def test_pathcompleter_respects_completions_under_min_input_len():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # min len:1 and no text
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # min len:1 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = '1'
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert [''] == result

    # min len:0 and text of len 2
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=0)
        doc_text = '1'
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert [''] == result

    # create 10 files with a 2 char long name
    for i in range(10):
        with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i) * 2), 'wb') as out:

    # min len:1 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = '2'
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
        assert ['', '2'] == result

    # min len:2 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=2)
        doc_text = '2'
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_completes_directories_with_only_directories():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # create a sub directory there
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir'))

    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert ['subdir'] == result

    # check that there is no completion when passing a file
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
        doc_text = '1'
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # cleanup
Пример #3
def test_pathcompleter_respects_completions_under_min_input_len():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # min len:1 and no text
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = ""
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # min len:1 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = "1"
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert [""] == result

    # min len:0 and text of len 2
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=0)
        doc_text = "1"
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert [""] == result

    # create 10 files with a 2 char long name
    for i in range(10):
        with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i) * 2), "wb") as out:

    # min len:1 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
        doc_text = "2"
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
        assert ["", "2"] == result

    # min len:2 and text of len 1
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=2)
        doc_text = "2"
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # cleanup
Пример #4
def test_pathcompleter_completes_directories_with_only_directories():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # create a sub directory there
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(test_dir, "subdir"))

    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
        doc_text = ""
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert ["subdir"] == result

    # check that there is no completion when passing a file
    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
        doc_text = "1"
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        assert [] == completions

    # cleanup
Пример #5
 def get_path_matches(self, _, word_before_cursor):
     completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
     document = Document(
         text=word_before_cursor, cursor_position=len(word_before_cursor)
     for c in completer.get_completions(document, None):
         yield Match(completion=c, priority=(0,))
def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser():
    completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
    doc_text = '~'
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert len(completions) > 0
def test_pathcompleter_completes_in_current_directory():
    completer = PathCompleter()
    doc_text = ''
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert len(completions) > 0
Пример #8
def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
    completer = PathCompleter()
    doc_text = "~"
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert [] == completions
def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser():
    completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
    doc_text = '~'
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert len(completions) > 0
def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
    completer = PathCompleter()
    doc_text = '~'
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert [] == completions
Пример #11
def test_pathcompleter_completes_in_current_directory():
    completer = PathCompleter()
    doc_text = ""
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert len(completions) > 0
Пример #12
def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/tmp')
    completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
    doc_text = "~"
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    assert len(completions) > 0
Пример #13
 def get_path_matches(self, _, word_before_cursor):
     # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     # function cannot be static since it has to be a callable for get_completions
     completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
     document = Document(text=word_before_cursor,
     for c in completer.get_completions(document, None):
         yield Match(completion=c, priority=(0, ))
Пример #14
class ShellCompleter(Completer):
    """Completer for shell commands and EQL syntax."""

    def __init__(self, shell):  # type: (EqlShell) -> None
        """Completer for EQL shell.""" = shell
        self.command_completer = WordCompleter(lambda: shell.completenames(""), match_middle=True)
        self.path_completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)

    def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
        """Get possible completions depending on context."""
        completer = None
        complete_remaining = False
        complete_eql = False
        first_word = None

        if not
   = None
            first_word = document.text and document.text.split()[0]
            if ' ' not in document.text:
                completer = self.command_completer
            elif first_word == "search":
                complete_eql = True
            elif first_word in ("input", "config", "output"):
                completer = self.path_completer
                complete_remaining = True
            complete_eql = True

        if complete_eql:
            word = document.get_word_before_cursor()
            for match in, document.text, document.cursor_position,
                                                    len(document.text), contains=True):
                yield Completion(match, -len(word))

