Пример #1
    def __init__(self, parent):
        QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.parent = parent

        self.file_list = []
        self.typ = FILETABLE_TYPE_PRINT
        self.selected_filename = None
        self.fax_add_callback = None
        self.allowable_mime_types = cups.getAllowableMIMETypes()

        self.user_settings = UserSettings()

        self.working_dir = self.user_settings.working_dir  #user_conf.workingDirectory()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, parent):
        QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.parent = parent

        self.file_list = []
        self.typ = FILETABLE_TYPE_PRINT
        self.selected_filename = None
        self.fax_add_callback = None
        self.allowable_mime_types = cups.getAllowableMIMETypes()

        self.user_settings = UserSettings()

        self.working_dir = self.user_settings.working_dir  # user_conf.workingDirectory()
    def __init__(self, service, parent=None, form=None, name=None, fl=0):
        ScrollView.__init__(self, service, parent, name, fl)


        self.form = form
        self.file_list = []
        self.pages_button_group = 0
        self.prev_selected_file_index = 0

        self.allowable_mime_types = cups.getAllowableMIMETypes()

        self.MIME_TYPES_DESC = \
            "application/pdf" : (self.__tr("PDF Document"), '.pdf'),
            "application/postscript" : (self.__tr("Postscript Document"), '.ps'),
            "application/vnd.hp-HPGL" : (self.__tr("HP Graphics Language File"), '.hgl, .hpg, .plt, .prn'),
            "application/x-cshell" : (self.__tr("C Shell Script"), '.csh, .sh'),
            "application/x-csource" : (self.__tr("C Source Code"), '.c'),
            "text/cpp": (self.__tr("C++ Source Code"), '.cpp, .cxx'),
            "application/x-perl" : (self.__tr("Perl Script"), '.pl'),
            "application/x-python" : (self.__tr("Python Program"), '.py'),
            "application/x-shell" : (self.__tr("Shell Script"), '.sh'),
            "application/x-sh" : (self.__tr("Shell Script"), '.sh'),
            "text/plain" : (self.__tr("Plain Text"), '.txt, .log, etc'),
            "text/html" : (self.__tr("HTML Dcoument"), '.htm, .html'),
            "image/gif" : (self.__tr("GIF Image"), '.gif'),
            "image/png" : (self.__tr("PNG Image"), '.png'),
            "image/jpeg" : (self.__tr("JPEG Image"), '.jpg, .jpeg'),
            "image/tiff" : (self.__tr("TIFF Image"), '.tif, .tiff'),
            "image/x-bitmap" : (self.__tr("Bitmap (BMP) Image"), '.bmp'),
            "image/x-bmp" : (self.__tr("Bitmap (BMP) Image"), '.bmp'),
            "image/x-photocd" : (self.__tr("Photo CD Image"), '.pcd'),
            "image/x-portable-anymap" : (self.__tr("Portable Image (PNM)"), '.pnm'),
            "image/x-portable-bitmap" : (self.__tr("Portable B&W Image (PBM)"), '.pbm'),
            "image/x-portable-graymap" : (self.__tr("Portable Grayscale Image (PGM)"), '.pgm'),
            "image/x-portable-pixmap" : (self.__tr("Portable Color Image (PPM)"), '.ppm'),
            "image/x-sgi-rgb" : (self.__tr("SGI RGB"), '.rgb'),
            "image/x-xbitmap" : (self.__tr("X11 Bitmap (XBM)"), '.xbm'),
            "image/x-xpixmap" : (self.__tr("X11 Pixmap (XPM)"), '.xpm'),
            "image/x-sun-raster" : (self.__tr("Sun Raster Format"), '.ras'),
Пример #4
        for p in recipient_list:
            a = db.get(p)
            if a['fax']:
                log.debug("Name=%s Number=%s" % (a['name'], a['fax']))

        for p in faxnum_list:
            phone_num_list.append({'fax': p, 'name': to_unicode('Unknown')})
            log.debug("Number=%s" % p)

        log.debug("Phone num list = %s" % phone_num_list)

        if not phone_num_list:
            mod.usage(error_msg=["No recipients specified. Please use -f, -r, and/or -g to specify recipients."])

        allowable_mime_types = cups.getAllowableMIMETypes()

