def handle_getusrlocations(self,data): '''Get all declarations and defintions of a symbol (given by an usr)''' projRoot = data['projRoot'] unsavedFiles = self.aquireUnsavedFiles(data['unsavedFiles']) proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projRoot) if proj is None: return projNotFoundData else: self.request.sendall(json.dumps( {'kind':'result','locations':proj.getUsrLocations(data['usr'],data['type'])}))
def setUp(self): self.proj = [] '''Create the projects''' for pId in xrange(1,self.numProjects+1): p = "./testProject" + str(pId) + "/" if os.path.exists(p + ".clang_complete.project.dict"): os.remove(p + ".clang_complete.project.dict") pd.onLoadFile(p + "main.cpp",self.args,1) pd.createOrUpdateProjectForFile(p + "main.cpp",["-x","c++"],[]) self.proj.append(pd.getProjectFromRoot(p)) assert self.proj[pId-1] is not None
def getProjectsQuickFixList(projectPath): proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projectPath) if proj is None: return [] def makeQuickFix(i): return { 'bufnr' : int (vim.eval("bufnr('" + i[0] + "', 1)")), 'lnum' : i[1], 'col' : i[2], 'text' : i[3], 'type' : i[4] } return map (makeQuickFix,proj.getAllDiagnostics())
def handle_dumpsymbols(self,data): '''Dumb all symbols in a project''' projRoot = data['projRoot'] unsavedFiles = self.aquireUnsavedFiles(data['unsavedFiles']) proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projRoot) if proj is None: self.sendProjNotFound() else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False) name = f.write('\n'.join('%s,%s,%s' % x for x in proj.getAllTypeNamesInProject())) f.close() self.request.sendall(json.dumps({'kind':'result','symbols':name}))
def gotoNextOccurenceOfUsr(usr): projPath = vim.eval("b:clang_project_root") proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projPath) line, col = vim.current.window.cursor path = os.path.abspath( currentLocation = (path,line,col) occ = proj.getUsrLocations(usr,"occurences") if len(occ) ==0: return for o in occ: if currentLocation < o: openLocation(o) return openLocation(occ[0])
def getOccurencesOfUsr(usr): '''Returns the occurnces of an usr in the format: [(buffernumber,line,col,extend)] ''' if usr is None or usr == "": return [] projPath = vim.eval("b:clang_project_root") if projPath is None or projPath == "": return [] proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projPath) if not proj.usrInfos.has_key(usr): return [] occ = proj.getUsrLocations(usr,"occurences") length = len(proj.getUsrSpelling(usr)) res = [] if occ is None: return res for o in occ: bufnr = int(vim.eval("bufnr(\"" + o[0] + "\")")) if bufnr != -1: res.append((bufnr,o[1],o[2],length)) return res
def renameUsr(usr): projPath = vim.eval("b:clang_project_root") bringProjectUpToDate(projPath) proj = projectDatabase.getProjectFromRoot(projPath) if proj is None: print "No project loaded" return if not proj.usrInfos.has_key(usr): print "Sorry, usr " + usr + " not found in project" oldName = proj.usrInfos[usr].spelling vim.command('call inputsave()') vim.command("let user_input = input('Replace " + oldName + " with: ')") vim.command('call inputrestore()') newName = vim.eval('user_input') if newName is None: return locs = proj.getUsrRenameLocations(usr) tryReplaceInFiles(locs,oldName,newName)