        if completer:
            if complete_remaining:
                offset = len(first_word) + 1
                path_doc = Document(document.text[offset:])
                for completion in self.path_completer.get_completions(path_doc, complete_event):
                    yield Completion(completion.text, 0, display=completion.display)
                for completion in completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                    yield completion
        elif first_word:
            word = document.get_word_before_cursor()
            method = getattr(, "complete_" + first_word, None)
            if method:
                for match in method(word, document.text_before_cursor, document.cursor_position, len(document.text)):
                    yield Completion(match, -len(word))
Пример #15
class ReplCompleter(Completer):
        "bootloader": "Reboot into bootloader",
        "clear": "Clear the saved user script",
        "first": "Set First as the current script and reboot",
        "help": "Show help",
        "identity": "Show crow's serial number",
        "kill": "Restart the Lua environment",
        "print": "Print the current user script",
        "quit": "Quit druid",
        "reset": "Reboot crow",
        "run": "Send a file to crow and run it",
        "upload": "Send a file to crow, store and run it",
        "version": "Print the current firmware version"

    def __init__(self):
        self.path_completer = PathCompleter(
            file_filter=lambda s: os.path.isdir(s) or s.endswith('.lua')

        self.word_completer = WordCompleter(

    def offset_document(self, document, offset):
        move_cursor = len(document.current_line) - offset
        return Document(
            cursor_position=document.cursor_position - offset

    def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
        line = document.current_line.lstrip()
        offset = len(document.current_line) - len(line)

        if line.startswith('^^'):
            line = line[2:]
            offset += 2
            new_document = self.offset_document(document, offset)
            yield from self.word_completer.get_completions(new_document, complete_event)
        elif line.startswith('r ') or line.startswith('u '):
            line = line[2:]
            offset += 2
            rem = line.lstrip()
            offset += len(line) - len(rem)
            new_document = self.offset_document(document, offset)
            yield from self.path_completer.get_completions(new_document, complete_event)
Пример #16
class CustomCompleter(NestedCompleter):
    Custom completer to allow completion of file/path for set and setg command.
    Otherwise, NestedCompleter.get_completions() is called.
    def __init__(self, options: Dict[str, Optional[Completer]]):
        self.path_completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
        self.owf_instance = None

    def get_completions(
        self, document: Document, complete_event: CompleteEvent
    ) -> Iterable[Completion]:
        # Code for path/file completion
        # Get the length of the command before the cursor
        text = document.text_before_cursor.lstrip()
            # File completer is always in the third position (set option PATH_COMPLETION_HERE)
            if " " in text and ((len(text.split()) == 2 and document.text_before_cursor[-1] == " ")
                                or (len(text.split()) > 2)):
                # Extract the first term of the command line
                owf_ucmd = text.split()[0]

                # Add a path completer only on set and setg command
                if owf_ucmd in ["set", "setg"]:
                    # Extract the option name supplied by the user to check if it needs file autocompletion
                    supplied_opt_name = text.split()[1]

                    # Check if the option requires a file
                    for opt_name, opt in self.owf_instance.current_module.options.items():
                        if opt_name == supplied_opt_name and opt["Type"] in ["file_r", "file_w"]:
                            cmd_len = sum(len(x) for x in text.split()[0:2]) + text.count(" ")
                            # Extract only the file parts here (Cut owf cmd and option name)
                            # and ignore text after the cursor
                            sub_doc = Document(document.text[cmd_len:document.cursor_position])
                            yield from (Completion(completion.text, completion.start_position, display=completion.display)
                                        for completion in self.path_completer.get_completions(sub_doc, complete_event))
        # current_module or current_module.options is None
        except AttributeError:

        # Standard nested completion (No file/path completion needed here)
        for c in super().get_completions(document, complete_event):
            yield c
Пример #17
def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_absolute_directory():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    expected = sorted(str(i) for i in range(10))

    test_dir = os.path.abspath(test_dir)
    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    completer = PathCompleter()
    # force unicode
    doc_text = str(test_dir)
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
    assert expected == result

    # cleanup
Пример #18
def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_current_directory():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    expected = sorted(str(i) for i in range(10))

    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter()
        # this should complete on the cwd
        doc_text = ""
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
        assert expected == result

    # cleanup
Пример #19
def test_pathcompleter_can_apply_file_filter():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add a .csv file
    with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "my.csv"), "wb") as out:

    file_filter = lambda f: f and f.endswith(".csv")

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(file_filter=file_filter)
        doc_text = ""
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert ["my.csv"] == result

