def test_accept_default(): """ Test `prompt(accept_default=True)`. """ inp = PipeInput() session = PromptSession(input=PipeInput(), output=DummyOutput()) result = session.prompt(default='hello', accept_default=True) assert result == 'hello' # Test calling prompt() for a second time. (We had an issue where the # prompt reset between calls happened at the wrong time, breaking this.) result = session.prompt(default='world', accept_default=True) assert result == 'world' inp.close()
def __init__(self, conn, addr, interact, server, encoding, style): assert isinstance(addr, tuple) # (addr, port) tuple assert callable(interact) assert isinstance(server, TelnetServer) assert isinstance(encoding, text_type) # e.g. 'utf-8' assert isinstance(style, BaseStyle) self.conn = conn self.addr = addr self.interact = interact self.server = server self.encoding = encoding = style self._closed = False # Execution context. self._context_id = None # Create "Output" object. self.size = Size(rows=40, columns=79) # Initialize. _initialize_telnet(conn) # Create input. self.vt100_input = PipeInput() # Create output. def get_size(): return self.size self.stdout = _ConnectionStdout(conn, encoding=encoding) self.vt100_output = Vt100_Output(self.stdout, get_size, write_binary=False) def data_received(data): """ TelnetProtocolParser 'data_received' callback """ assert isinstance(data, binary_type) self.vt100_input.send_bytes(data) def size_received(rows, columns): """ TelnetProtocolParser 'size_received' callback """ self.size = Size(rows=rows, columns=columns) get_app()._on_resize() self.parser = TelnetProtocolParser(data_received, size_received)
def set_dummy_app(): """ Return a context manager that makes sure that this dummy application is active. This is important, because we need an `Application` with `is_done=False` flag, otherwise no keys will be processed. """ app = Application( layout=Layout(Window()), output=DummyOutput(), input=PipeInput()) return set_app(app)
def _feed_cli_with_input(text, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS, clipboard=None, history=None, multiline=False, check_line_ending=True, key_bindings=None): """ Create a Prompt, feed it with the given user input and return the CLI object. This returns a (result, Application) tuple. """ # If the given text doesn't end with a newline, the interface won't finish. if check_line_ending: assert text.endswith('\r') inp = PipeInput() try: inp.send_text(text) session = PromptSession(input=inp, output=DummyOutput(), editing_mode=editing_mode, history=history, multiline=multiline, clipboard=clipboard, key_bindings=key_bindings) result = session.prompt() return session.default_buffer.document, finally: inp.close()
class TelnetConnection(object): """ Class that represents one Telnet connection. """ def __init__(self, conn, addr, interact, server, encoding, style): assert isinstance(addr, tuple) # (addr, port) tuple assert callable(interact) assert isinstance(server, TelnetServer) assert isinstance(encoding, text_type) # e.g. 'utf-8' self.conn = conn self.addr = addr self.interact = interact self.server = server self.encoding = encoding = style self._closed = False # Execution context. self._context_id = None # Create "Output" object. self.size = Size(rows=40, columns=79) # Initialize. _initialize_telnet(conn) # Create input. self.vt100_input = PipeInput() # Create output. def get_size(): return self.size self.stdout = _ConnectionStdout(conn, encoding=encoding) self.vt100_output = Vt100_Output(self.stdout, get_size, write_binary=False) def data_received(data): """ TelnetProtocolParser 'data_received' callback """ assert isinstance(data, binary_type) self.vt100_input.send_bytes(data) def size_received(rows, columns): """ TelnetProtocolParser 'size_received' callback """ self.size = Size(rows=rows, columns=columns) get_app()._on_resize() self.parser = TelnetProtocolParser(data_received, size_received) def run_application(self): """ Run application. """ def handle_incoming_data(): data = self.conn.recv(1024) if data: self.feed(data) else: # Connection closed by client.'Connection closed by client. %r %r' % self.addr) self.close() def run(): with context() as ctx_id: self._context_id = ctx_id # Set input/output for all application running in this context. set_default_input(self.vt100_input) set_default_output(self.vt100_output) # Add reader. loop = get_event_loop() loop.add_reader(self.conn, handle_incoming_data) try: obj = self.interact(self) if _is_coroutine(obj): # Got an asyncio coroutine. import asyncio f = asyncio.ensure_future(obj) yield From(Future.from_asyncio_future(f)) else: # Got a prompt_toolkit coroutine. yield From(obj) except Exception as e: print('Got %s' % type(e).__name__, e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise finally: self.close() return ensure_future(run()) def feed(self, data): """ Handler for incoming data. (Called by TelnetServer.) """ assert isinstance(data, binary_type) self.parser.feed(data) def close(self): """ Closed by client. """ if not self._closed: self._closed = True self.vt100_input.close() get_event_loop().remove_reader(self.conn) self.conn.close() def send(self, formatted_text): """ Send text to the client. """ formatted_text = to_formatted_text(formatted_text) print_formatted_text(self.vt100_output, formatted_text, or DummyStyle()) def send_above_prompt(self, formatted_text): """ Send text to the client. This is asynchronous, returns a `Future`. """ formatted_text = to_formatted_text(formatted_text) return self._run_in_terminal(lambda: self.send(formatted_text)) def _run_in_terminal(self, func): # Make sure that when an application was active for this connection, # that we print the text above the application. with context(self._context_id): return run_in_terminal(func) def erase_screen(self): """ Erase the screen and move the cursor to the top. """ self.vt100_output.erase_screen() self.vt100_output.cursor_goto(0, 0) self.vt100_output.flush()