def read_wid_csvs(): data = dict() for fname in glob.glob( os.path.join(utils.data_root(), 'wid', 'Data', 'WID_*_InequalityData.csv')): bname = os.path.basename(fname) _, iso2, _ = bname.split('_', 3) iso2 = iso2.lower() df = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=';', encoding='latin1', low_memory=False) df.columns = df.iloc[6, :] data[iso2] = df return data
def cnames_df(): cnames = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(utils.data_root(), 'ssp-data', 'country-names.csv')) return cnames
default=False, action='store_true', help='Project using mainland coefficients ' '(default: islands)') parser.add_argument('--clip', '-c', dest='clip', default=False, action='store_true', help='Clip predictor variables to max value seen ' 'during model fitting') args = parser.parse_args() if args.mainland: ISLMAIN = 1 mask_file = os.path.join(utils.data_root(), '1km/mainland-from-igor-edited-at.tif') else: ISLMAIN = 0 mask_file = os.path.join(utils.data_root(), '1km/islands-from-igor-edited-at.tif') # Open the mask raster file (Mainlands) mask_ds = # Read Katia's abundance model mod = modelr.load('/home/vagrant/katia/models/best_model_abund.rds') predicts.predictify(mod) # Import standard PREDICTS rasters rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', 'medium', year=2005)
win2[0][1])), (win1[1][0] + win2[1][0], min(win1[1][1] + win2[1][0], win2[1][1]))) return win1 @click.command() @click.option('--band', default=1, help='Band of raster to mask') @click.argument('raster', type=click.Path()) @click.argument('mask', type=click.Path()) def maskit(raster, mask, band=1): rds =, 'r+') ice = minxs, minys, maxxs, maxys = zip(rds.bounds, ice.bounds) bounds = (max(minxs), max(minys), min(maxxs), min(maxys)) ice_view = ice.window(*bounds) nodata = rds.nodatavals[band - 1] for ij, win in rds.block_windows(): if rds.height > 10000 and win[0][1] % 100 == 0: print(win) rr =, masked=True, window=win) ii =, masked=True, window=window_inset(win, ice_view)) rr.mask = np.logical_or(rr.mask, np.where(ii == 1.0, True, False)) rds.write(rr.filled(nodata), window=win, indexes=band) if __name__ == '__main__': raster = 'ds/1km/roads.tif' mask = 'zip:%s/1km/!ICE_1km_2005.bil' % utils.data_root() maskit()
import click #import matlibplot.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import as ma import rasterio from rasterio.plot import show, show_hist from projections.rasterset import RasterSet, Raster from projections.simpleexpr import SimpleExpr import projections.predicts as predicts import projections.r2py.modelr as modelr import projections.utils as utils # Open the mask raster file mask_file = os.path.join(utils.data_root(), '1km/mainland-from-igor-edited.tif') mask_ds = # Richness compositional similarity model with updated PriMin-Urb coefficient mod = modelr.load('/home/vagrant/katia/models/updated_compsim_rich.rds') predicts.predictify(mod) # Import standard PREDICTS rasters rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', 'medium', year=2005) # create an ISL_MAINL raster # set it to Mainlands this time round (set Mainlands to 1 and Islands to 0) rasters['ISL_MAINMAINLAND'] = SimpleExpr('ISL_MAINMAINLAND', '2') rasters['ISL_MAINISLAND'] = SimpleExpr('ISL_MAINISLAND', '0')
click.echo('processing %s' % region) fips_names = map(wrap, regions[region]) features = filter(lambda s: s['properties']['FIPS'] in fips_names, src) shapes = map(shapely.geometry.shape, [f['geometry'] for f in features]) union = shapely.ops.unary_union(shapes) props = OrderedDict({'name': region}) dst.write({'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(union), 'type': features[0]['type'], 'properties': props, }) @click.command() @click.argument('borders', type=click.Path()) @click.argument('regions', type=click.File('r'), default=os.path.join(utils.data_root(), 'ssp-data', 'regions.json')) @click.argument('country-names', type=click.Path(), default=os.path.join(utils.data_root(), 'ssp-data', 'country-names.csv')) @click.argument('output', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True)) def main(borders, regions, country_names, output): cnames = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(country_names) region_data = json.load(regions) with as src: meta = src.meta meta['schema']['properties'] = OrderedDict({'name': 'str:8'}) with, 'w', **meta) as dst: merge(src, dst, region_data, cnames) if __name__ == '__main__':
HPD_MAX = 22490 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" -- richness projections") parser.add_argument('--mainland', '-m', dest='mainland', default=False, action='store_true', help='Project using mainland coefficients ' '(default: islands)') parser.add_argument('--clip', '-c', dest='clip', default=False, action='store_true', help='Clip predictor variables to max value seen ' 'during model fitting') args = parser.parse_args() if args.mainland: ISLMAIN = 1 mask_file = os.path.join(utils.data_root(), '1km/mainland-from-igor-edited-at.tif') else: ISLMAIN = 0 mask_file = os.path.join(utils.data_root(), '1km/islands-from-igor-edited-at.tif') # Open the mask raster file (Mainlands) mask_ds = # Read Katia's richness model mod = modelr.load('/home/vagrant/katia/models/best_model_rich.rds') predicts.predictify(mod) # Import standard PREDICTS rasters rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', 'medium', year = 2005)