def test_get_orbit_cart(self): p = PropagatorOrekit() self._gen_cart(p) ecefs = p.get_orbit_cart(self.t, **self.init_data_cart) self.assertEqual(ecefs.shape, (6, len(self.t)))
def test_kep_cart(self): p = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='EME', out_frame='EME', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data) ecefs2 = p.get_orbit_cart( self.t0, ecefs[0], ecefs[1], ecefs[2], ecefs[3], ecefs[4], ecefs[5], mjd0=self.init_data['mjd0'], m=self.init_data['m'], A=self.init_data['A'], C_R=self.init_data['C_R'], C_D=self.init_data['C_D'], ) nt.assert_array_almost_equal(ecefs / ecefs2, n.ones(ecefs.shape, dtype=ecefs.dtype), decimal=7)
def tryMPI(): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.rank p = PropagatorOrekit() init_data = { 'a': 9000e3, 'e': 0.1, 'inc': 90.0, 'raan': 10, 'aop': 10, 'mu0': 40.0, 'mjd0': 57125.7729, 'C_D': 2.3, 'C_R': 1.0, 'm': 8000, 'A': 1.0, } t = np.linspace(0, 24 * 3600.0, num=1000, dtype=np.float) t0 = time.time() print('start rank {}'.format(rank)) ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print('get orbit time (rank {}): {} sec'.format(rank, time.time() - t0)) comm.barrier() print('pass barrier {}'.format(rank)) t0 = time.time() ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print('get orbit time, no init work, (rank {}): {} sec'.format( rank, time.time() - t0))
def trySentinel1_compare(ax, sv, label, **kw): prop_args = dict( frame_tidal_effects=False, radiation_pressure=False, ) for key, item in kw.items(): if key in prop_args: prop_args[key] = item del kw[key] p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='ITRF', **prop_args) x, y, z = sv[0].pos vx, vy, vz = sv[0].vel mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - np.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / np.timedelta64( 1, 'D') N = len(sv) t = 10 * np.arange(N) kwargs = dict(m=2300., C_R=0., C_D=.0, A=4 * 2.3) kwargs.update(**kw) pv = p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, **kwargs) perr = np.linalg.norm(pv[:3].T - sv.pos, axis=1) verr = np.linalg.norm(pv[3:].T - sv.vel, axis=1) ax[0].plot(t / 3600., perr, label=label) ax[1].plot(t / 3600., verr, label=label) return pv
def test_orbit_kep_cart_correspondance(self): mjd0 = dpt.jd_to_mjd(2457126.2729) orb_init_list = self._gen_orbits(100) prop = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='EME', out_frame='EME', ) t = n.linspace(0, 12 * 3600, num=100, dtype=n.float) for kep in orb_init_list: state_ref = dpt.kep2cart(kep, m=self.init_data['m'], M_cent=prop.M_earth, radians=False) state_kep = prop.get_orbit( t=t, mjd0=mjd0, a=kep[0], e=kep[1], inc=kep[2], raan=kep[4], aop=kep[3], mu0=dpt.true2mean(kep[5], kep[1], radians=False), C_D=self.init_data['C_D'], m=self.init_data['m'], A=self.init_data['A'], C_R=self.init_data['C_R'], radians=False, ) state_cart = prop.get_orbit_cart( t=t, mjd0=mjd0, x=state_ref[0], y=state_ref[1], z=state_ref[2], vx=state_ref[3], vy=state_ref[4], vz=state_ref[5], C_D=self.init_data['C_D'], m=self.init_data['m'], A=self.init_data['A'], C_R=self.init_data['C_R'], ) state_diff1 = n.abs(state_kep - state_cart) nt.assert_array_less( state_diff1[:3, :], n.full((3, t.size), 1e-5, dtype=state_diff1.dtype)) nt.assert_array_less( state_diff1[3:, :], n.full((3, t.size), 1e-7, dtype=state_diff1.dtype))
def test_circ_orbit(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(solarsystem_perturbers=[], radiation_pressure=False) self.init_data['a'] = 36000e3 ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t, **self.init_data) rn = n.sum(ecefs[:3, :]**2, axis=0) / 36000.0e3**2 nt.assert_array_almost_equal(rn, n.ones(rn.shape, dtype=ecefs.dtype), decimal=4)
