Пример #1
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 10000

    primes = sieve(N)

    found = 0
    i = 1489

    #   Starting from i=1489 (bigger than the first number in the sequence given in the problem),
    #   check odd numbers. If they're prime, loop on even numbers j (odd+even=odd, odd+odd=even and
    #   we need odd numbers because we're looking for primes) up to 4254 (1489+2*4256=10001 which has
    #   5 digits.
    while i < N:
        if primes[i] == 1:
            for j in range(1, 4255):
                #               If i, i+j and i+2*j are all primes and they have
                #               all the same digits, the result has been found.
                if i + 2 * j < N and primes[i+j] == 1 and primes[i+2*j] == 1 and\
                        ''.join(sorted(str(i))) == ''.join(sorted(str(i+j))) and\
                        ''.join(sorted(str(i))) == ''.join(sorted(str(i+2*j))):
                    found = 1
        if (found):
        i = i + 2

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 49')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(str(i) + str(i + j) + str(i + 2 * j)))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #2
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 10000000
    n = -1
    min_ = float('inf')
    semi_p = False

    primes = sieve(N)

    for i in range(2, N):
        #       When n is prime, phi(n)=(n-1), so to minimize n/phi(n) we should
        #       use n prime. But n-1 can't be a permutation of n. The second best
        #       bet is to use semiprimes. For a semiprime n=p*q, phi(n)=(p-1)(q-1).
        #       So we check if a number is semiprime, if yes calculate phi, finally
        #       check if phi(n) is a permutation of n and update the minimum if it's
        #       smaller.
        semi_p, a, b = is_semiprime(i, primes)

        if semi_p == True:
            p = phi_semiprime(i, a, b)

            if ''.join(sorted(str(p))) == ''.join(sorted(
                    str(i))) and i / p < min_:
                n = i
                min_ = i / p

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 70')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(n))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #3
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    global primes

    N = 1000000

    #   N set to 1000000 as a reasonable limit, which turns out to be enough.
    primes = sieve(N)

    #   Checking only odd numbers with at least 4 digits.
    i = 1001

    while i < N:
        #       The family of numbers needs to have at least one of 0, 1 or 2 as
        #       repeated digits, otherwise we can't get a 8 number family (there
        #       are only 7 other digits). Also, te number of repeated digits must
        #       be 3, otherwise at least 3 resulting numbers will be divisible by 3.
        #       So the smallest number of this family must have three 0s, three 1s or
        #       three 2s.
        if count_digit(i, 0) >= 3 or count_digit(i, 1) >= 3 or\
                count_digit(i, 2) >= 3:
            if primes[i] == 1 and replace(i) == 8:
        i = i + 2

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 51')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(i))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #4
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 1000000

    primes = sieve(N)

    max_ = 0
    max_p = 0

    #   Starting from a prime i, add consecutive primes until the
    #   sum exceeds the limit, every time the sum is also a prime
    #   save the value and the count if the count is larger than the
    #   current maximum. Repeat for all primes below N.
    #   A separate loop is used for i=2, so later only odd numbers are
    #   checked for primality.
    i = 2
    j = i + 1
    count = 1
    sum_ = i

    while j < N and sum_ < N:
        if primes[j] == 1:
            sum_ = sum_ + j
            count = count + 1

            if sum_ < N and primes[sum_] == 1 and count > max_:
                max_ = count
                max_p = sum
        j = j + 1

    for i in range(3, N, 2):
        if primes[i] == 1:
            count = 1
            sum_ = i
            j = i + 2

            while j < N and sum_ < N:
                if primes[j] == 1:
                    sum_ = sum_ + j
                    count = count + 1

                    if sum_ < N and primes[sum_] == 1 and count > max_:
                        max_ = count
                        max_p = sum_

                j = j + 2

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 50')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(max_p))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #5
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 1000001

    count = 0
    primes = sieve(N)

