def test_wrong_init():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(two_qubit_gates=(CNOT))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates="Any")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(other_gates="any")
Пример #2
def test_state_preparation(n_qubits, zeros):
    engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(Ry, Rz,
    eng = projectq.MainEngine(engine_list=engine_list)
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(n_qubits)

    f_state = [
        0.2 + 0.1 * x * cmath.exp(0.1j + 0.2j * x) for x in range(2**n_qubits)
    if zeros:
        for i in range(2**(n_qubits - 1)):
            f_state[i] = 0
    norm = 0
    for amplitude in f_state:
        norm += abs(amplitude)**2
    f_state = [x / math.sqrt(norm) for x in f_state]

    StatePreparation(f_state) | qureg

    wavefunction = deepcopy(eng.backend.cheat()[1])
    # Test that simulator hasn't reordered wavefunction
    mapping = eng.backend.cheat()[0]
    for key in mapping:
        assert mapping[key] == key
    All(Measure) | qureg
    assert np.allclose(wavefunction, f_state, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)
Пример #3
def get_engine_list(token=None, device=None):
    # Access to the hardware properties via show_devices
    # Can also be extended to take into account gate fidelities, new available
    # gate, etc..
    devices = show_devices(token)
    aqt_setup = []
    if device not in devices:
        raise DeviceOfflineError('Error when configuring engine list: device '
                                 'requested for Backend not connected')
    if device == 'aqt_simulator':
        # The 11 qubit online simulator doesn't need a specific mapping for
        # gates. Can also run wider gateset but this setup keep the
        # restrictedgateset setup for coherence
        mapper = BasicMapperEngine()
        # Note: Manual Mapper doesn't work, because its map is updated only if
        # gates are applied if gates in the register are not used, then it
        # will lead to state errors
        res = dict()
        for i in range(devices[device]['nq']):
            res[i] = i
        mapper.current_mapping = res
        aqt_setup = [mapper]
        # If there is an online device not handled into ProjectQ it's not too
        # bad, the engine_list can be constructed manually with the
        # appropriate mapper and the 'coupling_map' parameter
        raise DeviceNotHandledError('Device not yet fully handled by ProjectQ')

    # Most gates need to be decomposed into a subset that is manually converted
    # in the backend (until the implementation of the U1,U2,U3)
    setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(Rx, Ry),
                                              two_qubit_gates=(Rxx, ),
                                              other_gates=(Barrier, ))
    return setup
Пример #4
def get_engine_list(token=None, device=None):
    """Return the default list of compiler engine for the IonQ platform."""
    service = IonQ()
    if token is not None:
    devices = service.show_devices()
    if not device or device not in devices:
        raise DeviceOfflineError("Error checking engine list: no '{}' devices available".format(device))

    # Qubit mapper
    mapper = BoundedQubitMapper(devices[device]['nq'])

    # Basis Gates

    # Declare the basis gateset for the IonQ's API.
    engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz, H, S, Sdag, T, Tdag, SqrtX),
        two_qubit_gates=(Swap, Rxx, Ryy, Rzz),
    return engine_list + [mapper]
Пример #5
def get_engine_list(credentials=None, device=None):
    """Return the default list of compiler engine for the AWS Braket platform."""
    # Access to the hardware properties via show_devices
    # Can also be extended to take into account gate fidelities, new available
    # gate, etc..
    devices = show_devices(credentials)
    if device not in devices:
        raise DeviceOfflineError(
            'Error when configuring engine list: device requested for Backend not available'

    # We left the real device to manage the mapping and optimizacion: "The IonQ
    # and Rigetti devices compile the provided circuit into their respective
    # native gate sets automatically, and they map the abstract qubit indices
    # to physical qubits on the respective QPU."
    # (see:

    # TODO: Investigate if explicit mapping is an advantage

    if device == 'SV1':
        setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
            one_qubit_gates=(R, H, Rx, Ry, Rz, S, Sdag, T, Tdag, X, Y, Z,
            two_qubit_gates=(Swap, ),
            other_gates=(Barrier, ),
        return setup
    if device == 'Aspen-8':
        setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
            one_qubit_gates=(R, H, Rx, Ry, Rz, S, Sdag, T, Tdag, X, Y, Z),
            two_qubit_gates=(Swap, ),
            other_gates=(Barrier, ),
        return setup
    if device == 'IonQ Device':
        setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
            one_qubit_gates=(H, Rx, Ry, Rz, S, Sdag, T, Tdag, X, Y, Z, SqrtX),
            two_qubit_gates=(Swap, ),
            other_gates=(Barrier, ),
        return setup
    raise DeviceNotHandledError(
        'Unsupported device type: {}!'.format(device))  # pragma: no cover
Пример #6
def get_engine_list():
    # lets start from a circuit that has CNOT, Pauli, S and T and time evolution
    engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(gates.HGate, gates.XGate, gates.YGate, gates.ZGate,
                         gates.TGate, gates.Tdag, gates.SGate, gates.Sdag),
        two_qubit_gates=(gates.CNOT, ),
        other_gates=(gates.TimeEvolution, ))

    engines = engines + [
    return engines
Пример #7
def get_engine_list():
    Creates a list of engines that compile to QSCOUT's native gate set.

    :returns: The engines.
    :rtype: list(projectq.cengines.BasicEngine)
    return restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        other_gates=(BarrierGate, ),
Пример #8
def test_parameter_any():
    engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates="any",
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = projectq.MainEngine(backend, engine_list)
    qubit1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    gate = BasicGate()
    gate | (qubit1, qubit2)
    gate | qubit1
    assert backend.received_commands[2].gate == gate
    assert backend.received_commands[3].gate == gate
Пример #9
def OpenSurgeryExporterEngineList():
    # lets start from a circuit that has CNOT, Pauli, S and T and time evolution
    engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(gates.HGate, gates.XGate, gates.YGate, gates.ZGate,
                         gates.TGate, gates.Tdag, gates.SGate, gates.Sdag),
        two_qubit_gates=(gates.CNOT, ),

    engines = expand_rule_set_of_autoreplacer(engines) + [
    return engines
Пример #10
def test_restriction():
    engine_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(Rz, H),
        two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, AddConstant, Swap),
        other_gates=(Toffoli, AddConstantModN, MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8)),
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = projectq.MainEngine(backend, engine_list, verbose=True)
    qubit1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit3 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    CNOT | (qubit1, qubit2)
    H | qubit1
    with Control(eng, qubit2):
        Rz(0.2) | qubit1
    Measure | qubit1
    AddConstant(1) | (qubit1 + qubit2)
    AddConstantModN(1, 9) | (qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3)
    Toffoli | (qubit1 + qubit2, qubit3)
    Swap | (qubit1, qubit2)
    MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    TimeEvolution(0.5, QubitOperator("X0 Y1 Z2")) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    QFT | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    Rx(0.1) | (qubit1)
    MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 9) | qubit1 + qubit2 + qubit3
    assert backend.received_commands[4].gate == X
    assert len(backend.received_commands[4].control_qubits) == 1
    assert backend.received_commands[5].gate == H
    assert backend.received_commands[6].gate == Rz(0.1)
    assert backend.received_commands[10].gate == Measure
    assert backend.received_commands[11].gate == AddConstant(1)
    assert backend.received_commands[12].gate == AddConstantModN(1, 9)
    assert backend.received_commands[13].gate == X
    assert len(backend.received_commands[13].control_qubits) == 2
    assert backend.received_commands[14].gate == Swap
    assert backend.received_commands[15].gate == MultiplyByConstantModN(2, 8)
    for cmd in backend.received_commands[16:]:
        assert cmd.gate != QFT
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, Rx)
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, MultiplyByConstantModN)
        assert not isinstance(cmd.gate, TimeEvolution)
def get_engine_list():
    Returns an engine list compiling code into a trapped ion based compiled
    circuit code.


