def handle_post(self, api_endpoint, api_version): """Takes care of validation of input and execution of POST methods.""" REQUEST_COUNTS.labels('post', type(api_endpoint).__name__).inc() code = 400 data = self.get_post_data() if data: try: res = api_endpoint.process_list(api_version, data) code = 200 except ValidationError as validerr: if validerr.absolute_path: res = '%s : %s' % (validerr.absolute_path.pop(), validerr.message) else: res = '%s' % validerr.message LOGGER.error('ValidationError: %s', res) except ValueError as valuerr: res = str(valuerr) LOGGER.error('ValueError: %s', res) except sre_constants.error as sre_err: res = 'Regular expression error: ' + str(sre_err) LOGGER.error('sre_constants.error: %s', res) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except err_id = err.__hash__() res = 'Internal server error <%s>: please include this error id in bug report.' % err_id code = 500 LOGGER.exception(res)"Input data for <%s>: %s", err_id, data) else: res = 'Error: malformed input JSON.' LOGGER.error(res) self.set_status(code) self.write(res)
async def timing_middleware(request, handler, **kwargs): """ Middleware that handles timing of requests""" start_time = time.time() if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler): res = await handler(request, **kwargs) else: res = handler(request, **kwargs) duration = (time.time() - start_time) # (0) /(1) /(2) /(3) # /api /v1 /updates const_path = '/'.join(request.path.split('/')[:4]) REQUEST_TIME.labels(request.method, const_path).observe(duration) REQUEST_COUNTS.labels(request.method, const_path, res.status).inc() return res
def handle_get(self, api_endpoint, api_version, param_name, param): """Takes care of validation of input and execution of GET methods.""" REQUEST_COUNTS.labels('get', type(api_endpoint).__name__).inc() code = 400 try: result = api_endpoint.process_list(api_version, {param_name: [param]}) code = 200 except ValueError as valuerr: result = str(valuerr) LOGGER.error('ValueError: %s', result) except sre_constants.error as sre_err: result = 'Regular expression error: ' + str(sre_err) LOGGER.warning('sre_constants.error: %s', result) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except err_id = err.__hash__() result = 'Internal server error <%s>: please include this error id in bug report.' % err_id code = 500 LOGGER.exception(result) self.set_status(code) self.write(result)