def conv_sigmod(x, kernalshape, scope=None): with tf.name_scope(scope): W = weight_xavier_init(shape=kernalshape, n_inputs=kernalshape[0] * kernalshape[1] * kernalshape[2], n_outputs=kernalshape[-1], activefuncation='sigmoid', variable_name=scope + 'W') B = bias_variable([kernalshape[-1]], variable_name=scope + 'B') conv = conv2d(x, W) + B conv = tf.nn.sigmoid(conv) return conv
def down_sampling(x, kernalshape, phase, drop_conv, height=None, width=None, scope=None): with tf.name_scope(scope): W = weight_xavier_init(shape=kernalshape, n_inputs=kernalshape[0] * kernalshape[1] * kernalshape[2], n_outputs=kernalshape[-1], activefuncation='relu', variable_name=scope + 'W') B = bias_variable([kernalshape[-1]], variable_name=scope + 'B') conv = conv2d(x, W, 2) + B conv = normalizationlayer(conv, phase, height=height, width=width, norm_type='group', scope=scope) conv = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.relu(conv), drop_conv) return conv