        - Classical instructions gates such as e.g. Flush and Measure are
        automatically allowed.
        - The restricted gate set engine does not work with Rxx gates, as
        ProjectQ will by default bounce back and forth between Cz gates and Cx
        gates. An appropriate decomposition chooser needs to be used!

        A list of suitable compiler engines.
    return restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(Rx, Ry),
        two_qubit_gates=(Rxx, ),
Пример #12
from projectq.ops import CNOT, H, Measure, All
from projectq.setups import restrictedgateset

from quantuminspire.api import QuantumInspireAPI
from quantuminspire.credentials import get_authentication
from quantuminspire.projectq.backend_qx import QIBackend

QI_URL = os.getenv('API_URL', '')

project_name = 'ProjectQ-entangle'
authentication = get_authentication()
qi_api = QuantumInspireAPI(QI_URL, authentication, project_name=project_name)
qi_backend = QIBackend(quantum_inspire_api=qi_api)

compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
engine = MainEngine(backend=qi_backend, engine_list=compiler_engines)

qubits = engine.allocate_qureg(2)
q1 = qubits[0]
q2 = qubits[1]

H | q1
CNOT | (q1, q2)
All(Measure) | qubits


print('\nMeasured: {0}'.format([int(q) for q in qubits]))
Пример #13
def test_ibm_backend_functional_test(monkeypatch):
    correct_info = {
        'json': [{
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u2',
            'params': [0, 3.141592653589793]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1, 2],
            'name': 'cx'
        }, {
            'qubits': [1, 3],
            'name': 'cx'
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u3',
            'params': [6.28318530718, 0, 0]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u1',
            'params': [11.780972450962]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u3',
            'params': [6.28318530718, 0, 0]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u1',
            'params': [10.995574287564]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1, 2, 3],
            'name': 'barrier'
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'u3',
            'params': [0.2, -1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966]
        }, {
            'qubits': [1],
            'name': 'measure',
            'memory': [1]
        }, {
            'qubits': [2],
            'name': 'measure',
            'memory': [2]
        }, {
            'qubits': [3],
            'name': 'measure',
            'memory': [3]
        'backend': {
            'name': 'ibmq_qasm_simulator'

    # {'qasms': [{'qasm': '\ninclude "";\nqreg q[4];\ncreg c[4];\nu2(0,pi/2) q[1];\ncx q[1], q[2];\ncx q[1], q[3];\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(11.780972450962) q[1];\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(10.995574287564) q[1];\nu3(0.2, -pi/2, pi/2) q[1];\nmeasure q[1] -> c[1];\nmeasure q[2] -> c[2];\nmeasure q[3] -> c[3];'}], 'json': [{'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u2', 'params': [0, 3.141592653589793]}, {'qubits': [1, 2], 'name': 'cx'}, {'qubits': [1, 3], 'name': 'cx'}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u3', 'params': [6.28318530718, 0, 0]}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u1', 'params': [11.780972450962]}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u3', 'params': [6.28318530718, 0, 0]}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u1', 'params': [10.995574287564]}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'u3', 'params': [0.2, -1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966]}, {'qubits': [1], 'name': 'measure', 'memory': [1]}, {'qubits': [2], 'name': 'measure', 'memory': [2]}, {'qubits': [3], 'name': 'measure', 'memory': [3]}], 'nq': 4, 'shots': 1000, 'maxCredits': 10, 'backend': {'name': 'ibmq_qasm_simulator'}}
    def mock_send(*args, **kwargs):
        assert args[0] == correct_info
        return {
            'data': {
                'counts': {
                    '0x0': 504,
                    '0x2': 8,
                    '0xc': 6,
                    '0xe': 482
            'header': {
                'clbit_labels': [['c', 0], ['c', 1], ['c', 2], ['c', 3]],
                'creg_sizes': [['c', 4]],
                'qreg_sizes': [['q', 32]],
                'qubit_labels': [['q', 0], ['q', 1], ['q', 2], ['q', 3],
                                 ['q', 4], ['q', 5], ['q', 6], ['q', 7],
                                 ['q', 8], ['q', 9], ['q', 10], ['q', 11],
                                 ['q', 12], ['q', 13], ['q', 14], ['q', 15],
                                 ['q', 16], ['q', 17], ['q', 18], ['q', 19],
                                 ['q', 20], ['q', 21], ['q', 22], ['q', 23],
                                 ['q', 24], ['q', 25], ['q', 26], ['q', 27],
                                 ['q', 28], ['q', 29], ['q', 30], ['q', 31]]
            'metadata': {
                'measure_sampling': True,
                'method': 'statevector',
                'parallel_shots': 1,
                'parallel_state_update': 16
            'seed_simulator': 465435780,
            'shots': 1000,
            'status': 'DONE',
            'success': True,
            'time_taken': 0.0045786460000000005