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_can_apply_file_filter():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add a .csv file
    with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'my.csv'), 'wb') as out:

    file_filter = lambda f: f and f.endswith('.csv')

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(file_filter=file_filter)
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        assert ['my.csv'] == result

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_current_directory():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])

    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter()
        # this should complete on the cwd
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
        assert expected == result

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_absolute_directory():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])

    test_dir = os.path.abspath(test_dir)
    if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
        test_dir += os.path.sep

    completer = PathCompleter()
    # force unicode
    doc_text = text_type(test_dir)
    doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
    event = CompleteEvent()
    completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
    result = sorted([c.text for c in completions])
    assert expected == result

    # cleanup
Пример #23
def test_pathcompleter_get_paths_constrains_path():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add a subdir with 10 other files with different names
    subdir = os.path.join(test_dir, "subdir")
    write_test_files(subdir, "abcdefghij")

    get_paths = lambda: ["subdir"]

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=get_paths)
        doc_text = ""
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        expected = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"]
        assert expected == result

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_get_paths_constrains_path():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add a subdir with 10 other files with different names
    subdir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir')
    write_test_files(subdir, 'abcdefghij')

    get_paths = lambda: ['subdir']

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=get_paths)
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
        assert expected == result

    # cleanup
def test_pathcompleter_get_paths_constrains_path():
    # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
    test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add a subdir with 10 other files with different names
    subdir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir')
    write_test_files(subdir, 'abcdefghij')

    get_paths = lambda: ['subdir']

    with chdir(test_dir):
        completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=get_paths)
        doc_text = ''
        doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
        event = CompleteEvent()
        completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
        result = [c.text for c in completions]
        expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
        assert expected == result

    # cleanup
Пример #26
class HummingbotCompleter(Completer):
    def __init__(self, hummingbot_application):
        super(HummingbotCompleter, self).__init__()
        self.hummingbot_application = hummingbot_application

        # static completers
        self._path_completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=lambda: [f"./{CONF_FILE_PATH}"],
                                             file_filter=lambda fname: fname.endswith(".yml"))
        self._command_completer = WordCompleter(self.parser.commands, ignore_case=True)
        self._exchange_completer = WordCompleter(EXCHANGES, ignore_case=True)
        self._strategy_completer = WordCompleter(STRATEGIES, ignore_case=True)

    def prompt_text(self) -> str:

    def parser(self) -> ThrowingArgumentParser:
        return self.hummingbot_application.parser

    def get_subcommand_completer(self, first_word: str) -> Completer:
        subcommands: List[str] = self.parser.subcommands_from(first_word)
        return WordCompleter(subcommands, ignore_case=True)

    def _symbol_completer(self) -> Completer:
        symbol_fetcher = SymbolFetcher.get_instance()
        market = None
        for exchange in EXCHANGES:
            if exchange in self.prompt_text:
                market = exchange
        symbols = symbol_fetcher.symbols.get(market, []) if symbol_fetcher.ready else []
        return WordCompleter(symbols, ignore_case=True)

    def _wallet_address_completer(self):
        return WordCompleter(list_wallets(), ignore_case=True)

    def _option_completer(self):
        outer = re.compile("\((.+)\)")
        inner_str =
        options = inner_str.split("/") if "/" in inner_str else []
        return WordCompleter(options, ignore_case=True)

    def _config_completer(self):
        return WordCompleter(load_required_configs(), ignore_case=True)

    def _complete_strategies(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "strategy" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_configs(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return "config" in text_before_cursor

    def _complete_options(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "(" in self.prompt_text and ")" in self.prompt_text and "/" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_exchanges(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return "-e" in text_before_cursor or \
               "--exchange" in text_before_cursor or \
               "exchange" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_symbols(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "symbol" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_paths(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "path" in self.prompt_text and "file" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_wallet_addresses(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "Which wallet" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_command(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return " " not in text_before_cursor and len(self.prompt_text.replace(">>> ", "")) == 0

    def _complete_subcommand(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        index: int = text_before_cursor.index(' ')
        return text_before_cursor[0:index] in self.parser.commands

