def call_face_emotion_api(img):

    # Face API and Emotion API Variables
    _url_face   = ''
    _key_face   = '5d99eec09a7e4b2a916eba7f75671600' # primary key
    _url_emo    = ''
    _key_emo    = "b226d933ab854505b9b9877cf2f4ff7c" # primary key
    _maxNumRetries = 10

    global age, gender, emo
    cv2.imwrite('test.jpg', img)

    pathToFileInDisk = r'test.jpg'
    with open( pathToFileInDisk, 'rb' ) as f:
        data =

    Face API
    # Face detection parameters
    params = { 'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses',
           'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'}
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    json = None

    faceResult, status_code = processRequest('post', _url_face, json, data, headers, params, _maxNumRetries )

    Emotion API
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_emo
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    json = None

    emoResult, status_code2 = processRequest('post', _url_emo, json, data, headers, None, _maxNumRetries )

    print 'Found {} faces'.format(len(faceResult))
    for currFace in faceResult:
        #faceRectangle  = currFace['faceRectangle']
        faceAttributes = currFace['faceAttributes']
        age     = str(faceAttributes['age'])
        gender  = faceAttributes['gender']
        glasses = faceAttributes['glasses']
        print age, gender, glasses
    for currFace in emoResult:
        emo = max(currFace['scores'].iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        print emo

    return age, gender, glasses, emo
def call_face_emotion_api(img):
    global age, gender, emo
    cv2.imwrite('test.jpg', img)
    pathToFileInDisk = r'test.jpg'
    with open( pathToFileInDisk, 'rb' ) as f:
        data =

    Face API
    # Face detection parameters
    params = { 'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses', 
           'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'} 
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    json = None

    faceResult = processRequest( _url_face, json, data, headers, params, _maxNumRetries )
    Emotion API
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_emo
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    json = None
    emoResult = processRequest( _url_emo, json, data, headers, None, _maxNumRetries )
    print 'Found {} faces'.format(len(faceResult))
    for currFace in faceResult:
        #faceRectangle  = currFace['faceRectangle']
        faceAttributes = currFace['faceAttributes']
        age     = str(faceAttributes['age'])
        gender  = faceAttributes['gender']
        glasses = faceAttributes['glasses']
        print age, gender, glasses
    for currFace in emoResult:
        emo = max(currFace['scores'].iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        print emo
    return age, gender, glasses, emo
def addPersonFace(personGroupId, personId, urlImage, pathToImageInDisk,
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face

    if ((urlImage == None) or (urlImage == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open(pathToImageInDisk, 'rb') as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk == None) or
        (pathToImageInDisk == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = {'url': urlImage}
        data = None

    if (imageData != None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None

    url = _url + 'persongroups/' + personGroupId + '/persons/' + personId + '/persistedFaces'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, json, data, headers,
                                         None, 2)
    return result['persistedFaceId']
def faceDetect(urlImage, pathToImageInDisk, imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    if ((urlImage == None) or (urlImage == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open(pathToImageInDisk, 'rb') as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk == None) or
        (pathToImageInDisk == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = {'url': urlImage}
        data = None

    if (imageData != None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None
    # Face detection parameters
    params = {
        'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses',
        'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'
    url_face = _url + 'detect'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url_face, json, data, headers,
                                         params, 10)
    return result
Пример #5
    def state_cap2(self, key):
        # Captures the image and returns the encoded and the opencv versions
        img, self.curr_image = self.snp(ret_orig=True)

        self.local_shape = self.curr_image.shape

        self.curr_image = cv2.resize(self.curr_image,
                                     (self.shape[1], self.shape[0]))

        self.team2 = self.curr_image.copy()

        msg_pos = (self.shape[1] / 2 - 30, self.shape[0] / 2)

        if (time.time() - self.blink) <= 2:
            cv2.putText(self.curr_image, "Ready...",
                        (msg_pos[0] - 30, msg_pos[1]),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, (0, 255, 0), 4)
            cv2.putText(self.curr_image, "Emotion: " + self.rnd_emotion,
                        (msg_pos[0] - 200, msg_pos[1] + 50),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, (0, 255, 0), 6)
            cv2.imshow(self.window_name, self.curr_image)

        elif 2.25 >= (time.time() - self.blink) > 2:
            cv2.putText(self.curr_image, "Go!", (msg_pos[0] - 30, msg_pos[1]),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, (0, 255, 0), 4)
            cv2.imshow(self.window_name, self.curr_image)

