def save_profile(self, profile):
        # above we have user_required=True, so we know user is authorized if
        # we're in the body of this method; otherwise, endpoints_proto_datastore
        # will have thrown a 401 error
        user = get_current_user()

        # if user is None:
        #     raise UnauthorizedException("Authorization required.")

        # see whether profile already exists and then update or insert new one
        query = Profile.query(Profile.userId == user.user_id()).get()
        if query:
            query.update(profile.displayName, profile.teeShirtSize)
            profile = query

            profile.userId = user.user_id()
            profile.mainEmail =
            profile.displayName = (profile.displayName or
            profile.teeShirtSize = profile.teeShirtSize or 'NOT_SPECIFIED'

        profile.put()  # save to database

        return profile
 def get_profile(self, query=None):
     # above we have user_required=True, so we know user is authorized if
     # we're in the body of this method; otherwise, endpoints_proto_datastore
     # will have thrown a 401 error
     user = get_current_user()
     return Profile.query(Profile.userId == user.user_id())