Пример #1
    def get_multi_otp(self, count=0, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=0, curTime=None, timestamp=None):
        res = HotpTokenClass.get_multi_otp(
            self, count=count, epoch_start=epoch_start, epoch_end=epoch_end, curTime=curTime, timestamp=timestamp
        #  (True, 'OK', {'otp': {0: '755224', 1: '287082',
        #                        2: '359152', 3: '969429',
        #                        4: '338314'},
        #                'type': 'hotp'})
        # convert the response
        rdict = {"type": self.get_class_type(), "otp": {}}
        otp_dict = {}
        for k, v in res[2].get("otp").items():
            rdict["otp"][k] = _digi2daplug(v)

        return res[0], res[1], rdict
Пример #2
    def get_multi_otp(self, count=0, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=0,
                        curTime=None, timestamp=None):
        res = HotpTokenClass.get_multi_otp(self, count=count,
                                           curTime=curTime, timestamp=timestamp)
        #  (True, 'OK', {'otp': {0: '755224', 1: '287082',
        #                        2: '359152', 3: '969429',
        #                        4: '338314'},
        #                'type': 'hotp'})
        # convert the response
        rdict = {'type': self.get_class_type(),
                 'otp': {}}
        otp_dict = {}
        for k, v in res[2].get('otp').items():
            rdict['otp'][k] = _digi2daplug(v)

        return res[0], res[1], rdict
Пример #3
    def test_19_pin_otp_functions(self):
        db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first()
        token = HotpTokenClass(db_token)
        # check OTP according to RFC 4226
           Count    Hexadecimal    Decimal        HOTP
           0        4c93cf18       1284755224     755224
           1        41397eea       1094287082     287082
           2         82fef30        137359152     359152
           3        66ef7655       1726969429     969429
           4        61c5938a       1640338314     338314
           5        33c083d4        868254676     254676
           6        7256c032       1918287922     287922
           7         4e5b397         82162583     162583
           8        2823443f        673399871     399871
           9        2679dc69        645520489     520489
        token.update({"otpkey": self.otpkey})
        self.assertTrue(db_token.otplen == 6, 6)
        res, pin, otp = token.split_pin_pass("test123456")
        self.assertTrue(pin == "test", pin)
        self.assertTrue(otp == "123456", otp)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_pin(pin), pin)
        check = token.check_otp("755224", counter=0, window=10)
        self.assertTrue(check == 0, check)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("287082", counter=1, window=10) == 1)
        # The 6th counter:
        self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("287922", counter=2, window=10) == 6)
        # The tokenclass itself saves the counter to the database
        self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 7, token.token.count)

        # successful authentication
        res = token.authenticate("test399871")
        # This is the OTP value of the counter=8
        self.assertTrue(res == (True, 8, None), res)

        # try the same otp value again, will fail!
        res = token.authenticate("test399871")
        # This is the OTP value of the counter=8
        self.assertTrue(res == (True, -1, None), res)

        # get the OTP value for counter 0
        res = token.get_otp()
        self.assertTrue(res[0] == 1, res)
        self.assertTrue(res[1] == -1, res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2] == "755224", res)
        res = token.get_multi_otp()
        self.assertTrue(res[0] is False, res)
        token.update({"otpkey": self.otpkey, "otplen": 6})
        token.token.count = 0
        res = token.get_multi_otp(count=5)
        self.assertTrue(res[0], res)
        self.assertTrue(res[1] == "OK", res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2].get("otp").get(1) == "287082", res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2].get("type") == "hotp", res)

        # do some failing otp checks
        token.token.otplen = "invalid otp counter"
        self.assertRaises(Exception, token.check_otp, "123456")
        token.token.otplen = 0
Пример #4
    def test_19_pin_otp_functions(self):
        db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first()
        token = HotpTokenClass(db_token)
        # check OTP according to RFC 4226
           Count    Hexadecimal    Decimal        HOTP
           0        4c93cf18       1284755224     755224
           1        41397eea       1094287082     287082
           2         82fef30        137359152     359152
           3        66ef7655       1726969429     969429
           4        61c5938a       1640338314     338314
           5        33c083d4        868254676     254676
           6        7256c032       1918287922     287922
           7         4e5b397         82162583     162583
           8        2823443f        673399871     399871
           9        2679dc69        645520489     520489
        token.update({"otpkey": self.otpkey})
        self.assertTrue(db_token.otplen == 6, 6)
        res, pin, otp = token.split_pin_pass("test123456")
        self.assertTrue(pin == "test", pin)
        self.assertTrue(otp == "123456", otp)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_pin(pin), pin)
        check = token.check_otp("755224", counter=0, window=10)
        self.assertTrue(check == 0, check)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("287082", counter=1, window=10) == 1)
        # The 6th counter:
        self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("287922", counter=2, window=10) == 6)
        # The tokenclass itself saves the counter to the database
        self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 7, token.token.count)

        # successful authentication
        res = token.authenticate("test399871")
        # This is the OTP value of the counter=8
        self.assertTrue(res == (True, 8, None), res)

        # try the same otp value again, will fail!
        res = token.authenticate("test399871")
        # This is the OTP value of the counter=8
        self.assertTrue(res == (True, -1, None), res)

        # get the OTP value for counter 0
        res = token.get_otp()
        self.assertTrue(res[0] == 1, res)
        self.assertTrue(res[1] == -1, res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2] == "755224", res)
        res = token.get_multi_otp()
        self.assertTrue(res[0] is False, res)
        token.update({"otpkey": self.otpkey,
                      "otplen": 6})
        token.token.count = 0
        res = token.get_multi_otp(count=5)
        self.assertTrue(res[0], res)
        self.assertTrue(res[1] == "OK", res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2].get("otp").get(1) == "287082", res)
        self.assertTrue(res[2].get("type") == "hotp", res)

        # do some failing otp checks
        token.token.otplen = "invalid otp counter"
        self.assertRaises(Exception, token.check_otp, "123456")
        token.token.otplen = 0