Пример #1
def seir(timespan, initrv, params=(0.3, 0.3, 0.1)):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the SEIR model.

    The SEIR model with no vital dynamics is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            \frac{-\beta y_1 y_3}{N} \\
            \frac{\beta y_1 y_3}{N} - \alpha y_2 \\
            \alpha y_2 - \gamma y_3 \\
            \gamma y_3

    for some parameters :math:`(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)` and population
    count :math:`N`. Without taking vital dynamics into consideration,
    :math:`N` is constant such that for every time point :math:`t`

    .. math::

        S(t) + E(t) + I(t) + R(t) = N

    Default parameters are :math:`(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)=(0.3, 0.3, 0.1)`.
    The population count is computed from the (mean of the)
    initial value random variable.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(4, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`4`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`4 \times 4`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float, float, float), optional
        Parameters :math:`(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)` for the SEIR model IVP.
        Default is :math:`(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)=(0.3, 0.3, 0.1)`.

        IVP object describing the SEIR model IVP with the prescribed

    population_count = np.sum(initrv.mean)
    params_and_population_count = (*params, population_count)

    def rhs(t, y):
        return seir_rhs(t, y, params_and_population_count)

    def jac(t, y):
        return seir_jac(t, y, params_and_population_count)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac=jac)
Пример #2
def threebody(timespan, initrv, params=0.012277471):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on a three-body problem.

    Let the initial conditions be :math:`y = (y_1, y_2, \dot{y}_1, \dot{y}_2)^T`.
    This function implements the second-order three-body problem as a system of
    first-order ODEs, which is defined as follows: [1]_

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            \dot{y_1} \\
            \dot{y_2} \\
            y_1 + 2 \dot{y}_2 - \frac{(1 - \mu) (y_1 + \mu)}{d_1}
                - \frac{\mu (y_1 - (1 - \mu))}{d_2} \\
            y_2 - 2 \dot{y}_1 - \frac{(1 - \mu) y_2}{d_1} - \frac{\mu y_2}{d_2}


    .. math::

        d_1 &= ((y_1 + \mu)^2 + y_2^2)^{\frac{3}{2}} \\
        d_2 &= ((y_1 - (1 - \mu))^2 + y_2^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}

    and a constant parameter  :math:`\mu` denoting the standardized moon mass.
    Default is :math:`\mu = 0.012277471`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(4, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`4`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`4 \times 4`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float), optional
        Parameter :math:`\mu` for the three-body problem
        Default is :math:`\mu = 0.012277471`.

        IVP object describing a three-body problem IVP with the prescribed

    .. [1] Hairer, E., Norsett, S. and Wanner, G..
        Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I.
        Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 1993.
    def rhs(t, y):
        return threebody_rhs(t, y, params)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs)
Пример #3
def logistic(timespan, initrv, params=(3.0, 1.0)):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the logistic ODE.

    The logistic ODE is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) = a  y  \left( 1 - \frac{y}{b} \right)

    for some parameters :math:`(a, b)`.
    Default is :math:`(a, b)=(3.0, 1.0)`. This implementation includes
    the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f` as well as a closed form
    solution given by

    .. math::

        f(t) = \frac{b y_0 \exp(a t)}{b + y_0 \left[ \exp(at) - 1 \right]}

    where :math:`y_0= y(t_0)` is the initial value.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=())* -- Scalar-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free      or Normal (no
        Random Variable isy) with scalar mean and scalar variance.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float, float), optional
        Parameters :math:`(a, b)` for the logistic IVP.
        Default is :math:`(a, b) = (3.0, 1.0)`.

        IVP object describing the logistic IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return log_rhs(t, y, params)

    def jac(t, y):
        return log_jac(t, y, params)

    def hess(t, y):
        return log_hess(t, y, params)

    def sol(t):
        return log_sol(t, params, initrv.mean)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac, hess, sol)
Пример #4
def vanderpol(timespan, initrv, params=0.1):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the Van der Pol Oscillator.

