def ListarProfessores(self, codigoEscola): conn = sqlite3.connect('university.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """ SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE codEscola = ? """, (codigoEscola, )) aux = list() res = cursor.fetchall() for i in res: cursor.execute( """ SELECT * FROM ProfessorTurma WHERE matriculaProfessor = ? """, (i[1], )) aux2 = list() for j in cursor.fetchall(): aux2.append(turma.Turma(j[0], j[1])) aux.append(professor.Professor(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], aux2)) conn.close() return aux
def GetProfessor(self, username, password): conn = sqlite3.connect('university.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """ SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE matricula = ? AND password = ? """, (username, password)) res = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( """ SELECT * FROM ProfessorTurma WHERE matriculaProfessor = ? """, (username, )) aux = list() for i in cursor.fetchall(): aux.append(turma.Turma(i[1], i[2])) conn.close() if (len(res) != 0): return professor.Professor(res[0][0], res[0][1], res[0][2], res[0][3], aux) return None
def GetProfessorByMatricula(self, codigo): conn = sqlite3.connect('university.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """ SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE matricula = ? """, (codigo, )) aux = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() if (len(aux) != 0): return professor.Professor(aux[0][0], aux[0][1], aux[0][2], aux[0][3]) return None
def googleScholarSearch(self, num): # profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() # profile.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1) # profile.set_preference('network.proxy.http', '') # profile.set_preference('network.proxy.http_port', 17890) # int # profile.update_preferences() # browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile) browser = webdriver.Firefox() # 初始化Firefox浏览器 filename = '%d%s' % (num, 'nameIeeeNum.txt') f = open(filename, 'a') while not pageUrlQueue.empty(): nameDs = pageUrlQueue.get().split('!!!') parts = nameDs[0].split('|') tempProfe = professor.Professor(parts[0]) = parts[1] tempProfe.ieeeNum = parts[2] tempProfe.citations = parts[3] tempProfe.h_index = parts[4] tempProfe.studyArea = parts[5] papers = nameDs[1].split('*@*') authorFind = False for paper in papers: paper = paper.strip() try: browser.get(googleSchalarUrl) # 调用get方法抓取 browser.find_element_by_class_name('gs_in_txt').send_keys( paper) browser.find_element_by_id('gs_hp_tsb').click() except TimeoutException, e: browser.get(googleSchalarUrl) browser.find_element_by_class_name('gs_in_txt').send_keys( paper) browser.find_element_by_id('gs_hp_tsb').click() except WebDriverException, e: continue if WebDriverWait(browser, 30, 0.5).until( lambda browser: browser.find_element_by_class_name( 'gs_r')) == 'WrongPage': # print "WrongPaper" continue # 解析html soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser', from_encoding='utf-8') items = soup.find_all('div', class_='gs_a') authors = None for item in items: authors = item.find_all('a') # authors = item.fing('div', class_='gs_a').find_all('a') break if not authors: continue for author in authors: url = '%s%s' % (personPage, author['href']) try: browser.get(url) # 调用get方法抓取 except TimeoutException, e: browser.get(url) if WebDriverWait(browser, 30, 0.5).until( lambda browser: browser.find_element_by_class_name( 'gsc_rsb_std')) == 'WrongPage': # print "WrongPaper" continue if browser.find_element_by_id( 'gsc_prf_in').text == tempProfe.englishName: authorFind = True # 解析html soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser', from_encoding='utf-8') details = soup.find_all('div', class_='gsc_prf_il') try: = details[0].find( 'a').get_text() except: = details[0].get_text() tempKeywords = [] keywords = details[1].find_all('a') for keyword in keywords: tempKeywords.append(keyword.get_text()) tempProfe.studyArea = ','.join(tempKeywords) datas = soup.find_all('td', class_='gsc_rsb_std') tempProfe.citations = datas[0].get_text() tempProfe.h_index = datas[2].get_text()
while y > 0: if professor_list[y].get_count() < professor_list[y - 1].get_count(): temp = professor_list[y] professor_list[y] = professor_list[y - 1] professor_list[y - 1] = temp y = y - 1 else: break f = open("reply.csv", "r", encoding="utf8") # 1.改教授時間資料表(參考2015夏的excel) csv_f = csv.reader(f) for row in csv_f: pro = professor.Professor() for x in range(len(row) - 1): #讀csv,前兩個是教授跟教授信箱 if x == 1: pro._init_(row[x]) elif x == 2: pro.set_email(row[x]) elif x < 9: day = x - 4 time = 0 if "10:00~12:00" in row[x]: time += 1 if "13:00~15:00" in row[x]: time += 2 if "15:00~17:00" in row[x]: time += 4 if time != 0:
#classes importadas, a fim de serem instanciadas import pessoa import aluno import professor #execução do código #Classe pessoa instanciada, com objetos Pessoa1 escolhido, seus atributos discriminados através dos métodos de inserção e retorno pessoa1 = pessoa.Pessoa('Carlos', 'alberto') print("Retornando as características de pessoa com nome e sobrenome:") print("Nome da pessoa: {0} {1} ".format(pessoa1.getNome(), pessoa1.getSobrenome())) #Classe aluno instanciada, com objeto aluno1 escolhido e seus atributos discriminados através dos métodos de inserção e retorno aluno1 = aluno.Aluno(102010, 'Maurício', 'Matar') print( "\nRetornando as características de aluno com nome,sobrenome e matrícula:") print( "Nome do aluno: {0} {1} ".format(aluno1.getNome(), aluno1.getSobrenome()), "\nMatrícula do aluno:{} ".format(aluno1.getMatricula())) #Classe Professor instanciada, com objeto professor1 escolhido e seus atributos discriminados através dos métodos de inserção e retorno professor1 = professor.Professor(112030, 'João', 'Kesley') print( "\nRetornando as características de professor com nome, sobrenome e código:" ) print( "Nome do professor: {0} {1}".format(professor1.getNome(), professor1.getSobrenome()), "\nCódigo do professor:{} ".format(professor1.getCodigo()))
def getProfe(self, num): browser = webdriver.Firefox() # 初始化Firefox浏览器 filename = '%d%s' % (num, 'details.txt') f = open(filename, 'a') while not pageUrlQueue.empty(): line = pageUrlQueue.get() parts = line.split('!!!') tempProfe = professor.Professor(parts[0].split('|')[0]) # = parts[0].split('|')[1] tempProfe.chiUniversity = parts[0].split('|')[1].split('/')[0] = parts[0].split('|')[1].split('/')[1] tempProfe.ieeeNum = parts[0].split('|')[2] tempProfe.citations = parts[0].split('|')[3] tempProfe.h_index = parts[0].split('|')[4] tempProfe.studyArea = parts[0].split('|')[5] tempProfe.papers = parts[1] #学校名转换为机构名 # self.getChiUniversity(browser, tempProfe) # print '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % ( # tempProfe.englishName, '|', tempProfe.chiUniversity, '/', #, '|', tempProfe.ieeeNum, '|', tempProfe.citations, '|', tempProfe.h_index, '|', # tempProfe.studyArea, '!!!', tempProfe.papers.strip()) # # f.write('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % ( # tempProfe.englishName, '|', tempProfe.chiUniversity, '/', #, '|', tempProfe.ieeeNum, '|', tempProfe.citations, '|', tempProfe.h_index, '|', # tempProfe.studyArea, '!!!', tempProfe.papers)) # 通过百度,, ac.cn查找详细信息 try: detailUrl, baike = self.getPagefromBaidu(browser, tempProfe) except: continue tempProfe.detailPage = detailUrl # if baike: # self.baikeCheck(browser, baike, tempProfe) if detailUrl: self.getDetails(browser, detailUrl, tempProfe) if tempProfe.title: for i in tempProfe.nationalHonorSet: tempProfe.nationalHonor = '%s%s%s' % ( tempProfe.nationalHonor, ' ', i) print '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % ( tempProfe.englishName, '/', tempProfe.chineseName, '|', tempProfe.chiUniversity, '/',, '|', tempProfe.ieeeNum, '|', tempProfe.citations, '|', tempProfe.h_index, '|', tempProfe.title, '|', tempProfe.adm, '|', tempProfe.nationalHonor, '|', tempProfe.studyArea, '!!!', tempProfe.papers.strip()) f.write( '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (tempProfe.englishName, '/', tempProfe.chineseName, '|', tempProfe.chiUniversity, '/',, '|', tempProfe.ieeeNum, '|', tempProfe.citations, '|', tempProfe.h_index, '|', tempProfe.title, '|', tempProfe.adm, '|', tempProfe.nationalHonor, '|', tempProfe.studyArea, '!!!', tempProfe.papers)) browser.close()
import pessoa import aluno import professor #Retorna na tela dados de uma pessoa pessoa1 = pessoa.Pessoa('Samuel','Silva') print("Retornando as caracteristicas de pessoa com nome e sobrenome:") print("Nome da pessoa: {0} {1} ".format(pessoa1.getNome(),pessoa1.getSobrenome())) #Retorna na tela dados de um aluno aluno1 = aluno.Aluno(91603356, 'Adriana','Mendes') print("\nRetornando as caracteristicas de aluno com nome,sobrenome e matricula:") print("Nome do aluno: {0} {1} ".format(aluno1.getNome(),aluno1.getSobrenome()),"\nMatricula do aluno:{} ".format(aluno1.getMatricula())) #Retorna na tela dados de um professor professor1 = professor.Professor(3678, 'Willian','Amaral') print("\nRetornando as caracteristicas de professor com nome, sobrenome e codigo:") print("Nome do professor: {0} {1}".format(professor1.getNome(),professor1.getSobrenome()),"\nCodigo do professor:{} ".format(professor1.getCodigo()))
