def main(): # Create a big layout of many text areas, then wrap them in a `ScrollablePane`. root_container = Frame( ScrollablePane( HSplit([ Frame(TextArea(text=f"label-{i}"), width=Dimension()) for i in range(20) ])) # ScrollablePane(HSplit([TextArea(text=f"label-{i}") for i in range(20)])) ) layout = Layout(container=root_container) # Key bindings. kb = KeyBindings() @kb.add("c-c") def exit(event) -> None: get_app().exit() kb.add("tab")(focus_next) kb.add("s-tab")(focus_previous) # Create and run application. application = Application(layout=layout, key_bindings=kb, full_screen=True)
def create_layout(self): inout_cells = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([( VSplit([cell.input_prefix, cell.input]), VSplit([cell.output_prefix, ONE_COL, cell.output]), ) for cell in self.cells])) root_container = ScrollablePane(HSplit(inout_cells)) self.layout = Layout(root_container)
def main(): # Create a big layout of many text areas, then wrap them in a `ScrollablePane`. root_container = VSplit([ Label("<left column>"), HSplit([ Label("ScrollContainer Demo"), Frame( ScrollablePane( HSplit([ Frame( TextArea( text=f"label-{i}", completer=animal_completer, )) for i in range(20) ])), ), ]), ]) root_container = FloatContainer( root_container, floats=[ Float( xcursor=True, ycursor=True, content=CompletionsMenu(max_height=16, scroll_offset=1), ), ], ) layout = Layout(container=root_container) # Key bindings. kb = KeyBindings() @kb.add("c-c") def exit(event) -> None: get_app().exit() kb.add("tab")(focus_next) kb.add("s-tab")(focus_previous) # Create and run application. application = Application(layout=layout, key_bindings=kb, full_screen=True, mouse_support=True)
def create_layout(self): inout_cells = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([ ( VSplit([cell.input_prefix, cell.input]), VSplit([cell.output_prefix, ONE_COL, cell.output, ONE_COL]), ) for cell in self.cells[self.top_cell_idx:self.bottom_cell_idx + 1 # noqa ] ])) nb_window = ScrollablePane(HSplit(inout_cells), show_scrollbar=False) def get_top_bar_text(): text = "" if self.dirty: text += "+ " text += str(self.nb_path.relative_to(self.kernel_cwd)) if self.dirty and self.quitting: text += ( " (no write since last change, please exit again to confirm, " "or save your changes)") return text def get_bottom_bar_text(): text = "" if self.kd and not self.no_kernel and self.kernel_name: if self.executing_cells: kernel_status = "busy" else: kernel_status = "idle" text += f"{self.kernel_name} ({kernel_status})" else: text += "[NO KERNEL]" text += ( f" @ {self.kernel_cwd} - {self.current_cell_idx + 1}/{len(self.cells)}" ) return text self.top_bar = FormattedTextToolbar(get_top_bar_text, style="#ffffff bg:#444444") self.bottom_bar = FormattedTextToolbar(get_bottom_bar_text, style="#ffffff bg:#444444") root_container = HSplit([self.top_bar, nb_window, self.bottom_bar]) self.layout = Layout(root_container)
def execute_code(self, frame): code = frame.code parsed_code = parse_code(frame) while True: inst = Inst(code[frame.ip]) operand_stack_layout = [] i = 0 for v in frame.stack[::-1]: operand_stack_layout += [Label(f'TOS: {v}' if i == 0 else f' {v}')] i += 1 if isinstance(v, (np.longlong, np.double)): operand_stack_layout += [Label('')] i += 1 code_layout = [] focused_element = None for ip, insn in parsed_code.items(): if ip==frame.ip: focused_element = Label(insn, style='bold fg:red') code_layout += [focused_element] else: code_layout += [Label(insn)] container = HSplit([ VSplit([ HSplit([ PTFrame( HSplit([ TextArea(f'NUMSTEPS'), Label(f'Class: {}'), Label(f'Method: {}.{}:{frame.current_method.desc}'), ], height=3), title='Context', ), PTFrame( ScrollablePane(HSplit(code_layout, height=len(parsed_code) or 1), scroll_offsets=ScrollOffsets(top=5, bottom=5), show_scrollbar=False), title='ByteCode', ), ]), HSplit([ PTFrame( HSplit([Label(f'{i}: {v}') for i, v in enumerate(frame.locals) ], height=len(frame.locals) or 1), title='Local Variables Stack', ), PTFrame( HSplit(operand_stack_layout, height=len(operand_stack_layout) or 1), title='Operands Stack', ) ]) ]), Window(), Label('UP/DOWN: step backward/forward. gg/GG: jump to the start/end. v: toggle view. q: quit.') ]) global LAYOUT_STACK layout = Layout(container=container, focused_element=focused_element) LAYOUT_STACK += [layout] #print(frame.ip, if len(frame.stack) > frame.max_stack + 1: print("MAX STACK") break if inst in OPCODES: OPCODES[inst](frame) elif inst == Inst.IASTORE or inst == Inst.AASTORE: val = frame.stack.pop() index = frame.stack.pop() array = frame.stack.pop() array[index] = val elif inst == Inst.IREM: v2 = frame.stack.pop() v1 = frame.stack.pop() frame.stack.append(v1 % v2) elif inst == Inst.IINC: index = read_byte(frame) const = read_signed_byte(frame) frame.set_local(index, frame.get_local(index) + const) elif inst == Inst.IFNE: v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if v1 != 0: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IFLT: v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if v1 < 0: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IFGE: v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if v1 >= 0: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IFLE: v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if v1 <= 0: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IF_ICMPLT: v2 = frame.stack.pop() v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if type(v1) is str and