    def get_completions(self, document: Document, complete_event: CompleteEvent):
        Get completions for the current scope. This is the defining function for the completer
        :param document:
        :param complete_event:
        if self._complete_paths(document):
            for c in self._path_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        if self._complete_strategies(document):
            for c in self._strategy_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        if self._complete_wallet_addresses(document):
            for c in self._wallet_address_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_exchanges(document):
            for c in self._exchange_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_symbols(document):
            for c in self._symbol_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_command(document):
            for c in self._command_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_configs(document):
            for c in self._config_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_options(document):
            for c in self._option_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                yield c

            text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
            first_word: str = text_before_cursor[0:text_before_cursor.index(' ')]
            subcommand_completer: Completer = self.get_subcommand_completer(first_word)
            if complete_event.completion_requested or self._complete_subcommand(document):
                for c in subcommand_completer.get_completions(document, complete_event):
                    yield c
Пример #27
 def get_path_matches(self, _, word_before_cursor):
     completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
     document = Document(text=word_before_cursor,
     for c in completer.get_completions(document, None):
         yield Match(completion=c, priority=(0,))
Пример #28
class HummingbotCompleter(Completer):
    def __init__(self, hummingbot_application):
        super(HummingbotCompleter, self).__init__()
        self.hummingbot_application = hummingbot_application
        self._symbols: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}

        # static completers
        self._path_completer = PathCompleter()
        self._command_completer = WordCompleter(self.parser.commands,
        self._exchange_completer = WordCompleter(EXCHANGES, ignore_case=True)
        self._strategy_completer = WordCompleter(STRATEGIES, ignore_case=True)


    async def _fetch_symbols(self):
        self._symbols: Dict[str, List[str]] = await fetch_all()

    def prompt_text(self) -> str:

    def parser(self) -> ThrowingArgumentParser:
        return self.hummingbot_application.parser

    def get_subcommand_completer(self, first_word: str) -> Completer:
        subcommands: List[str] = self.parser.subcommands_from(first_word)
        return WordCompleter(subcommands, ignore_case=True)

    def _symbol_completer(self) -> Completer:
        market = None
        for exchange in EXCHANGES:
            if exchange in self.prompt_text:
                market = exchange
        return WordCompleter(self._symbols.get(market) or [], ignore_case=True)

    def _wallet_address_completer(self):
        return WordCompleter(list_wallets(), ignore_case=True)

    def _config_completer(self):
        return WordCompleter(load_required_configs(), ignore_case=True)

    def _complete_strategies(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "strategy" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_configs(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return "config" in text_before_cursor

    def _complete_exchanges(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return "-e" in text_before_cursor or \
               "--exchange" in text_before_cursor or \
               "exchange" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_symbols(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "symbol" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_paths(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "path" in self.prompt_text and "file" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_wallet_addresses(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        return "Which wallet" in self.prompt_text

    def _complete_command(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        return " " not in text_before_cursor and len(
            self.prompt_text.replace(">>> ", "")) == 0

    def _complete_subcommand(self, document: Document) -> bool:
        text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
        index: int = text_before_cursor.index(' ')
        return text_before_cursor[0:index] in self.parser.commands

    def get_completions(self, document: Document,
                        complete_event: CompleteEvent):
        Get completions for the current scope. This is the defining function for the completer
        :param document:
        :param complete_event:
        if self._complete_paths(document):
            for c in self._path_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        if self._complete_strategies(document):
            for c in self._strategy_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        if self._complete_wallet_addresses(document):
            for c in self._wallet_address_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_exchanges(document):
            for c in self._exchange_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_symbols(document):
            for c in self._symbol_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_command(document):
            for c in self._command_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

        elif self._complete_configs(document):
            for c in self._config_completer.get_completions(
                    document, complete_event):
                yield c

            text_before_cursor: str = document.text_before_cursor
            first_word: str = text_before_cursor[0:text_before_cursor.index(' '
            subcommand_completer: Completer = self.get_subcommand_completer(
            if complete_event.completion_requested or self._complete_subcommand(
                for c in subcommand_completer.get_completions(
                        document, complete_event):
                    yield c