# st1.papers.append("Math") # st2.papers.append("Literature") # # st1.papers_local.append("Physics") # st2.papers_local.append("Astronomy") # # st1.print_papers() # st2.print_papers() # import course import professor import student if __name__ == "__main__": pr1 = professor.Professor("Dr. Adams") pr2 = professor.Professor("Dr. Smith") course1 = course.Course("ML") course1.add_lecturer(pr1) course1.add_lecturer(pr2) course1.print_info() pr1.add_course(course1) pr1.print_info() pr2.print_info() st1 = student.Student("Alice") st1.print_info(lang="UA") # print(pr1)
def school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password): os.system("clear") print("Welcome {}\n".format(school_name)) menu = {} menu["1"] = "Enroll a student" menu["2"] = "Hire a professor" menu["3"] = "Expel a student" menu["4"] = "Fire a professor" menu["5"] = "Change Password" menu["6"] = "See list of all students" menu["7"] = "See list of all professors" menu["8"] = "Exit" for k, v in menu.items(): print("{}) {}".format(k, v)) file_name = "{}".format(school_id) user_input = input() if (user_input == "1"): os.system("clear") print("------Creating a new student profile------") first_name = input("Enter first name of student: \n") last_name = input("Enter last name of student: \n") major = input("Enter student's area of study: \n") year = input("Enter student's age: \n") new_student = student.Student(first_name, last_name, major, year) infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) data_dict["Students"].append(new_student) infile.close() outfile = open(file_name, "wb") pickle.dump(data_dict, outfile) outfile.close() os.system("clear") print("Student successfully added\n") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "2"): os.system("clear") print("-----Hiring a professor-----\n\n") first_name = input("Enter professor's first name:\t") last_name = input("Enter professor's last name:\t") salary = input("Enter professor's salary\t") new_professor = professor.Professor(first_name, last_name, salary) infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) data_dict["Professors"].append(new_professor) infile.close() outfile = open(file_name, "wb") pickle.dump(data_dict, outfile) outfile.close() os.system("clear") print(">>>>>Professor successfully added\n") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "3"): os.system("clear") print("-----Expelling a student-----\n\n") print( "Enter number of student to expel or enter any other key to exit\n" ) infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) print("Choose a student to delete\n\n") i = 1 for stu in data_dict["Students"]: print("{}) {}, {}".format(i, stu.last_name, stu.first_name)) i += 1 infile.close() user_input = input() try: if (int(user_input) >= 1 and int(user_input) <= len(data_dict["Students"])): del data_dict["Students"][int(user_input) - 1] outfile = open(file_name, "wb") pickle.dump(data_dict, outfile) outfile.close() os.system("clear") print(">>>>>Student successfully expelled\n") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) else: os.system("clear") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) except ValueError: os.system("clear") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "4"): os.system("clear") print( "-----Enter number of professor to fire or enter any other key to exit-----\n\n" ) infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) i = 1 for prof in data_dict["Professors"]: print("{}) {}, {}".format(i, prof.last_name, prof.first_name)) i += 1 infile.close() user_input = input() try: if (int(user_input) >= 1 and int(user_input) <= len(data_dict["Professors"])): del data_dict["Professors"][int(user_input) - 1] os.system("clear") outfile = open(file_name, "wb") pickle.dump(data_dict, outfile) outfile.close() print(">>>>>Professor successfully fired\n") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) else: os.system("clear") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) except ValueError: os.system("clear") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "5"): print("5") # how to do this? # import schools list, import school, then change school[3] to it # need to then figure out like dumping the data but without pickling b/c didn't use that here os.system("clear") print("Enter old password:\t") old_password = input() # let have 3 tries num_of_tries = 3 while (num_of_tries > 0): if old_password == school_password: os.system("clear") print("Enter new password:\t") new_password = input() # now