#   For any denominator d, the number of reduced proper fractions is 
#   the number of fractions n/d where gcd(n, d)=1, which is the definition
#   of Euler's Totient Function phi. It's sufficient to calculate phi for each
#   denominator and sum the value.
    for i in range(2, N):
        count = count + phi(i, primes)

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 72')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(count))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #6
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 2000000

#   Use the function in projecteuler.py implementing the 
#   Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to generate primes.
    primes = sieve(N)
    sum_ = 0

#   Sum all the primes
    for i in range(N):
        if primes[i] == 1:
            sum_ = sum_ + i

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 10')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(sum_))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #7
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    global primes

    N = 1000000

    #   Calculate all primes below one million, then check if they're circular.
    primes = sieve(N)
    count = 13

    #   Calculate all primes below one million, then check if they're circular.
    for i in range(101, N, 2):
        if is_circular_prime(i):
            count = count + 1

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 35')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(count))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))
Пример #8
#Find the sum of all the primes below two million.

import math
import time

from projecteuler import sieve

p = sieve(2000000)
sum = 0
for x in p:
    sum += x

Пример #9
def main():
    start = default_timer()

    N = 10000

    primes = sieve(N)

    found = 0
    p1 = 3

    #   Straightforward brute force approach
    while p1 < N and not found:
        #       If p1 is not prime, go to the next number.
        if primes[p1] == 0:
            p1 = p1 + 2

        p2 = p1 + 2

        while p2 < N and not found:
            #           If p2 is not prime, or at least one of the possible concatenations of
            #           p1 and p2 is not prime, go to the next number.
            if primes[p2] == 0 or not is_prime(
                    int(str(p1) + str(p2))) or not is_prime(
                        int(str(p2) + str(p1))):
                p2 = p2 + 2

            p3 = p2 + 2

            while p3 < N and not found:
                #               If p3 is not prime, or at least one of the possible concatenations of
                #               p1, p2 and p3 is not prime, got to the next number.
                if primes[p3] == 0 or not is_prime(int(str(p1)+str(p3))) or not is_prime(int(str(p3)+str(p1))) or\
                        not is_prime(int(str(p2)+str(p3))) or not is_prime(int(str(p3)+str(p2))):
                    p3 = p3 + 2

                p4 = p3 + 2

                while p4 < N and not found:
                    #                   If p4 is not prime, or at least one of the possible concatenations of
                    #                   p1, p2, p3 and p4 is not prime, go to the next number.
                    if primes[p4] == 0 or not is_prime(int(str(p1)+str(p4))) or not is_prime(int(str(p4)+str(p1))) or\
                            not is_prime(int(str(p2)+str(p4))) or not is_prime(int(str(p4)+str(p2))) or\
                            not is_prime(int(str(p3)+str(p4))) or not is_prime(int(str(p4)+str(p3))):
                        p4 = p4 + 2

                    p5 = p4 + 2

                    while p5 < N and not found:
                        #                       If p5 is not prime, or at least one of the possible concatenations of
                        #                       p1, p2, p3, p4 and p5 is not prime, go to the next number
                        if primes[p5] == 0 or not is_prime(int(str(p1)+str(p5))) or not is_prime(int(str(p5)+str(p1))) or\
                                not is_prime(int(str(p2)+str(p5))) or not is_prime(int(str(p5)+str(p2))) or\
                                not is_prime(int(str(p3)+str(p5))) or not is_prime(int(str(p5)+str(p3))) or\
                                not is_prime(int(str(p4)+str(p5))) or not is_prime(int(str(p5)+str(p4))):
                            p5 = p5 + 2

#                       If it gets here, the five values have been found.
                        n = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5
                        found = 1

                    p4 = p4 + 2

                p3 = p3 + 2

            p2 = p2 + 2

        p1 = p1 + 2

    end = default_timer()

    print('Project Euler, Problem 60')
    print('Answer: {}'.format(n))

    print('Elapsed time: {:.9f} seconds'.format(end - start))