len(v1) == 1: v1 = ord(v1) if type(v2) is str and len(v2) == 1: v2 = ord(v2) if v1 < v2: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IF_ICMPGE: v2 = frame.stack.pop() v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if type(v1) is str and len(v1) == 1: v1 = ord(v1) if type(v2) is str and len(v2) == 1: v2 = ord(v2) if v1 >= v2: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IF_ICMPGT: v2 = frame.stack.pop() v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if type(v1) is str and len(v1) == 1: v1 = ord(v1) if type(v2) is str and len(v2) == 1: v2 = ord(v2) if v1 > v2: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IF_ICMPLE: v2 = frame.stack.pop() v1 = frame.stack.pop() branch = read_signed_short(frame) if v1 <= v2: frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.GOTO: branch = read_signed_short(frame) frame.ip -= 3 frame.ip += branch elif inst == Inst.IRET or inst == Inst.LRET or inst == Inst.ARETURN or inst == Inst.DRETURN: return frame.stack.pop() elif inst == Inst.RETURN: return elif inst == Inst.GETSTATIC: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[methodRef.class_index - 1].name natIndex = methodRef.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] if name in self.class_files: cl = self.class_files[name] if not cl.static_initialized: cl.static_initialized = True # first parse and initialize all existing static fields if isinstance(cl, ClassFile): for c in cl.const_pool: if c.tag and == 'FIELDREF': name = cl.const_pool[c.name_and_type_index-1].name desc = cl.const_pool[c.name_and_type_index-1].desc cl.set_field(name, DEFAULTS.get(desc, None)) # then run the initializers cl.handleStatic('<clinit>', '()V', frame) frame.stack.append(cl.get_field( #print(name) #print(vars(nat)) #frame.stack.append(PrintStream()) elif inst == Inst.PUTSTATIC: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[methodRef.class_index - 1].name natIndex = methodRef.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] if name in self.class_files: cl = self.class_files[name] if not cl.static_initialized: cl.static_initialized = True # run the initializers cl.handleStatic('<clinit>', '()V', frame) cl.set_field(, frame.stack.pop()) elif inst == Inst.GETFIELD: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) ref = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[ref.class_index - 1].name natIndex = ref.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] #print(vars(nat)) obj = frame.stack.pop() #print(obj) frame.stack.append(obj.get_field( elif inst == Inst.PUTFIELD: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) ref = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[ref.class_index - 1].name natIndex = ref.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] #print(vars(nat)) value = frame.stack.pop() obj = frame.stack.pop() obj.set_field(, value) elif inst == Inst.INVOKEVIRTUAL: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[methodRef.class_index - 1].name natIndex = methodRef.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] #print(name) #print(vars(nat)) if name in self.class_files: cl = self.class_files[name] if cl.canHandleMethod(, nat.desc): ret = cl.handleMethod(, nat.desc, frame) if not nat.desc.endswith('V'): frame.push(ret) else: for i in range(argumentCount(nat.desc)): frame.stack.pop() frame.stack.pop() elif inst == Inst.INVOKESPECIAL: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] name = frame.current_class.const_pool[methodRef.class_index - 1].name natIndex = methodRef.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] #print(vars(methodRef)) #print(vars(nat)) #print(name) if name in self.class_files: cl = self.class_files[name] if cl.canHandleMethod(, nat.desc): ret = cl.handleMethod(, nat.desc, frame) else: frame.stack.pop() elif inst == Inst.INVOKESTATIC: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] cname = frame.current_class.const_pool[methodRef.class_index - 1].name natIndex = methodRef.name_and_type_index nat = frame.current_class.const_pool[natIndex - 1] #print(vars(methodRef)) #print(vars(nat)) #print(cname) if cname in self.class_files: cl = self.class_files[cname] if cl.canHandleMethod(, nat.desc): ret = cl.handleStatic(, nat.desc, frame) if not nat.desc.endswith('V'): frame.push(ret) elif inst == Inst.NEW: index = read_unsigned_short(frame) methodRef = frame.current_class.const_pool[index - 1] if in self.class_files: obj = self.class_files[].__class__() if self.class_files[].file_path: obj.from_file(self.class_files[].file_path) obj.python_initialize() frame.stack.append(obj) else: frame.stack.append(None) #print(frame.stack, frame.locals) frame.ip += 1
height=1, prompt=prompt, style="class:input-field", multiline=False, wrap_lines=False, # completer=completion, complete_while_typing=True) placeholder_text = ("Nothing here yet:\n" " - Type \"help\" to see available commands.\n" " - Press \"?\" for the list of keybindings.") entry_placeholder = Label( FormattedText([("class:placeholder", placeholder_text)])) task_list = HSplit([entry_placeholder]) agenda_pane = ScrollablePane(task_list) show_kb_help = False bindings_help = ConditionalContainer(Box( Shadow(Frame(Label(""), "Key bindings:"))), filter=Condition(lambda: show_kb_help)) root_container = FloatContainer( content=HSplit([agenda_pane, HorizontalLine(), history_field, input_field]), floats=[ Float( xcursor=True, ycursor=True, content=CompletionsMenu(max_height=16, scroll_offset=1), ),