        # stat = ''
        # try :
        #     p = subprocess.Popen('getenforce', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        #     stat, err = p.communicate()
        #     stat = to_string_utf8(stat)
        # except OSError :
        #     pass
        # except :
        #     log.exception()
        #     sys.exit(1)
        # if stat.strip('\n') == 'Enforcing' :
        #     log.error('Unable to add file. Please disable SeLinux.\nEither disable it manually or run hp-doctor from terminal.')
        #     sys.exit(0)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, service, parent = None, form=None, name = None,fl = 0):
        ScrollView.__init__(self, service, parent, name, fl)

        global fax_enabled
        if service is None:
            fax_enabled = False

        self.form = form
        self.file_list = []
        self.pages_button_group = 0
        self.recipient_list = []
        self.username = prop.username
        self.busy = False
        self.allowable_mime_types = cups.getAllowableMIMETypes()
        self.cover_page_func, cover_page_png = None, None
        self.cover_page_message = ''
        self.cover_page_re = ''
        self.cover_page_name = ''
        self.update_queue = queue.Queue() # UI updates from send thread
        self.event_queue = queue.Queue() # UI events (cancel) to send thread
        self.prev_selected_file_path = ''
        self.prev_selected_recipient = ''
        self.preserve_formatting = False
        self.waitdlg = None
        self.last_job_id = 0
        self.dev = None
        self.lock_file = None

        self.db =  fax.FaxAddressBook()
        self.last_db_modification = self.db.last_modification_time()

        self.MIME_TYPES_DESC = \
            "application/pdf" : (self.__tr("PDF Document"), '.pdf'),
            "application/postscript" : (self.__tr("Postscript Document"), '.ps'),
            "application/vnd.hp-HPGL" : (self.__tr("HP Graphics Language File"), '.hgl, .hpg, .plt, .prn'),
            "application/x-cshell" : (self.__tr("C Shell Script"), '.csh, .sh'),
            "application/x-csource" : (self.__tr("C Source Code"), '.c'),
            "text/cpp": (self.__tr("C++ Source Code"), '.cpp, .cxx'),
            "application/x-perl" : (self.__tr("Perl Script"), '.pl'),
            "application/x-python" : (self.__tr("Python Program"), '.py'),
            "application/x-shell" : (self.__tr("Shell Script"), '.sh'),
            "application/x-sh" : (self.__tr("Shell Script"), '.sh'),
            "text/plain" : (self.__tr("Plain Text"), '.txt, .log, etc'),
            "text/html" : (self.__tr("HTML Dcoument"), '.htm, .html'),
            "image/gif" : (self.__tr("GIF Image"), '.gif'),
            "image/png" : (self.__tr("PNG Image"), '.png'),
            "image/jpeg" : (self.__tr("JPEG Image"), '.jpg, .jpeg'),
            "image/tiff" : (self.__tr("TIFF Image"), '.tif, .tiff'),
            "image/x-bitmap" : (self.__tr("Bitmap (BMP) Image"), '.bmp'),
            "image/x-bmp" : (self.__tr("Bitmap (BMP) Image"), '.bmp'),
            "image/x-photocd" : (self.__tr("Photo CD Image"), '.pcd'),
            "image/x-portable-anymap" : (self.__tr("Portable Image (PNM)"), '.pnm'),
            "image/x-portable-bitmap" : (self.__tr("Portable B&W Image (PBM)"), '.pbm'),
            "image/x-portable-graymap" : (self.__tr("Portable Grayscale Image (PGM)"), '.pgm'),
            "image/x-portable-pixmap" : (self.__tr("Portable Color Image (PPM)"), '.ppm'),
            "image/x-sgi-rgb" : (self.__tr("SGI RGB"), '.rgb'),
            "image/x-xbitmap" : (self.__tr("X11 Bitmap (XBM)"), '.xbm'),
            "image/x-xpixmap" : (self.__tr("X11 Pixmap (XPM)"), '.xpm'),
            "image/x-sun-raster" : (self.__tr("Sun Raster Format"), '.ras'),

        user_settings = utils.UserSettings()
        self.cmd_fab = user_settings.cmd_fab
        log.debug("FAB command: %s" % self.cmd_fab)

        if fax_enabled:
            self.check_timer = QTimer(self, "CheckTimer")
            self.connect(self.check_timer, SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.PeriodicCheck)