    This function implements the second-order Van-der-Pol Oscillator as a system
    of first-order ODEs.
    The Van der Pol Oscillator is defined as

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            y_2 \\
            \mu \cdot (1 - y_1^2)y_2 - y_1

    for a constant parameter  :math:`\mu`.
    :math:`\mu` determines the stiffness of the problem, where
    the larger :math:`\mu` is chosen, the more stiff the problem becomes.
    Default is :math:`\mu = 0.1`.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(2, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`2`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`2 \times 2`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float), optional
        Parameter :math:`\mu` for the Van der Pol Equations
        Default is :math:`\mu=0.1`.

        IVP object describing the Van der Pol Oscillator IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return vanderpol_rhs(t, y, params)

    def jac(t, y):
        return vanderpol_jac(t, y, params)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac=jac)
Пример #5
def lorenz(timespan, initrv, params=(10.0, 28.0, 8.0 / 3.0)):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the Lorenz system.

    The Lorenz system is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            a(y_2 - y_1) \\
            y_1(b-y_3) - y_2 \\
            y_1y_2 - cy_3

    for some parameters :math:`(a, b, c)`.
    Default is :math:`(a, b, c)=(10, 28, 2.667)`.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(3, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`3`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`3 \times 3`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float, float, float, float), optional
        Parameters :math:`(a, b, c)` for the Lorenz system.
        Default is :math:`(a, b, c)=(10, 28, 2.667)`.

        IVP object describing the Lorenz system IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return lor_rhs(t, y, params)

    def jac(t, y):
        return lor_jac(t, y, params)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac)
Пример #6
def lotkavolterra(timespan, initrv, params=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the Lotka-Volterra model.

    The Lotka-Volterra (LV) model is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            a y_1 - by_1y_2 \\
            -c y_2 + d y_1 y_2

    for some parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)`.
    Default is :math:`(a, b)=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)`.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(2, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`2`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`2 \times 2`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float, float, float, float), optional
        Parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)` for the Lotka-Volterra IVP.
        Default is :math:`(a, b, c, d)=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)`.

        IVP object describing the Lotka-Volterra
        IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return lv_rhs(t, y, params)

    def jac(t, y):
        return lv_jac(t, y, params)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac)
Пример #7
def fitzhughnagumo(timespan, initrv, params=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) based on the FitzHugh-Nagumo model.

    The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            y_1 - \frac{1}{3} y_1^3 - y_2 + a \\
            \frac{1}{d} (y_1 + b - c y_2)

    for some parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)`.
    Default is :math:`(a, b)=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)`.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(2, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`2`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`2 \times 2`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
    params : (float, float, float, float), optional
        Parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)` for the FitzHugh-Nagumo IVP.
        Default is :math:`(a, b, c, d)=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)`.

        IVP object describing the FitzHugh-Nagumo IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return fhn_rhs(t, y, params)

    def jac(t, y):
        return fhn_jac(t, y, params)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac)
Пример #8
def rigidbody(timespan, initrv):
    r"""Initial value problem (IVP) for rigid body dynamics without external forces

    The rigid body dynamics without external forces is defined through

    .. math::

        f(t, y) =
            y_2 y_3 \\
            -y_1 y_3 \\
            -0.51 \cdot y_1 y_2

    The ODE system has no parameters.
    This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    initrv : RandomVariable,
        *(shape=(3, ))* -- Vector-valued RandomVariable that describes the belief
        over the initial value. Usually it is a Constant (noise-free) or Normal (noisy)
        Random Variable with :math:`3`-dimensional mean vector and
        :math:`3 \times 3`-dimensional covariance matrix.
        To replicate "classical" initial values use the Constant distribution.
        IVP object describing the rigid body dynamics IVP with the prescribed
    def rhs(t, y):
        return rigidbody_rhs(t, y)

    def jac(t, y):
        return rigidbody_jac(t, y)

    return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac=jac)