            self.img_changed = True

        elif (time.time() - self.blink) > 2.25:
            if self.img_changed:
                            "Enjoy yourself while you wait...",
                            (msg_pos[0] - 350, msg_pos[1]),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, (0, 255, 0), 4)
                cv2.imshow(self.window_name, self.curr_image)

                self.img = img

                self.img_changed = False  # starts the process only once

                result = processRequest(None, self.img, self.headers, None,
                if len(result):
                        [result, self.rnd_emotion, self.local_shape])
                    self.img_changed_2 = True
                    self.img_changed = True
                    self.game_state = 'main'  # goes back to MAIN SCREEN
                    print "No results!"
                    self.blink = time.time()
def createPerson(personGroupId, personName, userData):

    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': _key_face,
    body = {'name': personName, 'userData': userData}
    url = _url + 'persongroups/' + personGroupId + '/persons'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, body, None, headers,
                                         None, 2)
    return result['personId']
def faceDetect(imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    data = imageData
    json = None

    # Face detection parameters
    params = { 'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses',
               'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'}
    url_face = _url + 'detect'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url_face, json, data, headers, params, 10 )
    return result
Пример #8
def faceIdentify(personGroupId, faceIds, nbCandidate):
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': _key_face,
    json = {
        "personGroupId": personGroupId,
        "faceIds": faceIds,
        "maxNumOfCandidatesReturned": nbCandidate
    url = _url + 'identify'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, json, None, headers, None, 2 )
    return result
Пример #9
def createPerson(personGroupId, personName, userData):

    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': _key_face,
    body = {
        'name': personName,
        'userData': userData
    url = _url + 'persongroups/' + personGroupId + '/persons'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, body, None, headers, None, 2 )
    return result['personId']
def faceIdentify(personGroupId, faceIds, nbCandidate):
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': _key_face,
    json = {
        "personGroupId": personGroupId,
        "faceIds": faceIds,
        "maxNumOfCandidatesReturned": nbCandidate
    url = _url + 'identify'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, json, None, headers,
                                         None, 2)
    return result
Пример #11
def faceDetect(imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    data = imageData
    json = None

    # Face detection parameters
    params = {
        'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses',
        'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'
    url_face = _url + 'detect'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url_face, json, data, headers,
                                         params, 10)
    return result
Пример #12
def recognizeEmotion(urlImage, pathToImageInDisk, imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_emo
    if ((urlImage==None) or (urlImage=="")) and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open( pathToImageInDisk, 'rb' ) as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk==None) or (pathToImageInDisk=="")) and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = { 'url': urlImage }
        data = None

    if (imageData!=None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None

    result, status_code = processRequest('post', _url_emo, json, data, headers, None, _maxNumRetries )
    return result
Пример #13
def addPersonFace(personGroupId, personId, urlImage, pathToImageInDisk, imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face

    if ((urlImage==None) or (urlImage==""))  and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open( pathToImageInDisk, 'rb' ) as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk==None) or (pathToImageInDisk=="")) and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = { 'url': urlImage }
        data = None

    if (imageData!=None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None

    url = _url + 'persongroups/' + personGroupId + '/persons/' + personId + '/persistedFaces'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url, json, data, headers, None, 2 )
    return result['persistedFaceId']
def recognizeEmotion(urlImage, pathToImageInDisk, imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_emo
    if ((urlImage == None) or (urlImage == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open(pathToImageInDisk, 'rb') as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk == None) or
        (pathToImageInDisk == "")) and (imageData == None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = {'url': urlImage}
        data = None

    if (imageData != None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None

    result, status_code = processRequest('post', _url_emo, json, data, headers,
                                         None, _maxNumRetries)
    return result
Пример #15
def faceDetect(urlImage, pathToImageInDisk, imageData):
    headers = dict()
    headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = _key_face
    if ((urlImage==None) or (urlImage=="")) and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        json = None
        with open( pathToImageInDisk, 'rb' ) as f:
            data =

    if ((pathToImageInDisk==None) or (pathToImageInDisk=="")) and (imageData==None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        json = { 'url': urlImage }
        data = None

    if (imageData!=None):
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
        data = imageData
        json = None
    # Face detection parameters
    params = { 'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,glasses',
               'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true'}
    url_face = _url + 'detect'
    result, status_code = processRequest('post', url_face, json, data, headers, params, 10 )
    return result