change school[2] to be the new password somehow #schools = read_file("Schools.txt") #for school in schools: #if school[0] == school_name: #print("found school") f = open("Schools.txt", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("Schools.txt", "w") for line in lines: if line != ("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(school_name, school_id, school_password)): print("getting here as well") f.write(line) new_line = "{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(school_name, school_id, new_password) f.write(new_line) f.close() break else: num_of_tries -= 1 school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) # if get correct then ask to enter new password elif (user_input == "6"): os.system("clear") print("-----Enter any key to exit-----\n\n") infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) name_list = [] for stu in data_dict["Students"]: name_list.append("{}, {}".format(stu.last_name.title(), stu.first_name.title())) name_list.sort() for stu in name_list: print(stu) #for stu in data_dict["Students"]: #print("{}, {}".format(stu.last_name, stu.first_name)) infile.close() user_input = input() school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "7"): os.system("clear") print("-----Enter any key to exit-----\n\n") infile = open(file_name, "rb") data_dict = pickle.load(infile) for prof in data_dict["Professors"]: print("{}\t{}\t{}".format(prof.first_name, prof.last_name, prof.salary)) infile.close() u_input = input() os.system("clear") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password) elif (user_input == "8"): os.system("clear") starting_menu.starting_menu() else: os.system("clear") print("ERROR 493: Invalid input\n") school_menu(schools_list, school_name, school_id, school_password)
import pessoa import aluno import professor #Retorna na tela dados de uma pessoa pessoa1 = pessoa.Pessoa('João', 'Miller') print("Retornando as caracteristicas de pessoa com nome e sobrenome:") print("Nome da pessoa: {0} {1} ".format(pessoa1.getNome(), pessoa1.getSobrenome())) #Retorna na tela dados de um aluno aluno1 = aluno.Aluno(302010, 'Cesar', 'Vieira') print( "\nRetornando as caracteristicas de aluno com nome,sobrenome e matricula:") print( "Nome do aluno: {0} {1} ".format(aluno1.getNome(), aluno1.getSobrenome()), "\nMatricula do aluno:{} ".format(aluno1.getMatricula())) #Retorna na tela dados de um professor professor1 = professor.Professor(102030, 'Alan', 'Paulo') print( "\nRetornando as caracteristicas de professor com nome, sobrenome e codigo:" ) print( "Nome do professor: {0} {1}".format(professor1.getNome(), professor1.getSobrenome()), "\nCodigo do professor:{} ".format(professor1.getCodigo()))
def __init__(self): reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # 指定file以utf-8的格式打开 self.file = Workbook(encoding='utf-8') # 指定打开的文件名 self.sheet = self.file.add_sheet('sheet') self.sheet.write(0, 0, '序号') self.sheet.write(0, 1, '名字') self.sheet.write(0, 2, '学科') self.sheet.write(0, 3, '研究领域') self.sheet.write(0, 4, '职称') self.sheet.write(0, 5, '所在学校、科研机构') self.sheet.write(0, 6, '国家称号') self.sheet.write(0, 7, '行政职务') self.sheet.write(0, 8, '发表论文情况') self.sheet.write(0, 9, '匹配度') self.professorMap = {} f = open('result4.txt', "r") lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: outputPart = line.split('!!!')[0] parts = outputPart.split('|') l = len(parts) name = parts[0].split('/')[0].strip() if not self.professorMap.has_key(name): profe = professor.Professor(name) if len(parts[0].split('/')) > 1: profe.chineseName = parts[0].split('/')[1] if len(parts[1].split('/')) > 1: = parts[1].split('/')[1] profe.chiUniversity = parts[1].split('/')[0] if l > 2: profe.ieeeNum = parts[2].strip() # profe.studyArea = parts[2].strip() # profe.studyArea = profe.studyArea.replace('None ', '') if parts[3] != 'None': profe.citations = parts[3].strip() if parts[4] != 'None': profe.h_index = parts[4].strip() if parts[5] != 'None': profe.title = parts[5].strip() if parts[6] != 'None': profe.adm = parts[6].strip() if parts[7] != 'None': profe.nationalHonor = parts[7].strip() if parts[8] != 'None': profe.studyArea = parts[8].strip() if profe.nationalHonor and profe.nationalHonor != 'None': profe.rank = 80 elif profe.adm and profe.adm != 'None': profe.rank = 70 elif (profe.ieeeNum != 'not found' and profe.h_index != 'not found' and int(profe.ieeeNum) > 10 and int(profe.h_index) > 15 ) or (profe.ieeeNum == 'not found' and profe.h_index == 'not found'): profe.rank = 60 else: profe.rank = 0 if profe.rank > 0: self.professorMap[name] = profe f.close()