert node not in self._topLevelNodes
        assert len(set(node.children()).intersection(
            self._topLevelNodes)) == len(node.children())

        if len(node.children()) == 0:

        children = node.children()
        for c in children:

        assert len(set(node.children()).intersection(self._topLevelNodes)) == 0

    def deregisterNode(self, node):
        De-registers a Node from the Network.
        This should only be called when deleting a Node.
        This also handles updating the link registration
        in the event that the Node was formed from contracting
        a Link.


        children = node.children()


        for b in node.buckets():
            assert b.topNode() == node

        if len(children) == 2:
            links = children[0].linksConnecting(children[1])
            for l in links:

    def nextID(self):
        Returns the next unused ID number in the Network.
        idd = self._idCounter
        self._idCounter += 1
        return idd

    def addNodeFromArray(self, arr):
        Takes as input an array and constructs a Tensor and Node around it,
        then adds the Node to this Network.
        t = Tensor(arr.shape, arr)
        return Node(t,
                    Buckets=[Bucket(self) for _ in range(len(arr.shape))])

    def filterSubset(self, subset):
        Given a subset of the Nodes in this Network obeying the property that
        none are ancestors of others, this method finds and returns the highest-level
        set of Nodes in the Network which have the following properties:
        -	Any Node which is not a descentend of these Nodes is an ancestor of at least
                one of them.
        -	None of these Nodes are ancestors of any others.
        -	The specified Nodes are all in the returned set.

        This is done by starting with the top-level Nodes.
        At each stage we remove a Node which is not in the subset of interest
        from the working set. We then check if its descendents include any Nodes
        from the subset of interest and if so we add its children to the working
        nn = Network(self.topLevelNodes())
        remaining = nn.nodes().difference(subset)

        while len(nn.nodes().intersection(subset)) < len(subset):
            n = remaining.pop()
            if len(set(subset).intersection(n.allNChildren())) > 0:
                # Means we want to move down to this Node's children
                remaining = nn.nodes().difference(subset)
            elif len(set(subset).intersection(set(n.ancestors()))) > 0:
                # Means we want to move up to this Node's parent
                remaining = nn.nodes().difference(subset)

            for n in nn.nodes():
                for b in n.buckets():
                    assert len(set(b.otherNodes()).intersection(
                        nn.nodes())) == 1

        return nn

    def copySubset(self, subset):
        Given a subset of the Nodes in this Network, this method
        produces a Network containing a copy of these Nodes connected
        as they are in this Network. In addition this method returns
        dictionaries mapping back and forth between the Nodes and Buckets
        of the new and old Network.

        todo: flesh out these docs


        newNodeOldID = {}
        oldNodeNewID = {}
        newBucketOldIDind = {}
        oldBucketNewIDind = {}

        nn = NetworkTree()

        # Copy Nodes
        for n in subset:
            m = nn.addNodeFromArray(n.tensor().array())

            newNodeOldID[] = m
            oldNodeNewID[] = n

            for i in range(len(n.buckets())):
                newBucketOldIDind[(, i)] = n.buckets()[i]
                oldBucketNewIDind[(, i)] = m.buckets()[i]

        # Link new Nodes

        for oldN in subset:
            newN = newNodeOldID[]

            for ind0, b in enumerate(oldN.buckets()):
                if b.linked():
                    otherB = b.otherBucket()

                    intersection = set(otherB.nodes()).intersection(subset)

                    if len(intersection) > 0:
                        assert len(intersection) == 1
                        oldNlinked = intersection.pop()
                        ind1 = oldNlinked.buckets().index(otherB)

                        newNlinked = newNodeOldID[]

                        if not newNlinked.buckets()[ind1].linked():
                            newN.addLink(newNlinked, ind0, ind1)

        return nn, newNodeOldID, oldNodeNewID, newBucketOldIDind, oldBucketNewIDind

    def view(self, nodes, mergeL=True, compressL=True, eps=1e-4):
        This method calculates the effective Tensor represented by the Network connecting to the given Nodes.

        The way we do this is straightforward: we go through marking Nodes as rejected
        as if we were deleting them. This includes following compression/merger bonds
        where appropriate. We then copy the highest-level Nodes remaining into a new
        Network and contract it.

