Пример #1
from users.models import UserProfile
from projects.models import ManagerRegister
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from reports.models import ProgressReport, DefectReport
from django.utils import timezone


nxt_m_id = User.objects.count()+1
user = User.objects.create_user('M_'+str(nxt_m_id), 'les.com', 'ssword')
u = UserProfile(user=user, staff_id=nxt_m_id, role='m')

project_id = ManagerRegister.create_project(u, "report Project")
project = ManagerRegister.get_project_by_id(u, project_id)
if ManagerRegister.start_project(u, project_id):
	print("The project is started")

print("The manager is called" + str(u.user.username))

for i in range(4):
	## get next phase of the project
		## create progress report
		if ManagerRegister.next_phase(u, project_id):
			project = ManagerRegister.get_project_by_id(u, project_id)
			print("current active phase: " + str(len(project.phase_set.filter(active=True))))
			print("the project is switched to: "+str(project.get_current_phase()))
			for j in range(3):
				phase = project.get_current_phase()
				nxt_t = phase.next_iteration()