    monkeypatch.setattr(_ibm, "send", mock_send)

    backend = _ibm.IBMBackend(verbose=True, num_runs=1000)
    import sys
    # no circuit has been executed -> raises exception
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    mapper = BasicMapperEngine()
    res = dict()
    for i in range(4):
        res[i] = i
    mapper.current_mapping = res
    ibm_setup = [mapper]
    setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(Rx, Ry, Rz, H),
                                              two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, ),
                                              other_gates=(Barrier, ))
    eng = MainEngine(backend=backend, engine_list=setup)
    # 4 qubits circuit is run, but first is unused to test ability for
    # get_probability to return the correct values for a subset of the total
    # register
    unused_qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
    # entangle the qureg
    Entangle | qureg
    Tdag | qureg[0]
    Sdag | qureg[0]
    Barrier | qureg
    Rx(0.2) | qureg[0]
    del unused_qubit
    # measure; should be all-0 or all-1
    All(Measure) | qureg
    # run the circuit
    prob_dict = eng.backend.get_probabilities([qureg[2], qureg[1]])
    assert prob_dict['00'] == pytest.approx(0.512)
    assert prob_dict['11'] == pytest.approx(0.488)
    result = "\nu2(0,pi/2) q[1];\ncx q[1], q[2];\ncx q[1], q[3];"
    if sys.version_info.major == 3:
        result += "\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(11.780972450962) q[1];"
        result += "\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(10.995574287564) q[1];"
        result += "\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(11.780972451) q[1];"
        result += "\nu3(6.28318530718, 0, 0) q[1];\nu1(10.9955742876) q[1];"
    result += "\nbarrier q[1], q[2], q[3];"
    result += "\nu3(0.2, -pi/2, pi/2) q[1];\nmeasure q[1] -> c[1];"
    result += "\nmeasure q[2] -> c[2];\nmeasure q[3] -> c[3];"

    assert eng.backend.get_qasm() == result

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Пример #14
def test_ibm_retrieve(monkeypatch):
    # patch send
    def mock_retrieve(*args, **kwargs):
        return {
            'data': {
                'counts': {
                    '0x0': 504,
                    '0x2': 8,
                    '0xc': 6,
                    '0xe': 482
            'header': {
                'clbit_labels': [['c', 0], ['c', 1], ['c', 2], ['c', 3]],
                'creg_sizes': [['c', 4]],
                'qreg_sizes': [['q', 32]],
                'qubit_labels': [['q', 0], ['q', 1], ['q', 2], ['q', 3],
                                 ['q', 4], ['q', 5], ['q', 6], ['q', 7],
                                 ['q', 8], ['q', 9], ['q', 10], ['q', 11],
                                 ['q', 12], ['q', 13], ['q', 14], ['q', 15],
                                 ['q', 16], ['q', 17], ['q', 18], ['q', 19],
                                 ['q', 20], ['q', 21], ['q', 22], ['q', 23],
                                 ['q', 24], ['q', 25], ['q', 26], ['q', 27],
                                 ['q', 28], ['q', 29], ['q', 30], ['q', 31]]
            'metadata': {
                'measure_sampling': True,
                'method': 'statevector',
                'parallel_shots': 1,
                'parallel_state_update': 16
            'seed_simulator': 465435780,
            'shots': 1000,
            'status': 'DONE',
            'success': True,
            'time_taken': 0.0045786460000000005

