Пример #1
def main():
    for word in wordList:
        if areHomophones(wordDict,t):
    for answer in works:
        print '%s is a solution' %answer
def check_homophone(d):
    pronounce_dict = read_dictionary()

    for original_word in d:
        first_word = original_word[1:]
        second_word = original_word[0] + original_word[2:]
        if first_word not in d and second_word not in d:
        if pronounce_dict.get(original_word, 0) == pronounce_dict.get(
                first_word, 1) and pronounce_dict.get(
                    original_word, 0) == pronounce_dict.get(second_word, 1):
            print(original_word, first_word, second_word)
Пример #3
def ex11_6():
    '''Uses a lot of if statements to check for solutions to homophone puzzle
    phonetic_d = read_dictionary()
    word_dict = build_word_dict()
    word_list = ['wrack']
    for word in word_dict:
        word1 = word[1:]
        word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
        if word1 in word_dict and word2 in word_dict:
            if word in phonetic_d and word1 in phonetic_d and word2 in phonetic_d:
                if phonetic_d[word] == phonetic_d[word1] == phonetic_d[word2]:
                    print(word, word1, word2)
Пример #4
def find_homophone_word():
    pronounce_dict = pronounce.read_dictionary()
    result_list = []
    for test_word in pronounce_dict:
        if len(test_word) == 5:
            if test_word[1:] in pronounce_dict and (
                    test_word[0] + test_word[2:]) in pronounce_dict:
                if pronounce_dict[test_word] == pronounce_dict[test_word[1:]] == \
                        pronounce_dict[test_word[0] + test_word[2:]]:
    return result_list
Пример #5
def find_homophones():
    """Finds words that solve the CarTalk riddle in exercise 11.11. Checks all words to see if removing their first letter results in a homophone, and if removing the second letter after returning the first results in a homophone. Result is a list of all qualifying words."""
    for word in word_dict:
        if word1 in word_dict:
            if homophones(word,word1,d):
                if word2 in word_dict:
                    if homophones(word,word2,d):
    return res
Пример #6
def homophones():
    Finds all words, which without either the first or second letter
    is a homophone of the orignal word

    output: none
    pron = pronounce.read_dictionary('c06d')
    words = mkwrddct('words.txt')

    for word in words:
        phone1 = word[1:]
        phone2 = word[0] + word[2:]
        if phone1 in pron and phone2 in pron and word in pron:
            if pron[word] == pron[phone1] and pron[word] == pron[phone2]:
                print word, phone1, phone2
Пример #7
def reducible(x):
	for key in d:
		if len(key)<2:
	if x in dic:
	if x in d:
		while i<len(x):
			if x[:i]+x[i+1:] in d and x[:i]:
	k.sort(key=lambda x:len(x[0]),reverse=True)
	return k
Пример #8
def find_triplephone():

    d = dict()
    pro= read_dictionary();

    for line in (open('words.txt')):
        word = line.strip()
        d[word] = {}

    for key in d:
        if len(key) ==5:
            w1 = key[1:]
            w2 = key[0] + key[2:]

            if (w1 in pro)&(w2 in pro):
                if pro[w1]==pro[w2]== pro[key]:
                    print key
Пример #9
def cartalk_homophone_check(d, n=100):
    '''Checks a dictionary d for words satisfying the cartalk puzzle: 5-letter words which are homophones with their [1:] and //also// their [0]+[2:] (so to speak).
    a = pronounce.read_dictionary()
    res = []
    control = 0
    for i in d:
        if control > n: return res
        if len(i) < 5 or i not in a: continue
        m = i[1:]
        if m not in a: continue
        if a[i] == a[m]:
            n = list(i)
            del n[1]
            n = ''.join(n)
            if n not in a: continue
            if a[m] == a[n]: res.append(i)
        control += 1
    return res
Пример #10
def cartalk_homophone_check(d, n=100):
	'''Checks a dictionary d for words satisfying the cartalk puzzle: 5-letter words which are homophones with their [1:] and //also// their [0]+[2:] (so to speak).
	a = pronounce.read_dictionary()
	res = []
	control = 0
	for i in d:
		if control > n: return res
		if len(i) < 5 or i not in a: continue
		m = i[1:]
		if m not in a: continue
		if a[i] == a[m]:
			n = list(i)
			del n[1]
			n = ''.join(n)
			if n not in a: continue
			if a[m] == a[n]: res.append(i)
		control += 1
	return res
Пример #11
	Returns: None
    for word, sound in d.items():
        word_cut = word[1:]
        word_sliced = word[0] + word[2:]
        if word_cut in d:
            if d[word] == d[word_cut]:
                if word_sliced in d:
                    if d[word] == d[word_sliced]:
                        if len(word) == 5:
                            print word

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = read_dictionary()
    nd = hp_word(d)
I got answers:


while in author's solution answers are:
(which might not be correct because puzzle said the answer should be a five character word)
Пример #12
def check_word(word, word_dict, phonetic):
    """Checks to see if the word has the following property:
    removing the first letter yields a word with the same
    pronunciation, and removing the second letter yields a word
    with the same pronunciation.
    word: string
    word_dict: dictionary with words as keys
    phonetic: map from words to pronunciation codes
    word1 = word[1:]
    if word1 not in word_dict:
        return False
    if not homophones(word, word1, phonetic):
        return False

    word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
    if word2 not in word_dict:
        return False
    if not homophones(word, word2, phonetic):
        return False

    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    phonetic = read_dictionary()
    word_dict = make_word_dict()

    for word in word_dict:
        if check_word(word, word_dict, phonetic):
            print(word, word[1:], word[0] + word[2:])
Пример #13
def main():
    words = read_words()
    pron = pronounce.read_dictionary()

    for word in words:
        check_homophones(word, pron)
Пример #14
def main():
    words = make_dict()
    phonetic = read_dictionary()
    homophone(words, phonetic)
Пример #15
def main():
    words = read_words()
    pron = pronounce.read_dictionary()

    for word in words:
        check_homophones(word, pron)
Пример #16
    for i in range(1, 14):
        for word in wl:
            if rot_13(word, i) in wl:
                print(word, rot_13(word))

def check_puzzler(d):
    wa = d[1:]
    wb = d[0] + d[2:]
    wc = d[:]
    if check_words(wa, wb, wc):
        if pron(wa) == pron(wb) and pron(wa) == pron(wc):
            return True

def pron(s):
    return c06d[s]

def check_words(wa, wb, wc):
    if wa in word_list() and wb in word_list() and wc in word_list():
        return True
    else: return False

c06d = read_dictionary()
wl = word_list()
for s in c06d:
    if check_puzzler(s):
        print(s, ' works alright! ')

Пример #17
    removing the first letter yields a word with the same
    pronunciation, and removing the second letter yields a word
    with the same pronunciation.

    word: string
    word_dict: dictionary with words as keys
    phonetic: map from words to pronunciation codes
    word1 = word[1:] 
    if word1 not in word_dict:
        return False
    if not homophones(word, word1, phonetic):
        return False

    word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
    if word2 not in word_dict:
        return False
    if not homophones(word, word2, phonetic):
        return False

    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    phonetic = read_dictionary()
    word_dict = make_word_dict()

    for word in word_dict:
        if check_word(word, word_dict, phonetic):
            print(word, word[1:], word[0] + word[2:])
Пример #18
    return fiveletterwords

def is_homophone_solution(wordDict, word):


    if subcase1 in wordDict:
        if wordDict[subcase1]==wordDict[word]:

            if subcase2 in wordDict:

                if wordDict[subcase2]==wordDict[word]:
                    return word + ' ' + subcase1 + ' ' + subcase2

    return False

def test_dictionary(wordDict):


    for eachWord in cleanTestCases:
        result=is_homophone_solution(wordDict, eachWord)