        This method takes three keywork arguments:
                mergeL 	  - 	If the merger results in a Node which has multiple Links in common with
                                        another Node, the Links will be merged.
                compressL -	Attempts to compress all Links (if any) resulting from a Link merger.
                eps		  -	The accuracy of the compression to perform.
        new = self.filterSubset(nodes).nodes()
        assert len(set(nodes).intersection(new)) == len(nodes)
        for n in new:
            for b in n.buckets():
                assert len(set(b.otherNodes()).intersection(new)) == 1
        new = new.difference(nodes)
        assert len(set(nodes).intersection(new)) == 0
        nn, newNodeOldID, oldNodeNewID, newBucketOldIDind, oldBucketNewIDind = self.copySubset(

        # Contract new Network
        nn.contract(mergeL=mergeL, compressL=compressL, eps=eps)

        # Build contracted Tensor and bucketList
        t = nn.largestTopLevelTensor()

        arr, logS, buckets = nn.topLevelRepresentation()
        bucketList = []

        for n in nn.topLevelNodes():
            for b in n.buckets():
                nb = b.bottomNode()
                ind = nb.bucketIndex(b)
                oldNode = oldNodeNewID[]

        return nn, arr, bucketList

    def trace(self):
        Traces over all Nodes in the Network.
        nodes = list(self.topLevelNodes())
        for n in nodes:

    def merge(self, mergeL=True, compressL=True, eps=1e-4):
        Performs the next best merger (contraction) between Nodes based on entropy heuristics.
        The Nodes must be linked to one another.

        This method takes three keyword arguments:
                mergeL 	  - 	If the merger results in a Node which has multiple Links in common with
                                        another Node, the Links will be merged.
                compressL -	Attempts to compress all Links (if any) resulting from a Link merger.
                eps		  -	The accuracy of the compression to perform.

        link = self._sortedLinks.pop()

        assert link in self._topLevelLinks

        n1 = link.bucket1().topNode()
        n2 = link.bucket2().topNode()

        assert n1 in self._topLevelNodes
        assert n2 in self._topLevelNodes
        assert n1 != n2

        n1.merge(n2, mergeL=mergeL, compressL=compressL, eps=eps)

    def linkMerge(self, compressL=False, eps=1e-4):
        This method checks all Nodes for potential Link mergers and performs any it finds.
        This method takes two keyword arguments:
                compressL	-	Attempts to compress all Links (if any) resulting from a Link merger.
                eps			-	The accuracy of the compression to perform.
        done = set()
        todo = set(self._topLevelNodes)

        while len(todo) > 0:
            n = todo.pop()
            nn, d, new = n.linkMerge(compressL=compressL, eps=eps)

            todo = todo.difference(d)
            todo = todo | new


    def contract(self, mergeL=True, compressL=True, eps=1e-4):
        This method contracts the Network to a minimal representation.

        This method takes three keywork arguments:
                mergeL 	  - 	If the merger results in a Node which has multiple Links in common with
                                        another Node, the Links will be merged.
                compressL -	Attempts to compress all Links (if any) resulting from a Link merger.
                eps		  -	The accuracy of the compression to perform.

        counter = 0
        while self._sortedLinks.length > 0:
            self.merge(mergeL=mergeL, compressL=compressL, eps=eps)

            if counter % 1 == 0:
                t = self.largestTopLevelTensor()
                print(len(self.topLevelNodes()), self.topLevelSize(),
            counter += 1

    def compressLinks(self, eps=1e-4):
        This method attempts to compress all top-level Links in the Network.

        This method takes one keyword argument:
                eps	-	The accuracy of the compression to perform.

        compressed = set()

        while len(compressed) < len(self.topLevelLinks()):
            todo = self.topLevelLinks().difference(compressed)
            todo = list(todo)
            link, _, _ = compress(todo[0], eps=eps)

    def optimize(self, mergeL=True, compressL=True, eps=1e-4):
        todo = set(self._bottomLevelNodes)
        done = set()

        while len(todo) > 0:
            n = todo.pop()

            canDo = True
            for c in n.children():
                if c not in done:
                    canDo = False
            if not canDo:
                # SHould add back to todo
                optimized = False
                for b in n.buckets():
                    if b.linked():
                        link =
                        numC = len(link.children())
                        if b.numNodes() == 1 and numC == 1:
                            # Means that the Node was generated
                            # by compressing this Link.
                            # Note that there can be at most one such Link
                            # for any Node, so we don't mind if the loop
                            # continues after we compress.
                            if link.compressed() and not link.optimized():
                                n1 = n
                                n2 = b.otherNodes()[0]
                                assert n2 in b.otherBucket().nodes()

                                n11 = n1.children()[0]
                                n22 = n2.children()[0]
                                assert b in n1.buckets()
                                assert n1 in b.nodes()
                                assert b.otherBucket() in n2.buckets()
                                assert n2 in b.otherBucket().nodes()
                                assert n11 in n22.connected()


                                _, arr, bs = self.view([n11, n22],
                                print('Optimizing...', len(arr.shape), len(bs))

                                # Means we just compressed a single Link
                                prevLink = link.children()[0]

                                # We only need to delete one of them, as this
                                # deletes the other.

                                newLink, n1, n2 = compress(prevLink,



                                if n1.parent() is not None:
                                if n2.parent() is not None:

                                optimized = True
                if not optimized and n.parent() is not None: