Пример #1
    def __init__(self, name, loader=None):
        """Initialize, but do not start the WSGI server.

        :param name: The name of the WSGI server given to the loader.
        :param loader: Loads the WSGI application using the given name.
        :returns: None

        self.name = name
        self.manager = self._get_manager()
        self.loader = loader or wsgi_common.Loader()
        self.app = self.loader.load_app(name)
        self.host = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen' % name, "")
        self.port = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen_port' % name, 0)
        self.workers = (getattr(CONF, '%s_workers' % name, None) or
        if self.workers and self.workers < 1:
            worker_name = '%s_workers' % name
            msg = (_("%(worker_name)s value of %(workers)d is invalid, "
                     "must be greater than 0.") %
                   {'worker_name': worker_name,
                    'workers': self.workers})
            raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
        setup_profiler(name, self.host)

        self.server = wsgi.Server(name,
Пример #2
def check_exclusive_options(**kwargs):
    """Checks that only one of the provided options is actually not-none.

    Iterates over all the kwargs passed in and checks that only one of said
    arguments is not-none, if more than one is not-none then an exception will
    be raised with the names of those arguments who were not-none.

    if not kwargs:

    pretty_keys = kwargs.pop("pretty_keys", True)
    exclusive_options = {}
    for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
        if v is not None:
            exclusive_options[k] = True

    if len(exclusive_options) > 1:
        # Change the format of the names from pythonic to
        # something that is more readable.
        # Ex: 'the_key' -> 'the key'
        if pretty_keys:
            names = [k.replace('_', ' ') for k in kwargs.keys()]
            names = kwargs.keys()
        names = ", ".join(sorted(names))
        msg = (_("May specify only one of %s") % (names))
        raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
Пример #3
def check_string_length(value, name, min_length=0, max_length=None):
    """Check the length of specified string.

    :param value: the value of the string
    :param name: the name of the string
    :param min_length: the min_length of the string
    :param max_length: the max_length of the string
    if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        msg = _("%s is not a string or unicode") % name
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if len(value) < min_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has a minimum character requirement of "
                "%(min_length)s.") % {'name': name, 'min_length': min_length}
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if max_length and len(value) > max_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has more than %(max_length)s "
                "characters.") % {'name': name, 'max_length': max_length}
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, name, app, host=None, port=None, pool_size=None,
                 protocol=eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol, backlog=128):
        """Initialize, but do not start, a WSGI server.

        :param name: Pretty name for logging.
        :param app: The WSGI application to serve.
        :param host: IP address to serve the application.
        :param port: Port number to server the application.
        :param pool_size: Maximum number of eventlets to spawn concurrently.
        :returns: None

        # Allow operators to customize http requests max header line size.
        eventlet.wsgi.MAX_HEADER_LINE = CONF.max_header_line
        self.client_socket_timeout = CONF.client_socket_timeout or None
        self.name = name
        self.app = app
        self._host = host or ""
        self._port = port or 0
        self._server = None
        self._socket = None
        self._protocol = protocol
        self.pool_size = pool_size or self.default_pool_size
        self._pool = eventlet.GreenPool(self.pool_size)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger("eventlet.wsgi.server")

        if backlog < 1:
            raise exception.InvalidInput(
                reason='The backlog must be more than 1')

        bind_addr = (host, port)
        # TODO(dims): eventlet's green dns/socket module does not actually
        # support IPv6 in getaddrinfo(). We need to get around this in the
        # future or monitor upstream for a fix
            info = socket.getaddrinfo(bind_addr[0],
            family = info[0]
            bind_addr = info[-1]
        except Exception:
            family = socket.AF_INET

        cert_file = CONF.ssl_cert_file
        key_file = CONF.ssl_key_file
        ca_file = CONF.ssl_ca_file
        self._use_ssl = cert_file or key_file

        if cert_file and not os.path.exists(cert_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find cert_file : %s")
                               % cert_file)

        if ca_file and not os.path.exists(ca_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find ca_file : %s") % ca_file)

        if key_file and not os.path.exists(key_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find key_file : %s")
                               % key_file)

        if self._use_ssl and (not cert_file or not key_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("When running server in SSL mode, you "
                                 "must specify both a cert_file and "
                                 "key_file option value in your "
                                 "configuration file."))

        retry_until = time.time() + 30
        while not self._socket and time.time() < retry_until:
                self._socket = eventlet.listen(bind_addr, backlog=backlog,
            except socket.error as err:
                if err.args[0] != errno.EADDRINUSE:

        if not self._socket:
            raise RuntimeError(_("Could not bind to %(host)s:%(port)s "
                               "after trying for 30 seconds") %
                               {'host': host, 'port': port})

        (self._host, self._port) = self._socket.getsockname()[0:2]
        LOG.info(_LI("%(name)s listening on %(_host)s:%(_port)s"),
                 {'name': self.name, '_host': self._host, '_port': self._port})
Пример #5
def paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=None,
                   sort_dir=None, sort_dirs=None, offset=None):
    """Returns a query with sorting / pagination criteria added.

    Pagination works by requiring a unique sort_key, specified by sort_keys.
    (If sort_keys is not unique, then we risk looping through values.)
    We use the last row in the previous page as the 'marker' for pagination.
    So we must return values that follow the passed marker in the order.
    With a single-valued sort_key, this would be easy: sort_key > X.
    With a compound-values sort_key, (k1, k2, k3) we must do this to repeat
    the lexicographical ordering:
    (k1 > X1) or (k1 == X1 && k2 > X2) or (k1 == X1 && k2 == X2 && k3 > X3)

    We also have to cope with different sort_directions.

    Typically, the id of the last row is used as the client-facing pagination
    marker, then the actual marker object must be fetched from the db and
    passed in to us as marker.

    :param query: the query object to which we should add paging/sorting
    :param model: the ORM model class
    :param limit: maximum number of items to return
    :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results should be sorted
    :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we returns the next
                    results after this value.
    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
    :param sort_dirs: per-column array of sort_dirs, corresponding to sort_keys

    :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
    :return: The query with sorting/pagination added.

    if 'id' not in sort_keys:
        # TODO(justinsb): If this ever gives a false-positive, check
        # the actual primary key, rather than assuming its id
        LOG.warning(_LW('Id not in sort_keys; is sort_keys unique?'))

    assert(not (sort_dir and sort_dirs))

    # Default the sort direction to ascending
    if sort_dirs is None and sort_dir is None:
        sort_dir = 'asc'

    # Ensure a per-column sort direction
    if sort_dirs is None:
        sort_dirs = [sort_dir for _sort_key in sort_keys]

    assert(len(sort_dirs) == len(sort_keys))

    # Add sorting
    for current_sort_key, current_sort_dir in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs):
        sort_dir_func = {
            'asc': sqlalchemy.asc,
            'desc': sqlalchemy.desc,

            sort_key_attr = getattr(model, current_sort_key)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason='Invalid sort key')
        query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr))

    # Add pagination
    if marker is not None:
        marker_values = []
        for sort_key in sort_keys:
            v = getattr(marker, sort_key)

        # Build up an array of sort criteria as in the docstring
        criteria_list = []
        for i in range(0, len(sort_keys)):
            crit_attrs = []
            for j in range(0, i):
                model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[j])
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr == marker_values[j]))

            model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[i])
            if sort_dirs[i] == 'desc':
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr < marker_values[i]))
            elif sort_dirs[i] == 'asc':
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr > marker_values[i]))
                raise ValueError(_("Unknown sort direction, "
                                   "must be 'desc' or 'asc'"))

            criteria = sqlalchemy.sql.and_(*crit_attrs)

        f = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(*criteria_list)
        query = query.filter(f)

    if limit is not None:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    if offset:
        query = query.offset(offset)

    return query