        if result != False:
            print result


Пример #19
def is_magic_word(word, word_dict, pron_dict):
    """checks whether the word has following properties:
    removing the first letter yields a new word with the same pronunciation.
    removing the second letter yields a new word with the same pronunciation.
    word: string
    word_dict: dict, words as keys
    pron_dict: dict, words as keys, related pronunciation as values
    word1 = remove_first_letter(word)
    word2 = remove_second_letter(word)
    if word1 not in word_dict or word2 not in word_dict:
        return False

    if not homophone_words(word, word1, pron_dict):
        return False

    if not homophone_words(word, word2, pron_dict):
        return False

    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pro_dict = read_dictionary()
    word_dict = make_word_dict()

    for word in word_dict:
        if is_magic_word(word, word_dict, pro_dict):
            print(word, remove_first_letter(word), remove_second_letter(word))
Пример #20
def print_word():
    homophonic = read_dictionary()
    w = dict_words()
    for keyword in dict_words():
        if check(keyword,w,homophonic):
           print keyword,keyword[1:],keyword[0] +keyword[2:]
Пример #21
from pronounce import read_dictionary
sipe = read_dictionary()

with open("words.txt", "r") as fin:
    wordDict = dict()
    for line in fin:
        words = line.strip().lower()
        wordDict[words] = True

def check_word(word1, word2, homophone):
    if word1 not in homophone or word2 not in homophone:
        return False
    return homophone[word1] == homophone[word2]

def homophone(word, anyDict):
    word1 = word[1:]
    word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
    if word1 not in anyDict or word2 not in anyDict:
        return False
    if check_word(word, word1, sipe) and check_word(word1, word2, sipe):
        print(word, word1, word2)

for word in wordDict:
    homophone(word, wordDict)
    """ Takes two words (s1 and s2) and checks to see if they have
		the same pronunciation. Compares in pronouncedict.

		pronouncedict is dictionary of pronounciations

		returns bool

		word: string
		worddict: dictionary
		pronouncedict: dictionary

    word1 = word[1:]
    word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
    if (word1 in pronouncedict) and (word2 in pronouncedict):
        if pronouncedict[word1] == pronouncedict[word2]:
            if (word1 in worddict) and (word2 in worddict):
                return True
    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    worddict = create_dict('words.txt')
    pronouncedict = pronounce.read_dictionary()

    for i in worddict:
        if check_word(i, worddict, pronouncedict) and (len(i) == 5):
            print i

#Changing the if statement to opposite would prevent me from
#having to nest. So, if not word in dict, return False.
Пример #23
from pronounce import read_dictionary
fin = open('words.txt')
for line in fin:
    word = line.strip()
    f = word
    if len(word) == 5:
        m = word[1:]
        n = word[0] + word[2:]
        if read_dictionary(f) == read_dictionary(m) and read_dictionary(
                f) == read_dictionary(t):
Пример #24
### Exercise 11.6: solving the homophone problem
# looking for words that are homophones when removed of the first & second letter

from pronounce import read_dictionary

pron_dict = read_dictionary("/Users/sinansmac/Documents/MIT600/c07b.txt")

def homophone(word):
    """Checks to see if the word has the following property:
    removing the first letter yields a word with the same
    pronunciation, and removing the second letter yields a word
    with the same pronunciation.

    word: string
    global pron_dict
    word1 = word[1:]
    word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
    # if word in pron_dict:
    val = pron_dict[word]
    if word1 not in pron_dict or word2 not in pron_dict: return False
    return val == pron_dict[word1] and val == pron_dict[word2]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for word in pron_dict:
        if homophone(word):
            print(word, word[1:], word[0] + word[2:])

# compared to Allen's version, mine is much simpler, as I don't check for words.txt
Пример #25
from pronounce import read_dictionary

def homophones(r_dict):
    """Solves Cartalk Puzzler in Exercise 11.11 (Ch. 11 of Think Python). 
    r_dict: dict
    Returns: None"""
    for word in r_dict:
        if len(word) == 5:
            word1 = word[1:]
            word2 = word[0] + word[2:]
            if word1 in r_dict and word2 in r_dict:
                pron1 = r_dict[word1]
                pron2 = r_dict[word2]
                if pron1 == pron2:
                    print word

r_dict = read_dictionary()