    monkeypatch.setattr(_ibm, "retrieve", mock_retrieve)
    backend = _ibm.IBMBackend(retrieve_execution="ab1s2", num_runs=1000)
    mapper = BasicMapperEngine()
    res = dict()
    for i in range(4):
        res[i] = i
    mapper.current_mapping = res
    ibm_setup = [mapper]
    setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(Rx, Ry, Rz, H),
                                              two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, ))
    eng = MainEngine(backend=backend, engine_list=setup)
    unused_qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
    # entangle the qureg
    Entangle | qureg
    Tdag | qureg[0]
    Sdag | qureg[0]
    Barrier | qureg
    Rx(0.2) | qureg[0]
    del unused_qubit
    # measure; should be all-0 or all-1
    All(Measure) | qureg
    # run the circuit
    prob_dict = eng.backend.get_probabilities([qureg[0], qureg[2], qureg[1]])
    assert prob_dict['000'] == pytest.approx(0.504)
    assert prob_dict['111'] == pytest.approx(0.482)
    assert prob_dict['011'] == pytest.approx(0.006)
Пример #15
def get_engine_list(token=None, device=None):
    """Return the default list of compiler engine for the IBM QE platform."""
    # Access to the hardware properties via show_devices
    # Can also be extended to take into account gate fidelities, new available
    # gate, etc..
    devices = show_devices(token)
    ibm_setup = []
    if device not in devices:
        raise DeviceOfflineError('Error when configuring engine list: device requested for Backend not connected')
    if devices[device]['nq'] == 5:
        # The requested device is a 5 qubit processor
        # Obtain the coupling map specific to the device
        coupling_map = devices[device]['coupling_map']
        coupling_map = list2set(coupling_map)
        mapper = IBM5QubitMapper(coupling_map)
        ibm_setup = [mapper, SwapAndCNOTFlipper(coupling_map), LocalOptimizer(10)]
    elif device == 'ibmq_qasm_simulator':
        # The 32 qubit online simulator doesn't need a specific mapping for
        # gates. Can also run wider gateset but this setup keep the
        # restrictedgateset setup for coherence
        mapper = BasicMapperEngine()
        # Note: Manual Mapper doesn't work, because its map is updated only if
        # gates are applied if gates in the register are not used, then it
        # will lead to state errors
        res = {}
        for i in range(devices[device]['nq']):
            res[i] = i
        mapper.current_mapping = res
        ibm_setup = [mapper]
    elif device == 'ibmq_16_melbourne':
        # Only 15 qubits available on this ibmqx2 unit(in particular qubit 7
        # on the grid), therefore need custom grid mapping
        grid_to_physical = {
            0: 0,
            1: 1,
            2: 2,
            3: 3,
            4: 4,
            5: 5,
            6: 6,
            7: 15,
            8: 14,
            9: 13,
            10: 12,
            11: 11,
            12: 10,
            13: 9,
            14: 8,
            15: 7,
        coupling_map = devices[device]['coupling_map']
        coupling_map = list2set(coupling_map)
        ibm_setup = [
            GridMapper(2, 8, grid_to_physical),
        # If there is an online device not handled into ProjectQ it's not too
        # bad, the engine_list can be constructed manually with the
        # appropriate mapper and the 'coupling_map' parameter
        raise DeviceNotHandledError('Device not yet fully handled by ProjectQ')