def test_raise_models(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit(earth_gravity='THIS DOES NOT EXIST', ) with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit(atmosphere='THIS DOES NOT EXIST', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data) with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit(solar_activity='THIS DOES NOT EXIST', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def try2(): p = PropagatorOrekit() d_v = [0.1, 0.2] init_data = { 'a': (R_e + 400.0) * 1e3, 'e': 0.01, 'inc': 90.0, 'raan': 10, 'aop': 10, 'mu0': 40.0, 'mjd0': 57125.7729, 'C_D': 2.3, 'C_R': 1.0, 'm': 3.0, 'A': np.pi * (d_v[0] * 0.5)**2, } t = np.linspace(0, 3 * 3600.0, num=500, dtype=np.float) ecefs1 = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) init_data['A'] = np.pi * (d_v[1] * 0.5)**2 ecefs2 = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) dr = np.sqrt(np.sum((ecefs1[:3, :] - ecefs2[:3, :])**2, axis=0)) dv = np.sqrt(np.sum((ecefs1[3:, :] - ecefs2[3:, :])**2, axis=0)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(t / 3600.0, dr) ax.set_xlabel('Time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('Position difference [m]') ax.set_title('Propagation difference diameter {} vs {} m'.format( d_v[0], d_v[1])) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.plot(t / 3600.0, dv) ax.set_xlabel('Time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('Velocity difference [m/s]') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plothelp.draw_earth_grid(ax) ax.plot(ecefs1[0, :], ecefs1[1, :], ecefs1[2, :], ".", color="green") ax.plot(ecefs2[0, :], ecefs2[1, :], ecefs2[2, :], ".", color="red")
def test_orbit_inverse_error_cart(self): mjd0 = dpt.jd_to_mjd(2457126.2729) orb_init_list = self._gen_orbits(1000) prop = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='EME', out_frame='EME', ) t = n.array([0.0]) orbs_done = 0 for kep in orb_init_list: state_ref = dpt.kep2cart(kep, m=self.init_data['m'], M_cent=prop.M_earth, radians=False) state = prop.get_orbit_cart( t=t, mjd0=mjd0, x=state_ref[0], y=state_ref[1], z=state_ref[2], vx=state_ref[3], vy=state_ref[4], vz=state_ref[5], C_D=self.init_data['C_D'], m=self.init_data['m'], A=self.init_data['A'], C_R=self.init_data['C_R'], ) state_diff1 = n.abs(state_ref - state[:, 0]) if n.linalg.norm(state_diff1[:3]) > 1e-5: print(kep) print(orbs_done) nt.assert_array_less(state_diff1[:3], n.full((3, ), 1e-5, dtype=state_diff1.dtype)) nt.assert_array_less(state_diff1[3:], n.full((3, ), 1e-7, dtype=state_diff1.dtype)) orbs_done += 1
def test_orbit_inverse_error_kep(self): mjd0 = dpt.jd_to_mjd(2457126.2729) orb_init_list = self._gen_orbits(1000) prop = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='EME', out_frame='EME', ) t = n.array([0.0]) for kep in orb_init_list: state_ref = dpt.kep2cart(kep, m=self.init_data['m'], M_cent=prop.M_earth, radians=False) state = prop.get_orbit( t=t, mjd0=mjd0, a=kep[0], e=kep[1], inc=kep[2], raan=kep[4], aop=kep[3], mu0=dpt.true2mean(kep[5], kep[1], radians=False), C_D=self.init_data['C_D'], m=self.init_data['m'], A=self.init_data['A'], C_R=self.init_data['C_R'], radians=False, ) state_diff1 = n.abs(state_ref - state[:, 0]) nt.assert_array_less(state_diff1[:3], n.full((3, ), 1e-5, dtype=state_diff1.dtype)) nt.assert_array_less(state_diff1[3:], n.full((3, ), 1e-7, dtype=state_diff1.dtype))
def trySentinel1(**kw): p = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='ITRF', frame_tidal_effects=True, #earth_gravity='Newtonian', #radiation_pressure=False, #solarsystem_perturbers=[], #drag_force=False, ) sv, _, _ = over.read_poe( 'data/S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20150527T122640_V20150505T225944_20150507T005944.EOF' ) x, y, z = sv[0].pos vx, vy, vz = sv[0].vel mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - np.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / np.timedelta64( 1, 'D') N = len(sv) t = 10 * np.arange(N) kwargs = dict(m=2300., C_R=0., C_D=.0, A=4 * 2.3) kwargs.update(**kw) pv = p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, **kwargs) perr = np.linalg.norm(pv[:3].T - sv.pos, axis=1) verr = np.linalg.norm(pv[3:].T - sv.vel, axis=1) f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(t / 3600., perr) ax[0].set_title('Errors from propagation') ax[0].set_ylabel('Position error [m]') ax[1].plot(t / 3600., verr) ax[1].set_ylabel('Velocity error [m/s]') ax[1].set_xlabel('Time [h]')
def test_raise_sc_params_missing(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit() del self.init_data['C_R'] ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data) with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit() del self.init_data['C_D'] ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def trySteps(): p = PropagatorOrekit() line1 = '1 43947U 19006A 19069.62495353 .00222140 22344-4 39735-3 0 9995' line2 = '2 43947 96.6263 343.1609 0026772 226.5664 224.4731 16.01032328 7176' mjd0 = dpt.jd_to_mjd(tle.tle_jd(line1)) state, epoch = tle.TLE_to_TEME(line1, line2) x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = state kwargs = dict(m=800., C_R=1., C_D=2.3, A=2.0) t_end = 24 * 3600.0 t_vecs = [ np.linspace(0, t_end, num=ind) for ind in [100, 200, 500, 1000, 10000] ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for t in t_vecs: pv = p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, **kwargs) ax.plot(t / 3600., np.linalg.norm(pv[:3, :] * 1e-3, axis=0), label='{} steps @ {} s step size'.format( len(t), t_end / float(len(t)))) ax.set( xlabel='Time [h]', ylabel='Range [km]', title='Step number difference', ) plt.legend()
def try1(): t0 = time.time() p = PropagatorOrekit() print('init time: {} sec'.format(time.time() - t0)) init_data = { 'a': 9000e3, 'e': 0.1, 'inc': 90.0, 'raan': 10, 'aop': 10, 'mu0': 40.0, 'mjd0': 57125.7729, 'C_D': 2.3, 'C_R': 1.0, 'm': 8000, 'A': 1.0, } t = np.linspace(0, 24 * 3600.0, num=1000, dtype=np.float) t0 = time.time() ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print('get orbit time (first): {} sec'.format(time.time() - t0)) t0 = time.time() ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print('get orbit time (second): {} sec'.format(time.time() - t0)) t0 = time.time() init_data['C_D'] = 1.0 ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print('get orbit time (new param): {} sec'.format(time.time() - t0)) times = [] nums = [] for num in range(100, 1000, 100): t = np.arange(0, 24 * 3600.0 / 1000.0 * num, 24 * 3600.0 / 1000.0, dtype=np.float) t0 = time.time() ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) times.append(time.time() - t0) nums.append(num) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(nums, times) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.plot(nums, np.array(times) / np.array(nums, dtype=np.float)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(ecefs[0, :], ecefs[1, :], ecefs[2, :], ".", color="green")
def tryFrame(): p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='ITRF') print(p) init_data = { 'a': (R_e + 400.0) * 1e3, 'e': 0.01, 'inc': 90.0, 'raan': 10, 'aop': 10, 'mu0': 40.0, 'mjd0': 57125.7729, 'C_D': 2.3, 'C_R': 1.0, 'm': 3.0, 'A': np.pi * 1.0**2, } t = np.linspace(0, 3 * 3600.0, num=500, dtype=np.float) ecefs1 = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) print(p) p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='EME', out_frame='ITRF') ecefs2 = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plothelp.draw_earth_grid(ax) ax.plot(ecefs1[0, :], ecefs1[1, :], ecefs1[2, :], ".", color="green", label='Initial frame: ITRF') ax.plot(ecefs2[0, :], ecefs2[1, :], ecefs2[2, :], ".", color="red", label='Initial frame: EME') plt.legend()
def tryActivity(): line1 = '1 43947U 19006A 19069.62495353 .00222140 22344-4 39735-3 0 9995' line2 = '2 43947 96.6263 343.1609 0026772 226.5664 224.4731 16.01032328 7176' mjd0 = dpt.jd_to_mjd(tle.tle_jd(line1)) state, epoch = tle.TLE_to_TEME(line1, line2) x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = state p1 = PropagatorOrekit(solar_activity_strength='STRONG', ) p2 = PropagatorOrekit(solar_activity_strength='WEAK', ) kwargs = dict(m=800., C_R=1., C_D=2.3, A=4.0) t = np.linspace(0, 3 * 24 * 3600.0, num=5000, dtype=np.float64) pv1 = p1.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, **kwargs) pv2 = p2.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, **kwargs) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(t / 3600., np.linalg.norm(pv1[:3, :] - pv2[:3, :], axis=0) * 1e-3) ax.set( xlabel='Time [h]', ylabel='Position difference [km]', title='Strong vs weak solar activity', ) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.plot(t / 3600., np.linalg.norm(pv1[:3, :] * 1e-3, axis=0), label='Weak') ax.plot(t / 3600., np.linalg.norm(pv2[:3, :] * 1e-3, axis=0), label='Strong') ax.set( xlabel='Time [h]', ylabel='Range [km]', ) plt.legend()
def tryLogging(t): def print_(s): print(s) p = PropagatorOrekit(logger_func=print_) init_data = { 'a': (R_e + 400.0) * 1e3, 'e': 0.01, 'inc': 90.0, 'raan': 10, 'aop': 10, 'mu0': 40.0, 'mjd0': 54832.0, 'C_D': 2.3, 'C_R': 1.0, 'm': 3.0, 'A': np.pi * (0.1)**2, } ecefs = p.get_orbit(t, **init_data) p.print_logger() return p.get_logger()
def test_options_tolerance(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(position_tolerance=1.0, ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data) p = PropagatorOrekit(position_tolerance=100.0, ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_options_integrator(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(integrator='GraggBulirschStoer', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_options_frames(self): p = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='EME', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_options_tidal(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(frame_tidal_effects=True, ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_get_orbit_kep(self): p = PropagatorOrekit() ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t, **self.init_data) self.assertEqual(ecefs.shape, (6, len(self.t)))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='ITRF', frame_tidal_effects=True) super(TestSentinel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class TestSentinel(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='ITRF', out_frame='ITRF', frame_tidal_effects=True) super(TestSentinel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setUp(self):, _, _ = over.read_poe( 'data/S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20150527T122640_V20150505T225944_20150507T005944.EOF' ) def test_tg_cart0(self): ''' See if cartesian orbit interface recovers starting state ''' # Statevector from Sentinel-1 precise orbit (in ECEF frame) #sv = n.array([('2015-04-30T05:45:44.000000000', # [2721793.785377, 1103261.736653, 6427506.515945], # [ 6996.001258, -171.659563, -2926.43233 ])], # dtype=[('utc', '<M8[ns]'), ('pos', '<f8', (3,)), ('vel', '<f8', (3,))]) sv = x, y, z = sv[0].pos vx, vy, vz = sv[0].vel mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - n.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / n.timedelta64( 1, 'D') t = [0] pv = self.p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, m=2300., C_R=1., C_D=2.3, A=4 * 2.3) print('pos error:') dp = sv['pos'] - pv[:3].T print('{:.5e}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}'.format(*dp[0].tolist())) print('vel error:') dv = sv['vel'] - pv[3:].T print('{:.5e}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}'.format(*dv[0].tolist())) nt.assert_array_almost_equal(sv['pos'] / pv[:3].T, n.ones((1, 3)), decimal=7) nt.assert_array_almost_equal(sv['vel'] / pv[3:].T, n.ones((1, 3)), decimal=7) def test_tg_cartN(self): ''' See if cartesian orbit propagation interface matches actual orbit ''' # Statevector from Sentinel-1 precise orbit (in ECEF frame) #sv = n.array([ # ('2015-04-30T05:45:44.000000000', # [2721793.785377, 1103261.736653, 6427506.515945], # [ 6996.001258, -171.659563, -2926.43233 ]), # ('2015-04-30T05:45:54.000000000', # [2791598.832403, 1101432.471307, 6397880.289842], # [ 6964.872299, -194.182612, -2998.757484]), # ('2015-04-30T05:46:04.000000000', # [2861088.520266, 1099378.309568, 6367532.487662], # [ 6932.930021, -216.638226, -3070.746198]), # ('2015-04-30T05:46:14.000000000', # [2930254.733863, 1097099.944255, 6336466.514344], # [ 6900.178053, -239.022713, -3142.39037 ]), # ('2015-04-30T05:46:24.000000000', # [2999089.394834, 1094598.105058, 6304685.855646], # [ 6866.620117, -261.332391, -3213.681933]), # ('2015-04-30T05:46:34.000000000', # [3067584.462515, 1091873.55841 , 6272194.077798], # [ 6832.260032, -283.563593, -3284.612861])], # dtype=[('utc', '<M8[ns]'), ('pos', '<f8', (3,)), ('vel', '<f8', (3,))]) sv = x, y, z = sv[0].pos vx, vy, vz = sv[0].vel mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - n.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / n.timedelta64( 1, 'D') N = 7 t = 10 * n.arange(N) pv = self.p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, m=2300., C_R=1., C_D=2.3, A=4 * 2.3) nt.assert_array_less(n.abs(sv[:N]['pos'] - pv[:3].T), n.full((N, 3), 1.0, dtype=pv.dtype)) #m nt.assert_array_less(n.abs(sv[:N]['vel'] - pv[3:].T), n.full((N, 3), 1.0e-3, dtype=pv.dtype)) #mm/s def test_longer(self): sv = x, y, z = sv[0].pos vx, vy, vz = sv[0].vel mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - np.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / np.timedelta64( 1, 'D') N = len(sv) t = 10 * n.arange(N) pv = self.p.get_orbit_cart(t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mjd0, m=2300., C_R=0., C_D=.0, A=4 * 2.3) perr = np.linalg.norm(pv[:3].T - sv.pos, axis=1) verr = np.linalg.norm(pv[3:].T - sv.vel, axis=1) # f, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) # ax[0].plot(t/3600., perr) # ax[0].set_title('Errors from propagation') # ax[0].set_ylabel('Position error [m]') # ax[1].plot(t/3600., verr) # ax[1].set_ylabel('Velocity error [m/s]') # ax[1].set_xlabel('Time [h]') def test_s3_pair(self): ''' Statevectors from S3 product S3A_OL_1_EFR____20180926T093816_20180926T094049_20180927T140153_0153_036_136_1620_LN1_O_NT_002 ( ''' def _decomp(v): return n.array([float(v['x']), float(v['y']), float(v['z'])]) sv = [{ 'epoch': { 'TAI': '2018-09-26T09:11:26.318893', 'UTC': '2018-09-26T09:10:49.318893', 'UT1': '2018-09-26T09:10:49.371198' }, 'position': { 'x': -7018544.618, 'y': -1531717.645, 'z': 0.001 }, 'velocity': { 'x': -341.688439, 'y': 1605.354223, 'z': 7366.313136 } }, { 'epoch': { 'TAI': '2018-09-26T10:52:25.494280', 'UTC': '2018-09-26T10:51:48.494280', 'UT1': '2018-09-26T10:51:48.546508' }, 'position': { 'x': -7001440.416, 'y': 1608173.405, 'z': 0.004 }, 'velocity': { 'x': 375.658124, 'y': 1597.811148, 'z': 7366.302506 } }] t0 = n.datetime64(sv[0]['epoch']['TAI']) t1 = n.datetime64(sv[1]['epoch']['TAI']) t0pos = _decomp(sv[0]['position']) t0vel = _decomp(sv[0]['velocity']) t1pos = _decomp(sv[1]['position']) t1vel = _decomp(sv[1]['velocity']) x0, y0, z0 = t0pos vx0, vy0, vz0 = t0vel x1, y1, z1 = t1pos vx1, vy1, vz1 = t1vel t = (t1 - t0) / dpt.sec mjd0 = dpt.npdt2mjd(dpt.tai2utc(t0)) mjd1 = dpt.npdt2mjd(dpt.tai2utc(t1)) # mjd0 = (sv[0]['utc'] - n.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / n.timedelta64(1, 'D') # Propagate forwards from t0 to t1 # If I disable drag and radiation pressure here, errors increase # by a factor of almost 300 pv1 = self.p.get_orbit_cart(t, x0, y0, z0, vx0, vy0, vz0, mjd0, m=1250., C_R=1., C_D=2.3, A=2.2 * 2.2) nt.assert_( np.linalg.norm(t1pos - pv1[:3].T) < 150, 'S3 propagate position') # m nt.assert_( np.linalg.norm(t1vel - pv1[3:].T) < .15, 'S3 propagate velocity') # m/s # Propagate backwards from t1 to t0 # Need to disable drag and solar radiation pressure, # and increase tolerances by factor of 2.33 # So does that mean Orekit bungles drag when propagating backwards in time? pv0 = self.p.get_orbit_cart(-t, x1, y1, z1, vx1, vy1, vz1, mjd1, m=1250., C_R=0., C_D=0., A=2.2 * 2.2) nt.assert_( np.linalg.norm(t0pos - pv0[:3].T) < 350, 'S3 propagate position') # m nt.assert_( np.linalg.norm(t0vel - pv0[3:].T) < .35, 'S3 propagate velocity') # m/s
def test_options_rad_off(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(radiation_pressure=False, ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_options_jpliau(self): p = PropagatorOrekit(constants_source='JPL-IAU', ) ecefs = p.get_orbit(self.t0, **self.init_data)
def test_raise_frame(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit(in_frame='THIS DOES NOT EXIST', ) with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit(out_frame='THIS DOES NOT EXIST', )
import ccsds_write from propagator_neptune import PropagatorNeptune from propagator_sgp4 import PropagatorSGP4 from propagator_orekit import PropagatorOrekit radar = rlib.eiscat_3d() p_sgp4 = PropagatorSGP4( polar_motion=False, out_frame='ITRF', ) p_nept = PropagatorNeptune() p_orekit = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='TEME', out_frame='ITRF', ) props = [ p_sgp4, p_nept, p_orekit, ] prop_dat = [ ('-b', 'SGP4'), ('-g', 'NEPTUNE'), ('-k', 'Orekit'), ] ut0 = 1241136000.0
orb = orb_offset + orb * orb_range if orb[0] * (1.0 - orb[1]) > R_E + 200e3: orb_init_list.append(orb) np.random.seed(None) orbs_pass = [] orbs = [] cols = [] orbs_fail = [] fail_inds = [] fail_err = [] fail_errv = [] prop = PropagatorOrekit( in_frame='EME', out_frame='EME', ) for ind, kep in enumerate(orb_init_list): t = np.array([0.0]) state_ref = dpt.kep2cart(kep, m=1.0, M_cent=prop.M_earth, radians=False) ''' state = prop.get_orbit( t=t, mjd0=mjd0, a=kep[0], e=kep[1], inc=kep[2], raan=kep[4], aop=kep[3], mu0=dpt.true2mean(kep[5], kep[1], radians=False), C_D=2.3, m=1.0, A=1.0, C_R=1.0, radians=False, )
def test_raise_bodies(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): p = PropagatorOrekit( solarsystem_perturbers=['THIS DOES NOT EXIST'], )