    # Most IBM devices accept U1,U2,U3,CX gates.
    # Most gates need to be decomposed into a subset that is manually converted
    # in the backend (until the implementation of the U1,U2,U3)
    # available gates decomposable now for U1,U2,U3: Rx,Ry,Rz and H
    setup = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates=(Rx, Ry, Rz, H), two_qubit_gates=(CNOT,), other_gates=(Barrier,)
    return setup
Пример #16
backend = SimulatorMPI(gate_fusion=True, num_local_qubits=2)

cache_depth = 10
rule_set = DecompositionRuleSet(modules=[projectq.setups.decompositions])
temp = LocalOptimizer(cache_depth)
engines = [
    TagRemover(), temp,

# create a list of restriction engines
restric_engine = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(X, Y, Z, H,
                                                                    S, T, Rx,
                                                                    Ry, Rz),
                                                   two_qubit_gates=(CZ, CX))

eng = HiQMainEngine(backend, engine_list=engines + [CommandPrinter()])

class SqrtYGate(BasicGate):
    """ Square-root X gate class """
    def matrix(self):
        return (0.5 + 0.5j) * np.matrix([[1, -1], [1, 1]])

    def tex_str(self):
        return r'$\sqrt{Y}$'

    def __str__(self):
Пример #17
def get_engine(api=None):
    compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates="any", two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, CZ, Toffoli))
    qi_backend = QIBackend(quantum_inspire_api=api)
    return MainEngine(backend=qi_backend, engine_list=compiler_engines), qi_backend
        output (Qubit): Output qubit to flip in order to mark the solution.
    with Compute(eng):
        All(X) | qubits[1::2]
    with Control(eng, qubits):
        X | output

# Remote Quantum-Inspire backend
authentication = get_authentication()
qi = QuantumInspireAPI(QI_URL, authentication)
qi_backend = QIBackend(quantum_inspire_api=qi)

compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
qi_engine = MainEngine(backend=qi_backend, engine_list=compiler_engines)

# Run remote Grover search to find a n-bit solution
result_qi = run_grover(qi_engine, 3, alternating_bits_oracle)
print("\nResult from the remote Quantum-Inspire backend: {}".format(result_qi))

# Local ProjectQ simulator backend
compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates="any",
local_engine = MainEngine(Simulator(), compiler_engines)
Пример #19
            print('Enter email:')
            email = input()
            print('Enter password')
            password = getpass()
            email, password = QI_EMAIL, QI_PASSWORD
        return get_basic_authentication(email, password)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Remote Quantum-Inspire backend #
    authentication = get_authentication()
    qi = QuantumInspireAPI(r'', authentication)

    compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(
        one_qubit_gates="any", two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, CZ, Toffoli))
    qi_backend = QIBackend(quantum_inspire_api=qi)
    qi_engine = MainEngine(backend=qi_backend, engine_list=compiler_engines)

    # Run remote Grover search to find a n-bit solution
    result_qi = run_grover(qi_engine, 3, alternating_bits_oracle)
    print("\nResult from the remote Quantum-Inspire backend: {}".format(

    # Local ProjectQ simulator backend #
    compiler_engines = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates="any",
    local_engine = MainEngine(Simulator(), compiler_engines)
Пример #20
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from projectq import MainEngine
from projectq.backends import CommandPrinter, Simulator
from projectq.setups import restrictedgateset
from projectq.ops import X, Z, H, Ry, Rz, CNOT, All, Measure

# set restricted gate-set
restricted_list = restrictedgateset.get_engine_list(one_qubit_gates=(Rz, Ry),
                                                    two_qubit_gates=(CNOT, ),
# set engine
restricted_compiler = MainEngine(backend=CommandPrinter(accept_input=False),

#  print qasm
printqasm = MainEngine(backend=CommandPrinter(accept_input=False))
# specify simulate locally
simulate = MainEngine(backend=Simulator())

def qprogram(eng):
    q = eng.allocate_qureg(8)

    # Q in binary: '01010001'
    # recall H Z H is X
    H | q[1]
    Z | q[1]
    H | q[1]

    X | q[3]
    X | q[7]